Submitted by Logan on Fri, 12/24/2004 - 19:06
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Hey, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Holidays! :bday: and I wish you all the best in the newyears (which will be here soon :P)
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Holiday Ho-Ho-Ho
Ha ha! You almost had me there. Christmas is...
*checks calendar*
TOMORROW!!! Crap-on-a-crust! Happy holidays, everyone, whatever yours may be! :D
*runs out to buy gifts on Christmas Eve*
Happy Holidays
[rainbow]Merry Christmas[/rainbow]
[rainbow]Feliz Navidad[/rainbow]
[rainbow]Joyeux Noel[/rainbow]
Happy Holidays
marry christmas n aw that jazz ! ANYWAY TIME FOR A DRINK!
Happy Holidays
It's Boxing Day morning, and here I am eating cold Christmas pudding for breakfast.
Yesterday I ate too much, drank too much, talked and laughed myself hoarse... all in all a perfect Christmas. :)
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas late. Hopefully nobody else had their cousin get arrested again. :)
Happy Holidays
merry xmas all, hope you had a good one!
Happy Holidays
I tried to make a merry xmas post, but my pc didn't like it, and I got frustrated...
So, um...(late) merry xmas everyone.
Happy Holidays
The web-comic Penny Arcade often does interesting and fun things...this year's offering seemed strangely appropriate for us:
NOTE: Clicking the reduced images will open a full-sized version in a seperate window
Happy Holidays
Merry Belated Christmas to everyone. I hope it was a joyous and magical time for all.
Oh...and enjoy your New Years too.
Happy Holidays
Since I'm feeling all full of love and introspection...(and know I'm not pissed out of my mind...it's only 9:30 in the morning)
I just wanted to say that I can't tell you all how important you are to me, or how amazed I am to be a part of such a brilliant, funny, interesting, and fabulous community. To be honest, I never would have imagined that I would one day count among my closest friends people I've barely or never actually met face to face, but now...I can't imagine not having all of you in my life. You are inspiration and support that I never would have thought to find. So...thanks so much for letting me be a part of this incredible thing that we do.
Okay...enough of my sentimentality...
Enjoy your New Year's Eve, everyone. Be safe and happy. I'll talk to you in 2005!
Happy Holidays
I'd just like to say I'm quite wasted atm, and im not exabtly sure on the time, but my tyupuing seems okay, so happy new years everyone!
I need to lie down...
Happy Holidays
And I don't remember typing that, but I still support my sentiments :)
Happy Holidays
Jamie can't post right now, for some reason or another...Evil Ninja Monkeys are being considered...but he leaves these festive greetings:
Valentine's Day for All of Us
Something I found on the Net:
Gearing up for Valentine's Day? Don't let it make you sick. A weekend report in The Psychologist magazine (the official publication of the British Psychological Society) argues that mental health professionals should treat "love sickness" as a real, and potentially serious, psychological disorder.
Its symptoms include mania, depression, and obsessive-compulsive behavior, all of which can, in bad circumstances, create people "who cannot cope with the intensity of love, have been destabilized by falling in love, or who suffer on account of their love being unrequited."
Still willing to put your heart at risk? Many animals aren't. Just look at what some creatures will do to avoid our romantic complications.
* * * * * *
Nature's Least Romantic Creatures
Love is a many splendored thing. It can also be downright creepy. Before romantic thoughts carry you away, check out nature's least romantic species--five real creatures that use decidedly alternative ways to mate.
1. The Adelie Penguin
Love isn't in the air in an Adelie penguin colony; it's on the ground. That's because Adelie penguins build stone platforms during courtship to protect their eggs. But some penguin females have a different strategy: they're hookers.
After settling down with a mate, these females will approach other males and trade sex for stones. Sometimes the female even leaves with her stone before the male gets to copulate. Either way, she picks up a stone from the male's nest and moves it back to her mate's.
2. The Praying Mantis
You've probably heard of this one. After weeks of searching, a male mantis gets lucky. Yet just when the magic moment occurs, his lover reaches around and rips his head off for a snack. A myth, right?
Wrong. For several mantis species, that's generally how love goes. Females need the nourishment to feed their young, and since they mate only once, the male no longer serves a reproductive purpose. The really strange thing is that males continue to copulate even after they surrender their heads.
3. The Banana Slug
Banana slugs don't bother with flowers and chocolate. When they want to attract a mate, they secrete chemicals called pheromones. Common enough, but banana slugs blend theirs into an unusual aphrodisiac: slime.
The stuff is so enticing that after a slug follows it to find a mate, they have a slime feast. The slugs have another kink, too: they're hermaphrodites, with both male and female reproductive organs. During copulation, each slug inseminates the other, then both slither away to lay their eggs.
4. The Whiptail Lizard
For the whiptail lizard, there's a good reason why a good man is hard to find: there aren't any. All whiptail lizards are female. They reproduce through an unusual process called parthenogenesis, or virgin birth.
All of their eggs are genetic duplicates, clones of the female. The lady lizards still have some romance, though. Two females will court to induce egg laying, taking turns playing "the male."
5. The Anglerfish
If you're into courting and classic beauty, you don't want to be an anglerfish. Living in the pitch black of the ocean deep, anglerfish don't have much use for good looks. And because finding a mate is so difficult in the abyss, mating pairs bond for life--literally.
The male, only a fraction of the size of the female, hooks onto her belly with his teeth and never lets go. His body joins with hers, slowly losing internal organs until he becomes little more than a sperm-producing parasite that she carries around for life.
Christopher Call
Re: Valentine's Day for All of Us
This is funny cos this was actually a topic on my fav current affairs chat/phone in show The Wright Stuff and I wholly agree with the final thing that was said - "If you're going to be ill, lovesick sure beats the common cold."
Happy Holidays
Interestingly enough, though, this doesn't beat a species of lizard I heard about once. Of which there are only female members alive. They have to have another lizard go through the humping motion with them to reproduce, but that's just to get the organs pumping. Aside from that, though....
Re: Valentine's Day for All of Us
Adam, that sounds a like like Sid's #4. Maybe you didn't notice it?
But I think I'll stick to flowers and chocolates, thanks. :) And bubble baths. And 'snuggle time'. :wink:
Happy Holidays
Er.... nope. I'm going to blame it on the fever, like a lot of things recently.