Yes, that's right! I've decided it's far past the time we had our own dictionary for words/terms used on the boards (and other rubbish not used at all, but which is still funny nonetheless)! :D
So far I have:
Aardvark: A curious little fellow who is crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside.
Adam: See 'Insane', 'Grumpus'
Circular Definition: See Circular Definition
dian dian dian: Chinese for Dot dot dot. Also used to mean "no comment"
FL: Fantastic Legends
Fleeblewhoopy: A term used as a reply in the context of a highly complex and confusing explanation, for which the user has no sane/logical/appropiate reply due to sudden death of brain cells from massive overuse in a short period of time.
Floosingly: Something that stinks far to much to be called a stinky....
Grumpus: One who is the King Daddy of being Grumpy; See 'Adam'
Gurk: A female pal of yours whose name you know but can't quite put your figure on it, and whilst calling her "Girl" all the time might be rude, you call her "Gurk"
Insane: See 'Adam'
LABN: LA By Night
LNG: Late Night Games
Louisa: 'goddess of beauty' (possible Adam influence). Remember; Adam: See 'Insane' :P
Non-Sequitur: See 'Aardvark'
Piaow: Signal during a colab indicating one is finishing writing.
SQWEEEEEEEEE: An expression of joy or delight
Zobo: A random person who joins the chatroom randomly, for random purposes.
Any more ideas, post them as a reply and I'll edit them back into this (that includes replies from FL).
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LNG Dictionary!
Gurk: A female pal of yours whose name you know but can't quite put your figure on it, and whilst calling her "Girl" all the time might be rude, you call her "Gurk" (something my friend here uses).
Floosingly: Something that stinks far to much to be called a stinky....
thats all i know...
LNG Dictionary!
:D Matt, you really must be tired of explaining things to me!!
LNG Dictionary!
hahahahahahaha lol
That and the fact I was bored yesterday and this sounded like a good idea :P
LNG Dictionary!
you forgot Piaow: Signal during a colab indicating one is finishing writing.
LNG Dictionary!
dian dian dian: Chinese for Dot dot dot. Also used to mean "no comment"
LNG Dictionary!
Let's not leave out...
Qwerty-faced: Phrase used to describe someone who's sleepy or tired.
LNG Dictionary!
Qwerty face? Sounds more like someone tired from spending too much time on the keyboard lol
LNG Dictionary!
Mangan: Something that looks, smells and even your sixth sense can tell you, its disgusting....
LNG Dictionary!
(grr...I can't edit this post :( So I'm gonna have to add everything from FL as a reply)
Robin: see 'lurker'
Grammer Nazi: The person who is responsible for correcting spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors on any particular board.
The Game Board (aka Gameboard): The forums
The Front Page (aka Website): The HTML pages with links to the game board and news.
Admin: The Person in charge of technical administration of the gameboard. Also known as 'God'.
Moderator: A player with admin power within a single forum.
Player: A person who is registered to post within the gameboard.
Lurker: A person who is registered to post within the gameboard but does so sparingly and deliberately.
Freeloader: A person who is registered to post on the game board but who only posts in the non-game forums.
Forum: A sub section of the gameboard.
Topic: A sub section of a Forum
Thread: A continuing dialog within a topic (can be used as a syn. for Topic)
PHPBB: The Software that runs the Gameboard (see http://phpbb.com)
"The Great Purge": March 5, 2002 when the entire gameboard was wiped clean.
"The Other Purge": March 20, 2002 when the gameboard was reset, but much of the data was recovered. Everyone had to re-register.
"The Coup": Mar ??, 2002 When the former board admins were overthrown and control of the board was placed in the hands of the players.
"LABN Cast Party 2003": Held in Los Angeles at Sherlynn's house June 20-24. Heather, Dave, Kris, Jean, Adam, John, Robin, and Sherlynn attended.
WAG: Word Assosciation Game
ToT: This or That Game
LNG Dictionary!
This is a definitive list of things i've had to explain to ADAM! :P :P
Sarnie: Slang for Sandwich.
Ming-Mong: See 'Minger'
Major Ingram: A cheat, or someone who cheats and protests their innocence. Ref: Infamous Who Wants to be a Millionaire contestant Major Charles Ingram who cheated on the show by getting someone to cough when the right answer came up. He was subsequently taken to court and made to pay the money back.
Minger: Someone who is unattractive.
Marmite: A snack food made from yeast extract in the form of a spread. Thick and dark brown in colour, tastes like soy, very salty and good on toast. Diet staple of students. :D
Delia: British cookery icon, 'pulling a Delia' means to make a fancy meal etc.
Git: An unscrupulous or arrogant person.
Gimp: Idiot.
Smeg: Red Dwarf reference, used in the place of numerous expletives.
LNG Dictionary!
Oops...Sorry about that Shaun. But it works for me becasue I have linked the LNG Dictionary from FL to the front page of LNG (it's lower left on the page). Hope that helps...One definitive version is easier to maintain than two...
LNG Dictionary!
I object. You have NOT had to explain Ming-Mong or Minger. :P:P:P
However in your defence you probably would have had to. :)
LNG Dictionary!
fair enough, fair enough...just stop calling me Shaun :P
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Yeah, Mat cant stand the pressure of living up to being me :P
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You wish ;)
LNG Dictionary!
The fact of the matter is I lose rack of who is whom on FL so quick it makes my head spin...dunno how anyone can maintain the facts and figgures between BOTH sites much less one.
LNG Dictionary!
Simple, Dave. Lots and lots of practice. It also helps if your charecter makes an appearence. :)
Some more entries - things that Boojy and I have confused people with, and may use again.
Catma: A religious saying which is opposed to dogma. Not to be confused with Karma, which runs over dogma.
Discordian: One who follows the Goddess of Confusion.
Fnord: See this link/
LNG Dictionary!
Weekee: A word used to greet a friend in a special and unsual way to replace teh ever daily used words such as "Hi" or "Hello!" or "I think you'r an airhead but welcome to this world anywayz".
LNG Dictionary!
Hugglepounce: A form of hugging that envolves taking a flying leap and ends in a hug. Done correctly you chosen victi- er friend should remain safely upright, if this is not the case then you are doing it wrong, though there are certain circumstances (ie when you are really really excited about something, or havent seen someone for a long time) when it is often accidental.
Glomp: Similar to a 'Hugglepounce' in many ways and can be best described as 'less pounce and more huggle' when compared to the aforemention. It is mainly used between very close friends.
LNG Dictionary!
Because I still speak dead languages on occassion, and just realised I can get out of explaining it. :)
Salve/salvete: Traditional Latin greeting on a letter, which literally means "Be in good health."
Vale/valete: Traditional Latin closing to a letter, meaning "Fare well."
Quid agis?: Latin. How's it going? (Lit, 'What are you doing?')
Cura ut Valeas/Curate ut valeatis: Another traditional Latin closing on a letter. "Take care that you fare well."
Chaire/Chairete: ANCIENT Greek phrase of greeting. Literal meaning, "Rejoice!"
logos: ANCIENT Greek meaning word or "account."
LNG Dictionary!
Painted Lady: Polite term for a prostitute
LNG Dictionary!
Mhehehehe{add upto infinite amounts of "he"s: A cross between HEHEHE and MWHAHAHA, to give a form a slight evilish giggly laugh sorta laugh...
LNG Dictionary!
ermsprinkler (adj.)
1. Exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. See Synonyms at foolish.
2. Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in ermsprinkler word play; ermsprinkler pet names for each other.
3. Weak in intellect; destitute of ordinary strength of mind; foolish; witless; simple; as, an ermsprinkler woman.
4. Proceeding from want of understanding or common judgment; characterized by weakness or folly; unwise; absurd; stupid; as, ermsprinkler conduct; a ermsprinkler question.
Syn: Simple; brainless; witless; shallow; foolish; unwise; indiscreet. See Simple.
:D if you are intrigued, ask Candice. And try not to be drinking water :D
LNG Dictionary!
Skidaddle: Term for when someone has to leave quickly (also spelled "Skedaddle")