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Whedon's Astonishing X-Men

Kent's picture
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I just started reading the first collection of the first 6 issues of Astonishing X-Men, written by Joss Whedon with art by John Cassaday.

I haven't finished it yet, but it has been excellent so far. Whedon's writing is surprisingly (or not) well-suited to the X-Men, with lots o' snappy exchanges, layers on intrigue, and of course the Buffy/Angel-esque cliffhangers. And even if you don't generally like comic books, you should give this a try. The art--particularly Cassaday's smooth drawings--have a cinematic feel, as if this was a X-Men: a Mutant Enemy production. I didn't know what to think when I heard that Whedon was taking on Marvel's Merry Mutants, but I haven't been disappointed so far, and I think you won't be either.
(Yeah, in my daily life I'm a comic book reviewer. Is it that obvious :wink: )

Now I'll leave you with some lovely Whedon dialog.

Kitty: When I think of evil, yours is the face I see...."

and another Kitty quote:

Kitty Pryde: "Mutants are a community...We're stronger than this."
Wing: "Miss Pryde...are you a #&$%ing retard?"

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men

MrDave's picture

Actually the one that really killed me was:

Wolverine (thinking): I really like beer.

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men

Kent's picture

"The kids seem to get a kick out of that...
Maybe you could fight for beer." :D

Ah, the magic of good dialog

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men

Meredith Bell's picture

I read the following relevant article this morning -

Astonishing Whedon

Joss Whedon confirms continuing run on X Men comic.

Speaking at a WonderCon panel on February 20, Joss Whedon confirmed that he and artist John Cassaday will be writing twelve more issues of Astonishing X-Men for Marvel, plus a "Giant-Size" annual.

Whedon's twelve-issue run on the comic has been greeted with acclaim by fans, and unusually for the Buffy scribe, has appeared on time.

"We're going to take a brief respite and then come back with another 12", said Whedon, who has also been working on a Firefly comic called Serenity, to tie in with the upcoming film, the three-issue prequel will be co-written with Brett Matthews, and drawn by Will Conrad. The story centres on Serenity's captain, Malcolm Reynolds. Issue one will come out from Dark Horse Comics in July.

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