![Tarix Conny's picture Tarix Conny's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1e2adeb04b16ee8e33d3e26feb0ce73a.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG)
I just visited the website and i don't much like it ...fine it is not a bad website and it is kinda good RPG game but something about that website gives me the "go-away-we-don't-like-guests" vibes....
I dunno, its just me and my messed up sixth sense.
And i just read some of their character profiles, which some of them are good, others just cry "CORNY PLAGERISM"......
i'll stop ranting now.....
i think i'll visit there again and try to change my mind...i don't like saying bad things...i think them deleting Dave's and Heather's post had a little affect on me...
War is not the anwser....
remember this remark...yup that was me trying to say something....i guess i said it and hurt some ppl....
look, i posted it here to say if anyone here thinks what i wrote was wrong plz tell me, what do you think.....
I really did not do it as an attention to hurt anyone and this has created a war between communities...i have just posted something in their forum trying to clear the matter up..
War is not the anwser....
While it may not have been the most diplomatic critcism (but let's face it you're not about to go work for the UN now are you?) I don't see why what you said should have been taken to such extreme lengths.
The mods at SATOF seem determind not to accept any appology or any input from the members of this site let alone acknowledge that their game could have been in any way inspired by this site (which it obviously was! - I don't see how anyone could dispute this fact!)
The mods seem more concerned that, gee I don't know, what do they think is going to happen? That we are going to try and sue them or something??? I don't know. The absence of any comment from Kevin I think speaks volumes. I don't think that we should pursue this topic anymore as it seems completely fruitless and only seems to upset people (I am upset by SATOF's completely hostile comments) Personally I don't see all the fuss, and though no one has said this I think Kev is being a bit cowardly by not even replying to any of the comments but instead letting all these arguments run on and escallate.
I'll only add this - WE know our game was Kevin's inspiration and nothing SATOF say can change this fact.
War is not the anwser....
I too have decided the best thing to do at this point is to just let it go. It seems to me that nothing we say is even going to be listened to or considered. We know what we know, and apparently they know what they know. I, for one, am saddened by the apparently competitive nature of this. We should be supporting one another, not tearing one another down.
For anyone from our "sister site" (there is no offense in this phrase, but rather a wish to embrace our common interests and goals, to create a sense of community), I just wish to say once again, no one here wishes any of you ill. The fact is, if someone is feeling threatened, we've been doing this for a while now and we are quite confident and strong as a community. I, and I'm sure everyone else, wish you every success.
I shall now put this whole mess from my mind. Thanks.
War is not the anwser....
Well said. People should not get offended so easily.
*breaks out into song* "Why cant we be friends...." :lol:
War is not the anwser....
I've also given up on replying to them. They obviously don't want to hear what we have to say, but instead they twist it to mean whatever they want it to mean. At least now we know what happened to Kevin and why he vanished.
I think they've got a great game going there, and it's a pity they weren't willing to hear that from us. Ah well, so it goes.
War is not the anwser....
Hi all. I just wanted to apologize for being 'hostile', if indeed that was how I was taken. I simply found it petty to press the issue as to whether this game was inspiration for S:ATOF. Frankly, it's irrelevant considering the extreme differences in the two games. Also, any comments made on these boards about our game are bound to cause a defensive response. If you've noticed, we aren't discussing you guys over at our boards.
I hope all of you have a lovely time here.
(Aleigh Monroe Collins)
War is not the anwser....
Hi again, everyone. I've been thinking that it might be interesting for our to games to indeed "partner up" as far as linking each other. There's no need for either of us to be competition for each other. If anything, people may have the option of playing one or even both games. More fun for all!! This brings me to another idea - crossovers could be fun. Of course there is a time difference, but perhaps characters could make guest shots or something. For your characters, it would be past - and for ours, the future. I don't know... I think it may be intersting to start communicating with each other, and as cliche as it may sound, perhaps we can be friends afterall.
Best to all,
Lee from S:ATOF
War is not the anwser....
That would be very interesting, though not entirely certain how crossover shots could work - or how many of us could plausibly do it. There are some difficulties which might arise, such as your charecters trying to refer back to past events and us having to "forget" future events. If nothing else, it will be a good challenge as a writer.
Want to take the opportunity to quickly say that I like what the lot of you have done with your site.
War is not the anwser....
I have to admit Lee, tha really is a great idea. Crossovers between RPG's :D i really like it. We'll have to figure out how it can be done, but it would be good.
Again, i would like to appologize for my previous remarks. I too have been going to S:ATOF a lot, and i have to admit that my mind has totally been changed. It really is a very good and interesting site and an excellent community. Keep up the good work :D
War is not the anwser....
A friend passed me this and It made me think.
-- Subject: The Failed Plan
This is short and sweet, here is something you can really sink your
teeth into:
1. We took Iraq in less time than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch
Davidian compound. That was a 51-day operation.
2. It took less time to find evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq than
it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.
3. It took Teddy Kennedy longer to call the police after his Oldsmobile
sunk at Chappaquiddick than it took the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines
to destroy the Medina Republican Guard.
4. We're going to take Iraq in less time than it took to count the votes
in Florida in the year 2000!
And some are calling the Iraq effort a failed plan.
Incredible stupidity (mine)
well, now in every great partnership (laurel and hardy, fred and ginger, jeni and meg) there has to be one slightly stupider than the other. (politely known as comic relief) i am more than happy to accept this role and have over the years warmed to it, however my own density has at this point overtaken me...
i know i'm never on labynight enough as it is, but love reading your stimulating and strange conversation thingummygiggys...
but what ARE you talking about?
i took a peak at this cos i thought maybe people were discussing war (iraq etc.) and would like to know what others make of this... then read all the stuff about s:atof the sister site... then read the points on why the iraq war has been a success/will be a success
if indeed it is a discussion of the pros of a war against terrorism, then can i ask why you think it is a good thing (if that's where you're going with this)?? - maybe irony??
as i said, i'm prob'ly a bit confuzzled, but why would a war for oil led by bush/blair following behind be a good thing? such a propeganda stunt is so never a good move, and this one has been publicity driven all the way - right into the ever increasing number of body bags.
there have been no weapons of mass destruction found in iraq - or at the very least nothing that equals the destructive force legally available (and legally sold on to terrorists) in the US and UK and this was only ever an excuse - although maybe an honest one? - to attack saddam husain.
but then why wait so many years already for the problem to esculate? why now - to follow in daddy's footsteps? to freshly disturb another generation and awaken them to the horrors of war we have not had to live through yet?
my apologies - i only came on here to try and find somewhere i could ask about maybe introducing a few werewolfs to the game as NPCs (if i have not already repulsed - or confused - everyone with my political views would this still be possible?)
love light and peace
War is not the anwser....
Is it okay to ignore the fact that Saddam regularly tortured people? or that he threatened all of the (Allied) countries around him on a regular basis? Perhaps it was okay that he chemically gassed hundreds of thousands of HIS OWN CITIZENS.
If someone was threatening you, abusing his family, and generally doing bad things and would not stop would you...
a) Push him and tell him to go away (knowing that this would not make him leave) [also known as an embargo]
b) Call the cops who would tell him to leave and then have him start up again as soon as they left [also called UN inspectors]
c) Gather up all of the people he was bullying and kick his ass [which is why there was an alliance of 47! countries in Iraq!!]
The US-led alliance was not about oil. It wasn't about terrorism. It wasn't about rhetoric and it wasn't about empire building. It was about doing the right thing.
When Hitler invaded Poland if the US had waited four years to enter the war...oh wait...we did. I guess the English were rash for going to war with him weren't they?
There are times in Human events when war is inevitable and those times are when 1) Diplomacy fails, 2) Diplomacy is locked up through bureaucracy, or 3) Human rights are being violated.
It isn't pretty, nor is it a happy occasion. I mourn for all of the Muslem souls that have been lost in this fight becasue they were too afraid to give up or too misguided to listen to reason. In those instances, force is an alternative.
I cry for the families of soldiers all over the world who have lost their lives in Iraq and I wish it had never come to this. But I am NOT going to plug up my ears or cover my eyes and say it CAN'T happen. I'll just pray that it never HAS to happen again.
War is not the anwser....
Introducing werewolves...(new topic)
As a character? or as a plot idea? (and more properly this conversation should be in "Private Game Discussion"
War is not the anwser....
Sorry but I have to voice a bit of disagreement with Dave. Let's bracket the question of Weapons of Mass Destruction for a moment. I don't want to get into that debate.
First, a small thing. About America waiting to enter World War II. I suppose the Greer incident doesn't count. We were very much involved beforehand, it was a question of level of involvement. One need only to look at American activities in the Battle of the Atlantic and one can hardly call us neutral.
If we WERE neutral, the USS Greer would not have been attacked before December 7, 1941 (though I forget the exact date of the Greer incident). That destroyer was deliberatly attacked by a U-Boat because an American destroyer was shadowing her and radioing her position to the British.
But why let a little thing like facts stand in the way of the 'myth' that we were ever an isolationist nation? Sorry, but the facts don't back this up.
When you look at the history, I think we're in the middle of something. America is a Republic with an Empire, and I think Pearl Harbor was our Gallic Sack. We are the dominant military power on the scene, and have no qualms about using that power to get what we want. Like Rome, we have an Empire, but just do not want to admit it.
We have the pax already in the Roman sense of peace. The pax comes from the verb pacere, to pacify or subdue. That's how you have a pax: the other guy just can't resist you anymore, and one side is winning all the time. And looking at America's conduct in war, I think we have much the same concept of a pax - note that our tradition requires unconditional surrender.
As for doing the right thing... perhaps I've read too much of the Res Gestae of late, but I seriously doubt any politician is truely altruistic. The war was sold to us on WMD grounds, but I doubt they're serious about human rights. Otherwise we would be doing much more in Liberia than we are, or in any number of African nations.
War, as von Clausewitz put it, is "politics by other means" and I suspect that's what's going on. For whatever reason, the administration decided that the benefits of removing Saddam Heussein were greater than the costs. Human Rights is being used after the fact, but I doubt our interest is genuine.
Because let's face it. Politicians don't worry about what is just or good. They worry about what will get them or their party reelected first; and what will preserve their power second. Common sense, love of liberty, or promotion of human rights does not seem to enter into their thinking except as a rhetorical excersize to dupe the people into voting for them.
Then again, perhaps I'm just too cynical before my time. :)
War is not the anwser....
Uh oh, hopefully this argument won't start off again.
Basically Jeni i started this posted because of a statement of mine that caused a conflict between two sites (:oops: i'm not very proud of that) and i started this post to try to stop the conflict.
However i guess the title of the topic was such that other ppl took it towards war in iraq as well (pokes Dave :P ).
BTW, i'm sure i posted this in the private forum, how did it end up here?:?
And on a topic of werewolfs, i believe they are not harmful to society as we all think it, i mean they don't really kill anyone, its just in the movies, and werewolfs should be welcomed into all societies--owwwwwwww *looks up to see a full moon* oops, gotta go, seeyah!!! *rushes off*
War is not the anwser....
I refuse to touch the main subject here, but I will pipe in on werewolves. I say yes, let's let them in on the fun. We could use an "Oz" around here.
War is not the anwser....
I actually wrote up some stuff on a werewolf clan way back when we very first started out on LABN, at the same time that I wrote up Narcosis and After Dark. But for whatever reason (can't remember why now), we never wound up using the werewolf stuff. And I've moved computers so many times now that it's long gone. Ah well....
War is not the anwser....
*Completely avoids war politics like the plague* On the topic of Werewolves there was a small pack mentioned once, they attacked Sam remember? Then ran into Jade, I'm not sure if they were all killed or some survived (I'm thinking the latter) either way, they are part of the Buffyverse and therefor I don't see why they shouldn't be introduced.
Just remember, werewolves are people too!! :D (that is of course when they are not werewolves) hehehehe
War is not the anwser....
I remember the pack that lives somewhere in Alhambra. They used to chase Sam Aubrey to the bus. They attacked Ian too but he managed to avoid getting bitten. So Werewolves have been around.
War is not the anwser....
Thankyou v. much for werewolf info - if any of you have noticed Max recently come into our posts; hopefully she'll be our wolfie-thing - jus wanted to check first...
about the war thing - sorry for being so... well, rude, but this is something i feel very strongly about - Mogs and I went to the two-million strong peace march in London - the largest ever of it's kind. i wish you could have been there to see how much people are ready to find an alternative to war which - do i even need to say it? - should always be the very last option. it's just that over here in the uk most people seriously doubt that it has been just that and bush is definately not seen in a good light.
we are, after all, only ever products of our times and maybe i feel so differently because being so much closer to the e.u. and being so far away from cnn i haven't been watching what you have.
i have probably only seen the bad things, and am - as already stated - very young and stupid. but im not backing down on this - war is wrong and although maybe there were initial honourable intentions, this whole fiasco has been a disaster - if saddam husain deserved so much the trashing he got (i don't doubt) then why now? why wasn't it finished ten years ago when it was started?
i don't want this to be a huge debate... (i wish i had the speech i wrote on this a few months ago to deliver at a meeting) and i definately don't want to offend but probably neither of us has heard the whole story (you know those pictures of the iraqis toppling statues of saddam - they were instructed to by cameramen while tanks surrounded the area so good footage could be got) and i respect your views dave but -
aaw dammit i don't know!!!... jus that how can you be so certain of this? over here america is seen by some as isolationist and my family over there are completely stunned by the amount of propagandaism. not meant as any attack on america naturally, but even emily dickinson said it - you see 'new-englandly'. i see 'old-englandly' and what i see is meaningless awful destruction - couldn't bush at least have go the e.u. in on this? or we're all set to go league-of-nations-wards.
sorry once again for something completely unbuffy, but dave, you're right - this cannot just be ignored.
in my way, i pray too.
War is not the anwser....
*sigh* I can forgive you for being young. I can accept that you have a heartfelt opinion, but you'll notice that , in general, we don't talk politics, religion (other than sharing cultural diversity--No idiology please), or morality on this board.
Why? Well, as you can tell, you aren't the only one with a heartfelt opinion. I will defend to your death your right to my opinion ;)
Also, we are (all of us) above average people with above average intellects and I do not doubt that for every fact, figure, opinion, or dogmatic slogan you can dredge up, I can find three to refute it...AND VISE VERSA!
I have spoke my piece once on the war issue. I accept you don't agree, and you are not going to change my mind by being confrontational. So let's drop that issue and move on. LABN is an international community which thrives on our similarities not our differences.
I don't want to dismiss your opinion, I just don't want to discuss it in public. At least not here. PM me (or email, my box is open) if you feel a burning need to continue this discussion in private.
To quote the slogan of the 2003 Cast Party: "Don't be a buzzkill!"