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MrDave's picture

No, not this season, and hopefully not for many seasons to come. But at some point, it might be an option to wipe the slate clean.

The entire LA plotline ended once and for all. We would close the LABN forum, preserve it in amber as it was and move to another forum with new characters a new setting and a completely different story.

What do you think? How would LABN end?

The Final Season of LABN

Logan's picture

You almost gave me a heart attack, do you realize that lol....Ok with that said, I dont think Id be able to think of a way to end it until we actually got closer to this 'end'. However, I dont want any "lets kill everyone in an apocolypse" thats for sure.

The Final Season of LABN

Meredith Bell's picture

Failing an apocalypse or a secondary implosion of the Hellmouth that wipes out all of Los Angeles ;) I guess any end doesn't REALLY matter as much as an epilogue would - people leaving Los Angeles possibly to spread their good work to other areas of the world. I think there are really only two possible endings to anything, a complete and utter destruction of the world/city/etc or an inspirational ending where good prevails over a particular evil and everything looks forward to an optimistic future. (I'm thinking the end of Dark Angel here too, maybe not everything is sunny and bright but a big change has taken place that will no doubt change the world forever.)

The Final Season of LABN

Hunter's picture

For my part, I´m really not against the whole apocalyptic end-battle ,however I would to want it to have some more significance then just to avert another evil-doer who wants to bring the world to it´s end. I would like it to mean something more and that the outcome would both have it´s benefits as well as reapercussions instead of just have it that the world has either been plunged into complete destruction or that it becomes a bright sunny happy fairytaleland where there´s no evil what so ever. More that it would demand much more sacrifices and choices to be made then to just fight another Big Bad and that it would be shown that it would be the end in more then just one way (and perhabs with some loose threads that might be followed up some day in the future).

The Final Season of LABN

Kaarin's picture

As far as the MICE quotient* goes, I think we're more event/character driven than anything else. The point of our stories are: (1) the events, and (2) the characters themselves, and their developments. More and more I find myself leaning to the character driven story. I just don't care as much about the events of the council or brotherhood so much as, say, seeing how Kate develops.

Personally, I have to confess a slight bias for the final battle between Good and Evil in which Evil triumphs. Because Evil sometimes does triumph, even in important things, and quite frankly everyone makes good win. Just once, I want to see the final balance sheet go to the bad guy.

Failing that, however, I agree with Louisa - the actual 'event' ending isn't important. Using a show analogy: Deep Space Nine did not end with the surrender of the Dominion, and Martok, Sisko, and Ross drinking on the ruins of Cardassia. It ended with most of the crew leaving to their new posts, some remaining behind; and all looking back on what they were leaving behind. In a similar vein, the Godfather doesn't end on the note of Michael killing the heads of the Five Families - it ends with his wife Kay watching as Pete Clemenza calls him "Godfather" and swears loyalty.

I think that, if labn eventually ends (all good stories eventually end in their own way; but I think we have at least two or three more seasons of good stories in the Buffyverse left) it will be something similar. With the final post not being a specific character ending so much as a more collective 'epiloge' type thing.

*Mileiu-Idea-Character-Event; term used by Orson Scott Card to describe elements in a story.

The Final Season of LABN

Logan's picture

Ok, ALthough its different and cool to have bad guys win, does anyone really wanna see like Valarian standing over the dead bodies of all the whitehats? I sure as heck dont see that as a great ending.

However, I do agree with Adam in that I dont care for some big event ending, but rather an epilogue. More of a "everyone goes there own ways" knowing that they helped make the world that much better. Something like "Their time is over, time to pass the torch to the next generations of heros"

The Final Season of LABN

Kaarin's picture


Who says the bad guys have to kill us all to win? :)

The Final Season of LABN

Firefly's picture

Ok, let me qualify the following statements by telling you all something about myself that might surprise you. I love writing the baddest baddies around. I really enjoy creating those true monsters you all love to hate, but I hate them too. I don't like it when the bad guys win. This isn't life, it's art...and there's enough of that in life. Here, where we get to live out to some extent fantasies about the way we wish the world could be, I'm adamantly opposed to the bad guys winning out in the end.

With that said, I think the important thing isn't when the White Hats overcome some apocalypse and are standing triumphant, but rather the day that Tash finds a measure of peace and lays down her stakes, the day that Kate and Galen decide to move to some tiny midwestern suburb and raise a normal family, the day that Daye returns to Ireland, with Maia and Sam, to settle into that little cottage in the woods and raise her daughter in the simple way she was raised...it should be more about the points when these characters reach the ends of their own journeys and move on...leaving the world saving, torch carrying, evil battling to the next group of heroes with something to prove about themselves. It has to be about character...that's what's made this story so amazing....

The Final Season of LABN

Meredith Bell's picture

Daye wrote:
the day that Kate and Galen decide to move to some tiny midwestern suburb and raise a normal family

Which is strangely, the kind of ending I'd always imagined for them :D Oh and, you like writing the bad guy? NO! Get out! ;)

The Final Season of LABN

Hunter's picture

One question, how many seasons will it probably be?

The Final Season of LABN

MrDave's picture

I don't know. I never really considered it carefully. There will be an end to LABN. I just don't know when.

Probably when it is no longer fun.

If it ever becomes a chore rather than a joy.

If I ever have to resort to being mean to get anyone to play nice.

If I ever can't do LABN in a way that everyone can enjoy.

If we just cannot possibly stand to let in "just one more"

Then I'd stop doing it forever. But those times are way way off.

If I had to pick a number...I think I'll be played out after about 7 seasons or so. (which is actually 13 seasons of game since we do a season and a mid-season)

But until that day arrives for real, I can't say

The Final Season of LABN

Kaarin's picture

Of course, given the nature of the game, I suspect the end will come when a number of things happen: we haven't accepted new players for a while and everyone, including the newest players, decides the time has come to end it.

To be honest, I can see something like this just due to how it's set up continuing even if all the older players one day decided "ok, we can't write this anymore."

The Final Season of LABN

Meredith Bell's picture

*sobs* oh shut up the lot of you, I don't want to think about the end, isn't it bad enough that Buffy and Angel have both finished without thinking about the end of LABN too? :cry:

Now I'm going to go lock myself in a cupboard with reruns of Bagpuss and Chorton and the Wheelies until all this silly talk is over.

The Final Season of LABN

Heather's picture

hehe Well, I'm with Adam on this one. So don't worry Lou - even when you and I and Dave and Adam and Robin and Kris have all said "fuck it" and stopped writing, I'm sure Ally and Shaun and Amanda, etc will carry the torch on for a new set of players.

Players come and go, but the campaign lives on. :)

The Final Season of LABN

Logan's picture

think again, if you guys all bail ship, im going to leave with the lot of you

The Final Season of LABN

Disposable_Hero's picture

For season finale, as long as there's a big battle I don't care. Every finale should have one. People can die, people can live on, people can go live normal lives or keep the fight going on in other places, the world goes on or ends...that's up to you (though you can probably garuntee whatever char I have at the time will die or carry on fighting...). But as long as I get my dose of huge, mindless and very bloody violence I'm happy...

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