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Meredith Bell's picture

here's a link to a heap of quizzes

tell us which ones you do and how you scored :)


Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?

Errrr... *frowns*

Everyone remembers the 'faked-orgasm-in-a-deli' sequence from your kind of movie When Harry Met Sally. It seems that you're falling for a buddy or have already fallen for them. Uh-oh. You're probably caught between the possibility of having a great relationship and wrecking the one you have now. You know what they say, it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Kaarin's picture

Why didn't I get that one? :)

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Allyana's picture

Well, it seems I got the Princess Bride too!! Although I didnt like so much that movie... maybe because I had read the book :)

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Here're a few more quizzes I thought everyone might like to try...

What Is Your Vampire Name?

Legardored is your Vampire name. You are one hell of an insane Vampire. Anyone who messes with you is out of their minds.

Legardored? That doesn't sound very sexy... Or very female, for that matter. *grimace*

Which Anime Vampire Are You?

Hmmmm... Now that's more like it! Heh heh...

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Which Matrix Persona Are You?

You are Tank, from "The Matrix." Loyal till the end, you spare no expense in ensuring the well-being of others.


Which 'Finding Nemo' Character Are You?

Whoopeee... Loved Gill... Thought he was the funkiest thing in the movie.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Heather's picture

Can't say I've ever heard of him/her/it... whichever gender it is... hehe

As for the other quizzes - sorry, April, I've done all of them already. Check the archives. :wink:

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Meredith Bell's picture

Driretlan is your Vampire name. You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to.

As for the others I already took them, actually i think I was the one to post them in the first place lol :twisted:

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Logan's picture

Driretlan is your Vampire name. You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Logan's picture

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

MrDave's picture

Asteaband is your Vampire name.
You are a fun-loving Vampire who likes to scare
others. Humans look at you with fear, and
other Vampires are amused by your energetic antics.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Kaarin's picture

Driretlan is your Vampire name. You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Disposable_Hero's picture

Driretlan is your Vampire name. You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to.

now that seems fair enough, but wait a minute...

Hang about that can't be right! :P

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

What Kind Of Smile Are You?

You're the smirk, a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant, but attractive people. You probably just don't give a damn, but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.


Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

What Would Your Japanese Name Be?

Riyo - "Logical Change"


Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Disposable_Hero's picture

REIZO: cool; calm; well-groomed

aye, that's me :P

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Kaarin's picture

MAREO: rare; uncommon

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Meredith Bell's picture

Senko - "Wizard Child; Hermit Child"

Hehe, that's definately me at the moment lol :D

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MrDave's picture

TOSHIRO: talented; intelligent

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Heather's picture

Maki - "Truly Rare" People of your personality type should visit: www.life-blood.cjb.net

LOL That takes me to the vampire game I'm already playing...:)

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Meredith Bell's picture

Hehe, I like this -
Vicasha has lured you into this dark alleyway. It all feels rather familiar, fangs sinking deeply into your neck. You feel your blood draining from your body, and your limbs turning cold. As the fangs retract, you are left feeling strangely powerful. hehe, twice vamped! :D

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

James_Connor's picture

mine i s
TOSHIRO: talented; intelligent People of your personality type should visit: wwww.life-blood.cjb.net

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Heather's picture

I wonder if I click on my own link whether I can sire myself?? Kind of like travelling back in time to be your own grandmother... :S

Well, yes, you can. But you don't get the 10 pints of blood, which is fair enough.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Tarix Conny's picture

Maki - "Truly Rare" People of your personality type should visit: www.life-blood.cjb.net

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Logan's picture

Reizo: calm, cool and well groomed

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Allyana's picture

Maki - "truly rare" - great! I should tell my husband this, so he wont tell me I'm weird again, but "truly rare" :D

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Aye, you are "Human hair. From my back." Sometimes you don't make any sense at all, but largely others find that charming. You are not very sure of yourself, so it's tough for people to take you seriously

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

What Flavour Lip Gloss Are You?

You are... LIME!

Like the low-key fruit, you are mixed. You love to stand out... when the time's right. When it's not, you tend to back off a little, and that's perfectly fine. People admire the fact that you know how to have fun and be conservative at the same time. Keep rockin' it!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Tarix Conny's picture

You are.......LEMON!

Like lemons, you tend to stand out and like things your way. Your bold and energetic, and people love the extra zing and kick you add to everything!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Logan's picture

I was LIME, like April...

its a sign, our lips are made for each other's :wink:

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

MrDave's picture

You are......STRAWBERRY! You like to follow the crowd a lot, and that's okay. Your the type that always knows what's best and never goes out of style!

Okay 4 questions isn't enuogh to go by...

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Heather's picture

You are..........LIME! Like the low-key fruit, you are mixed. You love to stand out......when the time's right. When it's not, you tend to back off a little, and that's perfectly fine. People admire the fact that you know how to have fun and be conservative at the same time. Keep rockin' it!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Meredith Bell's picture

You are........BLUEBERRY!

Like a blueberry, you're sweet and kind. This means you have a nurturing soul, and are strong at the same time. NO ONE can push you around. You go!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Shaun - Yeah... You, me and Heather apparently. *chuckles* What say Tash, Jade and Darian get together for a little lime-swopping in S4? :lol:

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Logan's picture

Sounds like an idea....I mean Jade's already given Darian a massive Hickey :D

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Heather's picture

...and Jade's already sucked on the massive hickey her dad gave Tash... 8O

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

MrDave's picture

you ALL suck, you buncha fruits!

rassa frassa limeys...


Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Heather's picture

Just think, Dave. In a couple of weeks you'll not only have a Skip in your house, but a Limey as well. So this is what your house will look like... :wink:

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Get Your DJ Name

April spins tunes as
DJ Wicked Spice

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Heather's picture

Heather spins tunes as
DJ Hot Gun

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

What Is Your Jack-O-Lantern Face?

8,526 people have been spooked by this quiz.
And 3,175 got the result "grumpy" like you.

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Jadyn's picture

What Pie Flavour Are You?

339,315 people have gotten cavities from this quiz.
And 52,612 got the result "Pecan Pie" like you.
Pie is goooood!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Discover Your Inner Valentine Heart

144,812 people have fallen in love with this quiz.
And 23,904 got the result "HONEY BUN" just like you.

Ick... So not true. This makes me sound like a sap... I so know I should have taken the "My boots are black, so shut the fuck up!" option. :wink:

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Jadyn's picture

Are You Addicted To The Internet?

44% - Average @ Internet-User . com (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

366,444 people have taken this quiz.
And 166,132 got the result "Average@Internet-User.com" like you.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Kaarin's picture

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

MrDave's picture

Are you Addicted to the Internet?
Hardcore Junkie(61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury...

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Logan's picture

Shaun Spins tunes as
DJ Vibrating Slug

You've started to learn that there is more to the internet than AOL. You've recovered from that email virus that wiped your hard drive and are thinking of getting DSL. You still tend to forward too many jokes and inspirational thoughts via email to your entire address book.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Tarix Conny's picture

Saadia spins tunes as
DJ Grand Poof

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Tarix Conny's picture

8,557 people have been spooked by this quiz.
And 3,584 got the result "insane" like you.

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Tarix Conny's picture

339,388 people have gotten cavities from this quiz.
And 50,333 got the result "Key Lime Pie" like you.
Pie is goooood!

Quizzes [ARCHIVE]

Tarix Conny's picture

144,897 people have fallen in love with this quiz.
And 23,916 got the result "HONEY BUN" just like you.

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