\ 5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three | unlimitedi.net
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5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture
Posted in

I know I've spoken to nearly all of you on msn about this, but we're plannning on having a Memorial Service for the loved ones we lost in Season Three.

At this stage it looks like the game date will be the 5th November 2006. Some of you have already zoomed past that, but all that means is that you'll miss out on the excuse for character interactions after the service. :wink:

Rather than try to get everyone together for a giant collab, instead the plan is for Kris and/or myself (and anyone else who'd like to offer suggestions) to write up a main service, then we'll pass it around to all those who indicate they'll have a character present so they can have that character get up and say something if they wish. So it will be just like a funeral service where friends and relatives go up in turn to say their piece.

So for now, the thing we need to know is: who will be there?

Please indicate which characters or npc's of yours would be present for the service. :)

Tash will most certainly be there, and Ian will also be attending.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Firefly's picture

Daye and family will attend, as will Alicia Wyldling, and Joshua. Thanks. Oh, for those of you who interacted with him in the past, that does include Sam, in case that throws your character for a loop the way it did Sorrow last season.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Disposable_Hero's picture

Yup, Chance will be there. He hasn't really lost anybody per se, but he has a hell of a lot of people to mourn for...

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

James_Connor's picture

ow can my charactors be therew and soem one go crazey at us cos they left halfway throught the battel :roll:

Re: 5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Some of you have already zoomed past that, but all that means is that you'll miss out on the excuse for character interactions after the service. :wink:

I don't see how, since the beauty of midseason is that it isn't linear. Oh and Kate and Galen will be in attendance of course. :D

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Logan's picture

Darian will be there :)

Re: 5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I don't see how, since the beauty of midseason is that it isn't linear.

Well, even in MidSeason we try to keep an individual character's timeline relatively linear... Just that the overall sequence of events doesn't have to be linear. But if you want Kate to 'time travel' a little, I'm sure we'll manage. :)

Oh, and Shaun... what about Cole, will he be there too?

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

Hehe, I know it isn't the status quo but it's certainly happened in the past, such as in midseason one, where Daye was both in Ireland and back in LA helping rescue Tash from the snake lady (much easier reference there! why didn't I think of that sooner!)

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Logan's picture

Naw, no Cole...just good ol D-man

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

MrDave's picture

Is this going to be in a graveyard or something? Where is it going to take place (as opposed to when)...

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

Good grief, no. Probably on the beach, or in a nice forest clearing or something. Somewhere pretty and peaceful. :)

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Allyana's picture

Alessa will be there too.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Jessica Travers's picture

Jess will be there as well.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Jadyn's picture

Count Jade in. She'll be there. Heather... Was hoping to set up a collab between Jade and Tash too, if you could make it this weekend. Let me know. :)

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

Amanda tells me that Reah and Damen will be there, too. :)

And April - yeah, big time. Definitely need to find a collab time. I can make the weekend... pm me to sort out a time, bearing in mind that we're 13 hours apart. :roll:

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

I've written the first part of the service. It will now be making its way around in turn to those who said they were attending. As with any such real-life service, if you wish to get up and say something please do so by appending your piece at the bottom of the document.

I'm sending it to Kris first. Those who have already prepared what they want to say let me know so we can send it to you first in an effort to keep delays to a minimum. Those who haven't decided what to say yet, now is the time to think about it.

Again, like any real-life service, try to keep your comments to a reasonable length so we don't wind up with a massively long document. :)

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

You know, it occurs to me - yeah, I know I'm slow on the uptake - that it would be easier for people to pre-write their bits of the service if they actually had a vague idea what the setup was like, and how Tash started it... So here's the first bits.

Sunday, 5th November 2006 – 1:45pm

Past the hotels and bars of Malibu Beach there nestled a quiet corner of sand. The azure blue water lapped at the shoreline with the mountains forming a green backdrop. A cool breeze lifted occasional flurries of sand that skittered along the beach, but it wasn’t chill. The sun shone down warming the backs of the two women who were putting finishing touches on their display.

Daye and Tash had set a table at the back of the beach, so it rested on the short grass that swept on up the hillside to become scrubland and forest. Tash glanced up at the golden expanse of beach before her and sighed. It was a perfect place – at least, as perfect as could be found at short notice in the LA area. Los Angeles didn’t have much by way of secluded areas, but at this time of year the beach was virtually empty, and this far north it was away from the main noise of the city’s traffic.

She returned her gaze to the table. On it she and Daye had set white candles, protected from the wind by glass cylinders, and lilies lay strewn about the white cloth. Nothing else adorned the table yet – no photographs, no memorabilia. Each person who came would be bringing something of their own to place in memory of those they’d lost.

“It’s ready,” Daye murmured.

Tash nodded at her. They couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. The breeze was so light it barely lifted the corners of the tablecloth, and the sun-warmed sand felt good to bare feet. The two women remained silent, not wishing to break the moments of quiet communion they’d just shared, as they followed the line of grass back to the car park where Drew, Sam and Maia waited for them. They had understood when Daye and Tash asked to do the setting up by themselves.

All that remained was to wait for the others to arrive. Tash bowed her head for a moment, and felt Daye’s arm around her shoulders as she stood beside her offering the comfort of friendship. *Damn you, Daye,* she thought, *How dare you be right?*


Tash stood before the table with a bag at her feet, the ocean making soft swishing noises behind her and the sun soaking through her clothes to bathe her in its warmth. She faced her friends – both new and old – with the backdrop of the Los Angeles hills behind them. The candles were now lit within their glass protection, and they flickered in the light breeze that curled around the lilies. She was keeping a tight rein on her emotions this afternoon – the last thing she wanted to do was to break down in the middle of speaking. Knowing she was as prepared as she’d ever be, she cleared her throat and began.

“Nearly everyone here was at the Hyperion on Tuesday. I don’t need to remind you what we achieved there – we all know. Suffice it to say that I’m proud to have fought beside all of you. Some of us paid a higher price than others, however. All of us are here to honour Sorrow, and quite a number of you knew Victor as well. If he had been with us I know he would have been at the forefront of the battle. There are those among you who have suffered additional losses recently, and this is a good opportunity for you to remember them also. I know I have other people to talk about today – most of you won’t know the others, however.”

She bent to the bag, pulled out a menu and began, “This first is a friend I made recently called Nikolai Makarov. We met quite by accident…” Tash smiled, “Literally – I made him wreck his car just at the start of this year. Kolya went through some trying times with the group of us that wound up on G’rnatha and proved himself invaluable, but although he made it back safely he was killed not long after our return. This menu is from the first Russian restaurant I ever ate at. Kolya introduced me to it.”

She placed the menu among the flowers on the table, “Proschanie, Kolya.”

Then she withdrew a photograph. It was old and dog-eared, and showed a young boy sitting in a tree with a grin splitting his face. Tash kissed the photograph and laid it gently on the table. She didn’t feel the need to elaborate on this one, so simply said, “For Patrick, my little brother who died so many years ago. Goodbye, Pat.”

Tash paused for a moment, remembering both her friend and her brother, then she cleared her throat and continued.

“There were two who have passed recently that most of you knew. Victor was one, the other was a man named Tristan Barrington. Mainly we knew him as Sorrow. It was a name he chose himself many years ago, when he was left an orphan by the same creatures he then dedicated his life to hunting.”

Tash ran her gaze over each of the people before her in turn. “Not many of you knew him very well, I suspect. Sorrow was a man who stayed apart, to a degree. But he and I became very close friends, and I think all of you who were at the Hyperion last Tuesday have gained a glimmering of the sort of man he was.

“He was strong, he was loyal. He would travel to the ends of the Earth for those he loved. He was,” she said with a small laugh, “uncompromising in his frankness – he’s held the mirror up to me more than once since I met him. And we helped each other through some tough times…”

She felt her control starting to slip and closed her eyes for a moment to regain her composure. “He was the best sort of friend anyone could ask for. And he sacrificed himself to avert a disaster of epic proportions. I know it was not a decision he made lightly.”

She stepped closer to the table again, holding out an empty sheath. “This is the sheath from Sorrow’s sword, Hizashi. I leave it here in his memory.”

Tash laid the sheath gently on the table, careful not to crush the flowers. “I will miss your wise counsel, my friend.”

Again Tash stopped for a moment, giving everyone time to absorb her words as she remembered the times she’d shared with Sorrow. Then she cleared her throat and started on her most difficult eulogy yet.

“It’s rare for anyone in this world to find a true soul mate. So rare that for me I wound up finding one from out of this world. It came as somewhat of a shock when I realised that the one being I could truly connect with on all levels – who was truly my soul mate – was in fact a demon. It’s a bit of a stretch for a vampire hunter, you might think. But connect we did.

“Victor and I shared a bond that lasted through two apocalypses, a beheading, a voodoo ritual, doppelgangers and dimensional travel. He told me some of his past when we first met, and he said to me, ‘Something in me tells me that you are part of my Quest’.”

Tash bowed her head for a moment, fingering the envelope she held, her voice growing thick. “His Quest is now fulfilled. He developed a fully realised soul and returned to his home. And there he remains, disembodied, part of a vast machine that has liberated his entire people. Billions of lives have changed because of what he’s done there.”

She smiled through her tears and joked, “Is it still a Messiah complex if you turn out to really be the Messiah?”

Tash held out the envelope over the table. “My contribution to this memorial for Victor is what was left behind of the Stone of Ghortab. I admit it; I scrabbled around my old living room floor with bare hands, searching through the dust bunnies for these fragments. Unglamorous, maybe, but there you go.”

A few smiles lit the faces around the table at the mental picture Tash had conjured up for them. Among those who understood the significance of her 'bare hands' the smiles were a little more wry. Then Tash upended the envelope, sprinkling the contents over the table.

“Farewell, my love.”

Silence descended over the assemblage, then Tash stepped back and rejoined her friends on the far side of the table.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

Ok, I'd put in the little bit about Jade because April said Jade would be at the service and I'd been unable to contact her to find out any details... Now I've spoken to her and she says Jade will be lurking in the background, unseen by the rest of us.

So if any of you have written stuff for the memorial which includes seeing Jade or anything along those lines, she won't actually be visible. I've edited my version to reflect that, too.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

Okay, good, I was wondering about that, thought I'd missed an important event - like when Jade stopped being evil vamp mistress of pain :P

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Heather's picture

I've had quite a few pieces come in so far. Kris, unfortunately, doesn't look to have even been online since Saturday a week and a half ago, when I sent her the PM. :(

I'm also waiting on responses from Lou (for Kate and Galen), Alice (for Jess) and Amanda (for Reah and Damen).

Jamie has indicated that he's changed his mind and none of his characters will be appearing, and I've got pieces from Ally, Matt and Shaun (and April and I have done something for after the memorial).

So if you've not done your bit for the memorial yet, soon would be good. Then we can get this thing up and get past the 5th. :)

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Firefly's picture

Sorry about that you all. My pesky life intruded in the form of my fool of a husband doing some damage to himself and having to be hospitalized for four days. I am back and will endeavor to get my part done quickly. I will also start writing like a madwoman to get the things I want done this midseason done. Don't give up on me.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

I also claim the busy card. Not nearly so dramatic though (hope anthony's okay btw :? ) My sister's been visiting since my graduation so i've been pretty tied up, she's gone up to Glasgow to visit a few friends at the moment though so I promise to get my part wrote before I jet off on holiday. :twisted:

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

*Beams* Mines in :mrgreen: sqweee

Though i don't think i can claim anyform of busy'ness for my lateness :oops: ah well: tis in :D

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

*Starts singing* "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I shall write it, tomorrow, is only a day away!!" :D :D :D

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Firefly's picture

Today. Both parts. I promise.

5th November Memorial for those who fell in Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

Wow, singing that song actually reminded me to write my bit. :D

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