\ Dragomir Der Drahtzieher | unlimitedi.net
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Race: Demon

Sex: Male

Real Name: Dragomir Der Drahtzieher

Nick Name: Drago, Der Dämon der Überzeugung, aka Aron Keller

Birth Date & Location: Circa 1807 – Wallachia, Romania

Position: Chief Recruitment Officer

Group Affiliation: The Ministry of Magic

Despite being a demon, Dragomir’s appearance is particularly humanlike, allowing him to move freely throughout their society. His decreased rate of ageing means that although he is over two-hundred-years-old he looks the same age as a man of forty. The only feature that would hint at his being a demon are his eyes which are an intense red colour, however he usually wears either sunglasses or contact lenses to disguise this fact. Apart from this his appearance could be considered quite normal, he stands just under six-foot-tall with a lean but strong build. He has mid-length dark brown hair and a thin moustache, which is always well maintained and adds a mysterious quality to his slightly intense features.

Dragomir is extremely well educated and reads many books, especially old volumes of folklore and legend which is a particular interest of his. He is also exceedingly cultured and knows a lot about art, philosophy and architecture. Over the years he has cultivated a taste for the finer things in life and as such he always dresses impeccably in expensive suits and well-tailored coats no matter what the occasion may be.

(Dragomir is played by Gary Oldman)

According to classified archives at The Ministry’s headquarters in London, England, the first known sighting of Der Drahtzieher was in the year 1884 when the reported mass suicide of an entire Romanian village was reported. Since that incident there were further reports of several other, though admittedly less dramatic occurrences in the same region. It was also around this time that his name appears as Dragomir in several early records.

Dragomir then falls into obscurity until the early twentieth century when several Germanic folk legends describing ‘Der Dämon der Überzeugung’ (The Demon of Persuasion) and ‘Der Drahtzieher ’ (The Manipulator) begin to circulate, particularly in the more remote villages and towns of the Rhineland.

It is also around this time that records at The Ministry of Magic, detail several discretionary payments made to The Society of Ulle for the live capture of Drago Der Drahtzieher , and in the summer of 1923 document such a capture by the infamous Demon Hunter, Lars Buckley.

According to unsubstantiated rumours within The Ministry, Dragomir had been under ‘watch’ for many years after coming to their attention in the early nineteenth century. It was believed that his unique abilities in emotive manipulation would be of infinite usefulness to the operation, and although no record of his employment can be found it is rumoured that the demon underwent extensive ‘rehabilitation’ and assumed active duty within The Ministry’s Diplomatic Corps. His ability to influence people’s thoughts and emotions soon made him an invaluable asset to the agency and he was later reassigned to the London HQ to head the recruitment department.

Drago bases himself at Oxford University under the alias Aron Keller, tutor of Ancient European Mythology. It is here that he conducts most of his recruitment, selecting only the most intelligent and promising of scholars for initiation into The Ministry.


Mind Manipulation ~
Drago has the ability to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of anyone he comes into close contact with. This contact doesn’t have to be physical although his powers are significantly reduced the further away he is from his subject. He works his power by instilling a feeling of absolute despair or fear into his victim in order to make them more susceptible to suggestion.

Mimic ~
Dragomir has the ability to mimic other people by means of a physical metamorphosis which also includes being able to alter the tone of his voice to copy that of his subject. He needs only a short contact with a person to be able to mimic them, or even just looking at a photograph etc (though his transformation may obviously be more flawed in this manner). He is also able to use a subject’s memories and thoughts about a person to create his illusion also.

The major flaw to this power is that people can see through it if they are so inclined, perhaps if they know the person he is attempting to mimic well enough to shatter the illusion. It also uses a lot of Dragomir’s strength and concentration to sustain a mimic for longer than twenty minutes at a time, and the metamorphosis grows weaker the longer he attempts to sustain it.

Other Powers ~
Drago ages slower than humans at an approximate ratio of one year to every five years, hence he has the appearance of a man in his forties after almost two hundred years.

Weaknesses ~
Drago is not particularly strong, his powers have meant that he is usually able to manipulate his enemies rather than take them on in hand to hand combat. He is also susceptible to injury and disease in the way that humans are despite his slower ageing process.

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