Ok all!, Amanda, Mike (the crazy little kid from FL :D ) and I came up with alittle something we thought would be fun.
The entrance music starts playing as Cameras zoom closer in on the outside of radio city music hall. The road has been shut down, and a red carpet lines the walkway into the building. Everyone can feel the excitement in the air because tonight is a very special night. Tonight is the FIRST ANNUAL LABN/FL AWARDS!!!!!!!! (loud cheers from the fans in the stands)
(Cameras cut to Shaun who is actually on the red carpet, looking dashingly suave in his Armani suit)
Shaun: Welcome ladies, and gents, especially gents (winks at camera) tonight is going to be a really great night. We have all the stars of LABN and FL here, not to mention the great writers behind the scenes. I'll be your host for the evening, along with the beautiful Amanda, and the grotastique Mike. Before we cut to them, let me see who I can find out here.
(Cameras follow as Shaun makes his way further down the red carpet).
Shaun: Oh look, its Louisa! Louisa, Louisa, a moment please". (Lou walks over to Shaun, a gorgeous midnight blue, strapless dress falling perfectly around her tiny frame) Hi Louisa, you're looking radiant and beautiful as always. Tell me, who are you wearing?
Louisa: "I’m wearing a Channel original. Doesn’t it look great?"
Shaun: Of course, you always look great darling. So are you excited for tonight, you and your characters are up for a number of awards?
Louisa: Yeah its exciting, but im just happy to get out of the house and away from the job listings. You know how much time and energy I spend searching for employment.
Shaun: (blank face) rightttttttttttt....Ok well Thanks Lou, good luck tonight, and i'll see you inside. Anyways, Lets turn it over to Amanda.
Amanda: Thank you Shaun. And might I say; nice ass!
(cameras cut to Shaun who is in the midst of checking out his own ass)
Shaun: Isn’t it though
(Cameras cut back to Amanda)
[Amanda perks up breasts and leans against the lobby bar]
Amanda: I’m here at the lobby bar interviewing one of the most devine pieces of
ass… [glances down admiringly, then winks back at Camera] Sorry… assES”
[Camera zooms out revealing Eric, Darian, Loki and Chance closing in and looping arms around Amanda]
Amanda: They’re not the MOST fantastic… not like the dashing Sorrow…… (snaps back to reality, wipes drool, notices her company looking hurt] Well… except for
you Chance [Chance brightens] I just wanted to make you guys jealous. Mike?”
[Darian whispers in Amanda’s ear before camera cuts out]
Amanda: Well… alright…. But hurry back!” [Darian, Eric, Loki and Chance run off giggling]
[Camera cuts to Mike, who drinking a diet pepsi and scowling]
Mike: Stupid bitch... gets all the men... I'm stuck looking at Shaun all day...[Camera guy whispers that they are on air]...What? Why didn't anybody tell me that! Uh...[throws diet pepsi, spilling it all over Adam]
Mike: Thank's Amanda! I'm here on the red carpet where a elegant black stretch limo has just pulled up! Let's find out who's was inside![Psyspell steps out wearing a sleek black dress with gold jewlery adorning her neck and arms]
Mike: Psyspell! Over here! Over here!
[glancing over] Psyspell: Who are you and why should I care?
Mike: Well... I'm Mike! you know, the crazy but lovable award reporter? I was wondering if I could maybe ask you some questions?
Psyspell: (looking bored) Fine.
Mike: Okay then, now, can you tell me if--
Psyspell: Yes.
Mike: ... but I didn't finish the question.
Psyspell: But the answer is yes. And the answer to the question you're thinking of now is no.
Mike: ...um...well...
Psyspell: No, if I feel like it, and an elephant, in that order. Now I have to go mingle with actual important people, so if you don't mind I'll be on my way. [walks away, but glances back] Oh, and by the way, you're right. Shaun really IS an overrated hack. [walks away]
Mike: Get...out...of...my...head [bangs head with microphone, drawing stares] Um.... think quick Mike... oh I know! Why don't we start the show with a parody of Brittany Speares, Christina Aguillera and Madonna! On with the show!
Cameras cut to inside the buldings, and focus on the stage as the curtains draw back revealing a large wedding cake, with a bride standing on the stop, a veil covering her face
(The music to “Like a Virgin” begins to play)
Mysterious Bride: We made it throuuuuugh season 3, well not everyone made it throuuuuuugh, (Takes off veil, revealing Amanda), God didn’t Tash cry so much, oh boo Hoooooo. (begins to walk down the wedding cake) Jade turned bad, so sad. Darian was captured, and thennnnn beat, but the elders dieeeed, yeah they dieeeeeeeeed cause Sorrow felt that Heattttttt. (music pauses for a moment as bells start to chime. The cake rotates over to reveal another Bride.)
Msyterious Bride 2: Alessa’s a demon, WOoo, who’s glamour hides her furrrr. Yeah and deeeeeeeemon, (Lifts veil revealing Mike) But Chance doesn’t care; he still loves heRRRRrrrrrrr. Wooohooooo (Amanda joins in the singing as they both roll to the floor) OHhhohhooooooo yeah, ohohoooooooooo Ohoooohhhoooooo. (Music Stops, and the wedding song begins to play as a groom begins to rise from the cake…..ITS SHAUN! The Song switches to Madonna’s song Hollywood)
Shaun: Every baddie comes to LAaaaaaa, The elders would have ruled the world had they got their way. Every Baddie comes to LAAAaaa, This season was dark and depressing I’ve got to say. (The beat of the song kicks in as Shaun makes his way down the cake to meet his 2 brides. HOLD ON – The music cuts, and Britney Spears, Christina, and Madonna come on from stage left)
Britney: I don’t believe this shit.
Christina: What a blatant rip off!
Madonna: You three are so dead!!!
Amanda: Uhhhh (gulp)…we’ll be back after this commercial break.
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First Annual LABN/Fantastic Legends Award SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
Too funny you guys!!! :lol:
can't wait for the second part
First Annual LABN/Fantastic Legends Award SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
Sigh... I'm still upset that I didn't get to kiss Shaun on stage... oh well...
First Annual LABN/Fantastic Legends Award SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
Mi Dios!! Bárbaro!!
That's great, great, great!! :D :D :D