I was thinking that we have created quite a few original Demon races in the game, and there isnt a place where they are all together, so other players could use them if they so wanted. Maybe it is time we started a thread on the subject. :D
I'll start with mine.
Verbatis- a race of demons from South America's rainforests. Physical aspect: in their natural form they are tall fur covered demons, their colors vary from black to light brown. Powers: Verbatis are shapeshifters, limited psychic powers. Characters: Alessa Hunt (PC), Inés Montero, Raúl Montero (NPCs). First Appearance: season 3
And this one was created by Kris and me.
Brashaks - a race of demons from the Himalayas. They live in ice caverns. Physical aspect: a short thick blue fur covers them. Powers: unknown. Characters: Pelor (NPC). First Appearance: MidSeason 3
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Demonic Races in LAbn
These are included for completeness sake (and to suggest a format).
G'rnathan Battle Fiends
Description: A soulled race of nearly indestructable insectoids standing 9' tall with horns and armor plating. Assumed to be extinct on Earth.
Powers: They can affect the souls of other beings. Regeneration.
Soulled?: Yes (this was a recent development).
Vulnerabilities: Fire, Acid, Holy Water.
First appearance: Season 1.
PCs/NPCs: Victor, Vicasha (hybrid).
Beazor Demons:
Description: Formless black energy beings capable of assuming solid form and imitating other beings. Assumed to be extinct on Earth.
Powers: Mimicry, Insubstantial Form.
Soulled?: No
Vulnerabilities: None
First Appearance: Season 1
PCs/NPCs: Kain, Aetolus
Demonic Races in LAbn
To look for Buffy's demons and beasties, here are some links.
Demonology 101
Manhattan Nights
Demonic Races in LAbn
Ok, I rewrote my demons in Dave's format (I kept the Powers line though, easier this way, I think)
Verbati Demons
Description: In their natural form they are tall fur covered demons, their color vary from black to light brown. They are very strong and their senses are highly developed. They come from South America's rainforests.
Soulled?: Yes.
Powers: they can change form into any demon, human or animal form. They also possess limited psychic powers.
Vulnerabilities: They are vulnerable to physical attacks although they are highly resilient.
First appearance: Season 3.
PCs/NPCs: Alessa Hunt (human hybrid), Inés Montero, Raúl Montero.
Brashak Demons
Description: a race of demons from Asia. They live in ice caverns in the Himalayas. A short thick blue fur covers them.
Soulled?: No.
Powers: unknown
Vulnerabilities: unknown
First appearance: Mid Season 3.
PCs/NPCs: Pelor
Demonic Races in LAbn
Halfr'aner-alf Demons
Description: Halfr’aner-alf Demons look entirely human by way of reproduction with humans over centuries (their name itself means 'half man - half supernatural being.) However, the demon has retained certain characteristics that seem to vary amongst different ‘sects’ of the Halfr’aner-alf. Most common are a super-human strength and lack of infection controlled by a residual demonic enzyme in the blood stream. The Halfr’aner-alf also have various enlarged internal organs such the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. This is the result of a growth hormone that is found in a higher quantity in the Halfr’aner-alf.
Soulled?: Yes (they are a well intergrated human/demon hybrid)
Powers: The other powers of this demonic race are deemed ‘magical’ – powers such as telekinesis, telepathy and clairvoyance, and each of these exists in varying degrees of strength within the different ‘sects’ depending on the increased level of synaptic impulses in the brain.
Vulnerabilities: They are essentially human with all the usual mortal vulnerabilities that entials.
First Appearance: Season Three
PCs/NPCs: Jack Archer
Demonic Races in LAbn
Description: A grey-skined reptillian species, known for producing Philosophers, Poets, Healers, and the like. They are on the whole a non-violent species. At least once in their life a Xangyarj goes through something called a "Finding" which is regarded as a highly personal time and not usually discussed.
Souled?: Yes (if we define soul as a fully developed concious, which seems to be what it is in the Buffyverse)
Powers: -Empathy
-Near death, may transfere the personality to another sentient being
Vulnerbilities: If it can kill a human, it kills them
First Appearance: Season Three
PCs/NPCs: L'Than (demon); Nikolai (human; undergone merging)
Demonic Races in LAbn
hiya...ok i might as well do my part here too :D
Description: Possessing demonic maroonish skin, with a few bumps on face, they were otherwise humanoid, two hands, two feet, and the like. Except for there eyes, which were mostly brightly coloured, bright blue, bright red, yellow, magenta?
Soulled?: Yes. And with two of them too...
Powers: The five sacred powers, only one possessed by each being in the race. These powers were, Telepathic, Telekinesis, Morphing, ’Shaku’ (soul traveling), ‘Bishtok’ (minor mind control, and sending visions){for more info' on Bistok and Shaku see Jessy's Profile
Vulnerabilities: Although they were a strong race, they weren't that strong, and there skins weren't as thick and could at times be easily penetrated by shape objects save a sword. Owing to the double souls, they also had double of hearts, there blood being red. To kill them a stabbing anywhere would do to bleed them to death, however they would not easily be bleedied to death due to the quick forming of their skins. However piercing both hearts was known to be the other best method.
First appearance: Mostly in flash backs in history, as this race of demons has been said to be extinct.
PCs/NPCs: NIL (yet....mheheh)
Description: Koolangs, though fully demon possess what the Macabres refer to as "beauty of human looks", they look as much human as humans themselves. In a way perhaps you could say when the Kumacs separated they took the pure demons into the Macabres and the the other "impurities" of non umm demon-ness into the Koolangs. However the Koolangs were the ones to have the powers.
Soulled?: Yes.
Powers: The same five sacred powers as the Kumacs.
Vulnerabilities: Unlike the Kumacs, they are as vulnerable as any human, easy to kill that way, with not a lot of extra strength.
First appearance: Season 2
PCs/NPCs: Tarix and Jessy (who are part human owing to their father being human), their mother, who is now dead.
Description: A very unfriendly race of demons, with many bumps on their skin and dark maroon skin, and bright eyes like those of the kumacs, only their skins are harder and stronger then the kumacs. That is there natural appearance, otherwise they use magic to transform into human like appearance, which is very convincing except for their eyes which stays the same as in their orignal form. This is usual covered with contact lenses.
Soulled?: Yes.
Powers: Non, except for high mana which seems to give them the abilities to carry out great magic spells and the like.
Vulnerabilities: Not yet known.
First appearance: Mid Season 3 (even though they have been mentioned through season 2)
PCs/NPCs: Henry Lynkes, Kaya, the council of The Order of Death...
Demonic Races in LAbn
NOTE: These are unfinished, but I was taking inventory and saw a few cool demons to list.
Kareener (Zareener?)
Description: Human-looking, until transformed by strong emotions
Powers: The demons skin will turn green and scaly when experiencing intense anger. The hide turns red if extremely enraged, blue is deep sorrow is felt, and yellow if experiencing lust. The demon's hide when transformed allows greater agility, durability, and strength.
Soulled?: unknown
Vulnerabilities: Powerful emotions may rage out of control.
First appearance: Season 2
PCs/NPCs: Thule of the Five
Description: true form unknown, as they must inhabit living human bodies and be installed at birth
Powers: Changelings possess serial immortality, allowing them to live forever as long as a new host is provided. Changelings have the accumulated knowledge and memories of all previous lifetimes.
Soulled?: unknown
Vulnerabilities: They must spend the first few years of life learning to control their bodies, leaving them potentially vulnerable. It may take years after that for the new host to remember all of the demon's lives.
First appearance: --
PCs/NPCs: Jezanus of the Five
Sea Demon
Description: Sea demons have mostly humanoid bodies, colored various shades of blue to hide them underwater. From each shoulder they have two blue fins to be used for sensing prey.
Powers: They possess extrasensory abilities and the ability to sense magic and the forces of good and evil. They are known for their tracking abilities. Sea demons can also hover a small way off the ground.
Soulled?: yes
Vulnerabilities: May suffer sensory overload too far away from water, and cannot hover very fast or high
First appearance: Season 5
PCs/NPCs: Vespajan (and at least one more this coming midseason ;))