![MrDave's picture MrDave's picture](http://unlimitedi.net/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-6.jpg)
So far we have the following suggestions. Since the floor is still open to nominees I am not going to attach a poll here yet, but I do want to find out if there are any more ideas forthcoming:
1) Invasion - The G'Rnathan Battle fiends have decided Earth is ripe for the picking. They open a portal and send in thousands of soldiers which Earth is barely prepared to encounter. Only the knowledge of the supernatural will save the world from being consumed.
2) Journey to G'Rnatha: Victor and a few of his friends journey to G'Rnatha seeking answers about his origin (and possibly to stop the invasion if we use #1). Victor will find out more about his destiny and his friends will find that they too are changed by the experience.
3) The Order of Valor: Alaric and the Five are planning a big move to throw the world into chaos and conflict. They are manipulating people in high places for the expressed purpose of stacking an enormous house of cards that they can tumble on command.
4) Mother Maria and her cult are making final preparations for the last days of her exile. Prophesies and signs are indicating that this is the time of her release from being imprisioned in the Dreamlands. The child of the prophesies is close at hand.
5) ---coming soon?
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Season 3 Storylines: Continued
One note. Last I heard, the plan was to finish off Mother Mariah during the midseason. Though plans may have changed on this, since I'm kind of out of the loop.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
5) Father Reggie: Father Reginald is close to the logos or the 'form' of God and so is in fact a god himself (relative to his former mortal state). He has been waiting for the time when he can unleash his power and achieve that perfection of beng the logos. Of course it will mean destroying the form of mortality (i.e. the world) to do it.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I had heard that was the plan too, but at the rate its moving I wasn't sure it was going to make it. I have left the option of continuing it into season three open.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
okie dokes, here it is:
i love the whole idea of the big Grr invasion and so forth, so if thaat happened i'd be happy.
but am also a big liker now of the Order of Valor world chaos and conflict plan...am not sure why but it just strangely seems to tie in well with Reah.I probably have no idea what i'm talking about though and its something entirely different :P
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Uh...okay, here's a MM update. I had planned on finishing this up during midseason, but I need the help of one other person who is crucial to pushing this story to the conclusion I have envisioned. I need Kate to finish this up, and Lou has a lot on her plate right now. I plan to try and just rev things up in the next week or so and finish it off. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway. Thanks. Sorry this has dragged on so long.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I'm really sorry about my absence from the game Kris, I feel really bad that I'm holding the MM storyline up as well as the stuff that Adam and I had planned.
On the bright side though my final exam is this Friday so I should be available from that date for collabs and general merriment :D
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
It's cool. I'm not complaining, just responding to Dave's questions. When you're ready, we'll knock this Mariah thing out.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Hey all... I know I said some time back that I'd get round to posting whatever suggestions I have for the Season 3 big bad. Sorry it's taken me so long to do it... I've been swamped at work and I've recently been hit by a throat infection, which had me stuck in bed for a week.
Robin - I know we discussed this and you had some stuff to add. Problem is, I can't seem to find the damn file of our chat log so I'm gonna have to ask that you post whatever comments / add-ons / changes / suggestions you had then in this thread instead.
Maybe some of you can help me out and fill in the blanks to make this go down a little easier. There's a lot I haven't worked out so this is just a bare skeleton of what I have in mind. I feel that it has a lot of potential though and that it could be a kick-ass plot for everyone. Anyway, here's what I've got...
Most of you know that Valerian's been hanging around the sidelines since L.A By Night kicked off. I've been meaning to bring him in more but Jade got caught up with the rest of what was happening in L.A and he sort of got swept aside. Also, it didn't help that Valerian's only purpose of coming to L.A was to get his daughter back. It meant that he posed very little threat to (and thus, had very little interaction with) other characters in the game, unless they had very close connections with Jade, e.g. Sorrow and Tash.
However, Valerian's agenda has evolved since his plan to turn Jade through Sorrow failed in Season 1 - i.e. his campaign objective is no longer "Get my daughter to embrace her dark side immediately", but "Keep my daughter safe and she will return when the time is right". This explains Valerian's return to L.A at the end of Season 2 and will be the reason he decides to stay on. He'll want to keep an eye on Jade and ensure her physical well-being, especially after the events of Mid-Season 2. Here's the thing. Despite all his powers, Valerian knows that staying in L.A will be dangerous and although he's arrogant and egoistic, he'll also be extremely cautious (And that's served him well, considering that he is one of the oldest vampires in existence) and start gathering as much power as he can to back him up.
Enter the other Elders of The Brotherhood - the vampires Dathan, Nicholas and Krispin. (What a coincidence, yes?) Anyway... The three have come to L.A for several reasons (I'm being deliberately vague here) but the main purpose of their unexpected drop-in would be to re-establish their foursome with the youngest brother of their brood. They "disbanded" back in the 1890s after realising that sticking together was more of a hindrance to their well-being than scattering themselves across the globe. (Reason 1: It was easier to track a group of vamps then a solitary nightwalker. Reason 2: Where staying close before had helped them develop their powers to new heights, it was no longer the case.)
And this is where I'm having a little trouble. I can't decide what would be a strong enough reason for The Brotherhood to get back together. The only thing I've come up with so far is this...
They have tolerated the increased numbers of nightwalkers in recent times but feel that it's time for a "clean up". In other words, they wish to rid the world of vampires who do not meet their "impeccable standards" in terms of lineage, power, class, dignity, whatever! In order to do so, they must assemble the XXX and decode the XXX, invoking the Gods of XXX to aid them in their mission. The mission being 3 fold:
1) To rid the world of lowly vampires
2) To re-populate the world with worthier nightwalkers -- To take the place of these "bloodrinking misfits", the Elders start their own brood / clan / gang (whatever!)
3) To be able to rule over the new world full of vampires
Fill in all the "XXX" bits with all those weird, unpronouncable words Robin and Heather love so much... :wink:
I think a plot like this would be good because it means that The Brotherhood becomes an enemy of both good and evil characters. No need to explain why for the former. For the bad guys though, it's because The Brotherhood won't spare their lives in this "clean up" either. These four vampires are 100% self-centred and totally despiese other beings, human or not. The "clean up" list will include demons as well as lesser vampires that don't make the mark.
Their goal? To create a word where vampires are the majority, with The Brotherhood at the top of the ranks, like Kings. Think Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost in "Blade". The only difference here is that Frost wasn't too particular about who he made a vampire. All he wanted was for bloodrinkers to rule the world and reign over the "human cattle", to come into the open and not hide in shadows among humans. Frost was obsessed with power, of proving himself to the council, that being a half-blood did not mean he wasn't worthy of their respect and fear.
The Elders, however, have no need to boost their egos or prove their worth. They have the lineage. They have the wealth. Now all they need to do is gather even more power than they already have to:
- Clean up the underworld
- Re-populate the world with worthier vampires
- Blot out the sun? (Taking a page out of Angel's book here...)
- Take over the world. A bit at a time. Starting with L.A...
Proposals for The Brotherhood:
From left: Antonio Bandares as the Vampire Dathan, Christian Slater as the Vampire Krispin, George Clooney as the Vampire Nicholas... And of course, Johnny Depp as the Vampire Valerian.
That's about all I've got so far... Would really love to hear any of your comments or suggestions... Or if you think the whole idea is crap, that's ok too. Heh... Seeing that the next 2 days are a public holiday in Singapore, I'm going away for a short trip, hopefully to rest and relax and recover before I head back to work on Monday. Will check back sometime Sunday evening. Miss you guys tons... :) Take care now...
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I like the idea of the "Elder's Boys Choir" being the Big Bad. I like it for the same reason I liked the GBF Invasion story. It has a definate goal in mind (more on that in a minute), it can be defeated (although it will be extra tough) it's pervasive (Vampires are in in all of our lives), and its scarier than all getout.
And, it has the added bonus of being locally confined (for now at least).
The goal: April left their purpose sort of vague and I was immediately struck by an idea that perhaps you can all get behind. Alice, hold onto your britches, your Ward is to become THE Slayer.
I had been planning a story to coincide with the start of Season 3 that makes our little Ellie the Slayer. We know, somewhere, that she is Doomed once this happens. Its in the cards (poor Ellie) but it will serve the drama and the pathos of LABN well.
The Elders Boy's Choir (those evil Prettyboys) are coming to LA to turn the Slayer. They know that for them to dispose of the riff-raff vamps like the Black Veins and the Deons and the other bumpyfaced wannabes out there they would need an army or else they have to do it themselves. The Slayer IS an army of one. She can do it without batting an eye. Ellie will be turned into Vampire: The Vampire Slayer.
This results in calling another Slayer. But for our story she's not appearing in LA. Much to the chagrin of our resident Watchers. Despite calls to jolly ol' England, the Council is firm. They are not going to throw away the life of the new slayer on four elders. Deal with it.
Ellie and her boy band backers rip throuh LA killing the undead left and right. The streets gets safer and the dark gets much much darker as these fiends begin to hand-pick their next victims. A Witch (Kate?), a Detective (Galen?), a Priest perhaps (Sam? Reggie...well maybe not him), A Watcher (Daye?), A Hunter (Tash?)...
Each victim is targeted, methodically hunted, attacked and then turned (or not). This won't stop Victor fom taking a vacation in Gr'Natha and taking one if not more of the best vampire hunters with him (in his ignorance of what's going on) just to add insult to injury.
Evenually we would have to band together for our own survival. I can see a trimphant return of the cavalry from the deep outback of the outer planes just in time to save everyone's bacon. Then plan a counter attack. Heck, we might even kill one of them. But not more than that.
Boy bands are however notoriously prone to losing members and they would surely seek to retreat, and recruit anew elsewhere with their Un-Slayer. Unless we kill her too.
Definately a gripping drama. It makes for our best case scenario being one down, the others on the run. Which means they could come back...season 6 anyone?
Thats my idea. Chow down its a lot to chew on.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Wow, I love the idea. That TOTALLY has my vote!!!!!
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
holy crow...the elder brotherhood storyline seems really f'n cool...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I love Dave's idea of the Elders turning the slayer. Still wondering what the rest of you think... Oh... And Adam had an idea about the Brotherhood and a government bloodbath. Care to fill the rest of us in on the details Adam? :)
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Apparantly MSN messaging is not good enough for some people in getting ideas. :)
The idea is simple. I have already hinted at - and used in one post - Majestic 12's elite strike team. This would be a sort of elite of the elite, handeling the most sensitive assignments. They are efficient, brutal, and completely loyal to the agency.
Odds are, the Brotherhood getting back together to try to elevate vampire kind, if it attracted the attention of MJ12 (either independent of us or someone passing on the word), the Brotherhood would be considered a big enough threat to send in the team. Which would be promptly slaughtered when they make the mistake of trying to hit the Elders.
Simple. Bloody. Efficient.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
And of course a brutally efficient Government Ninja Black Ops team of Vampires would be enough to make even Victor wet his pants.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I really like the idea of Valarian's brood being the Big Bad though I also like the Alaric idea that Adam had.
I have a few ideas for Kate in season three (god have we got that far already!?) some of it will depend on how much I can cover in midseason, and also what finally becomes the Big Bad - though I think I can pretty much work my idea into whatever is chosen.
Are we going to have a poll on this?
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Poll? Eventually. Still "Miles to go" before that happens. When we have a definitive list (and it is damn close) then we can poll for it. I am still unclear exactly WHAT it is that Alaric and his Valor Pals are up to...
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I'll get back to you when I have a definitive thought on how to bring about the big human-demon conflict.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I am so liking April's Elder/Brotherhood/George Clooney idea.
Dave, you're right. It's scarier'n chitlins. Also, it could bring Parasol and Chinaka into the action and not so islandized and force them both to be involved in the action. That's my vote if anyone's counting.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Not to mention the fact that from 'N Vamp's point of view Parasol colud be considered a "lesser" vamp.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
LOL. 'N Vamp. Although these guys are kinda long in the tooth to be anything other than 'N Fortyish.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I'm sorry, I can't help but think that this band of actors is WAY too pretty to be thousands of years old. Hense the boy-band references.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
that was really all i was going to do...but then it'd be a useless post :P
am much in the liking of the 'N Vamps'... damn people...STOP COMING UP WITH GOOD IDEAS! :cry: i gets confused as to what i like more
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
I love both the G'rnathan Invasion AND the Fanged Four. I'd be happy with either as the BB for Season 3. Both are well-defined and have implications for all characters, so we can all get involved. As Sherl has pointed out, the advantage of the Boy Band Big Bad (the BBBB, or should that be B4? :)) is that it makes it easier for Parasol (and Chinaka) to become embroiled in the lives of the other LABN inhabitants. I'm hanging out to do another collab with you, Sherl.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Heh... These actors are just proposals... If anyone has any other more suitable actors in mind, please feel free to post them up. Hmmmm, although I'd love to have Antonio Banderas in the mix. He's SO hot! *drools* Anyway, suggest away! :D
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Oh My God. I am totally and one hundred and fifty percent in love with this idea. This could be my big reason for the split with Daye and the Council (Ellie turned, a new slayer called, and then they tell me to put a sock in it cause they ain't sending us a new girl.) I love it. It's just like those pretentious stuffed shirts. I really think this idea could pull everyone together, and I'm all for it.
Season 3 Storylines: Continued
Werent you planning on Using George Clooney as an elder? Well apparently someone *Looks over at Ric* hasnt been paying attention, and introduced George as someone else. Looks like a new actor for the fanged four will be needed.
Also, were you so lazy that you couldnt think of another phone number for your post ric?? :D