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Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

MrDave's picture
Posted in

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(fieryfairy@hotmail.com) on Friday, June 20, 2003 at 08:00:03

charname: Janey and Maggie
race: Vampires
gender: Females
bdate: 02/27/1574 in Brazil, South America
group: none yet but the characters may later wish to join the black veins
position: newcomers
The twins were Aztec princesses before the cold blood of eternal life claimed them both, and so they have vampiric white skin, as even before they were vampires, they never were directly in sunlight because of their veils. They have large dark green eyes lined in kohl in the style of the Aztecs. They both have ebony black hair - Maggie's is long worn loosely flowing down her back, and Janey's in a short wedge bob. The two are otherwise identical in appearance with full lips and small noses. They are eighteen years old - turned to eternal life at the peak of the beauty.
history: The twins were Aztec princesses, pure, holy; veiled and untouched until the eve of their eigtheenth birthday when as gifts to the Atzec gods they were to be sacrificed that the sun might rise for the next year. Mendiela (Maggie) accepted her fate in order to protect her people. Jicaques (Janey) had seeked to learn of the world beyond their restrictive society, and having seen the possibilities offered by the rest of the world, refused to accept the fate of her and her sister, and could not believe in the necessity of the sacrifice. Escaping, Jicaques went to an old wise-woman staunchly avoided by all for the rumours of strange beliefs and superstitions. The wise woman spoke of the alignment of the planets and the alteration of the twins’ destiny, before her face in the darkness appeared to change, and she drew close to Jicaques, and sank her head onto the girl’s neck, and turning her irrevocably to the dark. Jicaques felt a deep coldness sweep over her, and knew that her de
As the sun went down Mendiela was taken to be sacrificed, and believing herself to have been abandoned by her sister, she cried silently. As she was bound, she begged for the high priest to kill her in any other way as the twins’ fear of fire – even before their vampiric rebirth - was greater than their fear of death. Jicaques arrived and stole her sister away, before swearing to both of them that her actions were for the best and would be their salvation, turned her twin to the dark as well.
The Aztecs panicked as there were no sacrifices, and the wise-woman had not been wrong – the planets were aligned, and the eclipse lasted three days. The twins then appeared to their people in glory and darkness, and promised to restore the sun if two holy sacrifices were made – and the people bound their King and High Priest to be burned. The twins stayed inside their temple when the sun was up, and the people believed them to be working hard to keep the sun in the sky. The Aztecs began to worship the twins as their sun goddesses, honouring and protecting them in any possible way, and the twins wanted for nothing.
Later in the 1600's when Christopher Columbus came to South America, the Aztecs believed him and his men to be White Gods who they believed had come to reclaim their goddesses. They hid the twins in a crypt, and there they remained in a 300-year slumber.
Rumour of the goddesses’ power and fame haunted South America throughout the ages. Many attempts were made to uncover the crypt, but it was not until the turn of the century that a group of dark arts amateurs decided to raise the twins from the dead. In 1899 the twins were taken to California and 'resurrected' in a ceremony of shadow and flames. Those who would pretend to great knoledge and power were not to know that the fire with which they welcomed the goddesses back to life would terrify them, and in their confusion and terror, the goddesses slaughtered their would-be servants.
Beneath America, the twins watched the world grow, and now one hundred years later, they rise into the world once more to live amongst humanity and their own cold-blooded kind.
items: The twins own many beautiful ancient objects, such as pots, clothes, jewellery, weapons etc. For an archaeologist their large crypt would be an Aladdin’s cave of wonders. Janey’s particular favourites are the black onyx jewellery she used to wear, including a seal ring containing deadly nightshade poison. She wears a long black gown and veil that conceal numerous weapons including an Aztec curved blade and sling daggers. Maggie’s personal favourites are the blue topaz neck charm for protection, and several charmed bracelets, one of which is made of dark blue sapphires each of which contain a powerful sleeping drug, another is made of large garnets each of which contains an overwhelming love potion. A dagger engraved with Aztec symbols is her other belonging.
powers: The twins are protected by numerous charms, but they are fallible. They are regular vampires except for their more than natural understanding of magical activities in the world, and are individually very skilled with their chosen weapons. (These girls kick ass!)
player: Co-written by two authors. Guys, we know these characters are a little unconventional, but please accept us; we’ve got some interesting ideas to develop!? And believe we could bring something to la by night!

This is meg, I play maggie( generally ) I play kassidia in mythic, that doesnt seem to be going anywhere, any time soon and I've wanted to be on LA by night for ages so ill just say we are cool so let us in!!

Hey – I’m Jeni... I’m really in love with this project, and LA by Night – tres fantastic! I’m usually a poetry kinda person – Emily Bronte, Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson, so this is a really different thing for me, and I would looove to be registered here cos I’ve (we’ve) got some incredible ideas!

age: over13

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

This is a first...a team proposal. Unlike Jem and Ebony who came in with overlapping backgrounds, these two came as a combined pair of characters.

There are some good ideas here and I'd be willing to let them explore them within the game. Robin, Heather, and I looked at these characters and saw in them (as would the Brotherhood) a worthy set of successors...old, royal, privledged, special, strong bloodlines etc... to replace Black Jem as the head of the Black Veins and elevate them from mere street gang to a force to be reckoned with.

and there could be lots more. The Aztec connections begs ties to Dathan.

so I say yes...

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Stalker's picture

I like the duel character Idea
But ask questions (just out of curiosity)
How are they going to post? will they always be together for writting? or more of a "it's your turn to write the post" or will they have a duel character description but both go thier seperate ways for postage?

will be interesting to watch this progress

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Firefly's picture

I like this very much. I am also intrigued with the Mesoamerican aspect. I wrote up Nicholas and sent him to April for approval and my write up revolved around Mesoamerica. I think they would make for a worthy team to lead the vampiric front in our battle against the Brotherhood. This is a good time for these characters to get involved.

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Disposable_Hero's picture

An interesting concept. Like has already been mentioned, there could be some ties in with Dathan that could be cool.

I like it! :D

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Kieran's picture

wow, i think this sounds really cool...team ups sound wicked and the whole south american background is TRES COOL

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Soulless Zombie's picture

I don't know...they remind me a bit of Mekare and Maharet, only with an Aztec rather than an Egyptian background. Identical twin sisters, very beautiful, turned in their teens to early twenties, worshipped as goddesses...it sounds familiar.

bdate: 02/27/1574 in Brazil, South America

The twins were Aztec princesses before the cold blood of eternal life claimed them both

Not in Brazil, they weren't. There were no Aztecs in Brazil. The Aztecs ruled an empire in what is now central and southern Mexico. The Inca ruled an empire in South America, but it stretched from the northern border of Ecuador to the Rio Maule in central Chile--the west coast of South America, in other words. The Mayans were confined to what is now southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize (formerly British Honduras).

When Europeans discovered and explored Brazil, they did NOT find the complex civilizations of the Aztecs or the Incas. Except for a few more developed tribes around the Lower Amazon, the Europeans found only small scattered nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers.

Later in the 1600's when Christopher Columbus came to South America, the Aztecs believed him and his men to be White Gods who they believed had come to reclaim their goddesses.

Christopher Columbus died on May 20, 1506, so I rather doubt that he was sailing to South America in the 1600s.

Brazil was discovered twice by Europeans--once by the Spanish navigator Vicente Yáñez Pinzón in January 1500, and once by the Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral on April 22, 1500. The Spanish were not interested in exploiting their claim to the land. The Portuguese were. They named the land Vera Cruz (True Cross) at first, but later the name changed to Brazil after a dyewood found in that country.

The Indians didn't think that the Portuguese were White Gods, either; the Europeans were mainly interested in conquering and enslaving the Indians, finding gold and precious stones, and exploring the land. I rather doubt that the slaves idolized their enslavers.

The two writers sound enthusiastic, but the vamps themselves bother me. They are stunningly beautiful; they have large dark green eyes--a color that is not usual for Mesoamerican people; they are wealthy; they are well-armed; they have vast numbers of charms protecting them...and I don't have much of a sense of the personalities of each twin. Plus the resemblance to Mekare and Maharet--I'm sorry, but I'm getting a Mary Sue vibe.

Perhaps they could rewrite the app, correcting the historical inaccuracies and making the characters (and the characters' personalities) more distinct and more individual.

As things stand, I must say no.

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Tarix Conny's picture

over all i really like the character profile....however as it has been pointed out there are slight errors in the profile, which i'm sure the writters in given time cud alter or change.

Character Team Proposal: Janey and Maggie (Accepted)

Mantheana's picture

Guys from mythic, you may recognise Megs, and as for jenni, trust me she is one of the most literate people I know. I say give them as shot, althouhg numberswise, LABN is getting kinda cramped and confusing. Seriously though, I like the idea!

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