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Stalker's picture
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I was just wondering

Who's here has one?

If not why not?

If you have, have you ever receved any funny text messages?

I've receved a few funny ones but I can't remember them

the only one I can remember is...


A new alternative for Viagra has been found
Just go to your pharmasist and ask for it by its full name

ok not very funny but I can't remember the funny ones

Mobile Phones

MrDave's picture

I do not own a cellphone, nor do I want to. I am even something of a Luddite concerning them.

My thinking is this...a cellphone/beeper/messenger thingie is a way to reach someone who is not at a specified location most of the day.

So if you are on the road, out of the office, or otherwise not in an anchored spot then you might need one. Might.

I live at home and drive to work (a mere 3 miles away) and thats about it. Anywhere else I could possibly go (the movies, California, Australia, my Mother's, visit friends, out to dinner) I have no desire to be contacted. So if you can't reach me at work or at home...leave a message. I'll get back to it in a few days.

No-one needs to reach me so badly that they can't wait until I am home or back in the office.

Mobile Phones

Meredith Bell's picture

And yet... despite all that I couldn't have been without my mobile when my car broke down and I was bloody terrified and didn't know what to do. Plus I don't carry spare change for a pay-phone so that would be a waste of time.

Oh yeah and sometimes you have things to say that just cannot wait until you get home or see the specified person. And sometimes things ARE THAT important that you HAVE to contact someone urgently. Like when my sister was rushed to hospital with meningitis, I NEEDED to know that so I could haul ass down there.

All in all, mobiles are a useful and sometimes essential part of modern life, plus they look way cool :D

Mobile Phones

Kieran's picture

or they WOULD be cool if you HAD people who WOULD WANT TO call you

Mobile Phones

Logan's picture

Im afraid im a cellphone addict. I couldnt imagine life without it.

Mobile Phones

Kaarin's picture

I'm the happy medium between cell phone addict and hater. I have one, but it's never turned on. :)

Mobile Phones

Disposable_Hero's picture

Yup, I've got one. Had one for a couple of years now, never leave home without it!

And I've had a few funny messages:

There was was a vampire named Mable,
Who's periods were heavy but stable.
So every full moon
she took out a spoon and drank herself under the table!

He he he. I've had loads like that. Just trying to remember them now.

No luck. Damn memory of mine.

Of course, there's also been the drunken text messages that I've recieved. Fortunately when I'm in that state I can't unlock my phone so I usually just leave it somewhere and waddle off to do something else. Like throw up.

Mobile Phones

Kaarin's picture

One of my favs like that, sent by a friend a while ago:

Mary had a little skirt
Twas spilt right up the sides
And every time that Mary walked
The boys could see her thights.

Mary had another skirt
Twas split right up the front
But she didn't wear that one very often.

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