Submitted by Soulless Zombie on Sat, 07/13/2002 - 05:04
Posted in
Nice, Victor. Half of the addiction of this site, as with all communities, is the non-game banter. I find I can't NOT post everything that comes to my mind. This always leads to guilt, because I don't want to do what's known as SPAM. But this place is perfect for guys and gals who just don't know when to shut up. :P
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Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Hooray, somewhere to keep all the crap. :) I love our crap, but it'll be nice to have it all in the one place instead of cluttering up the important bits.
Go Dave!
This is a great idea, as usual. Do you sit up and night and brainstorm this stuff or what? Anyway, thanks for the new forum.
I, somewhat, like to come here a lot. Even though I am a newbie, I come here almost everyday and read it.. except for the gameboard.. I am being lazy at this moment.
Great site..!!
1) If you scrub away all the grime in your bathtub but forget to rinse away all the soap, is it fair that the soap becomes a new kind of dirt?
2) Is it fair that if I drink five beers I'm shit-faced, but if I drink a sixth beer I get sober?
3) Is it fair that in one semester I've had three college professors want to save my writing and read it aloud in class, but I've yet to meet a magazine editor who didn't get a restraining order put on me?
4) Is it fair that there are only 24 hours in every person's lifetime when he or she can get laid by absolutely anyone he or she wants? Why didn't anyone tell me that my time came on February 26, 1991?
5) Why is it that for twenty years I was the only one who hated Scrappy Doo, and now everyone else suddenly hates him but won't acknowledge that it was my idea in the first place?
6) How come I was drawing cheaply-made, sick-as-hell cartoons in high school, but no one told me that I could make a living at it? (South Park)
7) If Grandma died of cancer, and grandpa died from emphasema, should I quite smoking?
8) If Mom was dumbass and Dad was an asshole, in which crevice, exactly, have I been squashed?
9) How come my brother got all the good genes?
10) Why is it that George Lucas remastered the first three Star Wars movies, but neglected to give us the scenes with Biggs on Tatooine? And why did he make only SOME of the effects better? Why didn't he fix ALL of the film's technical difficulties? And what is up with Jar-Jar Binks? I mean pUHlease!
11) Why haven't I been fired from my job, yet?
12) Is Carrot-top, like, a real person?
13) Why is it that Kristen, in an MSN chat, asked me if I'd seen Never Been Kissed, and I said no, but just that day, not two hours later, Never Been Kissed happened to be on TV. Why didn't it happen to be on TV when she asked? What is up with that God guy? (If God exists, I swear he must have a hellish sense of humor.)
15) Why am I starting to feel sleepy?
THE BIG #16) Why is it I just happened to look over at the TV after hearing Xander's voice only to find that he's in a BEACH BABE movie called Psycho Beach Party? Should I leave the TV off from now on? Yes, I think I should.
Good night.
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
YAY! Weird crap! My most favorite thing!
Just when i think this place couldn't get any better...IT DOES!!! :D
my picture
and by the by! i am working on my faceless issue! unfortunatley...i dont know actor names, but when i see something i'll grab it! otherwise...just to let you know...i have been drawing my character, so if i finish that before i find a picture, i'll try to post it :)
Cool. If you get to somehow scan the picture.. I can't wait 'til I figure out how your artistic skills are.
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Why thankyou! I'm actually working on it right now! Only thing is, it's already drawn by hand, but I'm computer rendering it...so its going to take a while! But as soon as its done...i'll be working on it like a rabbit in mating season...and work out how to post it, I'll have it up before you can write an essay on the universe! :D
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Huh? I didn't get what you said at the last sentence....
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Drew, what Amanda means is, she's going to be producing her art fast and furious (like rabbits pumping out babies); however, to the contrary, she'll have it done sometime before now and never (the universe can be quite a long essay). It was a delightful contradiction in ideas. It let us know exactly when she's going to have her work finished and posted: whenever.
Amanda, I think that's a cool idea drawing your own picture. The trouble with finding an actor to play the part of your character is that image can be misleading. Too often we write character descriptions that can't be fully satisfied by the pictures we find.
Besides, why not consider LA By Night an animated feature versus a live-action TV show? I think it's groovy.
in response to sid rambling
First off, I must say that I do not need anything else to keep me up at night.
That said, I want to say if you have not seen the lovely film that Sid mentions at the end, "Psycho Beach Party" I recommend it. It was fun and strange and unpredictable. And of course it featured our favorite unsung hero, Xander.
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Actually Sid, our very own April was doing just that - LA By Night The Animated Series!
Don't know how far she actually got with the character dolls - or JUST what she had in mind for them once she'd finished, but at a last look - everything was just groovy baby!! :D
Actually though, i prefer photos for the avatars, there's just more of them around, especially if you have a popular actor, singer, model, sports personality...
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Given that Reah is part aboriginal, I was thinking perhaps Cathy Freeman?
*sheepish grin*
errrm, regarding the character dolls, i haven't been doing all that much. :oops: and with the sudden influx of new players, i really have my work cut out for me huh? :?
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
Actually that reminds me - I found a cool doll maker site - don't know if anyone has been here before but here's the URL
I made some really cool dolls of my own from this site - it isn't all that for the guys I'm afraid, unless you look like Matt Le Blanc - they're all pretty generic...
Have Fun!!
Looks around, orders a drink, likes the cut of your jib
I did go to that site right now... it kinda looks girly??
Maybe the site is for girls???
guy dolls
i've faced the same problem with all the doll sites that i've been to... they cater mainly for females, the guys are kinda left in the cold. (unless, like lou said, u look like matt le blanc... yeeech...)
that's one of the reasons why i keep putting off the doll drawing. i've done dolls for sorrow, matthias and valerian but got kinda stuck as to how to make the remainding guy dolls look different. the last thing i want is to have "cookie cutter" copies for all the remainding pcs' dolls. *sigh*