\ Character Proposal: Gabriella Delucia (rejected) | unlimitedi.net
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Character Proposal: Gabriella Delucia (rejected)

MrDave's picture
Posted in

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(non_piper@yahoo.com) on Thursday, July 3, 2003 at 18:16:41

charname: Gabrielle DeLucia
race: Demon
gender: Female
bdate: January 6th 1903, Pozzuoli, Italy.
group: The Order Of Valor
descript: She's not the nicest person you'll ever meet. A first impression of Gabrielle would be one that keeps to herself, not too social but usually by choice. She is frequently looking for some adventure. Her one passion is playing the piano.
history: She was born in Pozzuoli, Italy in 1903. Her mother, Prudence Claudius, was a Spanish peasant and her father, Azazel DeLucia, an Italian Duke. Azazel, Gabrielle's father, was the leader of the grigori which are fallen angels who mated with mortal women. He had also been given the power to change shape by Satan therefore murdering the Duke of Pozzuoli and taking his wealth and place in society. He had come up with a scheme to seduce Prudence the moment he met her. There were many reasons for this. One was because, with all honesty, she was beautiful and the other reason is because he longed to have a child of his own. Prudence after giving birth to Gabrielle was devastated at having a child out of wedlock so she attempted to kill her. When Azazel found Prudence strangeling Gabrielle he killed her. Gabrielle had grown up under the protection of her father and slowly figuring out she wasn't like the other children. She could change shape and when she would get frustrated she wo
items: ((Im guessing you mean weapons)) A Browning (gun) which she rarely uses.
powers: Gabrielle is a Tipua which is a shape changing demon. She also has the power of setting things on fire with her mind.
played_by: Monica Belluci, or Claire Forlani
player: I have played in Buffy chatrooms and Angel chats. Also in a few Charmed chats. Im 14 and apparently, as most 14 year olds do, go to highschool. I've been playing for a few years now and quite enjoy it.
age: over13

Character Proposal: Gabriella Delucia (rejected)

MrDave's picture

Initial impression: {makes strange face}

I don't know. There are some things I like and some things I don't. The Buffyverse has a lot of hell dimensions not just the Dante Nine Hells. Satan then would qualify as a mythic not neccesarily actual figure.

Why someone with a power like transformation would also need pyrokineses is beyond me. Frankly I'd almost rather not have the transformation power (since I am leaning towards the South American applicant with the same power but better presented)

The history got cut off. sorry, not sure why its doing that all of a sudden

It is a little mary-janish but I have seen worse.

on the whole...I think I can let this one pass without feeling too badly about it.

Character Proposal: Gabriella Delucia (rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture

Um Dave....there seems to be a problem with a lot of character profiles as they seem to be missing bits....this is the third one i've cum across thats looking as if bits been taken out

also i don't have a no or a yes vote, but i wud like more detail for now...

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