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Soulless Zombie's picture

i am just posting an apology to everyone who takes part in labynite. i totally feel awful about how i have like shunned this for so long! I know its the worst excuse but i have been so busy with GCSEs' and school and things ... i would really like to come back as I have a lot of material i just never got round to posting! but i completely understand if you say no.

i would have totally posted something if i knew i hadnt been on for so long i just totally didnt realise it had been so long!

sorry again


MrDave's picture

I lost you becasue the hotmail address you registered with bounced the email I sent to you a couple of months back. If I can't reach you, I assume you've moved on.

Are you coming back with "Janie and Maggie"? or did you have another character in mind?


Soulless Zombie's picture

hopefully as maggie

but if my co-worker isnt happy ill come back alone with one of my other ideas!

thankyou so much sorry about the email it just gets blocked up so fast!



Soulless Zombie's picture

Hi, everyone.

Just making my rounds. I took your quiz, meant to identify you as a certain LABN character.

Guess who I was?

"You are Sam. A webfoot from Oklahoma who came to LA seeking vengeance and found you had more power than he thought. That power ruined your life and made yourself vulnerable. Now others are exploiting that vulnerability and making your life spiral out of control."

My only negative comment is that Sam is from Oregon. But how can you remember such a trivial fact? You've come so far! I'm SO HAPPY TO SEE LABN THRIVING. You deserve no less.

Odd thing is, I myself have relatives who came directly from Oklahoma. I'm a freakin' Oakie. Sad, ain't it? (Can you say Natural Born Duh?)

What brought me back? I'm preparing to run Buffy the Vampire Slayer, using GURPS, here in my home town. LABN never quite dripped out of my system, I guess. My case was terminal. Sam Aubrey will even play a pivotal role in the campaign. I never got over him or you.

I just wanted you to know -- and any potential players that might be reading this -- that LA By Night is more than a diversion from your daily routine. It's a stamp on your soul.

New players: You haven't just come to any ol' website. You will make friends here that won't fade away. Even when you quit.

These are good people.

Have fun, fun, fun!

Love and bullets,

Sid Siclid (Jeff F. Haines)


Heather's picture


Sid!!!!! :>

I always get a big, cheesy, stupid grin on my face whenever you write us a note. :) So glad you're still visiting us from time to time, and it's a pity I don't live closer to California or I might muscle in on your GURPS game (used to play LOTS of GURPS back in the day...).

*wanders off whistling cheerily*

Gettin' off-line

Soulless Zombie's picture

Nice to be remembered. Hi, Heather. Say hello to the cast and, above all else, you keep that man of yours warm for me. Later, 'gator.


Allyana's picture

Hi, Sid. You dont know me but i know what you mean, I've come to love LAbn too. Now...

What is a GURPS? 8O


CryingKnight's picture

GURPS - Generic Universal RolePlaying System.

It's a roleplaying game produced by Steve Jackson games. It's requires a hefty dose of arithmetic to go through character design. The player having a certain amount of points to spend on stuff like attributes (how strong or intelligent your character is), Advantages (Like excellent vision or good memory) and skills.

GURPS is generic because its game mechanics are independent of the background so you can use it to play in any game background from a medieval style fantasy through to far future science fiction backgrounds with everything else in between.

Finally on a somewhat unrelated note. My character in FL was initially created in GURPS. Yep you can use it for Superhero roleplaying too

For more info about GURPS check out Steve Jackson Games


MrDave's picture

Awww, man I miss you sometimes. But we have all sorts of new friends to joke and howl and cry and well...just have a great time with.

Say HI to Sherl if you see her, and let her know we still have a candle burning for her too.

Keep your sweety warm too, and have a great Campaign!


Firefly's picture

Sid! :)

Good to know you still think of us from time to time. Obviously, I still keep a place in my heart for you, particularly by keeping Sam close, though of course, I can't do him justice. Have fun with your GURPS campaign. Thanks for saying hi.


Soulless Zombie's picture

just checking

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