\ Wed. 1st October | unlimitedi.net
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Heather's picture
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Next collab time seems ok for everyone, but I'm just posting here as confirmation.

Wednesday 1st October at 7pm (Thursday 9am for Amanda) is where we get to see Victor do his thing inside the temple. Dave's got a vague idea of what will happen, which is that the stones inside (like his own stone) will somehow activate and form some sort of machine, or edifice, or something, which he'll interact with in some way, shape or form. This will create the new template for soul-endowing slime, which will start to transform the partly-souled GBF's hanging about outside (and five inside with us) almost instantly to souled critters. And new beasties produced by this factory will now have fully realised souls as well.

In the future, on G'rnatha, this will inevitably lead to major civil wars as the old-style Creators battle to retain their unique status, but for our purposes we don't have to worry about this just yet. :)

I know the first airing of "Angel" is on that Wednesday night, but that's what VCR's are for. :D

Wed. 1st October

Kaarin's picture

That's ok. We all know that Angel is just a wanker with poofy hair that grows straight up anyway. :)

And yes, I am aware of the oddity of saying this with my current avatar having an almost Centauri haircut.

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