\ Vampire Ranks? | unlimitedi.net
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Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay, wasn't too sure where to put this so I stuck it here.

Right, Jamie and I were talking last night about the 'rank' system of vampires. I've always thought it went newborn (recently turned), average vampire (average, yeah right), Mature, Master, Elder. Jamie thought Master was at the top, with Elder below it (with some other stuff aswell that I can't quite remember, sorry :p).

Is there any explaination on this anywhere? How do we do it here in LABN?

Vampire Ranks?

MrDave's picture

For the first time anywhere this is the ranking system I use. Its not based on anything except my sense of rightness.

Loose End 0-19 posts
Toady 20-39 posts
Fresh Kill 40-79 posts
Newly Risen 80-159 posts
Mature vampire 160-319 posts
Elder 320-639 posts
Ancient 640-1279 posts
Master 1280-2559 posts (as in THE Master)
Kakistos 2560-5119 posts
Demon 5120-or more posts

Vampire Ranks?

Disposable_Hero's picture

So what age-range would you put, say, a mature vampire in? Would you say the Brotherhood are Elders or Ancients?

Vampire Ranks?

MrDave's picture

If I was to actually RANK vampires based on age this is the system I'd use...

Years Rank
0-1 Fresh Kill
1-100 Vampire
100-800 Mature Vampire
800-2000 Elder Vampire
2000-5000 Ancient Vampire
5000+ Demon

Anything over 800 years ago could be considered a "Master Vampire" in that they would have huge broods of childer under their sway but THE Master was a particular ancient vampire that Buffy killed.

Vampire Ranks?

Disposable_Hero's picture

Right, okay. Cheers. Cleared things up a bit.

Vampire Ranks?

James_Connor's picture

ok thanks for clearing that up

*wonders if there is anyway he can get stronger*
*rubs nonexostant beard*

Vampire Ranks?

MrDave's picture

Yes there is a way to get stronger. And this applies to any character in the game.

You can write it that way.

If it seems too easy, it is a little more complex than that. Over a series of story posts you develop a reason for getting stronger. And then slowly develop that over a season (or two) as you write the progression of the development.

Reah was a straight human vampire hunter but she came up with this idea of making her more like her Shadowrun character so she and I made up a storyline where she travelled into the future and was modified then returned to her original time after spending years in the future.

She has gained a lot more power as well as a lot more angst, pain, trouble, and I think interest.

If you want to get stronger then make up some way to do it...discuss it with a few people for playablility then write it as a series of posts that describe the process and of course make it interesting and Viola! It's done!

Vampire Ranks?

James_Connor's picture

time travel anyone

Vampire Ranks?

MrDave's picture

Nah, Its been done. However infusing the blood of older vampires might have some effect on you. A lot of it is in how it is presented in the game. Is it going to be plausible? Is it a challenge? Is it something that is done consistently with your character (or is it a twinkie move to just gain more power). Catch me online some time and we can discuss the possibilites (or Robin or Heather or any of the other players who have dealt with vampires extensively in the game).

Strangely enough four of the oldest vampires on record are in LA. Imagine that....
{scratches bearded chin thoughtfully}

Vampire Ranks?

James_Connor's picture

*kiss victor*

mwoahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha*cought* .....i swollowed my retainer

Vampire Ranks?

Soulless Zombie's picture

maggie and janey are like what - 500 yrs old i think, approx. anyway, so are we really powerful, cos like its all a bit confuzzling, like have we gotten powerful with age, or not, cos we havent been actually in the world hardly at all!!!!!
my actual question is : do vampires get stronger with age, or by experience?

Vampire Ranks?

MrDave's picture

In the Buffyverse it is primarily age. The Master was trapped for several hundred years in a church underground and managed to not only get stronger but to attract more followers.

BUt there is out of the game and there is out of the game. Janey and Maggie have been in a "suspended state" for much of their downtime. (although to be fair...in reading your background its not clear what it was like in the cave..I am making the assumption that you'd be sleeping through it because otherwise you'd be mad from isolation)

Suspended to me means you don't get any older and you don't experience the effects of passing time. Which, unfortunately, includes getting more powerful.

Of course the other benefit of getting older while you are still in the game is you never stop learning new tricks. So a lot of the magic, talismans, followers, resources, riches, and stuff come from actually living through all the intervening years.

500 years old is how old you are cronologically but for all intents and purposes you are barely over 200 years old in power.

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