\ Jalan-Aajav-Khan (MISSING) | unlimitedi.net
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Race: Vampire

Sex: Male

Real Name: Jalan-Aajav-Khan

Nick Name: N/A

Birth Date & Location: Spring Circa 1188AD

Position: Warlord of the Harbingers

Group Affiliation: N/A

Jalan-Aajav-Khan Is 5ft 7 slim man with brown hair and like most vampires his skin is nearly white even though he is of Mongolian descent His hair is coal black if it were not for the aura of menace he exudes, he might seem sickly. His voice rasps when he talks due to a throat scar earned in a long ago demon battle.

Aajav-Khan, as his subordinates call him is a potent warlord of the American Harbingers. At massive gathering of the sect, he tells of the ancient nights when he rode with temujin- called Genghis khan. It dose not take long before such story’s bring even the most boisterous Harbinger Packs to an awed silence. Aajav-Khan is one of the only vampires who know how to perform the dreaded Dieblerie the power to steal another vampires potent blood and fortified your own with their power. In short he drains a vampire of his blood making himself more powerful in the process. Only a half dozen members of the Harbingers rival Jalan-Aajav in terms of raw power, and politically, only the regent has more authority, he is steadfast and loyal to the sect and appears willing to sacrifice his life to bring Dukal back. Jalan has had several run ins over the course of life with the vampire known as James Connor. They both share an unusual sense of honour when confronting each other if James is injured form a fight before jalan will not fight and the same goes for James. This is unusual for both of them because they are both known for their merciless approach to their enemies. Jalan was also the one who lured the Ripper into the subway tunnel to trap him he even helped James escape to new York when he reverted back to his nicer personality. They aren’t friends and they aren’t enemies they just see each other as soldiers in different sides of a war

Jalan-Aajav has the normal powers of a vampire but also has the ability to mesmerise vampires/ demons / humans but cant do it with stronger willed beings.

Large array of weapons, armoured vans, trucks, bikes, most of these he bought for his pack’s he travels with.

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