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Meredith Bell's picture
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I feel compelled to share that I am sooooo excited about the new series of Dr Who that starts in 10 days and counting! Okay, yeah and I admit it I'm also wary that it could just be a disaster (especially since the Doctor's companion is ex-pop princess turned actor Billie Piper and there are no long overcoats or stripey scarves in sight!)

But still... Yays!! :banguitar:

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

Speaking of Dr Who, I've been subjecting Dave to my entire collection (which is every complete story still in existence). So far we're up to the first season of Tom Baker, so we're roughly half way.

Of course, God knows when the US might deign to air the new Doctor Who. :cry: I'll have to rely on internet downloads from the Beeb instead. :wink: Christopher Eccleston, eh? Should be interesting. I can't say I've heard of Billie Piper - I just hope she's not another Peri.

... actually, for those of you who might have seen Rowan Atkinson's The Curse of Fatal Death, I have to say I still reckon Joanna Lumley would make a great Doctor. :D

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

I've only seen Billie Piper in one acting role before - some tv mini drama series of the Cantabury Tales - which I have to admit she was quite good in. I'm betting her character is gonna be all tough high-kicks and attitude and less girlish screaming (that's the impression I get from the promos anyway.)

I think there's gonna be alot of hype in the next week, they've already started showing clips of trailers between all the prime time programs - I just hope the show lives up to it *crosses fingers tightly* I really, really do! I want it to be gooooood!

Dr. Who

Blackthorn's picture

They just started the airing the new Doctor Who in Canada, seeing adds for it all over the place. If we have it you should definitely be able to get it in the states.

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

Yeah, we'll be able to download it. But all the sources I've looked at say that the US networks aren't picking it up for broadcast. :(

Dr. Who

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

That's beat. My dad is a huge fan of "Dr. Who" and he's gonna be pissed when I tell him. Looks like we're gonna have to download them :?

Dr. Who

MrDave's picture

If we do have to D/L them let me know I can set you up with a deal so you can just get them from me and avoid the huge long lines at the download bar.

Dr. Who

Allyana's picture

I hate to sound so ignorant, but i had never heard of Dr.Who until you started mentioning him (i did some research afterwards, sounds like a great show :))

Dr. Who

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

That would be super, Dave. I'll definately talk it over with mi padre. On another note about the good doctor, my dad has like seven tapes with just "Dr. Who" on them (which he taped from the BBC when we lived on Staten Island).

Dr. Who

MrDave's picture

You aren't going to beleive it, but the first episode of the New Doctor Who show is available online - I am currently downloading it. I'll post a link as soon as It is completed.

If you have azureus or bittorrent you can reach it here: http://bittorrent.wildandbad.com otherwise you'll have to wait.

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Till Saturday! Two days! Woo hoo!! :D :D

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

Well, Dave and I just watched the introductory episode on the computer screen.

It's... okay. There are some changes, as you'd expect, and I have to say I really hate the incidental music they use in the first five minutes. But overall it retains the flavour of the old Doctor Who while bringing modern production values to it - that means we still have cheesy monsters but now they're CGI instead of crappy models or rubber masks. :D

The girl - whatserface - Billie did all right as the companion, and Chris Eccleston is a very different sort of Doctor. But then, they were all vastly different from each other anyway. Oh yeah, and he has an accent just like Robin's. :wink: It's a bit of an adjustment from the usual BBC presenter accent the Doctor used.

On the whole, it was good enough that I have hope for the rest of the series. And I get the feeling we may be seeing some old familiar faces (or rubber suits) in the future. :)

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

OMG! OMG! Just saw the penultimate episode and it is soooo good, (well not the begining that was a bit cheesy) but OMG OMG! I can't wait till next week for the final episode! :D

*Climbs out from behind the sofa.*

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

We've been downloading the eps from the internet as they become available. I must say, at first I was a little taken aback by the tone of the new Dr Who - it's a far cry from the old style. But it only took me a couple of episodes to really get into this season. I found the double episode of The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances creeped me out almost as much as the Patrick Troughton cybermen did back when I saw them as a five-year-old.

I'm really looking forward to the last few eps - I've heard there are good things coming. I'm just sorry that neither Chris Eccleston or Billie Piper (who plays a surprisingly good Rose) will be returning for the next season. :(

Dr. Who

Disposable_Hero's picture

I have to say, every episode I've seen of Dr. Who so far has impressed me. I think its just because its so different to anything else I've seen (including the original) that I like it so much. I'm just entranced. The bad guys would be comical if there weren't so intimidating (the episode where they first run into a Dalek, anyone?)

Today's was no exception. It was just...brilliant. So looking forward to next week's one.

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

By now most people will have picked up on the subtle reference of 'bad wolf' in every episode so far, (and if you haven't yet it's made more blatant at the end). Anyway, I found this really cool when I first noticed it and the BBC launched the following URL devoted to the clues, speculation and theories surrounding what is bound to be the key to the end of season finale.

Check it out -


Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture










OOooooh! I've just seen the FINAL episode and it is SOOOOOO good! Real nail-biting stuff, exciting and scary... the ending was SO fantastic and we even got to see the next re-generation.(David Tenant Roawr!)

You guys are gonna love it! ;)

Dr. Who

Disposable_Hero's picture

Lou, I see your "OOooooh!" and raise you an: OOOoooooooooooooh!

Awesome ending :)

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

*puts fingers in ears*

I can't hear you... la la la la la

We're downloading the final episode as I type this, so hopefully we'll be watching it tomorrow night. In fact, we've been saving up the last few eps to burn them all on one dvd, so we have the last three to watch yet. Hanging out. :)

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Can you believe they're already counting down to the Christmas special?

Series Three!

leftMore Who on its way (no spoilers).

This series may end on Saturday, but there are 28 more episodes of Doctor Who to come in the next two years, including two Christmas Specials, and two further series of 13 episodes.

Series two is currently slated to begin in March, it was announced last night at a press screening, and will star Billie Piper throughout, with visits to alien planets and a return by the Cybermen.

So, Billie is gonna stay on for Series Two, and I also heard that she'd signed up for Series Three aswell... :D

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

Dave and I just watched the final three episodes of Season One.




I have only one word for it: fantastic!

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

:multi: :multi: :multi: OMG! OMG! OMG! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN ON BED, THROWS LEGS IN AIR, RUNS AROUND LIKE A MAD THING* :multi: :multi: :multi:


:banllama: :banllama: :banllama:

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

You realise he'll probably be covered from head to toe in an alien costume, so you won't even recognise him? :)

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

I don't mind a little inter-species fantasising...

So long as he's not Slitheen :?

Dr. Who

Kaarin's picture

But... I thought it was spiders and not snakes that freak you out?

Dr. Who

MrDave's picture

There is some spoilery stuff here (and the ASH announcement):

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Whoo Hoo! The second series of Dr. Who starts on Saturday and I totally can't wait! In the TV guide it says that ASH will play a fiendish headmaster in the 3rd episode (rowar!!) so thankfully no alien costume and I get to drool on his full gorgeousness. :D

{Admin: Minor Spoiler Alert: (Of course, it's too late for me and I'm probably the only one on this board who cares, but ah well, better late than never.)}
[hide]And aparantly K:9 is also gonna make an appearance in this series along with the Cybermen. Creepy. :twisted:[/hide]

Dr. Who

MrDave's picture

You are not the only one who cares...I am so ready for this...I am poised to D/L it via bittorrent as soon as it is available,

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Ack, sorry about the spoilerage Dave, it never even occured to me that is was - I've been so bombarded with clips and interviews and articles over the last couple of weeks I guess I'm immune. :evil:

Dr. Who

Kent's picture

I really like the new Doc Who. I can't remember the last time I saw the old show, but the new series is pretty cool so far.

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

I'm just loving David Tennant as the new Doctor. I thought Chris Eccleston would be a hard act to follow, but having seen Tennant in other shows (Casanova not the least of them) I don't know why I was worried.

Billie Piper is doing a fabulous job as ever. Rose is rapidly becoming one of my all-time favourite companions. She's certainly miles above the whiney Peri or the obnoxious Adric. And I've seen the preview for ep 3 - hanging out to see some of the old companions, that's for sure! :D

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Yes episode three is my fave so far, I don't want to give anything away but I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it :D

Dr. Who

Allyana's picture

Guess what? I found out, by chance, that they're showing Dr. Who in People & Arts channel! and they've just started, i missed episode one, but i'm hoping they'll repeat. It's Christopher Eccleston's Dr. (wow, i didnt know there had been so many of them!)

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

Awesome, Ally. :) I'm so glad you'll get a chance to see the Doctor in action. Now you'll just have to lobby them to start from "An Unearthly Child", which first aired in 1963.

We just watched "The Impossible Planet" (part 1 of a 2-parter) and now we're hanging out to get hold of the 2nd part. I'm just absolutely loving the new Doctor Who. When we saw "Rise of the Cybermen" a couple of weeks ago, it was the first time I'd found the cybermen creepy since I was 6 years old.

Russell T. Davies is a god.

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

:onfire: :onfire: OH. MY. GOD!!!!!! :onfire: :onfire:

Taped last week's ep and just watched it, you guys are gonna FREAK!!!! There's no way I'm gonna spoil it, it's just... oh my god!!! I can't wait to see the series finale tomorrow, I'm on the edge of my seat already!!!

Whatever is better than a god, Russell T. Davies is it!

Dr. Who

Heather's picture

I second that, Lou. We watched ep 12 just last night after downloading it. I guessed, just moments before the reveal, when the Doctor said "that's not your technology". Then, of course, the reveal.

Definitely an OMG moment. I'm hanging out for the season finale. It's going to be brutal.

Dr. Who

Meredith Bell's picture

Watched the season finale...

:cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry: :puppydogeyes: :cry:

Get your hankies at the ready!

Dr. Who

MrDave's picture

We watched it last night. Wow. Hankies was right.

I'll avoid the spoilers but ...wow. What in heaven's name is RTD going to do for NEXT season to top that?

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