Right, here it is. Click on the link to download the Word file for the Finale. If you wish to make any additions or changes PLEASE do so in a different colour (ie, anything but black) and PM or e-mail me the result using your name in the file name. For example, if Lou were to make edits she could use blue (knowing her :wink:) and send me a file call Finale Lou edits.doc. :) Anything you delete from your version, don't actually delete as such - highlight the text to be removed or use a second colour and let me know what means what (eg, blue for additions, words in red to be removed). Doing all this makes it much, much easier for me to keep track of the versions.
I've done the usual tidying up, plus rearranged bits and pieces to make a more coherent whole, particularly with the fight scene. You'll notice one small bit I've put in yellow highlight - that's a spot where I thought Robin and April might want to insert a small meaningful scene. :D
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First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Thanks Heather... I read the Public Forum before this one so just ignore my request for the finale to be emailed to me. Work's crazier than usual this week cos I have 2 campaigns rolling out in Hong Kong and Singapore but I'll try to get my input over to you by this weekend. Sorry I missed the collab guys... *sniffs*
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
No worries, April. I'm sorry you missed it too... but you can't help the timing of feeling crook. Hope you're feeling better soon. Love ya, babe. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
This is just a gentle reminder that there are still some people to send me finale edits (or let me know if they don't wish to make any).
So far I've received edits from:
Adam (no changes requested)
Shaun (no changes requested)
That leaves Alice, Robin, April, Amanda and Kris to go. I realise some of you are on full work/school/homelife schedules, but I would appreciate any changes before the weekend if possible.
Thanks, guys. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Thanks, Kris. One down, four to go. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Hi Heather... Afraid I won't have time to look at it till Saturday night as I'll be working on both Friday night and Saturday afternoon. (Sorry... 2 campaigns rolling out, remember? Launch date is set for next Wednesday. *gulps*)
Anyway, I'll try to get you by bits by my Saturday night, or Sunday at the latest. Robin - PM me and let me know when you're working... We'll probably need to discuss some stuff. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Woo hoo! I've got Amanda's now, too. Sqweeee!
That just leaves Alice, April and Robin to go. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Ok, I've just integrated Alice's. Two to go. :)
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Ok, in case you've not noticed. The finale is up!! YAY!!
Thanks once again to all those involved. It was a mammoth effort, but well worth it. :D
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Oh, man. I'd just like to add my two pence and say it's totally awesome! Easily an equal of a Buffy or Angel finale (made better by the fact I helped contribute to it :))
The only complaint I have is with you, Heather. You stole My Immortal! grrr...I was planning to use that for a Chance song Damn you! :P
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
I've had that one in mind for the close of the season ever since Victor died, and I learned Robin was going to kill off Sorrow. :wink:
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Finally finished it, and i have to hand it to you guys, a GREAT season finale, difinatly giving Joss some competition :D
Very well done indeed.
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Agreed. It's now my mission in life to become a director and produce LA by Night as a TV series :D
First Draft of the Season Three Finale!!
Cheers to heather for all the efoort she put into compiling the finale and all our respective edits. You're the best H... :)