If you have not been watching this show - do it.
It airs on ABC Wednesdays at 8pm (eastern time)
The show starts out with a bang and gets really gripping after that. this is smoe of the most compelling writing I've seen since...well since Buffy.
Worth watching!
H and I are watching the eps I d/l'd from the internet (They are on Episode 14...we are up to 8 )
You might want to wait for it to go back to re-runs before jumping in with both feet...or...if you aren't a continuity type person go whole hog. Just don't spoil it for the rest of us Huh?
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I'll for one will check it out.
I haven't actually heard of it before, and since I'm not in the US I won't be able to check it out :(
BTW, anybody watching Desperate Housewives? (except Kris, we already exchanged our gushing praise last week on IM hehe) I absolutely LOVE it! I was a huge New Adventures of Superman fan back in the 90's, it's great to see Teri Hatcher back on the TV, she's such a kook!
There's a reason for that, David Darling. "Lost" snagged a couple of Buffy/Angel writers, including David Fury and Drew Goddard. (Drew co-wrote "Conversations With Dead People" and wrote "Selfless" on his own.) He's also doing a couple of episodes of Alias.
I am so Bree's bitch.
H and I got through Episode 10 last night and we remarked to each other that this show has not had a "bad" episode. Each one has been a joy to watch. We have yet to determine if there is a big payoff at the end of the series (I hope there is).
I was suprised I had not noticed David Fury's name before when watching the credits, except that the credits are very understated...there is neither theme song nor title sequence other than a 5 second blackout with the word "LOST" at a crazy angle floating in the middle of the screen. After the credits the actors and crew's names appear on the bottom of the screen in a very inobtrusive font.
It was almost as if they didn't want the actor's names or producers to take anything away from the story and performance. Refreshing, really.
Look for some familiar actors on this show: Dominic Monaghan, Daniel Dae Kim, and guest shots by Mira Furlan (Babylon 5) and Nick Tate (Space 1999)
The original series of Spooks (MI5) used to do the same thing, (only no production/cast titles at all) on the DVD they explained it was to maintain the mystery element of the show.
Lost, Lost, Lost...oh allow me to gush once more...I love this show. I've been watching from episode one and I was hooked right away. It's so well written and the mystery is gripping. Yes, if you haven't already, I strongly suggest you run off and watch it now...Well, what are you waiting for? I said "strongly suggest", didn't I?
Hmm. My friends watch this show, and are addicted. I've only watched the episode concerning the prego [pregnant] chick, and it was pretty good.
So far, I'm not hooked. But it wasn't bad. I have difficulty entering a story in the middle. I'll watch it again.
Trying to get into "Lost" in the middle could be tricky. I'd really suggest doing what we did - download all the eps you haven't seen yet and either burn them to vcd or dvd, or watch them on your computer. Hell, I did three seasons of Buffy that way 'cause I couldn't bear to wait for them to come to Aust. :)
Man, all these great shows i'm missing out on and want to watch :cries: we do air them in Australia, i just have this bad habit of, you know, missing them *pouts*
I've just heard that Lost is going to be broadcast soon in the UK on Channel 4 (terrestrial yippee!!) So I'll keep my eyes peeled for the first ep.
Okay I am a huge LOST whore. I love this show and it is the speculation that drives me nuts.
It could be anything...but sometimes someone comes along with an idea that is SO interesting it makes you go Hmmmm.
So this is a fan speculation that the ABC Network asked to be removed. Fortunately there is a thing called Google Cache. it takes a while to load but it is all there.
Read at your own spoilery risk but know that it is SPECULATION not SPOILER.
It just happens to be speculation the the ABC Producers wanted to bury. Draw your own conclusions.
Use This Link
And This one (for Expanded/revised)
You know me, Dave... wild horses couldn't make me click that link. :) I'm happy to join in on speculation, but if ABC asked to have it removed... Let's just say I'm not going to take the risk.