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MrDave's picture
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Ok all you Brits (and Jamie the Scot) here's the challenge...

We have LABN from CP 2003
We have CoLABN from CP 2004 (and MelBN but he's not an
Officialtm Mascot)
For 2005 I have a recommendation for a Mascot.

A Paddington Bear outfitted with Stake, Cross, and Holy Water.
That's right the CP2005 Mascot is...
Paddy The Vampire Slayer!

Work among yourselves to figure out who is going to get the bits together, but I think it is high-time that a Slayer is brought into the LABN Mascot family.

CP2005 Challenge

Disposable_Hero's picture

Personally I say we go with the bottle on the left, or what looks like munch on the right :P

CP2005 Challenge

James_Connor's picture

aw i would get the holy water but if i walk into a churhc i might burst into flames unbelvers are not well liked up north :?

CP2005 Challenge

Meredith Bell's picture

I understand the Paddington thing but isn't Paddy more of an Irish name rather than English? :?

Plus, Paddington Bear was from Darkest Peru, not England...

WHAT ya need is a British Bull Dog or, um something hehe

CP2005 Challenge

MrDave's picture

Well we have a kind of "bear" theme with MelBN and LABN.

It would be fitting to have LABN's nemesis be a bear as well...

As for the bottle or the 'munch', Kyle, forget it. We already ate and drank those.

Paddy does sound Irish, doesn't it? I can see Bears (the California State Animal), and Bats (Fruit Bats are native to Australia) as being sort of regional...but a Bulldog? I can remember a game called "British Bulldog" when I was a kid...It was a lot like "Marco Polo" only without the swimming pool.

A Watcher Dog might be interesting...can you find one in tweed?

CP2005 Challenge

MrDave's picture

James_Connor wrote:
aw i would get the holy water but if i walk into a churhc i might burst into flames unbelvers are not well liked up north :?

I'd pay money to see that!

CP2005 Challenge

Meredith Bell's picture

I was thinking a Raggedy Anne could be good - tarted up to be the Slayer, (short skirt, knee boots, pigtails... okay wait, this is sounding like Britney!) I know it's not a bear... do they still make Raggedy Anne's anymore??

Just hope no-one custom's checks your luggage, might be tough to explain the perverse gothic toy collection come CP2009... ;)

CP2005 Challenge

MrDave's picture

Airport Inspector: Excuse me, can you explain this?
* He holds up two double handfulls of toys with all sorts of fangs, weapons, and holy symbols *
Me: Um...It's a matter of internal security?

*Seeing it is getting nowhere I try another tactic *

Me: I hate to travel alone?

CP2005 Challenge

James_Connor's picture

hum marco polo wihtout a pull you crazy i broke my nose when we played that it was liek 40 kids running into eatch other lord of the rings didnt have shit on 20 8 year olds hoped up on irn bru

CP2005 Challenge

James_Connor's picture

infact ill bring a nessy! soemthing from up north

CP2005 Challenge

Meredith Bell's picture

I hope you mean an EVIL Nessy Jamie :twisted:

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