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'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

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Stalker wrote:
Yet another game. I'm going to list two different things, and you have to pick which one you like better. Then you have to list two new things for the next person.
(I'd type...)
Beer or Rum?
(the next person would post the one they like more! In my case...)
(and then post their question...)
Porche or BMW?
Okay lets start! My Question is...
Porche or BMW?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Next Question: Prison Rape or Brain Tumor

Stalker wrote:
Brain Tumor
Next Question: heaven or earth

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Health or happiness?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
OOOh tough one Heather - but I know first hand that if you don't have your health there's little chance of being very happy :(
so Health
how about something simple - Pepsi or Coca Cola :D

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Urgh - personally, I can't stand either. So I guess I'd choose Coke - I can clean the bathroom sink with it. :)
Willow & Oz, or Willow & Tara?

Mantheana wrote:
Willow and Tara. I like Oz, but he's overly sane. thats scarey. Plus that was mean Heather!
Oreos or Millies Cookies?

Daye wrote:
This is hard. What the heck is a Millies Cookie? Oh well. I absolutely detest oreos, so Millies Cookies, i guess, whatever they are.
Beach or Mountains?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Beach. The cool rocky shores of Humboldt county.
Sex or Romantic Love (without contact)

Stalker wrote:
ok, I know your not going to beleive me but I choose Romantic Love, sex can be had anytime but love thats hard to find.
Your Death or The Death of a loved one

Victor wrote:
My Death. Losing loved ones is very hard, and I've done my share. I am not afraid of death, but i am afraid of loss.
Happy Work or Unhappy Wealth

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Thought I don't know either, i choose Happy Work. *sigh* I'd love to be one of those people who've found his or her niche.
I'm already poor, so I know you can survive, barely.
I'm not even a "penniless sitar player." I wish I could play a sitar, heh.
A desert island of complete beauty while being alone or a combusted stinking filthy city with lots of friends.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh I'd love a penniless Sitar player, Oh sorry, yeah I'd prefer to live in a combusted stinking filthy city with lots of friends - loneliness is a curse and would slowly drive you mad.
okay, urm, how about....
Being Pretty but hated by everyone OR being ugly and popular?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
(jeez Greg, and evil game you started.)
Well, I'd choose pretty and hated.
If i'm pretty, I will be seen eventually by someone worth knowing.
I hope.
Great musician or Great Drawer? (not as tough)

Daye wrote:
Great musician. I would love to be able to play an instrument or even to sing. I am terrible, tone deaf and flat as all get out.
Lose your sight or your hearing?

Victor wrote:
Lose my hearing. Without my sight I could not funtion, I'd be totally lost. I could at least compensate for the loss of hearing.
Fight or Flight?

Parasol wrote:
Fight, I'm afraid. I'm a "stand your ground" kinda chick.
Breast or thigh?
Poultry, you pervs.

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Definately thigh...or leg/drumstick as i preffer to call it. Easier to eat...plus you get a minature club to bash or throw at people when you've finished :D
book or movie?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Nobody can do special effects like your own brain.
The house is burning and you can rescue one person, so...
Save your life partner, or save your sibling? (And I know that's a nasty one - I'd hate to have to make that choice. I originally put partner or child, but figured that was too easy. :crazyeyes: )

Jadyn wrote:
sibling. maybe this is becos i'm not married yet and i'm exceptionally close to my brother. the way i see it, he can't be replaced, a husband can. :?
ok... my turn... an easy one. ice cream - macadamia chocolate or cookies n cream?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, very easy. HAS to be macadamia chocolate.
Living in the city, or living in the country?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Living in the city. The country has quite so loud, it keeps you awake for hours on end. :)
Intellectual beauty or physical beauty?

Jadyn wrote:
physical beauty. *grins*
what is intellectual beauty anyway? being smart or being nice? call me shallow but i realise that i don't have to be THAT smart to get ahead in this world. just a modicum of common sense and knowing how to take the initiative gets me further than all the brains in the world sometimes...
as for being nice... well, i've been called a bitch more often than i can count but it doesn't bother me. *shrugs* no matter how nice u are, someone always finds a reason to hate u anyway. and of course, i kinda like being a bitch. *rolls eyes and grins again*
say u were suffering from a horribly disfiguring terminal illness... would u rather die surrounded by friends and family or alone so no one could see u suffer and wither away? (this is an evil one, i know...)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Intellectual beauty, every time. The shell is just that - a shell.
DOH! April answered it first... Ah, well - I'll answer hers, then.
Hmm, toughie. But much as it would be painful for them to watch, I think my family would prefer to be with me until the end. And I would hate to die alone under such circumstances. So, surrounded by family and friends.
Comfort or fashion?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fashion!!! Everytime! Which doesn't do any good for my poor feet I can tell you! Or being freezing cold on a Saturday night because I decided to wear the little strappy dress WITHOUT a jacket (well it ruined the look of the outfit) what can i say? Sometimes you have to put up with a little discomfort to look good - why else would women wear bras in the first place? OUCH!
Okay, Summer or Winter?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Is this a trick question :? SUMMER :D give me the sun and the surf! although i do like winter, that's good for snowboarding, although i'm usually rugging up for warmth...which i get automatically in summer, not to mention the ability to walk around half naked without being frowned upon :mrgreen:
McDonalds or KFC (i dont even know why i thought of this one :roll: )

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, dead easy. SUMMER!!!! Hate the cold... brrr.
Goddam! Got pipped at the post again. What is this, a conspiracy???? :fist:
Fine, fine... Well, given that it's the lesser of two evils - but not by much - I'll have to go with KFC.
PC or Mac?

Parasol wrote:
PC. There's the available software issue and my stake in WORLD DOMINATION by MicroSoft -- Mwahahahaha. (Mutual Funds!)
Cats or Dogs.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Cats! No wait Dogs! No... Cats! urm, yeah cats in the long run they don't require as much attention as a dog so yeah, cats... but i love dogs too... :?
Choose the lesser of two evils -
Doctor's Appointment or Dentist Appointment?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Doctor's appointment.
Choose the GREATER of two evils... :D
Politicians or Lawyers?

Mantheana wrote:
oooh. lawyers. my reasoning being that even if they are evil, they can still get you outa shite (for a nominial(!) fee). Where as politicians only ever seem to create shite or get countries into shite. so yeah, lawyers...
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? (films)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, Lord of the Rings, without a doubt.
Better comedian:
Rowan Atkinson or Billy Connelly?

Victor wrote:
Rowan Atkinson without a doubt. He has much more universal appeal, Billy Connelly seems to be very culturally based (but is still very funny)
Faith or Facts?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I have to go with Facts on this one. I find it very hard to take things on faith - give me proof.
Friends or Family?

Daye wrote:
Ooooh, you're evil. My friends are like my family. Still, I have to say family. (under duress, mind you.)
Halloween or Christmas?

Victor wrote:
I am not a Christmas kinda guy. I enjoy christmas, but the chance to fress up and make a silly ass of yourself, and then its all over the next day. Wonderful. Beats the weeks leading into and out of the christmas season.
Art or Music

Daye wrote:
Music, has to be music. It's such an integral part of my life, right?
ok, so...
train or boat?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Equally evil, Kris. I love travelling by train, but I also love boats (sailboats, not the yukky noisy kind.) I think, on the balance of things, that I'll go with:
LABN or Real Life? :D

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Real Life.
(Of course, I found real life on LABN.)
Nostalgia or Science Fiction?

Victor wrote:
Science Fiction which is for me nostalgic because the stuff I have read has coincided with so many events in my life.
Death or Cake (no wait that's an Eddie Izzard routine...what I meant was...)
Death or Taxes

Daye wrote:
That just sucks, Dave, as both are inevitable. So, I will go with ... uhm ... taxes, I guess. It's only money, after all.
Buffy or Angel?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Buffy. Can't stand Angel. :P
Poor but Wise or Rich but Foolish?

Victor wrote:
Ooh...I have to get in on this action first...
Buffy without whom Angel would have been another Forever Knight knockoff.
Rats! Claim jumped!
Poor but Wise. Because I have already had the Rich but Foolish bit, and it always winds up as poor but wise
Internet or Television?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Buffy! Always Buffy - although Angel's just starting to get good.... but Buffy has more hunks like Giles *sighs* and Xander and Oz and SPIKE hmmm, Spike... hmmm
Oh jeez Dave you beat me! Grr... I was thinking too long about Spike... hmmmmm and Giles.. hmmmmm *snaps out of it*
Okay, urm, TV it was my first love, and you know you can use the internet on you TV and, urm also, tv on your PC, where's the difference???
In answer to Adam's question I'd have to say Rich and Foolish - that way i get to stay the same but have money too! :D
Bronzed and Beautiful or Pale and Interesting?

Victor wrote:
Ugh. Tough one, Lou!
I know plenty of Bronzed and Beutiful people who are interesting. I also know plenty of pale and interesting people who are beautiful. BUT given my druthers, I'd say pale and interesting.
Thats what most of my friends are anyway.
Technology or Magic?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
i'd have to say magic, just because the belief in magic would give me something to believe in that is higher than myself. Whereas technology has it's limits it is always bound by the intelligence and ingenuity of man. Magic is in the hands of the gods and so is limitless in its possibilities.
Imagination or Reason?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Reason! (I've got imagination, and it ain't all it's cracked up to be.)
Also, I'd say magick and technology are the same thing. We just haven't explained magick yet. We've explained technology. (Not that I believe in magick of course, ahem)
Blowing a booger on your shirt during a job interview
Farting loudly while making a speach to a room full of people

Victor wrote:
I'll take the fart anyday. Standing in front of a crowd is embarassing enough, farting is just icing on the cake. And who knows? I might really need that job.
Finding $10.00 in your pocket
Finding $10.00 on the street

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Good one Dave, i'd have to say, finding $10 in my pocket - although that would be weird, finding American money in my pocket and never having been there. But if I found the money on the street, sure i';d be chuffed, but then the guilt would set in that it belonged to someone else and that I had 'stolen' it and should hand it in.. Oh the guilt! :angel:
Work with Animals or Children?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick!!! Animals, of course.
Okay, I already know my answer, but this one's good for you potential parents our there, and I assume we're all faithful by nature. So this should be tough.

Daye wrote:
Not so tough for the ladies. Just kidding, Sid. This is a really awful question to be honest. I would have to say, ugh...the vasectomy is such a major thing, but better than being a betrayer, right?
Lestat or Armand?

Jadyn wrote:
lestat. armand's always freaked me out... he's so young and so twisted. (except for the time he was played by antonio bandares in the movie of "interview with a vampire"... i like bandares but how weird was that man?!)
ok... here's mine...
would u prefer a marriage where u have
- fantastic sex but no love or
- true love but absolutely no sex?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Despite the general impression that I'm sex-obsessed, I would choose
True Love with No Sex.
Sex without love is hollow and meaningless - essentially it becomes partnered masturbation. It's the depth of emotion that brings life to sex.
So, how about...
Six months living like James Bond, or 50 years living like Homer Simpson?

Parasol wrote:
James Bond!! Absolutely. Excitement!!! Adventure!!!
Ok. I'm the one who's the perv now. You young kids, close your eyes while the geezer of the board obsesses.
On top or on bottom.

Jadyn wrote:
on top. and that applies to everything. *grin*
peanut butter or marmalade?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Peanut butter, but only if it's crunchy.
Never being able to watch Buffy again (including the upcoming Season 7), or never being able to watch anything BUT Buffy?

Stalker wrote:
hmmm considering I don't watch tv much at all (exept to watch videos) hmm I don't really know I'd say never being able to watch BtVS cause then there is also Angel and I wouldn't wanna miss that either and plus I can also catch up with everything BtVS on the net.
So to recap my answer is Never being able to watch Buffy again.
Killing one person you love and then being caught (you go to jail for 50 years) or Killing fifty people you don't know and not being caught (everyone knows you did it but you run away to a carrabien island and live in luxury)

Tarix Conny wrote:
Killing one person I love and getting caught. This is because I would probably be going through hell anywayz for killing the one person I love so I might as well do it in prison for 50 years then have the death of 50 people on my consious and living in luxury even though i'd be going through hell!
To love the one person you ever love in the world and lose them and never love anyone ever again or never having to love at all!

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh this is too easy and i am a total slave to romance here. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The heart is there to be broken (unfortunately) I would rather meet THE ONE and loose him than never know what it feels like to have that kind of love.
Whom do you love more, Mom or Dad?

Stalker wrote:
That's not even a question I love them both thats like asking what do you like red or red there is no answer my answer will have to be Dad though because I hate it when people write 'mom' it's not mom its mum I love my mummy and I love my daddy and I miss my dad so much I wish he was still alive but I don't have magic, so wishes don't mean squat.
Which would you prefer:
smoking, lung cancer and death at the age 49 or not smoking, a long life and a happy family and not leaving your whole family without YOU

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Bit of a no-brainer, especially for me (major asthmatic, so can't take other peoples' smoke, let alone trying it for myself... I'd be dead already).
So, definitely NOT smoking, etc... :D
Favourite starship captain:
James T Kirk, or Jean-Luc Picard?

Stalker wrote:
Jean-Luc Picard only because I think he is a beter actor
knowing when your going to die or not knowing when your going to die

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Ignorance is bliss - I'd prefer not to know.
Gonna have to be a three parter here (this, that or the other) - Favourite ORIGNAL Star Wars movie:
A New Hope OR The Empire Strikes Back OR Return of the Jedi?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Empire Strikes Back all the way not contest make it my epitath.
Han was at his coolest, Leia was at her sexiest, and Luke was still green around the balls, so to speak, and John Williams was at his musical peak.
The music can make me cry.
Also, if I may backtrack:
I'd choose Homer Simpson. I was homer when I was married and I loved life. Hard to love me, but I loved life.
I'd choose to be on the bottom as the girl is having fun, because I'm lazy as long as things are working like clockwork (why fix them), and breasts in your face are just lovely, and you can carress her like a work of art in the meantime, and .... *ahem*. Okay...
I'd choose Jean-Luc anyday. Whoo, i want that man for my dad!
Next question:
Get to spend AS LONG AS YOU WANT in a passionate relationship with a person you couldn't normally (or realistically) be with--anyone, either living or dead, or famous or only famous to you
Win thirty million dollars.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Definately the former, simply because ultimately living a good life has nothing to do with the money you have or the things you acquire.
Alright, an easy one now:
Marx Brothers or Abbott & Costello? :D

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Sorry. I have to answer this one, though i've said this before, and rudely, I might add.
Marx Brothers! Geniuses. Friggin' geniuses.
That means I have to ask again:

Tarix Conny wrote:
Simpsons, definitly, I don't like Seinfield.
An emmotional wound to the heart or physical wound to the heart?

Parasol wrote:
Emotional wound. God knows I can survive that. Physical is iffy. Survival is a strong word in my vocabulary.
Something a bit less trying -- and again, excuse my geezerness.
Gladys Knight or Aretha Franklin or Dusty Springfield.

Victor wrote:
Aretha may be the queen, but Dusty stole my heart. I'd take Dusty.
While we are on a Geezerfest...
Grateful Dead
Rolling Stones

Jadyn wrote:
i would have to say the rolling stones since i never listened to grateful dead.
ok... here's a toughie. jude law or hugh jackman? *biiiiiiig grin* :wink:

Natasha Brookes wrote:
April, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You cow....
Can I have them both??
Purely on the basis that he'd have an accent that wasn't strange, I'd have to go for Hugh Jackman (sorry, Dave...).
Angel or Angelus?

Derek Park wrote:
Angel. If it wasn't for Angel, Joss Whedon's spin-off show wouldn't be popular right now... Well, at least I think...
Tupac or Biggie or Eminem?

Parasol wrote:
'Pac -- definitely!! He turns circles around the other two, in my opinion.
Which is more romantic:
Candlelight or firelight.

Victor wrote:
I'd have to go with firelight. Nothing quite like watching an open fire.
Besides I like watching the smoke from burning houses.
Lets see...
Two can play at this game...
Nicole Kiddmann or Angie Everhardt

Derek Park wrote:
Um, I choose Nicole Kidman because I know more of her than Angie.
Buffy, Faith, or Kendra?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Ooh, a toughie... they're all so different.
There are things about all three of the characters that I like, but on the whole I'd have to say Faith. Even though she became a psycho-looney (or should that be because she became a psycho-looney?).
To never take a human life directly, or to kill one person in cold blood for the chance to save ten?

Stalker wrote:
easy answer 'to kill one person in cold blood' I'd like to know what thats like oh yeah and the saving people stuff is a bonus.
500 billion dollars or a new pair of shoes

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
500 billion dollars :mrgreen: because then i'd still be able to buy shoes afterwards with my many many moneys
Blow up all McDonalds
Blow up all Polititians
if either one wont get you in jail
(im sensing a pattern here on choices of death :? )

Stalker wrote:
mcdonalds cause I eat at Hungry Jacks and I don't see anything wrong with polititions (thays probably cause I'm drunnk)
the chance to wipe off the face of the earth:
lycra or cordiroy

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I think corduroy would have to go first.
The 70's or the 80's?

Stalker wrote:
the 70's cause it's closer to 60's and the 60's look like they were so fun
clean shaven or stuble or goatie or full beard

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well now, there's a question.
To be honest, I generally go for clean-shaven, and I think that'll have to be my answer. But recently I've developed a fondness for the goatee.... :wink:
To follow the theme:
Women wearing makeup, or fresh faced?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Fresh-faced, fresh-faced, fresh-faced! Glamor can actually gross me out. A girl should be a girl, and THAT'S sexy.
By the way, Greg, "500 Billion Dollars or a new pair of shoes"? 8O hehehehhehehehehaahahhahahahahehehhehehehhahahhahahahah.
How ridiculous. I loved it. Wish I could have answered. I'd have taken the new pair of shoes, because who else would?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Mania, always wondered what it would be like to be crazy, and since half the time I suffer from depression I can say that it isn't any fun. Being crazy would be fun, for me, i'd get to talk to myself in public and talk nonsense... Hey wait a minute this all sounds eeriely familiar.... :D
Cross your heart and hope to die OR Stick a needle in your eye?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Cross my heart and hope to die.
To live a very happy and joyful life and die an unkown death or to live an unhappy and miserable life and die a heroic and living on as a legend death?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Happy and joyfull but dieing an unknown death, for living a good life has nothing to do with how long or how many people remember you. To paraphrase Seneca's play analogy, it matters not how many people remember the play but how well the acting.
Greek or Chinease food? :)

Daye wrote:
Uhm...Greek, but it was a tough choice. Really tough.
I want to answer like a dozen of the previous ones too.
But I will refrain.
So, to marry and then meet your soulmate, or never to have met your soulmate at all.

Victor wrote:
I am going to answer this and spare the lot of you the pain and anguish of brutal truth.
The former. I would rather marry and find my soulmate afterwards, becasue never knowing the person you were destined to be with is a lonely lonely existance,. And who knows the person you married might have been a wonderful mate as well. Two loves in a lifetime isn't a bad thing.
Good or Evil

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Actually it didn't seem that tough a decision to me Dave, I would have chosen to meet my soul mate under ANY circumstances. A connection like that can't be ignored.
I would have to go for Good, I might have been tempted with Bad, but evil, evil is just plain unkind!
And that reminded me of some Shoe Philosopy I want to share with y'all.... sit down and get comfy -
Shoe designer Christian Louboutin's 5 essential shoes -
1: A pair of kitten heeled mules for running errands in during the day
2: A pair of high heeled mules for showing off them calves and ankles at night
3: A pair of thigh high boots in PVC for falling in love (obviously too much Pretty Woman)
4: A pair of high heels for good girls to go to heaven - round toe, matt fabric
5: A pair of high heels for bad girls to go anywhere - pointy toe in leather
Okay that's it - back to the game...
Keeping in line with all that...
Killer High Heels or Flatter than flats?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I have to say, given the extreme lower back pain from killer high heels, these days I tend to go for flats. Though on occasion I still break out the 3-inch stilettos. :)
And even though we're not supposed to go back, I have to answer Kris' choice.

So, to marry and then meet your soulmate, or never to have met your soulmate at all.

Most of you know my current circumstances and how I got there... so for me the answer is definitely to marry and then meet your soulmate. Despite the emotional roller coaster of splitting up with my husband, I wouldn't change a single thing on the road that led me to Dave. The thought that I might have lived my entire life never knowing he was out there is just too horrible to contemplate.
OK, enough soppy stuff. My question...
Fact, or fantasy?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Fact! (at least the facts that we all accept as true, because facts change)
Living in fantasy if fun until you have to be a memeber of the real world. Then it's just lonely. I'm the little boy who never stopped dreaming.
Means of death:
Drinking Bleach in front of your mother
Getting your foot cut off with a chainsaw and then bleeding to death.

Stalker wrote:
it depends weather Getting your foot cut off with a chainsaw and then bleeding to death is done acidentaly or not if it's me that did it by acident then yes that's the answer but if it's some mass murderer who is then going to place me in some strange position or bury me, I'd rather let my mum watch me drink bleach but it all depends on why I'm doing thoughs things, actually,I'm facinated why would someone drink bleach? (they'd have to be pretty stupid) I mean it doesn't even taste nice and it burns all the way down!
a chance to kiss:
Adolf Hitler or Josph Stalin

Mantheana wrote:
Stalin. it took alot of thinking to get there. I hate both of them. Plus ti would be the kiss of death anyway, and i'd only do it to get close enough to kick him in the balls, but hey, whatcha gonna do?
how to dispose of the bodies?
chains & weights at the bottom of the sea/lake/puddle/other quantity of water.
burning the bodies and then putting their ashes in a sack and burying this in the swamp.
(just had to do a follow up on sids happy post.)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Gee how sunny and bright we are today! :roll: Oh well I think I'd let you sleep with the fishes! :D
Hmm, okay, which would you prefer to be:
Geek or Freak?

Mantheana wrote:
FREAK! and proud of it. In being one already, I'd much prefer it to being a geek.
listening to music at the mo so....
System of a Down

Jessica Travers wrote:
I like them both but gonna have to say System of a Down...unless I have a headache then they just make it way worse.
If someone's really anoying you do you....
Hit them on the head with a baseball bat or shove them in a shoe box?

Mantheana wrote:
OOOOOOH! SHOO BOX! you should know of all people alice!
one for man and laydies alike...
Trousers (pants for all you americans)

Jessica Travers wrote:
Trousers definalty.
You want to buy the Buffy Season 6 box sets but only have enough money for one do you...
Buy 6.1 which has the musical or 6.2 which has the finale?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Would you rather:
Get to talk on MSN with the other players
Post in the Forum

Stalker wrote:
I don't really like talking on msn everyone is to fast at typing and I can't get a word in edgways but I like the forum I visit it every day (even though I don't have much time to read it all)
to die young or live forever

Parasol wrote:
Die young. Just contemplating living forever gives me the ooglies.
The right path to destruction
The wrong path to nirvana.

Victor wrote:
The wrong path to Nirvana.
Lord knows I have taken my share of wrong turns, but I honestly beleive that God whats what is best for us. He just has a different perspective on how that is to be achieved. I trust him to stear through all the rough stuff becasue the reward is (i hear) very worth it.
Soup or Salad

Parasol wrote:
I am a soup nut. There used to be a restaurant here in LA called Menagerie that had the richest, warmest, most comfort-food like soups imaginable. They had a cream of wild mushroom soup that would make you beat your mama. Sadly, it is now defunct.
Van Gogh or Monet.

Tarix Conny wrote:
Get stabbed into back by the one you love or stab the one you love in the back?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, Geez. Saadia, that one's truly evil. 8O
Hmm, having been both a stabbee and a stabber in the past, I'd have to say that being the stabbee actually hurts less. So I'd choose being stabbed in the back by the one I love.
Now for something more mundane:
Pasta or risotto?

Mantheana wrote:
Pasta. our house is the land of pastaness. plus i don't like risotto. on the subject of food....
Indian take away
Chinese take away?

Tarix Conny wrote:
hmm...not that difficult for me as I am always having Indian type food at home (pakistani and indian food are different in ways but similar in other ways....if you are confused go out and try some Pakistani and then some Indian food..), so I'll choose chinese takeaway.
Bad breath from eating tasty spagetty with a tint of garlic in it or really nice breath from eating mint leaves?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, I'm a garlic fiend, so I'd have to go for the tasty spagetti - and forget the 'tint'. Stick heaps in for me! If I'm feeling nice, I'll have a tic-tac afterwards.
Getting drunk on spirits, or getting drunk on wine?

Stalker wrote:
sparkling white wine for me any day
runners/trainers or work boots

Anonymous wrote:
'Independace Day' or 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'

Sorrow wrote:
Oooops :oops: :oops:
That was me

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, God. No contest at all. The Day the Earth Stood Still. Geez, did you even have to ask??
Be able to achieve true world peace but at the expense of the lives of everyone you personally know and love, or leave the world as it is and keep your loved ones?

Mantheana wrote:
Heather your questions are majorly evil.

Sam Aubrey wrote:
"Leave the world as it is and keep your loved ones."
Sorry. It's just that there is no such thing as world peace, and if there was, we'd be bored and have nothing to write about.
But it was a nice thought.
Choose your death:
1) Simple. Right now. No pain.
2) Base it on skill. Every day, for as long as you can keep it up, you must throw a dart at a dart board. You start out right at the face of the dart board; you can simply press the tip in. But the next day, you must step back from that spot by 1 inch. The day after that, another inch. And another inch the day after that. There is no limit to how far back you can get, but there is a limit to how far you can throw, of course. The first time you completely miss the dart board, you suffer five seconds of the most hideous pain imaginable. Then you die with poop in your drawers.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh save me from playing an eternity of darts and KILL ME NOW!!!
Blondes or Brunette's? ;)

Sam Aubrey wrote:

Tarix Conny wrote:
Starving to death or eating to your death.

Mantheana wrote:
oooh. eating to my death.... something like genocide by chocolate. yummy. okies...
more afraid of....

Tarix Conny wrote:
I like spiders and clowns, so this is a hard one for me... hmm...let see, I'd say clowns...
Getting marooned on an Island for 40 years or getting a kiss from a spider (on the lips)

Mantheana wrote:
well that utterly depends on whether
a) its a nice island. and whether i can have a happy volleyball friend like Tom Hanks did
b)its a nice spider. I personally think terantula's are cool and moneyspiders are cute so i really don't know.
I'd probably go for a nice island.
would you rather have...

Sam Aubrey wrote:
WINGS! (that would be so cool)
A life with ONLY:
Mom and Grandma and your sister and your aunt
Dad and Grandpa and your brother and your uncle.

Not all may apply, so choose which MOST suits you.

Mantheana wrote:
the female answer. i love both my parents, but I only have one grampa who is mean and evil (and tells me stories about drunk faeries) and I don't have a brother, and i am only closse to one of my uncles.. so it would have to be sister (but which one?) aunt and gran.
be a ....
or a
(wings rock. it is one of my many abitions to get some giant wings grafted onto my shoulder blades. but this is the same group of ambitions that include having a blood transfusion in a mosh pit...)

Daye wrote:
I have to say Giraffe. Why would I want to be inanimate fruit that will either be eaten or rot very quickly. Besides, that long neck thing is sort of cool.

I feel the need to answer the wings vs. gills question, although it should be obvious. Wings, wings, wings, for the love of God, WINGS!!!!
That was just horrid. What a terrible thought. Forget the joy of flying, why would anyone want gills!!!
Ok, Would you rather...
Live in constant pain, surrounded by love?
Spend your life totally alone, but at peace?

Victor wrote:
Wings without a doubt wings. Had to throw that in.
I would take peace and lonliness over pain and love. I had peace and lonliness and its not that bad. But all the love in the world could not overcome pain. It makes it easier, but in the end the pain always wins.
sorry that was a downer...
Lets see...You are given a superpower...any super power.
would you...
accept it if it meant you'd be different and despised
reject it even though you would never get the chance again.

Sam Aubrey wrote:
I'll take the super power! Which one did I get?
When the chips are down, which super hero/heroin do you want on your side?
1) Lola (from Run Lola Run)
2) Ash (from the Evil Dead movies)
Personally, I'd choose Lola. She is without a doubt the best girlfriend anyone has ever had. What a woman! And, Dave, for your question, my super power would be either her Supershriek or her ability to change lives by running by people at super speed.
Still...ash is nothing to scoff at.

Daye wrote:
Oh, Ash, definitely Ash. I secretly want to bear Ash's love child. *sigh*
Would you rather eliminate all weapons of mass destruction and be enslaved by alien overlords
destroy the world in one, fiery, glorious bang?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Since I'm already enslaved by the social bonds of our governement and upbringing, it isn't so bad. Maybe i'd have to polish the occasional tentacle, but hey, who am I to argue? I'm just a floor mat.
I choose to worship our new alien overlords. *shrug* It's a living.
Kristy Swanson
Sarah Michelle Gellar
(I think I know the answer to come, but maybe there's someone out there who will agree with me.)

Parasol wrote:
SMG to my dyin' day. I can't tell you how many times I've been watching her do her thing and sat weeping in my chair, going "I know, girl; I know." The last episode of of S2, "Becoming" for glaring example.
Choose the lesser of two vapids and say why:
Matt Damon
Ben Affleck

Jadyn wrote:
ben affleck... no 2 ways about it. damon annoys me, for some reason... i find him doofy looking. a bit like a mark mahlberg lookalike who can't quite make the cut... :roll:
strawberries and cream or chocolate ice cream with hot fudge?

Tarix Conny wrote:
oh man, this one is difficult, hmmmmmmmm....I'll take chocolate icecreem with hot fugde (YUMMY, I am hungry).... :popcorn: (I just had to use that tee hee, ok)
Die to win or live to lose?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Live to Lose. *sigh*
(and as far as the SMG question, I've just got to say this, and I know I'm going to get tomatoes thrown my way: she's NOT the best thing since sliced bread. Sometimes i wonder if Sarah Michelle Gellar can even act. I watch the show for everyone BUT her. Okay, she's better than DAWN...and she has some really good moments. I don't hate her. But she's not my favorite.)
Thanks for listening. I willingly accept my tar and feathering. *Brrr! He doesn't like Sarah Michelle Gellar? Get him!*
A DVD with:
1) At least three different commentaries: (for instance: Director's, Actor's, and Special Effects Team's)
2) Loads of deleted scenes
But not both.

Derek Park wrote:
Definitely commentaries. I don't like deleted scenes that much.
(A little fantasy here...)
SMG w/ James Marsters
SMG w/ David Boreanaz
(This might be a dumb one... :oops: )

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Damn it! Why can't it be Spike and Louisa?? or even better Giles and Louisa... hmmm.... okay, gone to happy place...
I'd have to choose SMG and David Boreanaz, just so that James Marsters would still be available and my young girlish heart could still dwell in the land of fantasy.... hmmmm :Fade-color
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein OR Bram Stoker's Dracula?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Frankenstein. Tragedy, tragedy.
Old man (paraphrased): "These beautiful people. Why are you not with them now?"
The monster: "Because I am so very...ugly."
:cry: baaaaahwaaaaaabaaaaaaaah!
Makes me cry.
Okay, since we're in our happy places now:
If Sid (that is, me) were to get a part as a love interest in Season 7, which would you most like to see? (um, or which would annoy you the least?):
1) Sid marries Anya
2) Sid turns Willow from lesbianism.

Daye wrote:
I have to vote for Willow, because I just love Anya and Xander as a couple. I was very miffed when the wedding fell apart. They are like my holdout hope for happily ever after.
Would you rather...
Be able to eat for the rest of your life one thing you love the taste of
Be able to eat anything you like, but be unable to taste any of it?

Anonymous wrote:
Be able to eat for the rest of my life one thing I love the taste of, I mean what's the fun of life if you are going to be able to eat anything and not be able to taste it, you might as well be eating hay, or grass....
Be a success in life
Get the girl of your dreams.

Tarix Conny wrote:
That was me above, again :oops: (dont you just hate it when your login timesout! :oops:

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Girl of my dreams.
I've given up a LOT for girls that I thought were, at the time, the girl of my dreams. And I probably won't change my ways. *sigh sigh sigh*
Some people never learn.
1) To have real purpose and never know it
2) To have no purpose, but think you do.

Victor wrote:
Ignorance can be a purpose. I'd take the Have a purpose and not know it. I feel like that many many times, and am usually comforted when in retrospect my life has affected positive change in others.
On the prior ToT, I'd take the girl over success. A true girl of MY dreams would be an asset to my life and would help me succeed rather than being a drain on me. (and you are, dear...an asset that is. Shutting up now)
Puke Yellow or Avocado Green

Sam Aubrey wrote:
That made me hungry. Avocado green! Avocado green!
1) Victor and Jade*
2) Sorrow and Tash*
* catch: Heather, Dave, Robin, April...you are each barred from answering this one! Heh heh heh!

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Sid, you are an evil, evil bastard. I'll let you know my answer after someone else has responded... :x

Sam Aubrey wrote:
I repeat:

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Does this get to be my last evil deed? Mwahahahah Mwaha Mwahahahahaha *ahem*
Urm, seems to be Tash already has the upper hand here, having shagged Victor like crazy, tongued Sorrow, and almost having a homo-erotic relationship with Jade... OKAY Heather you can't kill me!! I won't be here! HA *smothers evil laughter*
I suppose on that basis I'd have to go for Victor and Jade - but just for laughs really, I'd like to see how long the tintsy 5'4" Jade could stand 6'2" Victor/Vrithetek without becoming pancake girl! ;)
Home or Away?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Now there's a knotty question for me these days. Generally, while I love going away on trips, I love my home and always look forward to coming back. Except now I have a reason to NOT come back home. Though, on the basis that 'home is where the heart is' I guess I'll still have to choose home.
And for yours, Sid, I don't think I could bear to see Victor with anyone else, so I'd have to say Tash and Sorrow... though right now she's just as likely to scratch out his eyes.
Be with the one you love, or the one who loves you?

Victor wrote:
That's a deceptively hard question. Having just dressed someone down for being unable to accept love...i know that its tough to love yourself sometimes. I would not be where I am if I didn't...
And if I didn't love myself, then I would find it impossible to love anyone else the way they need to BE loved. So I will take be with the one you love and hope and pray that means I love myself too.
Hm...that gives me an idea...

Parasol wrote:
One who loves me...had waaaay too much of the other sort.
*Flashes back to the dreg of humanity who was engaged to another woman at the same time he was engaged to me. Sniff, sniff. That was 10 years ago...let it go, Sherl...let it go.*
Paid every two weeks
Paid twice a month.

Parasol wrote:
Fine!!!! Got scooped.
Paid every two weeks
Paid twice a month.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, there's not a lot to choose between the two... pretty similar time frames. Hell, I'd be happy to get a regular pay. I never know from week to week how much I'm going to earn. I used to be on fortnightly pay when I was a wage slave, so I guess once every two weeks is fine.
You're given $30,000 to spend on one of two things. Would you:
Buy a new car, or go on a long holiday?

Jadyn wrote:
since i don't have a driving lic, i would definitely choose going on a long holiday. probably back to melbourne, where i'd stay till my boyfriend graduated and came back to singapore with me :wink:
sid - u are an eviiiiiiiiiiiil person... ahahahaha... i just burst out laughing when i read ur question. the people in my office now think i'm totally insane and in dire need of psychiatric help. *rolls eyes*
i'd have to say that i'm for the jade and victor option... don't think i'd be able to bear it if tash ended up with sorrow. *wince* one option i'd like to see though, would be a victor and sorrow thingie. wahahahaha!
ur ideal date would be:
1) snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter
2) an idyllic afternoon totally alone by the beach with warm breezes

Tarix Conny wrote:
Oh, oh, snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter *sigh*......
locked in a room with someone you hate for the rest of your life
locked in a room with someone you love BUT with a solid wall dividing you both for the rest of your life.

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
As tempting as they both are involving warmth and all, mmm... i'd have to choos an idyllic afternoon totally alone by the beach with warm breezes...less clothing 8)
evil puppies
evil kitties
by the by, i promise i'll think of a better one next time...but i had a conversation yesterday about evil puppies, tehe :twisted:

Stalker wrote:
evil puppies that would be funny to watch a lil' pup malling a big dog hehe
ummm now okay gotta ask a question okay now I'm gonna ask it so get ready ummm
you spend 100 dollars on lotto tickets an check them the next night when it's on tv then ... Yippiiiieeee ... you've won 30 million dollars! what do you do?
hide the ticket under your bed and hope to god noone finds it
run around town waving the ticket in peoples faces screaming 'I've won! oh my god I've won! heheheheheeee' then dart off in the other direction to scream it into someone elses face.

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Hide the ticket under your bed and hope to god no one finds it! (And then secretly take a portion of it to divide among your friends...and another portion for charity).
Also, I choose:
Evil puppies (not as smart as evil kittens, and no claws).
Locked in a room with someone you hate for the rest of your life (because after enough time goes by, just remembering someone's name makes him or her your friend).
Snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter! *sigh*
Buy a new car. A van! And I'd drive everywhere, even to Hell and back.
Paid twice a month--both on the same day.
and finally...
Hope or Pray? Pray. Praying is more active, and besides, since I gave up hope, I feel MUCH better.
Insane with the knowledge you keep?
Ridiculed for your ignorance?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Greg, have I properly expressed that I really, really, really find this game grueling and addictive?

Daye wrote:
Being as I am a big one for the whole knowledge thing and being ignorant may be my greatest fear (yes, even greater than mermaids) I would have to choose insane with the knowledge I keep. Besides, madness can be so interesting.
Would you rather eat one large, hairy spider
a whole bowlful of worms.

Tarix Conny wrote:
Can I first say GROSS, secondly I'd choose to eat a one large hairy spider, cause then your just take it in your mouth and swallow and that's that. With a bowl full of worms well.....yuck......this reminds me of Survivour
Go on a really thriller roller coster and puke your heart out afterwards
go on a boring merry go round!

Victor wrote:
Oh Hell, The Rollercoaster every time! I love the thrill of going really really fast in a an open cart held in by flimsy straps and padded bars!
Upside Down or Right Side Up

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Dave, that reminds me of a Berenstein Bears book I read. Baby bear crawled into a box...he went upside down, then right side up...whooo what fun!
I like right side up. But with upside down the blood rushes to my head. It's harsh, it's yucky, it's good for the brain. Oxygen rules.
I choose upside down, just like Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Victor wrote:
Pen. Pencils are only good for one thing...okay two things. Chewing on, and Stirring coffee. I chew on pencils becasue they taste good (must be all the lead paint they use on them) and they are softer than pens which can cause TMJ if you aren't careful. Of course there is the eraser problem. I have swallowed more rubber erasers than I could shake a #2 at.
Hat or Topless

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Bit ambiguous there...
Well, if topless means simply 'without a hat' then I'd go for topless. Not much into hats (unless it's to keep the sun off while bushwalking).
On the OTHER hand, if topless is completely topless, then (in public anyway) I'd have to wear a hat.
Joss Whedon or John Michael Strazinsky?

Victor wrote:
Ooh. Ugh. Hrm. Well. Um. I'll get back to you on that.

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Joss Whedon.
They're both good. Both imaginative, both subject to cheese.

Parasol wrote:
Revision!!! Gets perfect that way.
Walk to school
Bring your lunch

Daye wrote:
I simply cannot get the connection here, but I will go with bring your lunch. Out here at least, the school food was absolutely terrible.
Spend your last five minutes on earth having great sex with a complete stranger
having a deeply emotional discussion with the one you love?

Jadyn wrote:
since i only have 5 mins left on earth, i'd go for the mental and emotional gratification of not only being with my lover, but actually having a soulful talk with him. great sex with a stranger, i.e physical gratification, is so temporal and meaningless, especially in the face of death...
once again, i find myself taking a page out of sid's book. which would u prefer to see? *evil grin* :twisted:
1) galen and kate
2) lucien and kate

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I would have to say Galen and Kate simply because a roleplayed relationship is so much more 'alive' when two different people are playing the two parts. When it's one person conducting both sides there are no surprises (on the part of the player involved, at least). Louisa always knew what Luc would be doing. With Galen, however, she has Adam's input to contend with. Makes for a more spontaneous and involved relationship, I feel.
Parade naked in front of 100 people you don't know and will never see again or parade naked in front of 5 friends (family doesn't count)?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
100 people I don't know. Unless it would be especially funny to do it in front of my friends. Then maybe I'd choose the friends. Funny is good.
April, I choose Galen and Kate. Just because I don't want to have to listen to Adam's puppy-dog whining! :lol:
Break up with the one you love, but give no explanation.
Kick a cute little newborn boy in the gnards

Natasha Brookes wrote:
You're too evil, Sid. :twisted:
Given the alternatives, I'd have to kick the newborn. He'll recover.
When depressed: overeat or go off your food?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
that's a tough one...because I do both interchangeably.
I think go off food. Because I'll drop a few pounds and feel lighter, better, different.
Love Boat 's Pacific Princess
Gilligan's Island's U.S.S. Minnow

Daye wrote:
I think there are actually still surprises to be found in the relationship you completely write. For me, anyway, I am constantly surprised where this whole Drew/Daye/Ryan thing goes as I am writing it.
Anywho, I would have to choose The Pacific Princess. There's shopping, food, and a bar, plus I would manage to get off the boat and it's big enough I wouldn't really worry about ending up swimming with the *shudder* fishes.
Would you rather be an internationally loved and adored rock star
an obscure research scientist who discovers a cure for cancer?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Obscure research scientist. Of course, it's an easy choice when you don't like rock music. Maybe if the other option was a crooner.... :)
Okay, another easy one:
Whose Line is it Anyway with Clive Anderson
Whose Line is it Anyway with Drew Carey?

Tarix Conny wrote:
With Drew Carey!
A hamburger with chocolate syrup
An icecream sundae with ketchup?

Sam Aubrey wrote:
"Z-z-z-z-ZZZOINKS! A hamburger with chocolate syrup, Scoob!"
"Right, Raggy! A ramburger with rocolate ryrup! Heeheeheeheeheeeee!"
I swear, that sounds yummy. I don't know why. Too much Scooby for me.
(And then I'd eat the ice cream with ketchup. Honest. I'll prove it in June.)

Victor wrote:
Choices choices...
{closes eyes and throws dart...}
{opens one eye to peek and see what he hit} Uh That.
A ton of feathers
A ton of Rocks

Sam Aubrey wrote:
I wasn't going to answer for awhile, because I play this ToT game too much. BUT
I simply must see how many feathers it takes to make a ton. And how do you get them all together? In a room? Is there a room big enough? You'd have to gather them outside, maybe in the Grand Canyon. But what keeps them from blowing away? Can we use the ton of rocks to hold them down? Does the Ton of rocks spread wide enough to cover the feathers?
Or am I mistaken? Is a ton of feathers not all that many?
Where do we get a ton of feathers? From a fraction of a ton of chickens? Who do we get to pluck the chickens? A fraction of a fraction of a ton of migrant workers?
How do we keep our chicken-pluckers happy? Do we pay them in peanuts? That's a lot of peanuts. Not necessarily a ton, but I don't even know where we'd find so many peanuts. Peanuts ain't cheap, either. And neither is alergy medication. With a ton of feathers, there's damn well going to be a ton of sneezing.
I say we start a pillow factory. Then we'll need a ton of pillow cases. But won't that leave us with some pillow cases left over? (I don't know; I'm getting confused. This should be simple to figure out.) Should we fill the pillow cases with the rocks?
And who is paying for all this anyway, Dave, I ask you? No: I beg of you! Who?
Quite frankley, Mr. Dent, I don't think you put nearly enough thought into this question as you should have. Or maybe you did. Maybe you knew precisely what you were doing to me. And I don't appreciate it. This was an evil question. Perhaps the most evil question so far.
I won't sleep tonight.
Oh. Oh yeah. The game. Uh..
Phh! Okay: um.... Ban Dave from this game or Dave's death by tickling?

[Apparently some of these got truncated (lost) sorry folks. Learning more about limits as I go along -- Admin]

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Parasol wrote:
I laughed my tushy off at Evolution. Plus there's that David Duchovny thing happening.
Wesley then
Wesley now

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Easy, Evolution, cause it has David Duchoveny and his wonderful arse... what do you mean I have to choose a film for its plot rather than the hot actors?
Damn you Sherlynn!! Just cause I write a book!! :D Okay, Urm Wesley now - you do mean Wesley from Buffy don't you?? I just love that whole Rogue Demon hunter thang.. ;)
Read LABN, or Write LABN

Victor wrote:
ugh...Write I guess. LABN is infectious and if you can't participate you miss a lot of the goings on behind the cameras.
Solo or Collab?

Anonymous wrote:
Solo! Solo!
(Okay, I'm sure I'm not allowed to answer this one. After I click SUBMIT, we'll pretend I didn't.)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Well I'd say collab, the storied would be ever so boring if we all sat in our individual bubbles and never interacted. Collaboration allows you to feed from each other's creative impulses. Solo's are good, sometimes you have a piece to write and only a solo will do - it allows you to be more reflective and analytical of your own character. Collabs tend to be about action rather than reflection.
But I'd still go for a Collab every single time :)
The Driver
The Driven?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The driven. But only by cardiologist's orders. :)
Chat with someone who is a touch on the sarky/silly side, or chat with someone capable of being serious for more than five minutes?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, it depends. If they're always serious all of the time, it would get to be too much after a while. And if they were always silly all of the time, I'd want to throttle them. Mostly I prefer a large dose of silliness, with the capacity for serious talk when needed.
So I guess I'm going for the option "someone capable of being serious for more than 5 minutes".
MSN chats with multiple people in one window, or several simultaneous individual chats?

Anonymous wrote:
Tough one! I think I choose one big window, which cultivates the family feeling of this community. But I do like private chats, because some subjects are private, and I've gotten to know one or two of you on a level that I'd never have seen had we been in a larger window. Except for Robin. Being in a private chat with him means two lurkers lurking for the sake of lurkiness. Heh.
But the nice thing about Robin is he usually only speaks when he has something to say, whereas I speak all the time with nothing pertinent in mind. I think the respectable one between us is readily apparent.
Okay, so I choose one big window, and I hate being made to choose.
Offending someone with the truth, leading to him or her avoiding you
Keeping your feelings secret, thereby keeping the communication lines open

Mantheana wrote:
Erm... probably upset some one with the truth, becuase theres only so long I can stand shutting up about stuff. (do you feel safe telling me anything now?) plus what's that line by William Blake
"A truth thats told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent." and yes i'm done being all cultured now.
be scarred hidiously but show show it becuase you want people to know who you are
be scarred hidiously and wear a mask or some such to cover it up
and yeah i have just been re-reading gormenghast with all its scarred Steerpikeynes.

Anonymous wrote:
I walk in a state of perpetual fear, so being scareder than scared will loop me around to serenity.
I choose let people know who I am, then, which will of course loop them around to the opposite of me.
** I remind you...only ONE answer.

Mantheana wrote:
you know a little bit of context can help sometimes sid! 8O but i think i would go with piss as you can change its colour by eating too much beetroot or contracting a horrible tropical disease.
pierce your:

Daye wrote:
Belly button. I can't stand nose piercings. I don't know why. I have the eyebrow, and that's the only place on my face I will pierce, but if I had the body for it, I would totally pierce my belly button.
Would you rather be a roadie or a groupie?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Groupie, I couldn't carry all that heavy stuff around and I'd never learn how to set everything up, I'd prefer to just fawn on the band like a looser, turning up to all their gigs and saying crap like "I LUUUURRRVE YOU!!! I wanna have your secret love child!!!!"
Okay, relevant dinner time question:
Deep Pan
Thin and Cripsy
(Pizza base that is)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Thin and crispy.
On a related note, steamed rice or fried rice? :)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fried Rice, and yes I know it has more calories but I just love it! :)
Paintings or Sculptures?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Really depends on the time period we're talking about. Classical sculptures are wonderful, but have you ever seen classical (as in classical antiquity) painting? There's a reason I don't think we talk about Roman Frescos....
Of course, Roccoco and Baroque patinings are lovely as well. So, for that kind of time frame, have to say paintings.
Mark Twain or Jane Austin?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
ARRRGHHH NOT Mark Twain :? No comparrison, Jane Austen wins hands down everytime... the woman was a genius.
Theatre or Cinema?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Cinema's good, but nothing beats a live performance. :)
Lust or Gluttony?

Daye wrote:
Lust, definitely lust.
A dark, silent, and creepy house, or one filled with endless distractions?

Anonymous wrote:
Dark, silent, and creepy. I write better when I'm ready to off myself and join the ghosts of the moment.
A strange connection, but it made sense to me.

Daye wrote:
Oh...as if you all don't already know what I am going to say. Write, for the love of all that is holy, by the spirits of my dear departed ancestors, I urge you, I implore you, I command you, WRITE!!!
Uhm... :oops:
Sorry...apparently I was overcome by the demonic entity living in my skin that feeds off the written word. Won't happen again. (I hope.)
Would you rather be the master manipulator or be the obliviously manipulated?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I'd like to be the master manipulator for once, yeah get other people to do my bidding! That would be fun!! :D
Would you prefer to go skydiving or scuba diving

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I've done the skydiving thing, and I have to say it's a blast. But scary as hell getting out of the plane - after eight skydives it wasn't getting any easier (in fact, it started gettting worse - started shaking before we even took off). But the trip down was always worth it.
But, having said that, I'd love to go scuba diving. I've never done it, and especially up north around the Great Barrier Reef it's supposed to be magical.
So I'll choose scuba diving.
Cook your own simple, nutritious and yummy meals (but involving the inevitable preparation time) or grab a prepackaged (but designed to be nutritious and yummy) meal out of the freezer and microwave it?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Unfortunatly, have to go with prepackaged. Much as I would love to be able to cook, I can't without instructions. Usually also supervision to explain those technical terms like "simmer" and "pinch" to me. :)
Pick the greater general:
Napoleon Bonaparte or Publius Scipio Africanus (the ONLY commander to defeat Hannibal on the open field)?

Mantheana wrote:
Napoleon bonaparte. it sounds like blown-apart.
(we were doing this in my apocolypse-weekly lesso-- oh. er.. i mean 'science' lessons. I was waiting fro darwin's bulldog vs. that preisty guy, but it never happened

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Evolution, Darwin RULES!! hehe :D
Fiction OR Biography?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
In general fiction, although some biographies (such as Bertrand Russel's) can be fun.
Sing or Dance?

Jessica Travers wrote:
Sing! I so wish I could.... plus if you can sing you can be in a band and you don't have to dance anyway....unless you wanna be on Top of the Pops :?
If you could only do one of these for the rest of your life which would it be; Talk or Walk?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Talk, Talk! TALK!!!! Goddamn it!! I'd DIE if I couldn't talk!!!
When you sleep, do you like to curl into a little ball OR spread out?

Anonymous wrote:
Heather will testify that I am a spreadout kinda guy. But I can then be posed into all sorts of "action" poses ;)
Truth or Dare?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
There's not much I won't dare to do, but I'm a firm believer in honesty and I hate keeping secrets. Funnily enough, I'm great at keeping other peoples' secrets, but I can't conceal things about myself.
Have a party at home with friends, drinking and dancing or go to a nightclub for the drinking and dancing
And, if you want my slant on that particular question, I'd phrase it:
Have a party at home with friends, drinking and dancing, and where the smokers go outside to have their ciggies or go to a horribly smoky nightclub where you can't do the drinking and dancing 'cause you're too busy having an asthma attack?

Tarix Conny wrote:
I'd say the party at home with a few friends and dancing (drinking harem at me house, muslim remember...)
A red clown nose
large long, clown shoes?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Seems every winter I get one continuous cold so I pretty much end up with the red nose as standard, big feet?? That would mean big shoes, big ugly shoes that big feeted people have to wear, urgh. I don't want clown feet!! :(
Milkshake or Slushy?

Tarix Conny wrote:
A nice dalimation doggy
a nice fluffy white expensive cat?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
While I don't mind cats, I'm definitely more of a dog person, so I'd have the dalmation, thanks. :)
A week in a bushland B&B with a spa, an open fire and a selection of restaurants, or a week sailing around sub-tropical islands?

Jadyn wrote:
really wanna work on my tan right now so i take the sailing option... and if it means i get to see my man in a sailor suit... well... :wink:
nedieval knight or jedi knight?

Tarix Conny wrote:
hmmmm, Jedi knight, he has a better light saber to defend with <ziiinnggg, ziiiiiiinnnnngggg, ziiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg>
Be naive but happy
sad but true to the harsh real world?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Ignorance is bliss, they say, and to an extent they're right. It would be nice to curl up in a ball and let the nasty world take care of itself. So I'll take the naive happiness, thanks. :)
Lose your arms or lose your legs?

Stalker wrote:
loose my legs, if I lost my arms what would I hold my beers with and I'd have to get someone to wipe my ass for me, I've had enough of that for a lifetime. plus how would I get onto the net.
live a normal life and die normally or be frozen right now and woken in 50 years

Anonymous wrote:
Frozen. And my first words upon awakening will be, "Captain CaaaaaaaaaaVEmaaaaaaaaaan!"
Know absolutely everything there is to know about the workings of Carrot Top's freckled mind (especially his deepest annoying fantasies) and never be able to forget it, even as you're munching your morning toast...even as you're making love to your boy-/girlfriend...even as you're taking a shower...even as you're trying to write your thesis.
Suffer an amnesia so widespread that a boot to the head will not reverse it

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Give me the amnesia. Loosing all of my knowledge so that I have to reconstruct it is a small price to pay to forget about ever having read Immanuel Kant. :)
Be around a Groucho impersonator or be around someone depressed?

Anonymous wrote:
We'll find out the answer to that VERY question in June, Adam. :wink:

Natasha Brookes wrote:
The Groucho impersonator. When others are depressed it tends to bring me down, too. And if the impersonations get to be too much I can always commit homicide. :D
Be able to sing beautifully but be colour blind, or be able to paint gorgeously but be unable to hear the nuance of music?

Mantheana wrote:
evil, evil question. The two positives of that question are liek life long dreams. way to ask annoyingly difficult questions Heather!

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Thank you, Hannah. I try. It's hard to be the Queen of Evil, but I have a reputation to live up to. And, of course, I have to be a fit consort for the King of Evil... 8) Now, answer the question. :P

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I'd choose to sing beautifully and be colour blind. Lets face it you'd never have to do drugs cause the entire world would look a bit trippy, and if you were such a good singer you'd get a recording contract and make millions, maybe eventually finding a cure for said colour blindness.
Get a job as soon as you leave school, meaning you have money and minimal debt, but having to start at the bottom of the career ladder.
Go to university, get saddled with back breaking debt, and doubts that you will ever get a job once you leave, but end up with such good grades that it allows you to (eventually) persue your dream career?

Victor wrote:
I'd take the job first. If you are doing what you love, then the money isn't a problem. And you WILL advance. I know from personal experience....
Trial & Error
Research & Testing

Daye wrote:
Ah...I vote for research and testing. I'd rather be sure something works before I actually use it.
Spongebob Squarepants or Ren and Stimpy?

Anonymous wrote:
Interesting question, because I've always suspected (though I'm probably wrong) that the guy who did Ren and Stimpy also does Spongebob.
Personally, though Spongebob is great at 4 AM when you're comin' down, I CHOOSE REN AND STIMPY. Great, great, sick, great cartoons.
Get diagnosed with extensive oral cancer
Discover a perefectly unfatal nose condition where unpredictable boogers spurt out once a day.

Victor wrote:
The key word is extensive. I'd take the boogers. I'm actually rather fond of boogers and I keep them under a table where I can crawl under and talk to the little nose-goblins once in a while.
Yep, Ren & Stimpy is the bomb isn't it? Changed the face of cartoons forever.
Okay, long one...
Drive a huge honking gas-guzzling road yacht with every known extra feature ever concieved by human beings and a bitchin' sound system
Drive an uncomfortable noisy tin can with an AM-only radio that is environmentally friendly and that actually makes nature flourish and thrive in its wake?

Anonymous wrote:
Hoo. That was a setup, wasn't it, Dave? I choose the big yacht mobile. Funny.
Would you rather work for
Darth Vader (during the Empire Strikes Back)
Thulsa Doom (during Conan the Barbarian)

Jadyn wrote:
talk about being between a rock and a hard place! i guess i'd go with darth vadar. i'd hate to live in conan's world... no electricity, no regular baths, ick!
get a piercing (ears don't count! i'm talking other parts of your body!) or get a tattoo?

Daye wrote:
Darth Vader. Working with Darth Vader at any time would be totally cool, invisible choke hold and all.
Would you rather...
be reborn knowing exactly what you know now
be allowed to change any three things in your past.

Tarix Conny wrote:
I would rather be reborn knowing what i know, that would be like extending my life but i wouldn't want to change things in my past as it has already been done and whats done is done.
To anwser Aprils question (as two question seemed to have been posted without answers) i would rather have a piercings on my body then a tatoo.
Know that your future will be bad try to change it
not know anything about your future but want to change it anywayz?

Anonymous wrote:
I'm really not sure I understand the question. I choose to not know anything about my future and want to change it, because that's really saying (in my mind) that I want to direct my life. I think that applies to all of us. (But I'm curious to know what the question meant)
Talk with God and get the whole story of your purpose, eliminating all surprises for the rest of your life (and, I suppose, free will, too)
Never know God in ANY sense, and therefore feel lost and alone
**for you athiests and agnostics in the audience, just assume that God exists for this question

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Well that's very interesting, I think most people have to believe in some kind of 'God' or higher being or force be it Fate or Serendipity - personally I'm not sure what I believe, very much I DO feel alone and lost. People generally believe in that 'something else' to explain that which they cannot, or because they want to give a higher meaning to existance. It WOULD seem terribly vacuous if all life had no meaning other than to just live and die.
In my mind if you don't believe in ANY form of higher being or purpose that leaves you very little options, I suppose the most likely is that you have to believe in YOURSELF - and take responcibility for your actions in the world as being worked by your will alone and not governed by some overlord as part of some 'big picture'.
Well that's my rambling over, I'm not sure which option to go for, probably to gain proof that there is a god, therefore adding more meaning to life even if it does mean relinquishing all control over my actions to another force other than myself.
Just to add, I only took this option because who would chose to feel lost and alone all their lives? Which I really think is a bit of a shitty option because even if you NEVER believed in god, it doesn't necessarily mean that you would have to feel alone and lost, it would just mean that you put your faith into something else.
Inspired by this dirge...
Deep philsophical thoughts that leave you feeling ultimately disapointed with life, but HEY you're a very clued up person who knows the TRUTH
A shallow, superficial, Beavis and Butthead type existence, believing everything you are spoon fed and feeling pretty happy with the way things are

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The former, definately. At which point the jury will order me to drink Hemlock for "impiety and corrupting the youth of the city." :)
Work or play? (a very topical dilema for myself at the moment)

Daye wrote:
Play. I have too much work.
I have to say something about your ramblings, Louisa. My brother in law is an atheist, a true atheist. He doesn't believe in the existence of any higher power. He's a very difficult and angry person. I love him, but I honestly don't think he's very happy. Nothing really gives him any lasting joy, not even his two beautiful children. I think a lack of spirituality of any kind is a sad, lonely, and ultimately, hopeless condition.
Would you rather
have a rhinoceros horn growing out of your forhead, or sprout insect wings from your back?

Anonymous wrote:
Is there any question
The horn! (I can't tell you how many nights I've gone to bed wishing to God* for a rhinoceros horn to grow on my forehead. That'd be cool. huh huh huh.)
I guess that means I also choose the Beavis and Butthead life. Er...HAVE CHOSEN...is a better way to put it. :oops:
And, Lou, I AM one of those people you spoke of:
"In my mind if you don't believe in ANY form of higher being or purpose that leaves you very little options, I suppose the most likely is that you have to believe in YOURSELF - and take responcibility for your actions in the world as being worked by your will alone and not governed by some overlord as part of some 'big picture'."
But I do have an overloard(s). It's called reality: gravity, my boss, my mortality, the government, and random bullies/rapists/murderers/muggers. These forces, to name a few, limit my life. I'd be great to be like, say, Dave--strong in faith. But I can no longer talk myself into believing what I want to believe
Life is something to do before death, and death is the end of the road. :?
After your death, you are offered a choice:
Relive the life you just lived with full knowledge of your mistakes and successes (meaning you get to choose new adventures, so to speak).
Live a new life that is chosen for you AT RANDOM (can you say potential feeder mouse?). You will lose all knowledge of your previous life
* I don't have to believe in God to wish for a rhinoceros horn. But, you know, just in case I'm wrong...

Victor wrote:
I would take the same road again with knowledge of my mistakes. As painful as all of that journey was I am wider for it and could change my destiny. It might have some similarities, but overall I could change many more lives for the better
To do it randomly again, well...thats too much like this go 'round.
as for Death being the end of the road? Not so sure about that. But beleiving that does not make me have any less zeal for life. If your eternal afterlife is to be any sort of reward wouldn't you rather deserve it
so having pondered that...
after you die...
An eternal nothingness. Oblivion. Decomposition. Wormfood. The end of the road.
a gift of love, peace, and satisfaction for all time. WIth full knowledge of the world as it continues.
a stasis of existence. Reliving the past, unable to affect the future, stuck so to speak waiting for something to happen.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
That isn't really much of a choice now is it Dave? It'd have to be a gift of love, peace and satisfaction for all time - aren't they the sorts of things we search for in life anyway
Physical Scars
Mental Scars?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Physical scars. Mental scars are too painfull for me, physical scars i can handle, the mental ones make me crazy.
Would you rather have a dirty mud cover sneaker with worms in it for breakfirst,
starve yourself for 10 days....
(just one of those questions i am curious about...)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I think I would have to be starving for much longer than 10 days before I could bring myself to eat a mud-covered sneaker with worms in it. So, much as I love my food, I'd rather not eat for 10 days.
And there's so many others I'd like to answer, but I think I'd hit my word limit.... :roll:
And Dave didn't give us enough choices before... How about this one as well
After you die:
An eternal nothingness. Oblivion. Decomposition. Wormfood. The end of the road.
Reincarnation. Doing it all over again, but with no knowledge of your prior existence(s).

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Um probably reincarnation, I'd like to think that there is something after life, even if it's just making the same mistakes again and again until we finally get it 'right'. But lets face it, either way you wouldn't know what choice you made - it's only horrible to think of the first option (of being worm food) if you have lost a loved one recently. I don't think we necessarily wish for an afterlife for ourselves, but rather for those that we love whom die, because it keeps them alive in a way, and it's not nice to think of your mom or dad etc being nothing more than worm food :
Okay, I'm getting tired of all these deep philsophical questions, they're making me think, and as Kris will know I HATE that! :D
Stick Or Twist
(In other words are you a gambler? Do you stay with the safe option, or always take the risks in the hopes of getting the big prize?)

Daye wrote:
Twist, life's not worth living if you don't take chances. And so saying...
You're visiting here in Vegas, only 20 dollars left to your name...
Do you use the last 20 to fill your tank with gas and head home in disgrace
Do you bet that last 20 on one last turn of that wild roulette wheel?

Mantheana wrote:

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Well Kris does live in Vegas ;)
I'd take that last $20 and put it on lucky number 4... *crosses fingers* heh who cares if I lose? I'll just get a job working at some strip club to earn some money - er doing the washing up that is... :oops:
Write a book
Read a book?

Mantheana wrote:
Well, that depends entrirely on what book we're talking about here. I LURVE to read, but then again, I would so love to write a really good book, so I guess I would write a book.
head ache
stomach ache

Jadyn wrote:
headache. i'd just take 2 aspirin and sleep. can never do that with a stomachache. *grimace*
pocket tissue or hankerchief?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Tissue. Ok, maybe a hanky is more environmentally friendly, but if you use it then you've got to put a full, soggy hanky back in your pocket. Ewww!!!!!
Write a post for LABN or watch Buffy reruns?

Victor wrote:
Watch Buffy Reruns. I know you are shocked but I'm lazy, LABN is work. FUn work, but work none the less
Fruit or Veggies?

Anonymous wrote:
Vegies. Fruit gets messier quicker.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Spraypaint. Why go childish when you can go vigilantee
Potato salad or cole slaw?

Daye wrote:
Slaw. I love slaw. With fried chicken. I love fried chicken.
Have 5 wild, rambunctious 5 year olds overnight,
drill another hole in your head
(Guess what I did last night?)

Victor wrote:
You drilled a hole in your head? Actually I have done the 5 year old thing and I hate pain so I'll take the rugrats anyday.
Rugrats (the cartoon)? or "Guess Whose Talking (parst 1 and 2)"

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Rugrats! It's sooo cool I love little Chuckie! :D
Ice cream

Daye wrote:
MMMMM...do I have to choose. Sometimes I feel like sweet, rich, and oh so fattening, and sometimes I feel like light, tart, and refreshing. But, if I have to choose, I pick...ice cream.
A lazy Saturday at home, chatting and vegging out
a fun-filled, non-stop weekend fest?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Hmm, tough choice Kris. I like both, in moderation. I did the completely full-on weekend EVERY weekend for about 10 years up until about 3 years ago. Weekends lately have been much quieter. Now that I'm older, I think the quiet vegging suits me more. :)
Opera or musical comedy?

Daye wrote:
Musical Comedy...there's only so much tragic wailing in Italian or German I can take before I seriously start thinking about climbing a nearby clock tower.
Would you rather have a spooky, treat filled Halloween party with friends and family at home
Take your kids out to solicit treats door to door around your spooky neighborhood?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Since we don't 'do' Halloween here in Aust, it'd be a bit pointless to go around trick or treating. However, some people do put on Halloween-themed parties, so I'd be in that, for sure! :) Last one I went to I dressed up in a friend's chainmail. Whenever someone brushed against it, they'd stop, grap a handful of the stuff and say, "Oh, my God, it's real!"... hehe
Vomit, or wait for the queasiness to go away

Anonymous wrote:
Wait for it to go away. I hate vomiting; it's a powerful, invasive trauma. I won't vomit on purpose. Which is funny, because vomiting makes me feel better every time.
Whom do you want for yo' mama
(A tough question, if you ask me...and one that cannot be answered by Heather or Kristen. Sorry, ladies.)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Daye. Because then I'd (hopefully) inherit her red hair genes and she'd teach me her witchy crafty ways. Plus she can cook real good... yummy :D
Horror OR Psychological Thriller

Mantheana wrote:
Horror. They scare me less. I can deal with guts. every one has them. But head scarey ones are freaky.
Die proclaiming your beliefs proud and loudly
Keep alive by keeping your beliefs quite and denying that you have them?

Daye wrote:
"FREEDOM" (sreamed in my best Gibson impression as I am eviscerated for my convictions before a crowd of disturbed onlookers)
I will die for what I believe in.
Would you rather...
Paint your house with a group of friends over a weekend
Pay a stranger to come in and paint it for you?

Anonymous wrote:
Pay a stranger with a bouncing check. (I hate painting and I hate paying.)
Lou, I choose horror, because I often find that a true horror film already IS a psychological thriller. Personally, I think horror is simply a sub-category of the Thriller genre.
Space Opera
Science Fiction

Derek Park wrote:
Science Fiction. Read some great stories in class. A book called "The Illustrated Man". Anyway, what the hell is a Space Opera

Tarix Conny wrote:
Fantasy. I love dreaming......sigh.
What would you rather wear

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Black. White shows up the dirt too easily. And whenever I wear white, I ALWAYS seem to manage to spill something tomato-based on myself. :roll: Besides, black is sexier. :wink:
Turn up the heater or put on more clothes?

Victor wrote:
Seeing as how you are a nudist, I'd say I know your answer :)
Probably the same as mine...heater. The electric bill is no object when it comes to my comfort.
Great Exit...or Great Entrance.

Anonymous wrote:
Great Exit
It depends on what part of you they see as great. That's what they'll remember. I'd rather they not notice a great face as I enter. I'd rather they notice a great _______ as I exit.
Take all the cigarette butts in your house, tape them together, hang them from the ceiling, and remember days when you used to be allowed to smoke, the good ol' days, the days before the hell that is under your feet right this instant here on Earth!!!!????
Get over it. Drink some juice.
Can you see the struggle taking place?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Wow Sid, I'm wondering if we'll get to see your entire demise as the weeks progress? No, seriously, you're doing great, keep at it.
Well I'll take the juice, since I don't smoke, won't say NEVER have since I'm one of those annoying social smokers, the type that might spark up after getting rat arsed at a club after eating my second kebab (bought from the back of some guy's van). I can smoke, I can leave it. There's a name for people like me, it's 'A Bitch' :D
Cut flowers OR A living plant?

Anonymous wrote:
I choose the ball of cigarette butts.
Wait, that wasn't the question, was it? Okay, I choose the living plant. Then I can set it in a dark corner of my room (a.k.a. all of them) and whisper negative things to it. Heh heh. I'll tell it it's a motherless freak, and nobody would ever want to pollinate a planter pot potato the likes of it. And I'll name it Phil. And I'll tell Phil I only named it Phil because I hate the name Phil. And on lazy Sunday afternoons I'll hover over Phil and poke it's leaves. Poke. Poke, poke. Poke, poke, poke. MuHAWhawHAW.
Er, this is the word association game, right? I choose
How's that for demise, Lou? :roll:

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, since you didn't give a choice... if you choose cigarette, then I choose life-threatening asthma attack. :)
Go white water rafting or go swimming at the safety beach?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Will take the swimming. As interesting as it is to read and write about near-death experiences, have to desire to actually be in a position to have one. Which would probably happen if I tried white water rafting. Would sit there for a month afterwords debating whether or not the soul explanation or naturalist account works best.
Learn Latin to read Ovid's Art of Love in the original or Learn Ancient Greek to read Sappho* in the original
* May be misremembering the name. Looking for one of the poets who influenced later Roman poets.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Crikey, Adam! You mean that's a choice? Ok, I guess Latin would be easier, so I'd go for that. Sheesh......
Kill Adam by boiling him in oil or kill Adam by spearing him with hot pokers
Adam - you are free to choose the manner of your own death by answering this one.. :)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
I choose death by spearing, so that I may subject you to terrible puns on the way out.
O-ray-gan-o or Or-e-gan-o?

Stalker wrote:
edited to say: aw Adam answered it first oh well my answer to his is ora gan o
okay lets boil him but first well start with the oil cold and slowly bring it to boil I've always wanted to do that
Stringing Adam up over a cliff with a candle slowly burning the rope holding him or putting him in a bathtub full of leeches constantly adding more until he is totally drained

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Or - e - GAHN - o
Biscuit or cookie?

Victor wrote:
I'll take the oil. Boiling in hot oil is ever so more entertaining becasue if you don't get it exactly right he dies instantly of shock or just howls for hours wthut really dying. Getting the temperatre right is an art. Besdes where are we going to find enough pokers to go around
And Cookies. MMM
While the cande torture is entertaining it is too saturday morning serial for me. I'll take the leeches
Lets see...
Fondue or Shiskabob

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fondue - but only if I could be snuggled up in a cabin in the Swiss Alps with a couple Swedish ski gods ;)
VHS recording at a dirt cheap price
DVD's with better picture/sound quality and extras but at more than twice the price of VHS?

Anonymous wrote:
VHS's. So i am cheap....i'm broke....help me? Besides, i dont have a dvd player
Die of laughter
die of old age, all rinkly, coughing, you get the idea....?

Tarix Conny wrote:
^^^Sorry guys, logout problem..... :oops: again....

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Die of laughter, just like my idiot hyena cousins! :lol:
You can see one of the following plays, which do you choose
Man of La Mancha or A Midsummer Night's Dream

Stalker wrote:
A Midsummer Night's Dream, That play is awesome.
Wearing 50 pair of underwear for 5days or 50 pair of pants for 5days
I can't think of anything else, so shoot me.

Tarix Conny wrote:
The pants....i dunno know why but i sounded less embrassing....
To have a bonsai tree
an oak one...?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
A large oak tree. I don't know but bonsai trees seem kind of repressive. I'd like a large tree that all the kids could climb in and sit under drinking lemonade and telling stories. :D
What is your prefered mode of transportation
Train or Plane

Victor wrote:
Preferred...Trains. But trains don't run from Maryland to Australia so I am forced to take them from time to time.
Galaxy Quest Or StarTrek IV (The Voyage Home)

Tarix Conny wrote:
A tattoo of a heart with a stake through it on your face
20 peircings on your face?

Mantheana wrote:
I'd have to go with the tattoo. That could be a cool and discrete tattoo. 20 piercings, however, could not be discrete.
(merry merry theme for halloween week)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Overdose. No pain - you just drift away.......
Chew your fingernails or trim them?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Trim, it used to be chew, for a long time, and it was gross and unhygenic, and took a long time for me to train myself not to do it (and yet I still want to do it when I'm nervous) So trim, keep those nails tidy :)
Here's a festive one
Trick OR Treat? ;)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Trick, no wait, treat, I mean... is this a trick question? :)

Victor wrote:
Beat Sid over the head until he gives us a new This or that
Just toss one up there yourself?

Anonymous wrote:
Trick, Dave! you meant Adam, not sid. The new avatars got you.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Yeah, so you may as well beat me over the head. :)
Be moved to song or moved to poetry? :)

Stalker wrote:
I am always singing and I love it but I'd prefer to be moved to poetry because in my experience poetry can be turned into song anyway.
icecream on an extremly cold day or chocolate on a extremly hot day

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, chocolate any time. I don't care if it melts everywhere in the heat. :) Hmm, melted chocolate... thinks... :wink:
Have a good cry or put on a brave face?

Stalker wrote:
depends on the situation it used to be I never would cry in public. I always used to put on a brave face but over the last year I've realised that the big tough mucho image doesn't have to be me, sometimes crying helps get over things easyer than denial. although I do think denial is a deep imbeded reaction which happens almost instantly within me when something bad happens.
Having someone their to share your pain or crying alone

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Definitely having someone there. What's a good misery for if you can't pass it on to others? :wink: But seriously, with someone there they can give you a bit of perspective - even draw you out of the doldrums sometimes.
Lemon tart or chocolate mud cake?

Stalker wrote:
Lemon tart. Dad used to bring home at least one chocolate mud cake a day, as you can probably guess I would of course eat them until I felt sick, now I feel sick after just one bite.
Questions about deep meaningful things that get you thinking and feeling or questions about things that can be answered quick and easy

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Hehe, I like the deep and meaningful questions myself - it's just that when it comes time to create my own I can't always come up with something suitable. That's when I start talking about cakes. :)
Have another drink or go to bed, given that it's midnight?

Stalker wrote:
Have another drink!!! is there any question about it
feeling insecure about love and relationships or feeling insecure about money and finance

Natasha Brookes wrote:
You're a bastard, Greg. Are you sure you're not reading my mind
Bugger you, I'm not answering that one.....

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, ok, since you insist. :P
I'd rather feel insecure about money and finances. They're the material things and are ultimately neither here nor there (though in today's world a severe lack of finances can really stuff you around). Love and relationships, however, are the things that hold your soul together. It's a much, much harder road to feel uncertain about love.
Give up everything for the one you love or give up on love?
...and we all know which I've done. :D

Stalker wrote:
I can't answer this question fully because I've never found love but I would do anything for it.
waiting ten years and finding true love or the first thing that comes along that you feel comfortable with

Natasha Brookes wrote:
*Peers inside skull... finds miniature Greg floating around in the cerebellum... grabs fishing net.* Get out of my brain, already!
Waiting 10 years to find true love. It's always worth the wait.
The thing is, some things look like true love and indeed may well have been true love once, but they can evolve. Then several years later you discover that what love there was has faded and true love is still out there waiting to be discovered.
Seek guidance from friends, tarot readings, etc, or try to work it out by yourself?

Stalker wrote:
Try to work it out myself by listening to other people.
to start hateing someone or stop loving someone

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Not really sure where the balance would throw you with that one, you could stop being in love with someone yet still care deeply about them, on the other hand you could really like someone then grow to hate them. I think that to stop loving someone would be the lesser of two evils because it doesn't necessarily mean that you never have to see them again.
The family that you are born with, or the one you make for yourself?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The one you make for yourself; for the name of 'family' still remains when goodwill has been removed from those you are born with, but the one you make for yourself cannot exist without it. (Personally, I would call the latter 'friendship' making those bonds strong than the bonds of family; but then again, I'm a followed of Cicero in this respect).
Make a bizare claim that reflects the way you view the world, or be easily understandable but probably misunderstood? :)

Tarix Conny wrote:
Make a bizare claim that reflects the way you view the world, hmmmm i do that all the time and get puzzeled looks from ppl, umm also all the time :?
Have super power like spider man,
that of superman...

Jadyn wrote:
superman! i always wanted to fly! the thought of being able to climb up buildings just doesn't have the same effect.
jay leno or david letterman?

Parasol wrote:
David Letterman if the choice is of those two. Personally, I like Jon Stewart from The Daily Show the best, but then I like snide. Not friendly Letterman snide, but we-mock-and-ridicule-you,-the-public snide.
Dark Phoenix

Parasol wrote:
What? Did I bring this to a dead stop?!!! I thought y'all couldn't get enough of this. What is up? Are these comic book references too old and dated? Somebody answer here -- I wanna play.
Dark Phoenix -- X-Men (referred to in last season's finale re Willow)
Electra -- Assassin (Just the coolest anti-hero there ever was)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Okay I'll answer it, I'll go for the Phoenix guy because I love the X-Men in any shape or form :)
A snowy, traditional xmas with lots of snow and playing in the snow and having lots of fun in the, er snow
One of Heather's sweltering hot xmas bbq beach christmasses - which i'm sorry IS NOT christmassy at ALL :P hehehe

Victor wrote:
Seeing as how I am going to BE in that sweltering hot Christmas thiyear, I'll take that...cause it means I get to unwrap my sweety on Christmas Day...

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Tough choice... But I have to go for the Joker. I especially love the version in the animated Batman (and I still can't believe that was Mark Hamill's voice for the Joker).
Get drunk 'alone' at home with your computer and your internet buddies or stay sober visiting local friends?

Anonymous wrote:
Get drunk with internet buddies. I'm highly boring when I'm sober. I'm highly boring when I'm drunk, too, but I don't realize it at the time, and therefore I have more fun.
All the piss beer you can drink? (which is what I'm drinking now)
A really, really good, TALL glass of excellent beer.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, give me the good beer every time. I don't like chemical beer - it's got to be the good, brewed stuff before I can drink it.
Beer hangover, or spirits hangover?

Anonymous wrote:
beer. beer. beer spirits suck. unless it's before you're puking.
-------------talking to Dave or talking to Heather
And THAT'S A TOUGH QUESTION. because I'm talking to them both at this moment, and it's not easy to choose.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Not sure if I should be answering this one, but I'm MUCH rather be talking to Dave. And I'd much rather be doing it up close and personal rather than via 10,200 miles of cable... but you take what you can get.
Anyway, since I probably shouldn't be answering this one and I'm too drunk to come up with a new This or That (geez, you don't want to know how many times I've had to backspace to correct typos...), I'll leave this to somebody else. :)
Thank you. Thank you very much.

Victor wrote:
I'd prefer Talking to Heather...and of all the people I have talked to Sid and John and Louisa and April...Heather is my favorite. Not just becasue I love the dickens out of her but becasue she is dynamic and funny and intelligent and really fun to talk to.
if you don't have it already download CUseeme do so and try us sometime we are morethan willingto show you what it is that Sid/Jeffery is talking about. If you are notcoming in June this may be your only chance to see the Dave & Heather Show live.

Jadyn wrote:
cuseeme! damn... that reminds me... gotta get a mic... :oops: sorry robin! *sheepish grin*
since no one else has done a this or that thingie, i'll post the next one. you get the death sentence. would you rather die by:
1) hanging
2) electric chair?

Victor wrote:
Fry me. The idea of hanging and having to dangle there with a roken nexk...well. Somehow electricity seems faster and more sure
If you could go there for free...
The ISS (International Space Station) or the Moon?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
The Moon... Hell, I'd give an arm and a leg to be able to go to either, but just the thought of being able to stand on a piece of ground that has never been part of Earth sends shivers down my spine (good shivers, not bad ones :) ).
Would you prefer to:
Change gender for a week (see what it's like for the other sex)
Spend a week dead (find out what happens afterwards)?

Jadyn wrote:
spend a week dead. i can get a small idea of what it's like to be a man just by hanging around the male species... haven't been able to speak to a person who's dead to find out how it's like on that end though! :P
the vampire lestat - stuart townsend or tom cruise?

Daye wrote:
Stuart Townsend...He was the only good thing about that damn movie.
In a similar vein...
Micheal Keaton, Val Kilmer, or George Clooney?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Val Kilmer, Val Kilmer, Val Kilmer!!!!!!!
Terminator or Robocop?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh yes, I agree with you heather, Val Kilmner is ten times the better Batman :D
And I choose Terminator, although I prefered T2 to the original (and not just because we get a gratuitous shot of Arnie's arse!) Plue Robocop sucked majorly!!
How do you eat your candy
Suck or Chomp?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Hehe, I always try to suck lollies but I inevitably end up chomping.
On a similar vein,
Hard boiled lollies or soft jubes?

Daye wrote:
hard boiled lollies...
which Captain do you prefer...
Kirk (yummy in his day), Picard, Janeway, or Archer?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
ARCHER! ARCHER! ARCHER! Have I answered this question before? Oh Well ARCHER ARCHER ARCHER! Scott Bakula is SOOOOO supremely yummy!
In a similar thread, Favourite Bond
Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan? (and I apologise for any misspellings)

Daye wrote:
Connery...He is the honest to goodness oldest man I have ever thought was a total hottie. He's like 70 and I still think there's something about him, you know. As Bond, he was so...manly.
Ok, would you rather be a Vulcan, a Betazed, or a Klingon
(Can you tell there's a Star Trek marathon on Sci-Fi upstairs?)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Well, mom already calls me her little Vulan (or Minbari) when I get all philosophical on her. :) But think I would have to go with Klingon, just so I can look someone in the eye and, with my best Torg impression, yell:
"No, you have no honour!"
Author choices:
Piers Anthony or Harry Turtledove?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Adam, that's a toughie... but I have to go with Harry Turtledove. Just love those lizards high on ginger. :lol:
The better Obi-Wan Kenobi... Alec Guiness or Ewan McGregor?

Jadyn wrote:
i know tons of SW fans are gonna protest but ewan mcgregor... *grin* and for the bond one, i think brosnan is a lot sexier than connery, although i agree with kris that for an old man, he is a hottie.
harry potter, or lord of the rings?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Definitely Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter was good, and faithful to the book, but just seemed to lack that 'zing'.
Tissue or hanky?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Tissue, nice and disposable.
rather wear clothes that are:

Jadyn wrote:
definitely black... me and jade both! heh...
vampire willow or dark willow?

Victor wrote:
Vamp Willow. Despite the bumpyface, Vamp willow was sexy and bad whereas Dark Willow was just plain bad.
Dark Xander or Superstar Jonathan

Daye wrote:
Hmmm...Dark Xander....(yum...)
Would you rather tour Europe for a whole summer or go on an archeological dig somewhere in the world?

Stalker wrote:
europe yippeeeee
being trained or training someone

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Training someone else - cause that would mean that I already have the skills and knowledge that I require (well maybe_
okay laydeez how do your prefer your men
Hairy chest or Hair Free? :D

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, given my druthers I prefer hair free - but really, it's not a big issue with me. (So it's ok Dave, you don't have to start waxing or anything.. :wink:)
Though I must say, as a massage therapist I get to see all kinds, and the guys with serious body hair (the ones that look like they have a car mat strapped to their backs) are pretty off-putting.
Ok, then, one for the men...
The bigger the better?
More than a handful is wasted?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Maybe not strictly more than a handfull is wasted, but, um, bigger is not always better. It's all a matter of proportion - though gigantic Brodignagian breasts don't work for anyone, I think. But as I said, it's mainly a question of proportion for me. Don't ask me to explain it any further, since I can't.
Ok, semi-silly question....
Does life go better with classical or not? :D

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Classical what? Music? Art? Literature? Architecture? Go how? I don't understand the question - which I am sure is all part of your master plan Adam :P
BTW - on the subject of breasts, (and I suppose it depends on how big your hands are) but anything much more is just darn painful - how are you supposed to run for a bus or lay on your stomach with some gigantic bazookas stuck to your chest? Then come middle age and you have the equivalent of two tennis balls in a sock :
Type OR Handwritten

Natasha Brookes wrote:
...not to mention the back problems associated with the extra weight. Those babies can get heavy.

Victor wrote:
Good God, Type. I am glad to see the art of handwriting go away. It was hard to read in the days when "flowery" script was as much an art as practicality. Only the art of Caligraphy redeems it in my mind.
Push or Pull

Jadyn wrote:
push. it takes less effort as compared to pulling. (i'm thinking in terms of doors here...)
have a short but extremely passionate relationship, or a long and dull one?

Tarix Conny wrote:
short but passionate one! and after that spend your entire life weeping over that loved one you once loved and is now departed and gone, never to be seen again and.... :cry: ......ok, i am ok now.....
A beeny teddy bear
a beeny hush puppy hound?

Jadyn wrote:
a beany hush puppy. i love dogs... was never all that big on teddy bears.
an ibm pc or a mac?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
A pc - simply because that's what I've always used and know their little foibles (well, some of them...).
This is a topical one...
A constantly crashing MSN Messenger or difficulty accessing the LABN site?

Victor wrote:
Difficulty accessing LABN. I have a lot more control over that one. I can't always determine that it is HeavyHammer at fault but I feel like I am working on it. MSN is totally out of my control and that frustrates me more.
Home cooked meal or Restaurant Meal

Jadyn wrote:
home cooked. nothing can beat mom's cooking! :)
ok... here's a rather personal one. sex - with a condom, or without? :P

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Without, definitely... condoms dry me out too much. :( Though if there wasn't another form of birth control available or in use then they're kinda necessary (otherwise... ewww - babies 8O ).
Start buying all your Christmas presents in January, making sure you pick the exactly perfect present for each person
Wait until 24 December and rush around frantically grabbing what you can at the last minute?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I'd prefer to buy them in advance, though invariably I'll end up running around at the last minute :
And I think a condom is more a method of DISEASE control rather than simply to stop you getting pregnant (for which there are a variety of other methods) Let's face it, in this day and age I'd be more afraid of getting AIDS or any other of the dozens of STD's out there than getting pregnant. Then again you could just contract syphilis Heather - which can make you infertile, then you wouldn't have to worry about EVER getting pregnant - of course you'd also go insane too, but I doubt we'd notice :D
Long Days OR Long Nights?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Long nights, oddly enough. Yes, I realise this is me talking. :)
Long hours or long minutes? :)

Tarix Conny wrote:
long hours...i dunno why, just long hours i guess......

Mantheana wrote:
Well considering the two colour I usually accessorise my black with are red or Blue, that is pretty mean. But I would have to go with red. It just suggests a little bit more class. to me anyway.
Watch a cheap Manga program with storeyline and naff acting
watch a well acted load of crap

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Watch the cheap Manga - unless I'm really sick, in which case cheesy movies like Mom and Dad Save the World are in order. :) But I digress. Think there is much to be said for that mysterious thing called a "plot," and no matter how good the acting is, without that, you'll be zonked out.
8-Bit Theatre or Sluggy Freelance? :)

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
8-bit! 8-bit! btw I actually think a movie is ALL about the acting. If the acting is crap it doesn't matter if the script was written by James Joyce, it's still gonna ruin the whole thing. Whereas brilliant acting can liven up an otherwise crap film.
Still Photography OR Video Footage?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Video footage, good for the eyes....
A scorchio plushie or a Kougra plushie?

Jadyn wrote:
a kougra! *grins* love the little kitties!
along the same line, the wheel of excitement or the coltzan shrine?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Coltzan Shrine, better prizes and it's free!!
Skiing or Snowboarding

Jadyn wrote:
snowboarding... i fell down a lot less, for some reason...
chicken or duck?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I eat far more chicken than duck, but I have to say I love a nice, juicy piece of duck. If I could only eat one of the two for the rest of my life though?... I'd choose chicken. Duck all the time would be too rich.
Sexiest vampire - Lestat or Jean-Claude? (And if you don't know who Jean-Claude is, my God, people, you have to start reading the Anita Blake series!)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Lestat - and not just because I happen to think that TOm Cruise is hot! Lestat is swarve, sexy and mysterious with a real good dose of dark humour.
And I agree about the chicken/duck thing. Duck is nice but it's just too fatty to eat on a daily basis - plus chicken is a whole lot more versitile.
Have someone tell you the answer
Go find out yourself?

Anonymous wrote:
Tell me the answer, tell me the answer!
(No, really. Which is it? Have Someone Tell you the Answer or Go Find Out Yourself?)
Sit through Eraserhead
Sit through someone rubbing an eraser on your head

Jadyn wrote:
sit thru eraserhead. can u imagine how hard it'll be to get all those rubber pieces out of ur hair? hehehe... anyway, i'm use to suffering thru crap movies.
brendan fraser in
or ? heh... sid's avatar gave me the idea for this one...

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Is there really any contest here? Brendan Fraiser was so hot in The Mummy, er, then again you DID get to see him almost naked in George of the Jungle... :D
Sandy Beach
Snowy Piste?

Mantheana wrote:
SNOWY PISTE! I lurve to ski! darn those snow boarders... one day, us with enough co-ordination to use two skis will make a come back... mumblemumbleconspiracymumblemeetyourdemisemumble. Oh and April, after seeing brenden fraiser in george of the jungle, I couldn not take him seriously in the mummy, i was just dying to star singing "Rick, rick, rick of the pyramids, watch out for that mu-mmy!"... well... yes... anyhoo....
Red Hot Chili Peppers or Incubus
(the bands before some one like Sid comes up with a smart-ass comeback involving vegetables and oddities-of-the-night)

Jessica Travers wrote:
Incubus any day!!
Assuming The Matrix is true would you take the blue pill or the red pill?

Stalker wrote:
I take both the blue and red to see what happens.
only coz I can't remember which does which.
I'd wanna leave the matrix.
Star Trek: Enterprise or Red Dwarf

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Red Dwarf.
Though I've only seen the first season of Enterprise, and the Star Treks usually improve after the first season, and to be honest, the last half of season one was pretty kick-arse. But still, who can go past Lister, Rimmer, Holly, Kryten and the Cat
Neopets or NationStates?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Neopets!!! :D Where neopoints make rich neopets!
Brandy or Whisky

Stalker wrote:
Brandy yum
songs making you feel proud patriotism for you country or happy pop songs

Anonymous wrote:
happy pop songs
Brandy in your egg nog
Egg nog in your brandy

Stalker wrote:
brandy in my brandy
songs about the glory of war or sad songs about the results of war

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Sad songs about the results of war - I don't think war should be glorified under any circumstances.
A gracious loser, or an arogant winner

Jadyn wrote:
a gracious loser. there's nothing more off-putting than arrogance.
freezing cold or burning hot?

Tarix Conny wrote:
FREEZING COLD....yaaaaaaaaaaa, i love the cold......
0X ?

Stalker wrote:
well this all depends on what you mean
A. If you are asking wether I like the idea of the little green alien or star trek's Borg I'd choose the Borg any day the borg rule and have the perfect society
B. If you are asking which picture I like more I still answer the Borg cause it looks cool
C. If you are asking which picture I find more offensive I would have to choose the little green alien because he's pulling finger signs at me
D. if you are asking which picture I think took the creator longer to create I must say I think the borg picture would have taken longer cause it is animated and looks beter
my Question is
Which question was she asking
A or B or C or D

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Well our Saadia's a simple complicated woman, I'd like to think she just meant which picture did you like best :D
Really long scarves or Big furry boots? (hey, it's a question!)

Jadyn wrote:
really long scarf. i can always wind it around my neck a few more times or tie it in an intricate knot to make it shorter.
how the hell does one walk in big furry boots? i now have this ridiculous image of myself stomping around in a pair of boots that look like a mammoth's legs... :
sushi - would u rather eat raw octopus or raw sea urchin?

Anonymous wrote:
Raw octopus. Say it ten times fast and you'll begin to understand my insanity. (And this ain't no punishment, baby, no matter how you look at it.)
It's that night of the week. Your favorite TV show is on. Unfortunately, one way or another, you're going to be disappointed. Choose your diappointment:
Watch a rerun that you've seen multiple times, but its' the best episode ever made
Watch one of those rare double-feature deals where they give you two new episodes in one week, but they're the worse episodes ever done

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The rerun. Even though I know what's going to happen, will still enjoy the old episode.
Besides, they cancelled Farscape. So now all we have are reruns. :( One choice is no choice.
Mayor Richard Wilkins III

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
What was that you said about no choice? SPPPPIIIIKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!! :D
Watch sports
Play sports?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Watch sports. I like my heart to continue to function, which it never wants to do after playing sports.
Ask an evil question like "Spike or Giles"
Ask an easy question like my last one

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Ask an evil question. One of the things I like about the ToT game is that it forces you to think and evaluate your personal priorities. Sometimes over something trivial, such as whether Spike or Giles is better, but sometimes over more important issues, as well. :)
Spike or Giles?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
GRR Heather! Oh, the worst of all decisions! What I'd prefer is to say I want them both (preferably at the same time ;) a sort of Giles and Spike sandwich...)
Oh, sorry about that, lost myself for a moment :D
Well um yeah my allegiance sticks with Giles, I love his character and the way that he has developed but still stayed true to his initial beliefs and morals, and yet there is still so much we *don't* know. I love Spike because he was such a bad boy rebel, but underneath there was something softer. But um yeah, in the end I have to stick with Giles, no um Spike, no Giles, definately Giles, all that tweed just turns me on ;)
What kind of fame would you like
Instant, Big Brother/Pop Idol fame only to be forgotten two years later
Enduring scientific/humanitarian fame which takes decades to come to fruition and you probably have to wait several centuries after you die to actually become recognised

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Enduring, preferably posthumous, fame. I'd much rather be remembered as a Mother Theresa, or as an Einstein or Stephen Hawkings than the crazy, commercial type of fame "enjoyed" by actors and pop stars. It would be much better to be remembered for having contributed to the world in a positive way than to be a short-lived fad. And frankly, the idea of being chased by paparazzi just doesn't appeal to me.
Come up with a new This or That question, or drive a nail through your finger?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Um, drive the nail through my finger. Tis less painfull. :)
Break the bed, or take a break

Tarix Conny wrote:
Break the bed......
about the alien and the cyborg, i actually have no clue what i meant, i think i meant the pictures...i think.......
Ok, along the lines of cyborg and little green men, which would you rather be:
A) Hijacked to the planet of Jekak where little green men live, they make you their leader and for a whole year you enjoy the life of luxury, until the day you realise that the planet has had a bad effect on you and you grow- AN EXTRA HEAD!!!!
B) Hijacked by the Cyborg (star trek ones) turned into one where you have great powers of strength and the red laser eye and weopons and force sheild to deflect other weapons (i've been watching way too much star trek) and get to change other beings into cyborb BUT you have no free will of your own and are controlled by the head cyborg Queen....

Stalker wrote:
although I do think the life of the borg is the perfect society I think I'd prefer the luxury and extra head
the extra head really wouldn't worry me
travel back in time 50 years, with no preperation (you can't quikly go check the lotto numbers for that year)
go into the future 50 years with no preparation

Tarix Conny wrote:
50 yrs into the future- AND BEYOND!!! ok i already know what happened 50yrs back...ok maybe i have a little idea of what happened. Whatever happened happened, its the thing of the past.
Now the future...wow...what can we expect, will civilization be destroyed...will it be there but underattack by an alien race!!! or will we have a star wars sinerio! what! what will be there....!!!!!!!
Sleep for 50 years of your life and wake up as a person in their 70's 80's (depending on what you are now) and discover a world thats different but only discover it for a while then after a few years you kick the bucket anywyaz.....
die at the age of 40(ish) without seeing 50 years into the future
(yup all gloom and doom but i just saw "awakening" so i am all gloomy and doomy and saddy.. :( )

Jadyn wrote:
die at the age of 40-ish. u can't miss what u never had so not knowing what the future is like is no big loss to me. plus i really am afraid of growing old... being alive at ther age of 80 sounds horrific for some reason. :
eat your favourite dish at every meal for the rest of ur life or have something different each time but it's all food you hate?

Mantheana wrote:
Food I like. Yay! Starch fest! You might get bored, but at least you'll enjoy the start rather than hating all of it.

Anonymous wrote:
Fishnet, fishnet, fishnet! Especially ripped fishnet stockings worn by Helena Bonham Carter.
Uncooked, crunchy, Smack Ramen (the cheapest noodles ever created)
Spam (cold and wet, right out of the can)

Jadyn wrote:
lace... since it can look ultimately elegant or erotically trashy... fishnets are just tacky, no matter how u wear them.
james bond - sean connery or roger moore?

Anonymous wrote:
Sean Connery!!!!!
Boy, that's a no-brainer. :D
Uncooked, crunchy, Smack Ramen (the cheapest noodles ever created)
Spam (cold and wet, right out of the can)

Jadyn wrote:
i'll take the noodles. spam is so... ICK... 8O
sam having sex with jade, or sam having sex with kate? *grin* (since he's already done the do with tash, i'm leaving her out...)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Sam having sex with Jade. Do I have to explain why? :twisted:
Give a serious answer to someone when they speculate about the plot, or play with them?

Anonymous wrote:
(Forget Sam. Can I have sex with Jade?)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
(Do you want to risk pissing off Sorrow?)

Anonymous wrote:
Sorrow-schmorrow. He's fictional. I'm, like, a real guy. I think.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
In that case, you can't sleep with Jade. She's fictional as well.

Anonymous wrote:
I knew you were going to say that. :) Hey, stop wasting thread! This ain't for our philosophical discussions. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make love to Penelope Pitstop.

Jadyn wrote:
well... now that the guys have stopped, here's my answer. (sorry... never expected things to get THAT out of hand when i popped the sex with jade or kate question.) :oops:
aaanyway... when someone speculates about the plot? play with them! heh... why spoil the suspense? :)
in your next life... and if reincarnation really existed... would u rather be:
1) human, but severely handicapped
2) a stray dog on the street?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Human, but severely handicapped... simply because I believe in reincarnation but not necessarily transmigration. :)
On a similar, and somewhat fun note.
Come back as a philosopher (thus getting nothing but brain-in-vat jokes and having no hope at making money) or a politician (thus getting no respect but making money)? :twisted:

Anonymous wrote:
They will learn respect!!!!! (Politician for me)

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
External, you can see what's wrong then....plus you can impress/gross people out and go 'LOOK!' 8O
Major car crash, fireball that explodes 20feet. Would you rather;
Die instantly

Jadyn wrote:
die instantly. whatever's left of me after that kind of crash won't be of much use and i refuse to be a burden on my friends and family in that way.
early to bed and early to rise, or sleeping late and then sleeping in the next day?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Early to bed and early to rise, because work starts at 7am 8O
On a related note, job you hate that pays well or job you like that pays little?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I don't think there's enough money in the world that could induce me to stay in a job that I really loathe... okay maybe there is enough money - like a million, billion, squillion pounds.
(Quick lets test this, someone offer me a million dollars to be Sid's live-in nanny! ;) )
But it's still a fucking drag working somewhere you hate with a passion (can't you tell I just got home from work) so I would choose, a job that I love. You can't put a price on happiness.
Sweet and Sour
Hot and spicy?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Nope, can't tell at all you just got home from work, or that you hate the bastards. :)
Sweet and Sour for the moment. There's something about the contradiction - note that my view on this is apt to change in under five minutes.
Last-Minute shopping spree or Actually buy in advance?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Buy in advance! Buy in advance! Then all you bloody last minute shoppers wouldn't be annoying me on christmas eve saying "Have you got this in a size..."
"NO we haven't it's fucking christmas eve you cretin! What kind of person leaves their shopping till the last minute and STILL expects to find what they want? Huh? HUH? YOU! You complete tosser!!"
*sighs* *feels better*
And a Happy Holidays everyone! :x-mas:
How do you wrap your presents
Lots of bows and expensive ribbon so that it looks pretty under the tree
Minimal sticking tape and the cheapest paper you could find, knowing it'll only end up in the bin

Jadyn wrote:
lots of cheap bows and paper so that it'll look pretty under the tree AND in the bin. *grins* :P
in a relationship... would you
1) change the way you act / talk / think for the person if he or she says that it's for your own good (e.g quit smoking / bitching / drinking?)...
2) say "fuck it, love me, love my bad habits or fuck off..."

Anonymous wrote:
I pick 1.5.
But since I can't pick that, I'll pick 2. Love me or leave me, bitch.
(Uh, Karie, uh, where are you going? i was only kiddin', baby. You know I love you. I was joking. Can't you take a joke?) :D
Lose your job and your apartment (out of the blue) and have to clear out of both TODAY by 5:00 o'clock.
Lose your significant other (girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife) right now...forever.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Lose the Job and apartment. Jose the Job and apartment. LOSE THE JOB AND BLOODY APARTMENT!
Chose Sid's method of death for that question:
Death by fire or water?

Anonymous wrote:
water! Water is cool and soothing...even though drowning is horrible.
But have you ever tried reading a magazine in the waiting room to Heaven when you've got a bad burn? It sticks to those damn vinyl seats! Like, OW, man.
Puke on a girl/guy you're trying to impress
Shit on five strangers, one after another. (Of course, you've tied them up for this purpose, becase you're a super villain)

Galen Eldridge wrote:
I have to ask, Jeppi. Where do you come up with these things?

Anonymous wrote:
Oh, just emotionally disturbed, I guess. But I'm not one to brag.

Anonymous wrote:
Okay, that one was pretty immature. 8) how about this one instead, a little more tame:
Live without a bank account, checking, savings, credit card your whole life
Live without ever eating in a restaurant, fast food joint, etc...all your stuff comes from the grocery store.

Galen Eldridge wrote:
All my food as groceries. I need my credit card to get tea. :)
Tea or Coffe? :)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Coffee! Coffee! COFFEE! COFFEE!!!! and I've probably had enough for now.... :D
Drink too much
Eat too much
(as in the festive way...) :D

Jadyn wrote:
drink too much... i won't put on that much weight that wa. :oops:
pepsi, or coke?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Coke, COKE! Can everybody hear me? COKE! For the love of god coke.
Would you rather use;
Bad, horrible, role over and die within 10metre radius smelling toilet that is actually immaculate. (Someone just left a bomb 8O but still flushed it)
Best smelling toilet anywhere, so good that it brings life and heals the sick, but unfortunately is smeared with faeces. *looks sick*

Mantheana wrote:
Number one. Just loike the toilets at our school. Only the rooms are pleasantly pained plum and custard colours and often without loo role and littered with sanetry towls. But at least as a girl, I shall never enter this hell hole alone. We always drag a friend along! :wink:
recieve (christmas) present which is wonderful and expensive and bought from the shops
recieve (christmas) present which is wonderful but not expensive and home made

Jadyn wrote:
home made. even if it cost nothing to make and sucked big time, i'd still treasure it since the person went thru the hassle of making it in the first place.
bedsheets - smooth silk or crisp cotton?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Crisp cotton - silk just screams eighties tat, might as well have mirrors on the celing as well! :roll: Besides, silk just seems to run up a static charge, not good, if ya know what I'm saying, huh? huh? :D
When you are ill do you -
Suffer it out on your own, holding to some macho theory about not going to see some quack
Hot foot it to your local GP?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Suffer it our on my own, becasue the other otion is going to ess the health centeu quaks.
Coke with coke
coke wit vodka?

Jadyn wrote:
coke with coke. coke with vodka taste weird...
when u've drunk too much...
1) barf ur guts out and have no hangover the next day
2) pass out but have the mother of all headache after?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Neither. I just go back to bed and sleep it off. :)
When you're drunk, do you
a) Hang out on-line and provide loads of entertainment for people
b) Hang out downstairs and try to drink yourself sober?

Jadyn wrote:
neither. i go straight to bed. *grins* i think we seem to be forgetting that we're suppose to choose one or the other in this game and not provide our own alternatives. :P ah heck...
ok... the lord of the rings (as in the movies)... the fellowship of the ring or the two towers? (i give the latter my vote! :))

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The former! Okay, so I haven't *seen* the latter yet, so it has to win by default. :)
Pick your method of eternal life: cloning or turned into a vampire.

Jadyn wrote:
turning into a vampire. always wanted that to happen... *grin*'
ur ideal sex partner - clean shaven, or not? *grin again* and yes, i mean down there!

Stalker wrote:
Hell I don't care as long as I'm getting some!!! but I'd say clean shaven or at least neatly trimmed
Flirting or Straight to the point

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh flirting definately, that's half the fun! :D
Blind Drunk
Nicely Buzzin'

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Yep, it definatly is. Anyway, nicely buzzin. Though the problem is for me that rapidly becomes blind drunk. Especially when the drink is strong and on an empty stomac.
Inspired by the Illuminatus! Trilogy, choose! Male supremecy and orgasms are part of:
a) The International Communist Conspiracy
b) The International Kapitalist Conspiracy

Galen Eldridge wrote:
What? Nobody want this one? :D

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
The thing I want to ask Adam is, Why are you surprised? lol!

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Alright, a new one.
David Duchovney or Scott Bakula? :twisted:

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
That's almost as bad as that one about Giles or Spike!! :oops:

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Okay... hmm... tough choice... hmmm
I DO like Mr Bakula, I do, I do, I do... hmm Quantum Leap, Star Trek...
But I also like the Divine Mr Duchovney... *whistles X-Files tune* but then he has all those naf poses he does...*ducks and hides* Think I'd have to choose ol' Scott :D
Research - Internet or Library (and by Library I mean looking in books not just going to the computer room!)

Tarix Conny wrote:
INTERNET YAHHHHHHH (i am just cheerful for nothin...) I mean you go on the internet,
research for 1 min,
check to see whether you have mail,
read mail reply, spend 20 mins at it,
then do more research for 1 mins,
then ask your self whats going on in LABN,
come here,
read messages,
write messages,
then try and go back to research and print it all the 2 mins work out,
find the computer has crashed and decide to come back tommorow and do the entire work again......
Would you rather be a
Dwarf in snow white
A troll under the billy goat bridge?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Troll under bridge, TROLL UNDER BRIDGE! Not only could i freak people out, buuuuut, i can also eat them :mrgreen:
Pina Colada

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Mudslide, mudslide!
Rotten Dave had some tonight and wouldn't send any through the computer for me, so I made do with a couple of brandies instead, though that did kind of slow down my response times for the collaboration I was doing with Robin at the time... :oops: Sorry, Robin darlin'. :)
Collaborate while drunk
Collaborate while sober

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Collaboration while drunk, COLLABORATION WHILE DRUNK! My god, so many of us are pissed tonight :D at least all the aussies are that i know of...and drinking has currently swayed my decision making to the collab while drunk option....ok, ramblin now.
Stupid drunken rambling
Reserved controlled chit chat

Stalker wrote:
ss um ssstup hmmm stupeaa *hic* hmm I lufff yooou *hic* huh I wosss gontaa ssay sumfin *hic* me likes drinkeeee *hic* hehehehhhehehe *hic* mmmm beersiees
doing illegal things whilst drunk or passing out before you get the chance

Victor wrote:
Heavens forbid that OUR Australians would do anything so crass as feed a stereotype like a Drunken Australian, an Uptight Englishman, a Rude American or a Overworked Asian. Heavens no!
Having done my share of illegal things while sober and having one my share of passing out drunk, I'd have to say that either choice is trouble...but passing out drunk has fewer (and less permanant)) repercussions.
Playful Sarcasm
Just Plain Shitty

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Playful sarcasm, definitely. It's much more fun. I hate getting shitty - which isn't to say that I don't get shitty sometimes. A few of you guys have caught me on a bad day and copped a mouthful from time to time. :oops:
Drunken Australian OR Rude American? :wink:

Victor wrote:
choices choices....
Austrailains can be so much fun when they are drunk...and no-one like a rude Americn (well not all of them). So I'll stick with that .
Church or Sleep

Tarix Conny wrote:
well being a muslim i don't go to a Church (not sure whether i could go to Church) but changing it to a mosque, i'd ummmm, probably go to the mosque, but reality check, i'd sleep :oops:, sorry God......eeep.......
Beenie bag chair,
Beenie bag stuffed toy?

Victor wrote:
Beenie bag chair. Beenie bag toys are generally too small to really cuddle and if I put my huge ass on them they just disappear. And besides, I have fond memories of beenie bag chairs...
well being a muslim i don't go to a Church (not sure whether i could go to Church) but changing it to a mosque, i'd ummmm, probably go to the mosque

and yes Mosque is an acceptible substitute for church as would be synagogue, temple, or shrine. There is an interesting story about Sultan Mahomet II of the Turks conquering Constatinople. When he entered the cathedral there he knelt at the alter and refused to allow his men to defile it. "This is a House of God" and he promptly declared it a mosque and Holy. It is still used as a mosque and was never re-dedcated or re-sanctified.
A house of God is God's house and open to all of GOd's children. You might not choose to worship there but you would be welcome Saadia.
War on Iraq: For or Against?

Victor wrote:
I went back to check my dates and facts and found this account of it (its short)

Daye wrote:
No matter the reasons, be they good or bad, I simply cannot make myself condone war in any way. I especially must say this when said war is simply a ridiculous political construct designed to be fed like pablum to an ignorant public. Whatever the truth is about Iraq, I don't feel our interference is warranted. The way I see it, this "War on Iraq" is a way for our president to try and distract us from the economic problems, and domestic issues facing our nation. So, I reiterate, I must "Just say no" to war.
Alien or Predator?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
YAY!!! Kris, you're the first American I've come across who isn't advocating war against Iraq. Now we just need to clone you 280 million times to replace all the others out there and we'll all be much better off. :)
And Alien. Just can't go past Alien.
George W Bush: democratically elected leader OR tin-pot dictator
(Check out the recent Quizzes pages for arguments for considering him a dictator.)

Tarix Conny wrote:
tin-pot dictator. He's not really that popular here btw.
Search on the internet by G 8O 8O GLE
by Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Of the two, I prefer yahoo; overall, I like either Hot Bot or Kartoo.
Read a disturbing book or watch a disturbing TV programme?

Jadyn wrote:
watch a disturbing program. the images i get from books are so much more vivid. if they're disturbing, they'll stay with me and leave me feeling all traumatised for days... :
the cartoon tom & jerry... tom or jerry?

Daye wrote:
Tin Pot Dictator...
although to be fair, I am a militant liberal Heather. (Hmmm...militant liberal, is that an oxymoron, or is it just me?) *shrugs* Oh, well. Anyway, I didn't vote for our dictator elect. As a matter of fact, my poor judgement and that of others like me may have put this imbecile in office. Yes, that's right kiddies, I voted for Nader, much to my chagrin. If we had just taken Ralph's advice and changed our votes to Gore at the last minute, we might not be in this huge mess now. So, enough rambling for me. Let's post another this or that, shall we
Would you rather be a powerful witch or an immortal vampire?

Jadyn wrote:
the vamp. witch craft can be taught, learnt... immortality can't.
would you rather eat -
a) plate of live worms
b) cooked human flesh?

Jessica Travers wrote:
Worms, couldn't eat human flesh. My computer still isn't back but I can nick my dad's for about 15 mins and attempt to catch up on the hundreds of posts... Hotmail has now done something to 2 of my email accounts and I can't access either of them and NTL (my email previdor) has had me without the internet for over 2 weeks and still hasn't done anything, so...
Hit NTL over the head with a giant spade or...
Blow up Hotmail with a giant bomb but save msnm. No I'm not mad. Yes I am exreamly random. And also Bush should be hit over the head with a giant spade too.

Tarix Conny wrote:
BLOW UP HOTMAIL!!!! And with 10 C4's too ...mahwhahahahahwhahahaha......
:snipersmile: :blowup:
going towards old comics, who do you rather prefer:

Victor wrote:
Betty always seemed more fun. I always wondered why anyone would put up with Veronica even though she was rich as hell.
Just an aside: I archived 400 ToT posts to the archive. So that will lighten this thread some...
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Jadyn wrote:
i've asked this one before. hehehe... but since i didn't get a chance to answer it myself, i preferred the 2nd one. the battle scenes were out of this world. and who could ever forget the way legolas pulled himself up onto that horse? *drools*
fairy tales - cinderella or sleeping beauty?

Stalker wrote:
Sleeping Beauty - because it's a beter story
Being forced to learn the acordian and then having to spend eternity playing polka. Whilst sitting all alone in the corner of a round room
Going deaf, blind, having your tongue cut out and all your nerve endings severed then forced to sit in the corner of a round room for eternity

Daye wrote:
Uhm...polka, I guess...
Would you rather suffer an eternity of Raucous screaming death metal
Go blissfully deaf?

Stalker wrote:
death metal - because some sort of music is beter than no music at all
All the time in the world to do nothing
No time to do anything

Jadyn wrote:
all the time in the world to do nothing. i think i'd make a nice, big, lazy, lovely sloth. *grins*
best possible labn gay couple - sorrow and galen (wahahahaha!) or tash and jade? (wahahahahahahahaha!) i am so looking forward to seeing the answer to this one!

Daye wrote:
Tash and Jade, cause I think that would be way hotter.
Uhm, would you rather have your appendix out or your tonsils?

Victor wrote:
Tonsils. I've had a lot more throat infections than intestinal problems. on the LABN gay pairing, I think the Jade/Tash relationship has a lot of potential, the Sorrow/galen one would go more like:
Galen: Hold me.
Sorrow: ... {broods}
Galen: You are always like that! Shutting me out!
Sorrow: {Whack!} (Puches Galen in the nose)
Galen: ... {falls to ground unconcious. Wakes up hours later alone and smokes too much and gets drunk}
(Sorrow in the meantime is systematically eliminating MJ12 a member at a time with magic and stunning swordplay)

Gold or Silver or Gemstones?

Jadyn wrote:
*reads dave's little dialogue*
bwahahahahahahahahaha... :lol:
and to answer your question, i'd go for gemstones. diamonds and rubies in particular. love the way those rocks glitter. hehehe...
milk - plain or flavoured?

Tarix Conny wrote:
FLAVOURED!!! i mean why drink milk milk, it just tastes like plain old...umm.....milk.....
for Dave's quote: very funny.....hahahahhahahahhah
ok, ummm, would you rather have a nail drilled into you head or your hand?
(note: there was this one guy would had a nail in his head for 22 years (just about, me thinks) and finally discovered it and had it removed.....) i believe its in the Guiness Book of Record.

Daye wrote:
I would rather not have a nail drilled into me at all, thank you very much. But as the point of this game is to make a choice, I'll go for the hand thing. Heck, do em both and I'll try to gain notoriety as one of those chicks with the Stigmata.
Speaking of which,
Would you rather be a martyr for a cause that may or may not be just
live with learning there really is no God (Divine Plan, Fate, What have you)?

Victor wrote:
I'd be the martyr. One of the things that makes a martyr is his beleif in the cause he is dying for. His faith. Knowing would be proof. And thats just not the same. Dying for a cause you KNOW is injust? Just doesn'thave the same ring to it. Besides if someone could prove (and it would have to be some pretty compelling proof!) that God did not exist I am not sure I could live in this world. It would have eaten me alive years ago.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells ... or .... Solar Power?

Mantheana wrote:
hydrogen thingy. Sun scares me. Tans my skin. Nooo! ahem.
Vanessa Carlton
Michelle Branche

Tarix Conny wrote:
Michelle Branch, for the reason because i've heard of her, and also because i've never heard of Vanessa Carlton.....
To feel very embrassed
to feel extremely guilty?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Feel embarassed, because it would pass eventually. Feeling guilty tends to imply that you've done something bad to feel guilty about and that tends to stay that way until you put it right.
Sing to yourself or out loud

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Sing out loud. Because quite frankly, if I'm going to torture myself with singing, y'all get to suffer with me. :D
Single for eternity or relationship from hell for eternity?

Victor wrote:
Single. The relationship from hell does more than just waste your time. If I am single I can at least pretend to be enjoying it....
On the subject of newspapers...
Read current events

Daye wrote:
Read current events. I really like getting information the old fashioned way, and I don't want to see the newspaper go the way of the dinosaur.
Diet and exercise yourself to miserable attractiveness
Die young, fat, and happy?

Stalker wrote:
I would prefer to Die young, fat, and happy
but it depends on how young and how happy I'd be and also on the other side how miserable
Fall in love so much all you can think about is the other person and all you want to do is be with them.

Victor wrote:
Damn thats a tough choice Greg. I was not unhappy before I fell in love...but it was less fun. Joy was in short supply. Love has brought a heap of joy into my. life. I'd have been happy without love but not as happy as I am.
So ultimately: I vote for the love.
Argue (as in aggresively defend positions...just one site shy of a fight. Emotional)
Debate (present positions and facts to support them...logical)

Tarix Conny wrote:
Debate. Well i would like to, but thats a theory anyways whether i can debate. Usually if i get myself going it ends up to be an argument, one breath short of knifes flying in the air. Debate is when you are all ready with the facts and logical reasoning, would love to try that sometimes....
Break your favorite mug
break your favorite chair....

Darian Gray wrote:
Id say I would rather break my favourite mug since it would probably be alot cheaper to replace. Plus I love my chair hehe.
How about this one (I read it in a book somewhere)
Would you Rather:
Have Darth Vaders music play everytime you walked into a room
Have your private parts glow whenever you get "Excited"

Tarix Conny wrote:
Darth vader music! yah! to tell ppl "be afraid....be very afraid...mwhahahah.....besides, my private parts glowing, not a good thing....
Be able to float uncontrollably
scream unccontrollably? (i have a feeling word misspelled...again...)

Victor wrote:
Float. Besides it could be cool. Screaming uncontrollably would suck becasue it would make communication difficult. As if its not hard enough already. Pity the people with Tourettes.
On movie sequels...
Son of/Revenge of/Return of ... i.e. a named sequel
2, II, part 2 ... i.e. a numbered one

Daye wrote:
A named sequel is so much more imaginative...even if you name it "Attack of the Clones"
Would you rather have chronic heartburn
or a constant headache?

Anonymous wrote:
Take , Pepto and call me in the morning. My headaches are viciously blinding and put me in a foul mood.
YAY! Jean's first post!
Speaking of fowl...
Scrambled or fried
(Eggs, not to be confused with my brain in the morning)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Personally I prefer poached, but if it were a choice between the two I'd have to go with scrambled, fried are just too greasy! YUK!
On the subject of food -
Junk Food or Health Food

Tarix Conny wrote:
Junk food. Yummy! though really not good if one wants to lose wait....
Would you rather be very cold wet
Very warm and extremely sweaty wet (like soaking sweaty wet, if you don't know what i mean, you definatly haven't been to Lahore in the summer....)

Daye wrote:
I'd rather be cold. I think there is no relief from being hot, and I'm not keen on being that sweaty.
Ok, so would you rather have to eat the same thing every day for the rest of your life, or
never be allowed to eat the same thing twice?

Merlona wrote:
Hmmm... eat Godiva icecream everyday for the rest of my life?? I am not having a problem with this. HEHE.
shower or bath?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Shower, for some reason it makes me feel cleaner

Merlona wrote:
I am a total night owl, and besides, moonlight is so romantic...
Jessica Rabbit or Betty Boop
(Can you tell I am watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Puuhhh--Leeeeezzz Eddie)

Victor wrote:
Jessica Rabbit. Betty is nice (esp when the Animators started hiking her skirt up higher and higer...) but Jessica has that voice...yum.
Animated with Cels by hand
Computer generated?

Darian Gray wrote:
Animated by Cels and hand, like in the gold old days :) Computer stuff doesnt have the same feeling.
Would you rather have classes starting really early, but you finish early,
classes starting late, but you finish really late

Merlona wrote:
Ugh, not a morning person AT ALL! Gimme those late classes anyday.
Live close to an ocean (1 hour more or less) or have a lake on your own property?

Daye wrote:
I think I'll take the lake. Not quite as intimidating and therefore less likely to strike terror in my water fearing heart. Although there is little chance I'll use this lake, mind you.
So, would you rather watch a movie that makes you laugh until you cry,
one that makes you cry until your head hurts?

Merlona wrote:
I am going to throw myself out a window on this one. I adore both sensations. ....
But I am a softie at heart, and I laugh more often than not anyway, so hesitantly/reluctantly I choose the head-racking tears.
Chester Cheetah... or the Cheshire Cat... (Kris, you can't answer this one.) :D

Tarix Conny wrote:
Ok, this one difficult, i love them both :D, since a choice has to be made i'll take the cat, will the nice grin :mrgreen:....
long shiny nails (hand nails)
really short nails...

Darian Gray wrote:
Short nails, long nails makes it hard to type (not to mention guys dont ever get long nails hehe)
Ben Affleck
Matt Damon

Merlona wrote:
Neither, but MD is the lesser of two evils.
licorice or jelly beans?

Victor wrote:
Absolutely Licorice. Thats why I always get the black jelly beans ;) And I was introduced to Chocolate covered Licorice in Aust...yum!
Laptop or Desktop?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Laptop. I've been trying to convince my dad to buy me a new computer for ages. Ok, so my knowledge of computer only extends till i switch it on and boot it up, but still a shiny new laptop wouldn't harm.
I mean i try giving him hints, like "check your email dad? but i looged in ages ago, it still hasn't opened because its so SLOW!!! Wouldn't it be nice to have a FASTER one *puppy dog eyes*"
Dad reply "Hmmm, must be the user....."
Eat a cucumber dipped in chocolate
a chocolate ice cream with mango chutni (mango chuti is made of mango but has a nice spicy edge)

Daye wrote:
I'm going with the chutney topped ice cream, because no way can i even begin to imagine a chocolate dipped cucumber. I mean would it be frozen like a banana, or would it have to be peeled? What are the specifics here? I just can't wrap my mind or my taste buds around it. The thing is, not everything is better dipped in chocolate. (I know, ladies, this somehow seems sacriligious, but it's true.)
On the same tact,
Which would you rather have, a deep fried twinkie or a deep fried candy bar?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
How about a sick bag and medium to small sized stomach pump?! Ugh, I feel a bit sick after reading those two questions now :oops:

Merlona wrote:
Moving away from the discussion of food...
Would you rather be a bank teller or a bank robber?

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Bank robber. Have always had something for wanting to be the bad guy. Besides, as a bank robber, you have to be more creative to get away with the deed without getting caught.
Root for the bad guy or the hero?

Victor wrote:
Becasue all the Australians are laughing themselves silly at this point...
I'd cheer for the hero rather than the villain. Sorry I find that unless the villains I am cheering for have an element of the heroic it just pisses me off that they are winning.
If you had to watch it...
Sports or Infomercials

Darian Gray wrote:
Infomercial all the way. I mean I need to know how to work my entire body, was pressure cooking a large chicken.

Kieran wrote:
definitely batman :x , come on...there's no question...deep down there's a batman in all of us. superman is the ideal man, but really, nobody is ideal...batman is flawed and such a kick-ass superhero, gadgets and brains anyone!?!?!?!? (although i'd think tyler thinks otherwise seeing as batman is INFERIOR :cry: )...plus, bats has the better rogues gallery :twisted:
matt damon
ben affleck

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Didn't we just have the Matt Damon or Ben Affleck question?? But anyway, I'm not keen on either of them... uh, let me flip a coin... The coin says Matt Damon.
And yes, definitely Batman. I mean, Superman is just TOO much the all-American boy scout hero. Give me a break! Batman has that dark undertone that makes for a much more interesting character.
Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett?

Victor wrote:
Douglas Adams. Terry Pratchet is good, but frankly Douglas Adams' stuff is brilliant in its loopiness and internal logic.
Albert Einstein
Stephen Hawkings

Daye wrote:
I have to say this is a tough choice. I think I'll go with Hawkings though, cause he was on an episode of South Park that I thought was really funny.
On that track then,
South Park or The Simpsons
Oh, and I will be the only one to choose Superman if I have to be. I was devastated when he was killed, as he's always been one of my all time favorite heroes. Superman does have a darker side, you know. He's by no means perfect. And although he's not human, I like to think he represents all the best of humanity, including foibles and frailties.

Tarix Conny wrote:
Simpons, no doubt, more funnies, more laughter, and i just love the family.
The Matrix
Final Fantasy
BTW, Superman is dead!!! When? How? Wha....it can't be!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO *runs screaming into the darkness until she hits a wall, gets up, shrugs her shoulders, and goes off to watch spiderman on tape*

Darian Gray wrote:
As much as I like Final Fantasy (the games, didnt like the movie) Id go with Matrix.
Here is one for all the Buffy fans

Victor wrote:
Definately Darla. Drucilla was fun and she's battier than a belfrey, but Darla...she's all about being bad. She revels in it. It is almost as if she felt as if she had been given a second chance to...er...well she was given a second chance. But she made it all about the pain.
Yes, Saadia they killed Superman. But nobody stays dead in the comics except Mr & Mrs Wayne, Ben Parker, and Gwen Stacy. Anyone else is bound to come back sooner or later.
So favorite comeback from the dead? Multiple Choice.
A) Angel
B) Buffy
C) Cordelia (okay not quite dead)
or D) Darla

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Natasha Brookes wrote:
For sheer surprise value, I have to go with Darla. The others were all pretty much expected... we knew they'd return one way or another. But Darla showing up in that box - human - blew my socks off.
Jet Li or Chow Yun Fat?

Kieran wrote:
btw...jason todd (the second Robin after dick grayson) has been dead for over ten years...and barry allen (the second Flash) died trying to save the world...and theyre all still dead...time will only tell if pengy is gonna remain dead :cry:
back to the Q, i definitely gotta pick jet li...chow yun fat was f'awesome in crouching tiger and the definition of cool in the replacement killers, but hes made some sappy films (anna and the king, anyone?) jet li fighting 20 guys in the octagon in cradle 2 the grave deserves this nod just for that...
keyser soze
john doe (from se7en)

Merlona wrote:
Oh my God, are you friggin NUTZ???? Spacey vs Spacey???? Good grief, Charlie Brown!! Arghhhh!!!!
Ok, by the sheer grit of my teeth, I choose Spacey. Hehe. Se7en is one of my fave movies, so it has an automatic edge. I think of Se7en every time I see an air freshener.... ooohhh, gives me the willies.
Edward Norton or Tim Roth?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Edward Norton. He's cuter, besides, i don't know who the other guy is....:oops:
A billy goat
the troll under the bridge?

Darian Gray wrote:
Billy Goats Hands down lol

Jadyn wrote:
depends... in terms of vocal talent, christina. overall tho, i prefer britney. christina's too trashy for me to like her much.
to spend 100 years on this earth as a youth, never to know the pain / suffering / indignity of growing old and decrepit... (sorta like peter pan?)
to spend 100 years on this earth going through all the experiences of each stage... youth... old age... joy... sorrow... health... wasting away... death?

Tarix Conny wrote:
I choose the peter pan one....i mean not the grow old and suffer the stages of growth that one has to suffer, oh yeah, bring it on :twisted:
Sleeping beauty

Elain wrote:
Sleeping Beauty.
Sure, she got her finger pricked and slept for a long time, but other than that it was easy for her. When she woke up there was this gorgeous guy hanging over her. Cinderella had to cook, clean, scrub, and wash her ugly step sisters feet. Ick.
Okay, not sure what subjects have been covered so I'll just throw one out there...
Billie Holiday playing on the cd player while you sit on your porch with a glass of ice tea on a hot summer day
Inside on a winter morning with hot chocolate, a warm blanket, and soft romantic songs playing in the background?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Inside on a winter morning with hot chocolate, a warm blanket, and soft romantic songs playing in the background....*BIG SIGH!* and wat better way then to spend it with that special someone....umm special someone WHERE ARE YOU!!!!....
ok, i'm done...:oops:
Eat something that looks very disgusting but tastes very nice
eat something that looks good, tastes good, smells great, and then you find out the disgusting stuff its made of.....

Kieran wrote:
definitely eat what looks and smells and tastes good....nobody ever has to know what its made of.... :twisted: hehehe, hannibal was a star!!!!!
peanut butter sandwich dipped in milk
grilled cheese sandwich dipped in milk

Darian Gray wrote:
Both are gross, but I would say the peanutbutter.
Which 80's cartoons

Jadyn wrote:
he-man! battlecat! she-ra! skeletor! man-at-arms! ok, i'm done. *grin* i was a massive fan... hehehe...
along the same lines... the transformers or x-men?

Victor wrote:
He-Man had some moments, but Thundercats was inspired. Magic, Technology, and Feline-humans! And that Mum-ra character...creepy. Rankin-Bass pulled out all the stops for that show and even watching them again years later they more or less hold up. He-man just looks stupid (but that didn't stop them from thrying to do a remake or a live action film)
Action Figures:
GI-Joe or Star Wars
D'OH! Got Scooped! X-Men. Transformers suck!

Tarix Conny wrote:
oh i loved the thunder cats too. The cat with the sword, who always used to scream some statement when taking it out "Thunder! Thunder! THUNDER CATS!!! HOOOOOO!!!" And that guy in the mummy bandages, he had a good scream too.....Yes, i was a big fan...hehe
to anwser the question Star Wars!!! I mean the cute little chewbakas and the cute little deadly darth vaders :mrgreen:
the question i always wanted an answer too:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Mario Bros.

Daye wrote:
Mario Brothers all the way. Sonic was too spastic for me. I prefer maintaining some control of myself during the game playing.
Also, Star Wars cause I always wanted them and no one would buy me any when I was young just cause I'm a girl. :P
And Thundercats, although my hubby would kick my ass for saying so. (You should see our desktop.) And btw, April in case no one's told you, He-man is back on Cartoon Network and in the toy stores. It's much better than the lame, cheesy show we watched as kids, although it's nowhere near as good as the awesome new TMNT show on Fox on Saturday mornings.
With that in mind, would you rather go see a movie and pay full price, only to find out you were robbed the price of admission and your time
Get caught sneaking into a movie you've seen and just had to see again?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Sneak in...wats the fun of paying for a ticket compared to the thrill of sneaking about
Take a rotting rose, with a sweet smell to last a few hours
an ugly flower, with a ghastly smell and is black?

Kieran wrote:
well...if both are ugly, i'd go by the smell, so i'd take the rose and pretend that i'm blind so that the smell would really make the rose out of this world :o
garlic breath
onion breath

Daye wrote:
Onion Breath, especially if I got it eating this really great Sweet Onion Burger from Red Robin...
Stay up late to play Easter Bunny for your kids
Get more sleep on the weekends than you do during the week?

Merlona wrote:
How about stay up late, and then sleep in late? :P My nieces and nephews (Kristen's brood) are the best. I'd lose sleep for them any night.
Love or be loved?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Be loved...*sigh*
popcorns with honey
banana with hotsauce?

Darian Gray wrote:
You have to go with Popcorn and Honey
Summer clothes
winter clothes?

Kieran wrote:
summer clothes...everyone is so frisky and revealing in summer :P
silk sheets
down duvet

Darian Gray wrote:
Down Duvet, its warmer, plus silk would make me feel like a sleezy porn star..
Vanilla Ice

Kieran wrote:
eminem...hed mop the floor with that punkass...plus, hes had more hits and his lyrics are actually smart, and love him or hate him, he gets a reaction out of anybody...vanilla who
a night at the opera
a night at the theatre

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Hmmm, really depends on what my choices are for particular pieces. In general, though, theatre - let's face it, you haven't heard Opera till you've heard the terrible redition of Thomas Mann's Death in Veneice. Which is not to say theatre is always grand... the last production I went to was Romeo and Juliet done as a comedy, at least until Mercutio died.
In a similar vein, suppose I've given you some piece of literature which must be translated. Say, Beowulf or Apuleius' Golden Ass. Would you prefer....
A bastardised translation which goes against the spirit of the original but is hard to read,
A more literal translation which captures the original but is more difficult to read?

Fate Wilkins wrote:
An excellent translation of the original, regardless of the difficulty in the reading of same, is the only way to go. That said, Penguin Classics and Signet Classics are to be strictly avoided unless your financial liquidity allows naught else. A bad version of a good book is better than no version at all. But if one were to invest the petty sum needed for a bad, Signet Classic, one should also make a vow to acquire a better version when money allows. Period. Anything else, as the old commercial bit went, would be uncivilized.
My turn, eh
At the risk of getting too visceral, I ask this:
A really good, full-body massage?

Kieran wrote:
wow...no fuss there...a full body massage. orgasms come and go (no pun intended) and a body massage just gets u all relaxed from the hell of school and work. if u think about it, orgasms have too many strings attached 8O , whereas a massage doesn't...
body-painting on canvas

Merlona wrote:
bodies + paint = good times had by all!!
Sex every night for a month
One great night of passion once a month
(Psst, hey Kris... Whatdya think your hubby would say?) :roll: :D

Darian Gray wrote:
Id go with one great night, simply because sex every night seems kinda meaningless and unemotional.
(I ask this as I look out my window on April24th, and am watching Snow fall.....Will Canadian winters ever end :( )

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Having never seen snow, I'll have to go with rain. I especially love the soft, warm rain you get in summer. (When you're not having a drought, that is. 8O )
Live in America
Live in Australia

Merlona wrote:
BOTH! Neither! Either!
I would follow my heart wherever it lead me...
with your honey ... playing in the mountains in the snow
at the beach playing in the sand
YOU define 'playing'... :oops:

Galen Eldridge wrote:
Hmmm.... the problem with playing on the beach is all the sand. I mean, there are just certain places you do not want to get it. Especially since it might impact future playing negatively. This seems to support snow, until we remember that then you freeze off certain parts of your body. Plus, you can always use a towel to take of the sand problem... if you remember to stay on it. ;)
So, beach. hehe.
About romancing your love at dinner....
Frank Sinatra's Rythym Ballads, or Barry White's deep voiced ballads?

Merlona wrote:
The alternative question... (Jean chickens out of this one)
Woo your love with Frank and Barry
Sing to them yourself?? :D

Kieran wrote:
madon, id definitely have to go with frank...i mean, seriously, he is the bomb, the guy practically swoons ME over...on that note, though, id sing to my 'chica' simply cause i love to sing frank (selfish, i know 8) ) and its much sexier ...actually, ive never really heard anything of barry :( , except the one they keep playing all the time
in with ur 'honey' on a stormy night in a log cabin (u can fill in the blanks as to what u will be doing)...
out with ur 'honey' lighting up the town

Darian Gray wrote:
Ive got to go with Log Cabin in a storm, there is just something very...appealing about it. The night on the town you can do anytime.
how about this
Have lots of money, and be dating someone who is broke and can never go out
Be Broke and be dating someone who has alot of money?

Victor wrote:
The first one: Have lots of money, and be dating someone who is broke and can never go out
Becasue there are more things you can do for free without going out than there will ever be that cost money.
Besides, who wouldn't want lots of money.
Name your poison:

Fate Wilkins wrote:
No-brainer: caffeine is a stimulant that grants superhuman powers of motivation, while sugar is just a too-easily-metabolized carbohydrate. Caffeine wins hands-down.
That said, I AM a little disappointed in your choice of "poisons." Being an amateur psychopharmacologist, I can say with a fair degree of accuracy that there are many more interesting molecules to debate over, but I realize that a certain level of propriety is in order for the younger members of our troupe...Perhaps for another discussion at another time...
For my turn, I think I'll just paraphrase mythology and ask,
A short life full of adventure and excitement,
A long life of mediocrity?

Kieran wrote:
f'n easy...short life full of adventure and excitement...anybody who says they wouldnt wanna be like steve mcqueen is a f%$^n liar...(ricardo's in lala land pretending to crash a motorbike in barbed wire in a nazi prison camp), btw, watch Bullitt (f'awesome)...LIVE HARD, DIE YOUNG :twisted: 8)
on a similar note...(wow, it was REALLY hard to trim down to two choices (there were 4) but here goes...)
Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold in 'I Quit-Submission Match' aka bloodbath @ Wrestlemania XIII
Mankind vs. Undertaker in 'Hell in a Cell' @ King of the Ring 1998
....i can hear the crowds starting to chant "HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!!!"

Darian Gray wrote:
*Sigh* I have a feeling no one else would answer it, so ill move things along :P Mankindvs Undertaker hands down..
okdokey howz about....
Going to a club and staying around the bar drinking
Go to a club and light the dance floor on fire?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Set the dance floor on fire, definitely. Even though I dance like a spastic monkey... :) Though for me to go to a club at all, it would have to be smoke-free - otherwise I'd just wind up in hospital. :(
Live in a world where the tobacco plant doesn't exist
(as one person recently suggested to me)
Permit people to deliberately poison other people whenever they feel like? (Which is, of course, what a smoker does every time he or she smokes in a public place.)

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Live in a world where tobacco plant doesn't exist definately! Then even the smokers wouldn't be able to complain, cos its pretty hard to complain about something that doesn't even exist :mrgreen: also i wouldn't have to breathe in any smoke unwillingly...which is the absolute main reason :D
Munching raw pasta and pissing your mum off with the crunching!
Munching raw snow peas and pleasing your mum as well as have her laugh at the faces you pull cos it tastes like absolute $4*@!

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I actually kinda like the taste of raw snow peas... and raw pasta is pretty dull. So snow peas it is. :)
Too pissed to think of a new one...
**sinks into alcoholic haze...**
How about,
Get drunk and listen to sad cd's while missing your man
Dunno... nothing else to do apart from that, really... Stay sober and listen to sad cd's I guess. :)

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
going to go typical aussie for this one and say drunk sad songs :)
stay up late everynight going out, having time of life but wake up every day feeling like shit
go to bed early, have nice long sleeps, never going out and wake up feeling as fresh as a daisy?

Kieran wrote:
staying up late and getting drunk...seriously, ill sleep when im dead, no need to sleep and do nothing....
lie on ur bed while staring at the ceiling listening to sad love songs...
complaining and crying with a friend about how sad love is

Darian Gray wrote:
Crying with a friend, catharsis (spelling)
All your *Nsync lovers will like this one
Justin Timberlake's solo career
JC Chasez's solo career

Merlona wrote:
Didn't know JC had a career... solo or otherwise... hehe
when you're low do you prefer to...
share with those close to you immediately
keep it to yourself, atleast for awhile?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
i'd PREFER to be able to share it with those near me immediately, but my state of mine wont allow it (my problems are my problems! i hate bringing other people down with them). Instead i soldier on on my own till it all just builds up over the months and i explode unexpectadly into tears in front of my friends...ver' embarrassing and painful :?
this seems to be a common theme of late :) i think i'll stick with it....
Love songs
Rage filled songs?

Kieran wrote:
love songs :cry: ...nothing better than crying like a 5-year old bitch while listening to music that u know people r getting it on to...besides, rage-filled songs would get me WAY TOO EXCITED :twisted:
let's lighten up the mood a little...u guys r making me girl-deprived conscious :oops: :cry:
driving on an obstacled highway at 250 km/h plus (americans, u do the math... :D )
sea-doing amid a sea of sharks

Galen Eldridge wrote:
The obstacled highway sounds more fun. All it takes is playing something like Carmageddon to do that. Or Nascar racing.
Martinis: Sweet or Dry?

Kieran wrote:
pansy...dry martinis are the bomb :twisted: , very double-O-like...da dun dun dun da dun dun dun
roger moore
pierce brosnan
...sorry, asking sean connery is simply not fair for the other competitors and timorthy dalton is not fair enough to him...btw, george who????...

Merlona wrote:
PB ooozes sex appeal... RM had woolly eyebrows... (hehe)
Take summer classes so you can finish your degree early
Take the summer off to rest, relax, travel a bit, and finish school "on time"?

Daye wrote:
Too much school will make you burn out, Jeannie Beannie. Take some time off to have some fun.
Would you rather...
marry the person you love and spend a couple of madly passionate years together,
marry someone you're comfortable with and spend 50 or more years together?

Darian Gray wrote:
Probably the second one...If you dont see yourself lasting the rest of your life with a person, dont marry them.
Date someone who has everything you are looking for, except you are not attracted to them
Wait to find someone who satisfies all the needs.

Kieran wrote:
definitely wait...after all ive waited 22 years, whats another few???? :oops: besides, im a believer of patience is a virtue (very hard on a 22-year old boy :P )
be honest with someone u dislike...
be dishonest for the sake of not hurting that person...

Merlona wrote:
Depending on the situation and the person, honesty is not always the best policy. Compassion sometimes is necessary. On the other hand, if you are not true to yourself, than what values do you uphold
Would you rather drive five hundred miles to visit your love every weekend
Save up your money and vacation time to visit a few times a year for a week each time?

Daye wrote:
This is a hard one. I think I would rather save up the time and go on the vacations. That way, the time would be more quality than quantity.
80's rock or 80's pop?

Victor wrote:
80's rock. 80's pop was a lot of fluff for the most part.
As for Jean's question...if it was only 500 miles...I'd drive it every weekend--its only a 10 hour drive or so. Okay maybe every other weekend. And I absolutely hate driving. I have done the scrimp and save to visit for a week at a time thing and its not the same.

Merlona wrote:
Well, roundtrip would make it 1000 miles at 20 hours of driving, but *hehe*, I would do it in a heartbeat.
(Psst! California has fabulous institutions for higher learning and fantastic weather and great museums and beaches I could swim in all day long... And no, of course this is not AimeD At soMeone in particular!)
Live in the current country you are in without ever being able to travel out of it
Travel anywhere in the world without being able to ever go back to your native country?

Kieran wrote:
hell yeah...id travel anywhere without being able to go back...i mean seriously (shaun will attest) anyone who just experienced our freakin cold and long winter and would love to stay in this country just cause we have a kick-ass hockey team is insane...besides, the italian girls here are :cry:
see someone u like for 10 CrAzY minutes very sporadically...
see someone u are indifferent to who is @ your disposal for any amount of uNcRaZy days...

Darian Gray wrote:
10 crazy minutes sporatically. Who cares about seeing someone you dont feel like seeing.
Taking the Public Bus
Taking the Metro (I think Americans call it the subway)?

Fate Wilkins wrote:
Bus drivers (especially those of the Chicago variety) have a superhuman mixture of depth perception and willingness to use the ten thousand pounds of bus they've been entrusted with as a weapon. Why sit listlessly on a subway/Metro/Elevated/etc., hurtling down the set-in-steel tracks when you can watch the poetry of the Career Bus Driver in all of its edge-of-the-seat, closer-to-death-than-should-be-legal beauty? But perhaps I'm biased. Anyhew--
(Weird one here)
Would you rather:
--Be able to speak and write every spoken and written language on the planet,
--Be mute and illiterate, but have the ability to perfectly manipulate any inanimate medium on the planet?

Kieran wrote:
what good is the mouth if u cant put it to good use :o , thus, id take manipulation of any inanimate object...besides, i can deal with not speaking, my actions do speak louder than words :twisted:
ethan hawke's 'Hamlet'...
kenneth branagh's 'Hamlet'...
theyre the contemporary choices, so purists need not complain about olivier, duh, he was the classic...
btw...id take 80s hair metal :twisted: over 80s pop and rock any day

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Tyler_Hyatt wrote:
Hawke. Branagh's is terrible in so many ways. His take on the Hamlet/Ophelia ship is warped, and groundless on any sensible reading of the text. His delivery is wooden and pompous...
THe best is actually Derek Jacobi's BBC version. Patrick Stewart is a great Claudius.
For the students, what do you prefer for finals:
Research prject/presentation
Exam, multiple choice and essay

Nikolai wrote:
defnaintly do the asearhc proihecjt, since in my feilwd that means you get to ago relay depe into some biazare arguemtn and make even more neat, bizare arguemtn. actauly, would preafer all fo aschol to just be resaerch/paper wrtitng. :)
vote for "teh leser of two evils" even thorugh it doesn't amek a diference which one oafh the bastards wins anbyways to keping your objh
vcast a rpoetest vot for your concienc?

Jadyn wrote:
i would try to answer that if i could understand what was being said... :?

Nikolai wrote:
Erm, sorry about that. :? Vote for the "lesser of two evils" even though it doesn't matter a damn to keeping your job which one wins
Cast a protest vote for your concience?

Merlona wrote:
You should ALWAYS go with your heart. Who cares if that 'third party' only gets support from fourteen people, atleast you let your opinion be voiced. Why go with the sheep mentality and vote for X because everyone else is doing it? What's the point of having a 'third or fourth party' if they never get a chance?
Ok, Jean is going to step off the soap box that somehow got shoved under her feet. Ooops!
on a fun note... and because the laundry is walking itself into the machine begging to be finished... :D
Clorox or XYZ bleach? does it really matter?

Fate Wilkins wrote:
Bleach is bleach is bleach, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein once again. As long as the dangerous, chemical stuff makes whites whiter, I'm thinking that brand loyalty is irrelevant. The Clorox folks put together a far more aggressive marketing campaign, but the stuff in the recyclable plastic jug is the same stuff that many others put in a recyclable plastic jug. Consider it a coin toss.
That said, would you rather:
Get a scalp massage,
Get a foot rub?(My gf & I are polar opposites on this one, so I figured I'd pitch it out to y'all to establish some sort of quorum.)

Tarix Conny wrote:
Scalp....good for te empty nutty head of mine....
taking a nice warm shower
a nice cold bubble bath, with lots and lots of foam...?

Darian Gray wrote:
Showers are tons better. Stay in a bath long enough and your get all wrinkly.
Silve or Gold Jewlery?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Silver. Actually, I prefer white gold. :) Yellow gold is just, dunno... I don't like it much. I have one or two pieces in yellow gold, but give me the silver any day. :)
And Bob, I'm kinda torn between the scalp massage and the foot massage. I love 'em both, along with the hand massage. But if I had to choose, I'd go for feet. Mine get sore after being on them all day and there's nothing better than getting all those gristly bits worked out. :D
Along a similar line,
Get a massage
Give a massage?

Jadyn wrote:
I'm a lazy cow so I'd take getting a massage over giving a massage any day. *grin* In my experience, either option usually ends up with very satisfactory results anyway! Heh heh...
Dark chocolate or white chocolate? (I personally don't really like both... Gimme milk chocolates or nothing! Heh heh... But that's not an option! :P)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Dark chocolate, it just has a nice bitter taste to it and is much less sickly than white (yuk) besides plain chocolate has been proven to help protect against cancer so you have a great excuse to curl up on the sofa and pig out!
Mineral Water - Sparkling or Still?

Merlona wrote:
About the only bubbly I like is ginger ale, so 'calm' H2O for moi.
And damn you guys for such great questions that I missed all day. But I'll answer them anyway, so neener neener neener. :D
In no particular order, foot rubs cuz I stand for eight hours daily (ouch), dark chocolate (but only from Ethel M-I'm kinda biased), silver jewelry (esp funky rings and necklaces), giving massages (definitely) and bubble baths all the way!! YAY!
wine or champagne?

Kieran wrote:
wine...can be romantic, sexy or devilish....champagne on the other hand is cliched and overrated, its got its name going for it...red wine, especially, gets my mojo going :lol:
hehe...take note shaun (hey bub!!!)
??? if u guys wanna also answer....jean grey and cyclops.....or.....wolverine and jean grey??????

Darian Gray wrote:
Can I just say that Wolverine is SO overrated. Cyclops is way cooler. Also Cyclops belongs with Jean, not Wolverine.
Which Movie

Kieran wrote:
cURsE yOu, HaTRicK, curSE YoU :twisted:

Ozimandius wrote:
Hm...X-Men I would have to say. Only becasue its a team of badass ass-whoopin super duper mind-boggling special effect ridden action heros rather than just one or two.
So having said that...Lets go back a generation or two...
Superman (by Christopher Reeves)
Batman (by Michael Keaton)

Jadyn wrote:
Superman, Christopher Reeves... He's the original thing. The one that everyone recognised as Superman. With Batman, the actors never became the character as Reeves did with Superman. Think back... Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney?!?!?! :? (I had to think real hard to come up with the other actors who played Batman, by the way...)
As for the X-Men question, I was always a Gambit fan... That is, until Hugh Jackman started playing Wolverine. *drools* Can't wait to see who they cast as Gambit in the upcoming movies... :) That character is SO cool. Heh heh...

Jadyn wrote:
Oops... Sorry... Forgot I had to ask a This or That question. Errrm... Ok... Since I just watched X2 a couple of hours ago and my head's full of the show...
X-Men or The Matrix? (Since both shows have sequels coming out so close together...)

Darian Gray wrote:
Im sure im going to get alot of heat for this one, but I prefer the X-men Franchise. Matrix was realy good, but as a big marvel fan I have to stay Loyal. Plus the movie has Cyclops (thats right Cyclops and NOT Wolverine, and all you fans of Wolverine are sheep :wink:
Keeping with the X-men questions

Lady DeathStrike (The Asian chick with the claws)

Kieran wrote:
btw...chris reeve totally looked like he jumped out of the comic book, meaning he had the look, but the superman film came out before the DC Crisis and the John Byrne reboot, so a new one will be much much better...as for bats (my fave...ben, frankly dont give a shit that u find him inferior...btw what r ur SUPERIOR comic titles???), michael keaton was ok and so was clooney, but val kilmer really had the profile down...he totally looked the part...and yeah, i gotta agree with shaun...XMEN bigtime over the matrix...
as for the Q, mystique, not only for my baby rebecca, but she can shapeshift which is really cool and yuriko (im pretty sure thats her name) is already done in the form of logan
which new character for X3 (or 4...cause 3 is all about phoenix)
(before shit hits the fan...im not including gambit cause hes way too cool and most people would probably pick him...@ least they put his name on the comp screen so he probably will be in the next movie)
??? shaun u suck, DC totally kicks marvels ass

Ozimandius wrote:
Archangel. I cannot wait to see really cool CG Wings. The Totally CG character (He would have to be) of Beast would be another Jar-Jar binks to my mind.
Another Comic book/movie question? Or
Something else?

Darian Gray wrote:
Lets move on to something else. :)
Which NBC show is better
Will and Grace?

Kieran wrote:
friends since i dont really watch will and grace...i grew up with friends, plus they have cooler and funnier characters
steve mcqueen :twisted:
marlon brando :evil:

Merlona wrote:
Oh God, well let us not recall The Island of Dr Moreau, and instead think on fantastic movies like: A Streetcar Named Desire, Guys and Dolls, (hello!--The Godfather?!?), Last Tengo in Paris... the list goes on and on...
So, Brando all the way!
drink at home all by yourself? or
drink in a social setting?

Kieran wrote:
this is just a question...when we put two choices, do specify the context we want the choices to be judged in or is that supposed to be left up to the people...cause, i was really referring to the coolness factor between steve and marlon (think, on the waterfront "u coulda been a contendah")????

Merlona wrote:
If someone is looking for a particular response, they could always include that in their question...
I am a Brando fan, but I certainly see the ultra coolness factor in McQueen.

Kieran wrote:
hehe...im not contradicting ur answer, it was just an example i gave, sorry didnt mean to insult or anything...thanks for the response

Darian Gray wrote:
Ok to answer Jean's Q, Drink in a social setting. Drinking alone at home would kinda make me feel sad and lonely...
David Boreanaz's "Valentine"
Sarah M. Gellar's "Simply Irresistable"
Which is the lesser of 2 evils?

Merlona wrote:
^%%#@@!^%$... Having said that I would have to choose Valentine only because it was a horror flick and not the utterly grotesque sugary-sweet mess that was Simply Irresistable. But I couldn't stomach either, just for the record.
Trashy talk shows?? or
Crappy soap operas??

Kieran wrote:
well, coming from a general hospital fan :oops: (hey, my mom was watching it while i was being delivered...and have grown up with it) id take soap operas...besides, talk shows are boring
shakespeare's comedies/histories
shakespeare's tragedies

Merlona wrote:
Tragedies all the way! I am such a hopeless romantic!
which is more frightening... bugs or reptiles?

Nikolai wrote:
Bugs. At least the reptiles make good pets.... and have you SEEN the size of the roaches around here? I swear, they were made at Chernobyle. I once hit one a half dozen times with a pan and didn't kill it.
For sore joints, pick your poison:
Ice or Heat?

Merlona wrote:
Oy! I think it depends on the injury. But I certainly have become well acquainted with tiny icebergs of late. Damn those pesky walls!
Ice for swelling and heat for muscular aches... Though, I do find heat more comforting.
work for an airline or work on a cruise ship?

Ozimandius wrote:
Airlines Suck. Cruiseline all the way. Even if you have to deal with the more neurotic customers you can at least hide from them on a ship.
Dentist? or

Merlona wrote:
Dentists don't require overnight stays.
Restaurant and dancing? or
Romantic candle-light dinner for two at home?

Ozimandius wrote:
Definately Dinner at home. Restaurants are great, I have had meals that would send you into an orgasm. But the problem with that is its in public. At home, you can have fun preparing the meal, singing your won accompaniment, and eating naked. All plusses over restaurant meals.
Multiple Choice:
A) Rugby
B) American Football/Gridiron
C) Aust. Rules Football
D) Soccer/Football

Kieran wrote:
whats with all the couples Qs...single folk unite and take this board back :twisted:
hehe...id definitely take football in its true meaning, ie, soccer...american gridiron pumps up the adrenaline pretty damn high but nothing beats the awesome atheliticism, sheer beauty, and incredible endurance of soccer...plus, IMHO, their fans are the most passionate and avid (hooligans unite!!!!!!!!!!!! no violence of course)...forza juve (3 italian teams out of 4 in the champions league semifinal starting tomorrow...GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!)
sharing a jacuzzi bubble bath with ur amoroso and some fine alcohol and fruit and chocolate
exchanging sensual massages in candlelight with blindfolds
:oops: dont ask me how i know this, i have a vivid imagination

Merlona wrote:
For one thing, my dear *single* boy, I thought you were anti-couple? So what gives with your continuation of this *fine* line of questioning? :D
Can I say both? Hehe... Ok, never did the blindfold thing, so I'll opt for that one. (Let me flip a coin. Heads, I do both; tails, I do both! Well, what do you know, it fell off the bed, out the winodow, into the bubbling jets below. wink wink)
As provided by mi mejor amiga:
F@#*ing or making love? or for you kinky bastards (not saying any names... you know who you are...) :roll: S or M?

Daye wrote:
Er.... uhm... :oops:
It really depends on the circumstances, Jeannie Beannie. Both have their time and place.
And on another tack entirely...
Would you rather see a bad movie made of your favorite book/comic book,
Read a bad novelization of your favorite movie?

Merlona wrote:
Krissy-fur?!? What a cop out! For those of you so inclined to be brave, please see my above question. Or I will give Krissy-fur another chance...
You know your girlfriend loves you! Mwah!

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Ok, since Kris wussed on Jean's question...
Making love, definitely. Sex for sex's sake is just empty. There's gotta be love to really make it fire on all cylinders. And as for the S&M part - I've gotta say that I've never been into the substitution of pain for pleasure. Just normal lovemaking for me - nothing painful. :)
And I'd rather read a bad novelisation of a favourite movie. I've seen way too many films that were fucked up versions of great books. There's nothing more disheartening. Hell, it took me 5 years to go back and watch Blade Runner again - this time pretending it had nothing to do with the book (which, essentially, it didn't since the plotlines were so disparate). The first time I saw it I'd recently read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and I found Blade Runner highly disappointing. But I liked it once I switched off that 'movie based on the book' expectation. (And of course, it has Rutger Hauer in it! :wink:)
Subtle, dry British comedy? OR
"In your face" American comedy?

Darian Gray wrote:
Both are good, but I think living in North America has made me accustomed to in your face American comedy. (Although I love "Graham Norton" (Spelling) and "Keeping up Appearances")
Which useless holiday do you prefer

St-Patricks day,
Valentines Day,
or Halloween

Kieran wrote:
phooey...what is love????? 8O , although f*&?%g seems rather hoochie...*sigh* priesthood it is...
btw...my continuation of the couples question was meant to convey that single life is much more boring than couple life is...i mean seriosuly, one cannot body paint or tie himself up on his own
ooh ooh ooh...S & M....hehe *efg*... :oops: not whips or leather or gimps though

Merlona wrote:
As Haddaway would sing, "What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..."
And Jean's Irish romantic (born three days before Halloween) heart faints dead on the spot.... Useless holidays?!?!? HERETIC!
But if forced to choose, would only say Valentine's because when you love someone, you certainly don't need just one day to tell them so. For COUPLES, it is a 365-day-a-year event!
on a silly and ridiculous note:
soda from: a bottle, a can, or from the fountain?

Daye wrote:
I have to ask, what's the difference? Maybe I don't drink enough soda, which my Jeannie Beannie can attest to I'm sure, but I think it's all about the same. So, someone else answer this one.
As for my cop out, I will say making love, although it can be nice when it's nasty. (OMG did I just type that? :oops: )

Ozimandius wrote:
Soda: Smaller portion but ice ice cold; recycleable
Bottles: Larger portions, retains temperature; recycleable
Fountain: Easier to dispense to a cup, less fizz; only paper waste
I prefer cans. My only problem with cans is that its a small (12 oz/355ml) Portion.
ER or Third Watch

Darian Gray wrote:
Im going to go with ER simply because its been around longer
ok here is a hard one
(And Riccardo Dont blast this post saying there is no comparison, lets hear from other people :wink: )

Kieran wrote:
:twisted: hehe...*efg*

Merlona wrote:
*clears throat* Biased much, Ricardo? hehe
I shouldn't answer this question though, it would be biased. (I have never seen Everwood. Don't hit me Shaun. *ducks*)

Kieran wrote:
hehe...seriously...id like to know, who (besides ShAuNzY) watches everwood???????? "but its good i tel ya" or so he says *efg*

Ozimandius wrote:
Everwood has better commercials, but I still watch Smallville rather than Everwood.
Prints or Digital

Merlona wrote:
I adore using a digital camera out of convenience, but til my dying day, I will always have a love for the actual prints themselves, esp black and white.
Mickey Mouse or Minnie?

Kieran wrote:
mickey...was the first and since im a guy, ill stick with the guy mouse :twisted:
james hetfield :twisted:
axl rose :evil:
??? forget longevity in answering this

Tyler_Hyatt wrote:
Same Vein:
Kurt Cobain
Eddie Vedder

Merlona wrote:
Eddie!!! "Ten" is still one of my fave albums of all time!!!
Slipknot or Yanni? This was too funny not to post, thanks to my roomies. I know it's a close one.

Kieran wrote:
it's nice to know that some PJ fans still exist :D 8)

Daye wrote:
I'm going to have to go with Slipknot. (Now, Jean, dust yourself off and climb back up in your chair.) Not for musical talent, mind you, but because under that lame ass mask is yummy Corey. :lol:
Weeklong (or longer) vacation in some cool, tropical spot with your significant other once a year,
A bunch of silly, but fun daytrips/weekend trips to nearby theme parks and the like with friends and family?

Kieran wrote:
this is a hard one to answer, but ill probably have to go with the friends/family choice...im a kinda friends phase where relationships are not looking out for me...besides, u kinda left the definition of "fun" wide open, so i guess it all depends on what floats our boat...
the JLA (from DC: Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern)
the Avengers (from Marvel: Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch)
**I've left out or disregarded current line-ups for the teams and rather just named the classic and most popular members)...if anyone likes a certain member who isn't listed, by all means pick 'em**

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I'd have to go with the Justice League (except maybe Superman, who just annoys me :wink:).
Ok, for the crime of spoiling my Angel season finale, how should I kill Ricardo? Boil him in oil slowly, lowering him in feet first? OR
Ritual disembowelling?(Ok, just kidding, Ricardo. Really I'm just planning on slitting your throat. :wink:)
And yes, I'm still feeling pretty mad and betrayed - can you tell? I will calm down... eventually.

Ozimandius wrote:
I would say woodchipper for ruining my evening with my babe. Thanks Ricky.
Just for yucks disembowling (like in Braveheart) so he can scream apologies for an hour.
Hard Cheese or Soft Cheese

Darian Gray wrote:
Soft Cheese, it just tastes so much better (except its soooo fattening)
David Letterman
Jay Leno

Kieran wrote:
just for the record (please see my apology in the buffy-angel pics post) whatever i wrote (and i do remember) had nothing to do with the angel season finale and nothing with what is going to happen in the end for buddy (i dont even know what is going to happen in buffy)...and as for punishment id take the disemboweling, more ancient chinese ritual than anything....plus, itd make my friend dr. lecter proud

Merlona wrote:
Neither, how about Conan? He's cute and I think he's Irish. :D
Neverending Story

Jadyn wrote:
Neverending Story. I like the pink fluffy dragon-dog thingie that can fly. And the rock men. Heh heh...
Brad Pitt with...
Gwenyth Paltrow or
Jennifer Aniston?(I personally can't stand them both... But Aniston would be the lesser of two evils I think... Paltrow annoys me to the core.)

Tarix Conny wrote:
Brad pitt and Paltrow....dunno just like the combination, besides, i dunno the other actress much....
I myself really like the furry white flying dog creature in the never ending story. Especiallly the song that the movie ends in (the never ending stoooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii laalalalala laaaa lala lalalala....)
ok, if both these movies were on at he same time and you could only watch one of them, and never again could get a chance in your life to watch the other one, which of the movies would you watch? Matrix 2
Xmen 3 (presuming that they release it....)?

Darian Gray wrote:
X-men 3!!!!!!!!!!!!! More of all the coolest characters (With the exception of Wolverine, who needs him?)
Wake up tired and force yourself to go to the gym
wake up tired and go back to sleep?

Kieran wrote:
force yourself to the gym...come on shaun, will power man!!!!!!
spar 10 rounds with Iron Mike
5 minutes with Tito Ortiz in the octagon

btw...dude, an X film without wolvy is like LOTR without aragorn

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Hmmm, Aragorn... *drool*
Sorry, having a 'moment' there. :) *wipes chin*

Ozimandius wrote:
Saadia: I'd watch The Matrix. X-Men is all basically rehashed stories from the comics and as cool as it is to watch, I've read them before. Matrix is a totally original story.
I'd take the 5 mins with Tito. Both of those men would beat my ass but Iron Mike would kill me, Tito would just put me in the hospital. Besides I trust Tito to stop beating me once I stop breathing and call a medic.
mmmmm....Galadriel (you have your moment Heather, I'll have mine ;))
Lets see...
Skip seeing all of the summer Blockbusters in the theatres and wait until they come out on video/dvd
Watch them once in the theatre and never see them again. (even on video or DVD)

Merlona wrote:
Does it count if you inadvertently don't see the Blockbusters because you are too busy in summer school while trying to develop a character?!
This is a damn good question... Hmm... Er... *scratches head, bites lower lip, and tosses around a quizzical look on her face*
There is nothing like the movie-going experience, including the people who always sit behind you and talk (or peeps who sit next to you and talk--KRISTEN--hehe), or the peeps who kick your chair, or the peeps who can sit in any other damn seat, but choose the one directly in front of you, even when you have your feet reclining in a quite relaxed position, or the peeps who leave their cell phones on and as a matter of fact, answer it when it rings, and proceed to have a conversation, or the peeps with crying babies, or when the film gets fried or askew on the screen. *Takes deep breath* Yep, the movie-going experience is too peachy-keen to miss out on. Esp, when you have to pee and you know there is atleast another hour of movie to go...
Would you rather someone snoop in your medicine cabinet or snoop in your underwear drawer??

Daye wrote:
Snoop away in my medicine cabinet, but stay away from my underwear drawer. I have this June Cleaver mystique to perpetuate, you know.
Ok, there's been some similar questions bandied about here, but I have to ask this one, once and for all.
Batman?(We haven't had that one yet, have we? Oh well...)

Darian Gray wrote:
Before Riccardo gets his 2 cents in, im going to answer :P

Kieran wrote:
PUNK!!!!! :twisted: cyclops and big blue...seriously dude, i must question our friendship :evil: ...and yes, this question has been asked and urs truly did answer it...batman rocks, kicks ass and always will...however, superman is a boyhood idol, i love the guy, but batman by and far is my fave and miles ahead of big blue (who is #2)...
conan all the way...schwarzie brought him to the big screen!!!!!!!!!!!! yay....errr, any arnold fans in here (anyone????? come on, T3 is coming out this july!!!!!!! :D )
the sub-mariner

Ozimandius wrote:
Namor always comes off as a punk in the cartoons. Aquaman had a sidekick and those cool ring-like special effects and he threw water balls and stuff....but in the comics? Namor all the way.
Buy the mini-series
Wait for the TPB?

Darian Gray wrote:
Buy the miniseries. I love having the seperate issues. Although TPBs are good when you cant find all of them (missing one Infinite Gauntlet Issue, So I had to get the TPB)
Following Dave's advice

Kieran wrote:
im really trying hard to restrain myself 8O ...i wont answer this question... * runs off screaming and pulling hair * spike? namor? marvel? :cry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sniff sniff :roll:

Daye wrote:
That's right. I said it. Want to make an issue of it...(he, issue...)
True Believers Unite!!!
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Stephen King or Dean Koontz?

Merlona wrote:
Kristen... need you friggin ask? Especially when you KNOW I am a member of this board. STEPHEN "The Horror Guru" KING!! Need I remind you of a short story called "The Boogeyman"? Hey, maybe I'll call your hubby, and have him read it to you (in the dark). Mwahahahahaha!
Algebra or Geometry? Guess who is a mere twenty hours from completing her Spring semester?!? (with, might I mention, straight A's?)

Darian Gray wrote:
Give me equations from here to the end of eternity, as long as i dont have to calculate a stupid angle or degree, or radian. so my answer is Algebra!!!!
Ancient History
American History (or the history of your location) im sure everyone had to take that class (ex: mine was History of Quebec and Canada)

Kieran wrote:
ancient history...much more fun to read about those dastardly romans :D than it is about the stupid french conquest in quebec...holy f&^% ms. barnett was freakin boring :cry: ...besides, ancient history has all those pagan traditions and cool uniforms and battle strategies that are still copied today !!!!!
allora, in the spirit of an all-italian champions league final :D (of which my fave team is in 8) )...
JuVeNtUs 8)
AC Milan 8)

Darian Gray wrote:
I will just say the first guy...
Ok for those of you who have seen both, which was better
X-Men 2
Matrix Reloaded?

Merlona wrote:
You mean Matrix UN-Loaded? Gag me with a friggin spoon...
(To the tune of "I Want Candy") I want Wolvy...*clap clap clap clapclap* I want Wolvy...*clap clap clap clapclap*
Which is worse? Being disappointed by a serial movie (i.e. Matrix or Batman)
Being disappointed by a stand-alone movie?

Kieran wrote:
btw...its not a guy...Juventus and AC Milan are football clubs (seriously, who names their kids Juventus????)...Juventus is in Torino and AC Milan is obviously in Milan....
anywho...yeah, im more disappointed in serial franchises...tim burton totally f*&&d up the batman films...batman doesnt have guns nor does he kill (yeah yeah he did once in 1939, but bob kane changed his idea afterwards cause killing sucked), AND the second batgirl was barbara GORDON (commissioner gordons daughter, not alfreds niece), and dont even get me started on penguin, two-face was too much like the joker, and michael keaton was too scrawny for bruce wayne (IMHO and almost every other bat freak on the message boards, kilmer was the best one as he had the look to go with being bruce wayne), and yeah dont even get me started on Batman and Robin (Bane as a puny lackey...come on for chrissakes, this guy broke batmans back and took over gotham city until the real batman returned)...and daredevil was a slight disappointment, two freakin good comics and superheroes that went down the drain and everybody thinks shit of them now...
seriously, was matrix that bad....shaun didnt like it and im assuming jean was disappointed...i didnt see it yet :o ? hehe...got into this debate with my bro and his gf
robin hood
legolas greenleaf

Merlona wrote:
Legolas... mmm... enough said
(Don't consider this an official answer. The drool mode just happened to kick on.)

Kieran wrote:
yeah...ummm, i kinda like this thread and it stopped for some reason :roll: ...anywho :twisted: ...
party hard all night and sleep the whole next day
party light and early and do something the next day???

Ozimandius wrote:
I am the party hard and sleep all the next day guy. Unless I HAVE to do something the next day. I drink responsibly but if there is nothing better to do tomorrow....
I liked Matrix Reloaded, just have not absorbed it all. It had a lot of metaphor and imagry and exposition in it and I went straight from watching it to watching X-2....I think a second viewing is in order.
are you a...
Please note this isn't a just good or evil thing...heck I'm an EVIL SUPER HERO by all accounts...so work it out among yourselves I'm hungry.

Kieran wrote:

Merlona wrote:
I am so a SUPER VILLAIN! Just ask Ad and Kris! He'd call me SUPER TEASE, while she'd call me SUPER BITCH! (Hey Kris, remember... which Care Bear would I be? Bitchy Bear? Hehe)
Bad guys rule while nice guys drool... :twisted:
So... which do you prefer? Eminem or M&Ms

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Depends on wether i feel like eating or listening to music. In the case of eating, definately M&M's...much easier to digest. But in the case of music? Eminem...makes more sound than an M&M and therefore much more interesting to listen to :)
By the by, i aslo saw the Matrix...the first time i saw it i was a bit disappointed by the script, but the effects were good. but i was determined...and a friend i don't see often asked if i wanted to go see it. So i said "What the hey! It's tight arsed Tuesday anywhos!" and so i went. Much better the second time. More ground for me to stand on by way of understanding it.... Plus was also aware of the preview for the final Matrix movie at the end of the credits the second time :wink:
being planned,
being spontaneous

Ozimandius wrote:
I wouldn't want to eat Eminem either...all stringy and tough...ugh

Kieran wrote:
hehe...spontaneity rules...sadly every other sheep has plans for weeks to come...but being spontaneous is much more fun and usually do things that remember more
i just saw the matrix reloaded...i cant help it...every time i see agent smith i keep expecting him to say..."BRING FORTH THE RING...NEO BAGGINS!" 8O
the return of the king
the prisoner of azkaban
the matrix revolutions

Merlona wrote:
RETURN OF THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are not enough exclamation points for this one!!!!
LOTR is the greatest story ever told and Peter Jackson's vision is amazing!
Ok, for lack of a better question:
bottled water or tap water (from the faucet)?

Merlona wrote:
(BTW, great question Rico! Am certainly looking forward to the other two as well. Perhaps I am growing fond of four hour movies that prevent you from drinking soda for fear of peeing and missing an important scene. Hehe.)

Kieran wrote:
tap water...more minerals and taste is actually better...plus, we have to pay for our water, so might as well use it!!
forming an alliance
doing it the cowboy way
play the role of a spoiler

Merlona wrote:
Rico Suave, this is the second time you have posted a ToT that no one cares about... :lol: Hehe. I have been waiting on someone else to answer this one, but if I have to, I have to.
If 'doing it the cowboy way' involves Tim McGraw, I am a very willing participant. LMAO.
Kool Aid or Pixie Stix???

Kieran wrote:
:cry: rot the lot of u :evil: ....ill make u care, i tell ya...ILL MAKE U CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ozimandius wrote:
Kool Aid. Pixie sticks only get you so far...after a while you just burn out and fall over. And where's the fun in that? if you had to choose....
Romantic Duet? or
Big Dance Production?

Jadyn wrote:
Big dance production... Always wanted to do my own version of "Starlight Express" whereas the big love duet between Raoul and Christine in "Phantom" had me yawning. Heh heh...
Barney the bloody annoying purple dinosaur or the bloody annoying teletubbies?

Darian Gray wrote:
Big Dance Production. much cooler.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
WTF is Kool Aid, and WTF are Pixie Sticks?!?!?!? Hard to choose between the romantic duet and the big production number - they both have their place. But on the whole I generally go for the romantic duet. :wink:
Anything has to be better than the teletubbies, so give me Barney the bloody annoying (hehe) purple dinosaur.
And Scooby-Doo for sure. You can't beat the original. Scrappy-Doo just shits me.
Right, my turn...
Pig out on junk food at tea time until you don't feel hungry any more, simply 'cause you don't feel like cooking?OR
Drag yourself into the kitchen to go cook something nutritious 'cause you know it's better for you?

Daye wrote:
I'd actually rather cook something. Seriously, Jean will back me up on this one. Or rather she would if she hadn't abandoned us to go to Colorado for the week and visit her parents. :cry:
RPG's or platform games?

Darian Gray wrote:
I prefer platform games (in terms of videogames), with the exception of Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy III (two of the greatest games ever)
Ok here's a tough one. You are stuck in a room for the rest of eternity watching one of these shows.
Seventh Heaven
Family Matters
(OHHHH the Humanity of it all)

Daye wrote:
I'm going to have to go with Seventh Heaven, although I am seriously going to spend eternity trying to find a way out.
PS2 or XBox?

Kieran wrote:
i dont have either, but ill go with a PS2...i always had a blast playing Metal Gear 2 @ my friend's house...plus, their sequels are more wicked
cameron diaz
lucy liu
drew barrymore

Daye wrote:
Drew Barrymore...I just think she's adorable, and she seems the nicest.
Phone sex, or Cyber sex....

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Until they have video phones as a standard thing, at least with the computer you get both visual AND audio so of those choices, definitely cyber sex... Ok, tmi again, right guys? Don't blame me - blame Kris. She asked the question. :P

Nikolai wrote:
Heather, that is an evil, evil, evil choice to have to make.... and you know it.

Natasha Brookes wrote:
:D :twisted:

Nikolai wrote:
Ok, more seriously - let me partly respond to heather by pointing out that getting audio and visual with the computer only applies with the appropriate equipment. So it can also come down to a choice between text on the one hand, and voice on the other.
Which was probably defiantly tmi.
Now, thinking this through... leather or satin, satin or leather.... DAMN! Ok, so that is a very tough choice. But suppose I would probably have to say Satin due to the simple fact that Satin does not need to be dyed.
*grumbles over having to choose*
For a new one, supposing the bed isn't available (or is broken):
on the sofa
in the chair?

Ozimandius wrote:
Oh definately the Sofa. Chairs (like beds) break easily and are (unlike beds) too cramped to explore the ...um...positioning options. A sofa is a good compromise
I am looking at new cars...
PT Cruiser?
Honda Element?
Toyota Matrix?

Darian Gray wrote:
PT CRUISER!!!!!!! I love that car...

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Shaun - new question?? And just going by looks - not having the specs of any of those cars, I'd have to say the Toyota. The PT Cruiser looks like an inflated VW and I've never been huge on 4WD's, so that just leaves the Toyota Matrix. :) But it's your car, so get what you want.
btw, Dave, what happened to that other car thingy you were looking at? Chrysler something or other wasn't it??

Darian Gray wrote:
Oh yeah right, new question.....
Wait on Ebay for the auction to end and perhaps pay less
click BUY NOW and pay much more?

Mantheana wrote:
BID BID BID!!!! Considering I just spent a SUM of money on a spiffy top hat on there. (its so cool).
Matrix reloaded

Kieran wrote:
matrix reloaded...mmmm, monica bellucci :P :twisted:
big noses
big feet

Merlona wrote:
I cannot believe you guys! I am gone a mere five days and miss the sexual questions. So now I am stuck answering another one of Rico's "oh-so-popular (rolls her eyes)" questions?!? Well, you know what they say about a man and big feet... huh huh
cleaning before a party or after one??

Darian Gray wrote:
Jean....you're going to make poor Ricky sad :(....but now that you mention it, he does kill the "This or that" doesnt he :wink: (Kidding kidding)
Cleaning after a party, I dont know why, its just a time to sober up and relax.
back to comic questions. Who is a bigger boyscout
Captain America

Kieran wrote:
oh guy, there is no bigger boyscout than big blue (other than the bat)...
here's the most boring "this or that" that i could think of, just for mean jean and shaun :roll: ...
a black eye
a cut cheek
a sprained nose

Daye wrote:
Uhm...what in the hell is a sprained nose? Seriously, is that like a sore, but not broken nose or something. I just don't get it. I will go with the cut cheek, I guess, although, really I'm not big on the bodily abuse.
Pay for semi-ok tickets for a concert of your all time favorite performer ever, and thus have a nice place to sit,
win tickets to see said performer sans seats in a general admission sort of venue and have to stand for like 5 hours?

Nikolai wrote:
I would be willing to pay for one simple reason: I would much rather figit in my seat than figit on my feet! :)
A fun one now, for our sci-fi fans:
Elim Garak or Quark? :)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Evil, Adam, truly evil. How can I possible choose between them??? They're both so fantastically devious...

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
'Figit'? 'figit'? Is that anything like FIDGET my dear dyslexic one? :P hehe
I'd have to go for Quark cause he's always been my favourite DS:9 character, maybe I have a thing for pointy teeth and big ears? :? LOL! I like him for those rare moments of conscience when he actual acts like he has a heart.
Oh and I'd go for a black eye, cause at least that would heal where a cut on the cheek would leave a scar and I don't fancy going around like Action Man for the rest of my life! :D
All over tan? OR
White Bits? (You know what I mean!)

Kieran wrote:
:o :lol: :P all-over tan!!!!!!!!!!!! white bits are funny 8O
btw, im sorry, i meant to say bruised nose...me head wont let me think clearly lately :? ...and bruised noses hurt, especially when you want to sneeze or just scratch it or even wrinkle it at somebody :cry: ...
sunbathing 'au naturel':
on the beack
in one's backyard

Darian Gray wrote:
I have to go with the

Cause I mean beacKs are always fun to sunbath on..... Anyone wanna tell me what a BeacK is? hehehe sorry Ric, I had to do it.
Swim in Lake

Daye wrote:
Uh, neither...there are like living things in there. Eewww! I hate aquatic creatures. They give me the heebidy jeebidies. I prefer my water chemically cleansed and poured into a man made artifice. Thank you very muchly.
Water...bubbles or no bubbles?

Stalker wrote:
uuuuuummmmm bubles, lotsa bubles everywhere
two people slapping you to death with wet fish or never seeing Angel OR BtVS again

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, the thing with that choice is that, having been slapped to death by wet fish I wouldn't be in a position to see Buffy or Angel anyway... so I think I'd just have to live off fond memories. :)
Choose to know for certain the truth about the Universe, even if that meant that there really was no meaning to it all? OR
Choose to forgo that knowledge and live on with the faith that there was something more to life than just a bunch of random molecules?

Darian Gray wrote:
Live in ignorance. So much comes from like faith an believing that i think if people knew the "truth" the world would be worse off.
Put it on Visa (or mastercard or whatever credit you all use)
Use debit/cash

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Um, Debit Card, I hate carrying Cash and I hate to get into any more debt than I already am (bloody student loans!)
Forgive? Or

Kieran wrote:
wow...that's a real toughie...i hate to do either...but i have to, i'd pick forget...some things just can't be forgiven
when you're really really miffed :evil: :
spend foolishly
procrastinate like there's no tomorrow

Darian Gray wrote:
Spend Foolishly, its always such a cheerer-upper.
haha, i wonder if anyone has said this one:

Daye wrote:
Boxers are sexier.
Hair...short or long?

Ozimandius wrote:
Definately long. I've had long hair myself and a definate preference for long hair on women...not to say that a short style can't be sexy...I just think long ones are sexiER.
you need to get into shape and money isn't an issue...
Diet and Exercise? or
"Magic" Pills and surgery?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Boxers are sexier? What's sexy about a load of bunched up fabric? And usually fabric with weird cartoon characters on it? Briefs can be uber sexy if you wear the right cut, (and since we're obviously talking about guys here) I think nothing looks quite as sexy as a well cut pair of jockies, especially if they're Calvin Klein :D
As for hair, I prefer my own looooong and short hair on my man. For the simple fact that most guys (and I emphasise the word MOST) have got absolutely NO idea how to style long hair and end up leaving it lank and greasy which just ain't sexy or vaguely attractive unless you're part of the great minority who also thinks underarm hair is hot and BO is Channel No.5. Guys who can manage long hair can look great (I'm thinking Antonio Banderas) but most can't so I go with short.
Diamonds? Or

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Damn you Dave! Just because I was going off on a long tangent. In answer to your question I'd go for diet and exercise, because I'd feel pride in not taking the lazy, cheat's way out. I like to feel that I've achieved something myself.
Besides surgery can't make you fit, it can make you thin but only a good diet and exercise can make you healthy.

Jadyn wrote:
Diamonds! (Are a girl's best friend... La la la...) *grin* Always thought pearls look kinda dated. I've yet to see modern, funky pieces of jewellery using pearls, everything looks like something my grandmother would wear! *yawn* Oh, plus diamonds are my birth stone! :P
My 2 cents worth on the other stuff...
Hair length - I agree with everything Lou said about hair. I've yet to meet a guy with long hair that I like... It's usually unkept, messy or greasy. Ick. And Lou... Love the Antonio Banderas example... That man is hot! Heh heh...
Diet and exercise or magic pills and surgery - Screw the dieting and exercise. Lol... I'm sorry but I'm a lazy bum. Gimme the easy way out any day! :P

Jadyn wrote:
Sexier - Leather or lace? :wink:

Nikolai wrote:
Leather. Nuff said. ;)
Satin or Silk?

Kieran wrote:
girlie silk pajamas are sexy, especially white ones :o :P ...
i wish i had long hair * pouting cause he can't look like his soccer idol *...
and exercise definitely...not only does it improve ur mind and body, but you feel an amount of personal satisfaction when u notice the progression u've made over a span of time...plus, it can be fun :twisted:...
chicas wearing no bras
chicas wearing bras

Natasha Brookes wrote:
That very much depends on the woman... someone with AA cup can get away with no bra, but there comes a point where a bra is essential or everything just gets droopy. Not to mention the pain when you try running without one on. :roll: Besides, I like pretty bras - and I think Dave likes my pretty bras too. :wink:
Big, bulky muscles
Lean and wiry?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Hmm, tough one because I think it depends on the guy. Most times I'd say yuck to bulky muscles - they just look too freaky, but there is the curiosity factor that makes you want to go give 'em a bit of a squeeze hehehe, and I'm a sucker (shut up! :P) for muscular thighs and a nice six pack ;)
Saying that I tend to go for guys who are more on the lean side, it just seems more natural than bulging biceps.
Minimalism? OR

Kieran wrote:
clutter...there is no such thing as minimalism in my vocabulary...am such a consumer :oops: (quiet Shaun... :o )
...pretty bras...heehee...pretty bras...heehee
...bulging biceps can be natural so long as they aren't done using anything that ends in -ione...on the other hand, it makes me piss in my pants to see guys @ the gym only do bicep curls, like there aren't any other muscles to train...nobody trains the legs :cry:

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
I know it's a cliche but personality is really more important in the long run. A person could be drop dead gorgeous but if that's all there is to them you'd get sick of them after a while. That's not to say that aesthetics aren't important either though. I think it doesn't matter if you're the funniest person in the world, if there's no initial attraction then it doesn't matter, you may have found a new friend but there won't be any passion. That said, aesthetic's are entirely relevant since it depends on the individual and what kind of things they find attractive.
Yoga? OR

Darian Gray wrote:
KICK BOXING!!!!! I dont know who ever started the rumour that Yoga was relaxing, cause it sure as hell isnt. Holding Horrible positions for minutes on end, it is really painful. *note* I am also bitter because my old Yoga teacher (yes I took Yoga classes for abit) said I should practice at home cause I wasnt improving. Its because My muscles are so big, im not bendable :D
Lifting Weights
Cardio Machines?

Kieran wrote:
hehe...yoga is definitely cool (yes, guys can f'n do yoga :twisted: )...although, hehe, kickboxing (unless ur talking about the girlie-cardio kickbox) is the stuff man...sparring 10 rounds of kickboxing is SO MUCH better than getting laid :twisted: and you get all kinds of wicked bruises and aches :o
anywho, you can't really choose between the two...lifting weights goes with cardio SHAUN!!!! :P ...but i must pick, i'd go with cardio...u can lift all the weights u want and "look" buff but in a sport or in the ring, it won't get you far....there's no way you can fight or play a soccer match without being in peak cardiovascular shape
what's more annoying:
people conversing @ a gym
people talking on cell phones @ a gym

Ozimandius wrote:
Cell phones are annoying no matter where you go. This is why I DON"T HAVE ONE. If People needed to reach me so badly that they could not wait a couple of hours for me to get home then they can come and find me. I make no secrets of my movements and if I did then I WOULD NOT WANT SOMEONE TO CALL ME.
Sheesh ... There an old programming addage. "Just because you can do a thing does not mean you should." Just becasue we do not have to tie a phone to the wall does mean you have to carry it everywhere with you.
So do without your...
Cell Phone

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Nah, sorry, I'd have to do without my e-mail. I need my mobile phone for work. :P
And even when not in work situations, if you break down on the freeway (as I've done) it's DAMN handy to be able to sit in your car and call the RACV etc, rather than having to walk a couple of kilometres in 45 degree heat to the nearest emergency phone. :P
Eat like a rabbit and be thin
Eat what you like and be damned to the consequences?

Nikolai wrote:
Eat what you like be to hell with the consequences. I don't know how anyone can stand a steady diet of rabbit food . . . including the rabbits. :)
Ok, it's time for an evil but fun choice again. Pick which of the following movies you spend the rest of eternity as your only programming option:
Plan Nine from Outer Space
The Day the Earth Caught Fire?

Kieran wrote:
btw, a healthy and tasty diet need not consist of only rabbit food...contrary to many skeptics, there is a lot of pleasure to be found in healthy eating (which includes many many foods) :P
i'd pick plan 9 from outer space simply cause of ed wood and bela lugosi :twisted: ...bela gets me nostalgic about old horror films :wink:
ur stranded on a deserted island...what would u rather look @...
mammaries...hey im trying to be polite

Daye wrote:
This is so not a good question. I'll go with mammaries, because there are so many ways an ass can go wrong. Yes, I am aware of the apparent homoerotic sentiment of what I just said people, but breasts are actually fascinating, beautiful things. Trust me on this.
Richard Pryor
Eddie Murphy?

Kieran wrote:
eddie murphy i guess...raw and delirious do it just for me and i didnt like richard pryor in superman III
sex in a relationship
sex outside a relationship
sex with someone in another relationship

Nikolai wrote:
Sex in a relationship, considering that sex without love is meaningless. Though if you even had to ask that.....
For Star Trek movies:
The Wrath of Kahn or The Voyage Home or The Undiscovered Country?

Ozimandius wrote:
Voyage Home without a doubt. Richard Pryor is so much more than Superman III. Without Richard Pryor there would BE NO Eddie Murphy. The man is a genius.
Its also two seperate generations of comedy. Its like comparing George Carlin and Robin Willims...
in fact:
George Carlin or Robin Williams

Daye wrote:
Robin Williams (only cause my sister saw Carlin a couple of years back and what was once very funny is now just sad.)
Dark or Milk Chocolate?

Nikolai wrote:
Tease your signifigant other with something you plan on doing
Don't say a word and surprise them?

Daye wrote:
I vote for the element of surprise.
Cheesecake, plain or with fruit topping?

Nikolai wrote:
Plain cheesecake - preferably chocolate cheese cake. Yum.
Choose the worse fate:
Forced to listen to my singing for eternity
Be unable to speak in anything other than Marxist puns?

Jadyn wrote:
I hate it when Adam gives us choices like this. *frowns* Ah well... I'd choose to listen to Adam's singing for eternity. He sounds ok and I can always interpret this as him singing a song a day to me for all eternity, which isn't all that bad. *grin*
Post Cereal - Banana Nut Crunch or Blueberry Morning?

Anonymous wrote:
Banana nut crunch.

Ozimandius wrote:
Popcorn. Pretzels get old fast but unpopped popcorn will last practically into the next ice age and I just don't eat it fast enough.
Speaking of eating too fast...
On your dinner plate...
Eat each item individually
Sample a little of each item until its all gone.

Darian Gray wrote:
I always eat one thing at a time. its very structured and organized that way :P
When working
Leave early of the bosses offer
Stay and make more money?

Nikolai wrote:
Leave early on the boss' offer. I love my job, but I love my home more. :)
Jason or Freddy Kreuger?

Darian Gray wrote:
Freddy, he's just alot creepier
Scream Franchise
I know what you did last summer Franchise

Daye wrote:
Scream, cause the other was just too dumb. Although for a young person, the book was tres creepy.
Hercules or Xena?

Anonymous wrote:
Terry Brooks or Terry Goodkind?

Sorrow wrote:
Terry Goodkind, though I'll read the late Brooks stuff and Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold was pretty amusing.
Ok on a related topic
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Wheel of Time
(Shush Amanda I already know your choice...)

Anonymous wrote:
A Song of Ice and Fire. There is no contest. George R.R. Martin is superb. There tends to be a lot of time between publication of the sequels, but you have to sacrifice speed for quality, I guess.
(Warning--do not even get me STARTED on the subject of Robert Jordan. I've read all of the books from Eye of the World to Winter's Heart . I feel that I have given him enough chances to redeem himself and that I can now detest him in good conscience.)
American mystery novels or British mystery novels?

Merlona wrote:
The British always win, whether they are writing books or just talking in their sexy accents! Hehe...
Which is worse? Junk emails or junk snail mail?

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Ozimandius wrote:
Junk Snail Mail is the absolute worst. I can deal with all the junk email in seconds without having to be offended, inconvenienced or bothered. I have never ever thrown away a legitimate email by accident nor have I ever confused legitimate correspondence as junk mail (okay once or twice but it only took a second to realize it). I have on occasion opened junk email by accident but have never caught a virus or been duped into something without having my eyes wide open.
I HAVE thrown away legitimate snail mail that looked like junk mail. I HAVE been duped by mail offers thinking they were legitimate. I HAVE lost legitimate mail becasue of the volume of junk I recieve and I HAVE had bad things happen to me becasue of all of the above.
SPAM isn't half as bad as people make it out to be. And really the only two spamming tactics I deplore are:
1) "Now we have you!" when a spammer sends out blanket emails and anyone who responds is "marked" as a legitimate email address and so is bombarded. This tactic makes me wary to respond to tell people to take me off their list.
2) "My List Your List" when you sign up for something you want, and get smashed by 80 things you DON'T want because they sold their list to some dozen other marketers. This makes me wary to sign up for things.
But you have to understand that spam is practically free. So I have assembled an arsenal of tools to help me fight it including spam filtering software and filters of my own design. But I'm not typical. You may have other ideas.
And wow I wrote a shitload didn't I? Write what you feel? or
Write only what you want to say?

Kieran wrote:
write what you feel, even though it might get you into trouble sometimes, whatever, if it's on your chest or in your head there's only one way of getting it out 8) ...
what's worse...
being letdown by a fave band's latest release
being letdown by a fave show's series finale

Darian Gray wrote:
Yeah seems what I wrote here got erased...

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
oooh! i must say! VER' insiteful shaun :wink:
...but aside from shaun's well made point, i'd have to say being let dow by fav shows finale would be the worst.
okie dokes...traffics reasonably busy and slowish...would you rather...
just make it through a red light and continue traveling at the same pace behind all cars ahead of you,
stop at the lights (first in line) and be able to take off with the illusion that you're getting where you're going quicker because you're accelerating your ass off... though i'm sure no one here does that *whistles nonchalantly*
[Edit: i stop when i reach the limit :P ]
[Edit: 'stop' in the sense of my acceleration...i don't just slam the brakes right in the middle of moving traffic cos i reached the limit]

Daye wrote:
I would rather continue on at the slow, but steady pace. It feels more productive to me.
Would you rather drive or navigate?

Merlona wrote:
Drive with Krissy-fur as my navigator! (Though I do both excellently. Hehe.) One more day!!
Ok, you have to blow your nose with no tissue in sight. Blow your nose on some laundry lying around that you know is going in the wash OR sniff up and swallow it? Egad! How gross of a question is that?! I always carry tissue by the way! Hehe. Where's the nose-picking icon?

Daye wrote:
I'm going to suck it up and swallow it. Eeewww...See, my hubby is always blowing his nose on socks or baby clothes that i haven't gotten around to putting away yet. That is seriously nasty. It makes me really mad.
Would you rather see a new movie at a sneak preview or wait for opening night?

Kieran wrote:
sneak preview...i can never wait, its like xmas, i can never wait til its time to open the presents...i have to open them when i see them...if i had the chance id definitely go see it before everybody else :twisted:
felicity with long hair
felicity with short hair

Anonymous wrote:
Felicity with long hair.
Who do you want to see Fred with:

Darian Gray wrote:
I think Wesley. I cant tell you why, I guess its just my initial reaction. Although she wasnt bad with Gunn.....either way lol
Just off the top of my head
Blue Steel
(I wonder if anyone will understand this)

Kieran wrote:
magnum...im thinking tom selleck here and not that crappy jamie lee curtis movie...plus, the show was set in hawaii 8)
after harassing lou with much of my singing talents...
JustiN TImBErLAke
N'SyNc...cough...starring JuStIn TiMbErLaKe

Darian Gray wrote:
First off, My "This or That" was referring to "Zoolander" but I guess it was lost on all of you. Im a fan of Nsync, but I think Justin alone is pretty cool.
Backstreet Boys

Kieran wrote:
hehe...backstreet boys got their huge break here in montreal, but frankly, was never into them...N'Sync are just the f'n show 8)...and theres no comparison, Justin wipes the floor with Nick Carter's ass...heck, even joey fatone exudes uber-coolness being in this band :o
J. Lo

Darian Gray wrote:
Christina ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!! The Song Dirrty is one of the coolest songs to come out in along time. Its so good, even now (months after its release) i still listen to it.
Bradd Pitt
Tom Cruise

Kieran wrote:
madon...this is a tough pick...tyler durden or Nicole's former flame...hmmmm, id go with cruise just cause hes my fave (minority report was the f'n bomb...and M:I anyone?????)...rain man, top gun, color of money...the list goes on and on...and all those pics of him with nicole :oops: * wipes slobber off of mouth * :P

Darian Gray wrote:
I must answer this one. Nicole 1000000 times over. The woman is a great actress, stunningly beautiful not to mention fashion goddess.... What the hell has Penelope done? Ben Affleck
P. Diddy
(Who made the better J Lo boyfriend)

Kieran wrote:
its the accent man, the flowing hair and shes so damn cute :oops: ....but nicole is in a world of her own :P

Jadyn wrote:
Ben Affleck.
I can't stand P Diddy... Puff Daddy... Sean Puffy Wuffy Duffy Muffy Combs... Whatever the f**k he calls himself right now. :roll: I think he's really ugly and that his attitude stinks. And what's with all the ostentatious gold jewellery?! Geeez... He looks like he just knocked off a goldsmith! J-Lo's better off without him!
Worse way to die - Burn to death or freeze to death?

Daye wrote:
Although I am a fire maiden at heart, I have to go with freeze to death, as it would probably be less painful.
Would you rather
mop or vacuum?

Kieran wrote:
neither...id get a GF to do one!!!!!!! 8O

Kieran wrote:
sigh...i was just kidding about the above...id rather vaccuum since mopping takes drying
give in to lusting another person despite a mutual close friend's saying no
respect said friend's feelings

Daye wrote:
I have to go with respecting friend's feelings, cause no amount of lust is worth the possibility of losing a friend.
Would you rather stay up late to finish up a post that's really flowing
stop, save, and go to bed, risking losing that creative flow, but being well rested the next day?

Darian Gray wrote:
I always end up staying up late. I work best like that i think (except for school work, thats the opposite)
Bitch and complain to rent the movie you want
Give in and rent the movie they want?

Kieran wrote:
"igby goes down" it wasnt, eh?....id bitch and complain cause am too stubborn to let other people's choices rule over mine and i love to bitch :P
styling paste
plain-old gel

Merlona wrote:
When I hear the word 'paste' I think of what kindergarteners eat. Yummy! Hehe. (No, I was never a paste-eating trouble maker.)
So for the humour of it all, I choose paste.
hair spray or mousse?

Darian Gray wrote:
they are both equally ineffective so may as well go with mousse since it sounds cooler.
Go to bed early (thereby sacrificing some fun) and wake up not tired for work
Go to bed late (cause you were with friends) and wake up uber tired?

Kieran wrote:
paste is so effective, it gives u that f'kd up just got out of bed look and doesnt make ur hair hard like gel does :P
id go to bed late...got plenty of time to sleep when im dead

Merlona wrote:
swords or knives?

Daye wrote:
Swords for the pure aesthetic of it.
Big birthday bash or quiet dinner for family at a nice place?

Chance wrote:
Definately big b'day bash! Quiet dinners tend to be...quiet. And boring.
Okay, this is from a convo I had with Shaun a week ago or so.
Who's the better female vamp baddy

Nikolai wrote:
Dru, definatly. She was just so psychotic and creepy. Darla wasn't so much creepy as well.... Darla. Sorry, but the whole evil Catholic school girl thing doesn't do it for me.
Who was the worse big bad:
The Master or Glory?

Chance wrote:
I agree with you. Definately Dru.

Kieran wrote:
darla....ya, that catholic school girl thing does it for me, plus, she sired my boy Angelus :twisted: ...
i totally dug the Master, he was cool and somewhat scary...and i totally didnt like glory, exactly why i didnt like buffy...
who's the better demon sidekick:

Darian Gray wrote:
Anya, she is so funny. who cares about Doyl.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Definately XANDER! I can do without Willow and her hacker/wicca antics plus I can only take so much of her shy h..h..h..hesitation before I want to take her by the shoulders and shake some confidence into her. But Xander... man I used to have a serious thing for him (I'm a sucker for a funny man) plus he has that ladykiller bod! I mean! c'mon! :D
Car (I mean ANY car, like a convertable)

Kieran wrote:
motorbike....ducati baby!!!!! nuff said...ill take a ninja too...anybody know a rich yummy mummy :P

Merlona wrote:
Once you're in 'da club... isn't the music all the same? ungrateful roommates
ungrateful friends?

Mantheana wrote:
Ungreatful friends. you can dump them. you're stuck ith roomies. And trip-hop, definately. I'm ont a big dan of club, but trip-hop i can deal with.
Canadian crazy actors:
Jim Carey
Mike Myers?

Merlona wrote:
Argggh! Bruce Almighty was hysterical, but Mike Myers has held a part of my heart since Saturday Night Live. *throws tantrum of indecisiveness*
Have to choose Mike Myers because he shares the same initials as my fave candy and fave rapper. Hehe!
Would you rather read multiple short stories or one great novel?

Darian Gray wrote:
One great novel, its more fulfilling that way I find.
ummm *racks brain trying to come up with one*

Jessica Travers wrote:
Hamburgers although they're both made of crap. Hmmm....
Rage Against the Machine

Kieran wrote:
RATM...i know tom morello carried both bands, but they arent the same without zach de la rocha's voice...it was distinct, had attitude :twisted:...whereas chris cornell is just anutha singa (in my opinion)
oasis (lou :P )

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Grrr Ric :P I like both bands for the SONGS that they produce. I can't say that Oasis are crap because they aren't but the band members themselves are complete arseholes - like Liam, shelf the 'tude and have a shave and a hair cut, you ain't John Lennon!! :P Plus, y'know Blur's Damon Alburn created The Gorillaz which I LOVE! So I go with Blur, which is of no surprise to certain peeps.
Scruffy? Or

Darian Gray wrote:
Clean Cut. Scruffy reeks of laziness and is totally unappealing. However im sure NO ONE will agree with me since you're all crazy *mumbles about Hugh not being better than Ryan*
On a guy
Long hair
Cool stylish Spikey

Daye wrote:
It must be a throwback to my youth, but i would rather see long or at least longish hair, and I like scruffy. I also prefer men that look like men. Give me facial hair, a broad shouldered build and all that and I'm over the moon. Honestly, though, this comes with maturity. When I was in high school, I thought hair anywhere but on the head was gross. *Sigh*
Summer or Winter?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
summer SUMMER! for the love of my bed, SUMMER! tis bloody 6-13 degrees celcius down here and i'm freezing my arse off!
white bread
multigrain bread

Kieran wrote:
multigrain....i cant stand the taste of white bread, it's so bland and starchy, not to mention completely empty of any complex carbs...
colored pencil

Merlona wrote:
I love sketching in pencil.
Hairy toes or hairy ears?

Kieran wrote:
i'll go with hairy toes just cause it's hobbity * pictures himself pretending he's Merry *...btw, there are Hobbits in montreal, they do exist i tell ya
??? no, i havent been watching se7en :roll:

Darian Gray wrote:
Id have to say greed because envy is such a horrible thing. Envous people can cause lotsa problems, and feeling jealous is not so great either.

Nikolai wrote:
Do we have to explain the reason why? ;)
Inspired by a really cheesy sci-fi movie: the 'smart bomb' has just decided that it wants to explode for the third time. Only there's an error that will cause it to blow up the ship. You resolve the crisis by:
Teaching it philosophy and making it question the existance of anything outside of itself
Try to explain to the bomb that it doesn't want to go off because of a glitch that will let it not complete its job?

Kieran wrote:
try explaining it about the glitch...teaching philosophy is hard enough as it is to us simpletons, imagine robots...but then again, to try to make the robot question the existance of anything outside of its life is hard cause robots cant think outside of themselves...AND i wouldnt have the patience to sit there for hours, perhaps days to teach that thing :o
ive had this dilemma for a bit, been driving me insane...
do you write your supporting cast according to the celebrities that you want to use to play them
do you choose your celebrities according to the supporting cast that you have already planned

Merlona wrote:
I would think one comes up with an idea of a supporting cast, and then chooses a person they find attractive to play the part. I didn't choose Jennifer Connelly because she holds any characteristics of what I want Merlona to be, she just had the 'look', and a damn sexy look at that.
Watch random movies on cable or go to video store and rent specificaly what you want to see?

Daye wrote:
Rather go to the video store, but always end up watching random movies on cable. The nice thing is you may find something cool you've never heard of before this way.
Old Sitcoms or Old Game Shows

Merlona wrote:
Old game shows all the way!! I love Family Feud and the $100,000 Pyramid!
painted finger nails or toe nails?

Darian Gray wrote:
Toe nails. I find colour on the nails is only nice in certain occasions, otherwise french manicure is the nicest. Toe nails however look better painted.
For all the Harry Potter Fans
Out of the 4, ( not counting newest one cause im not done reading)
Which is the best?

Jadyn wrote:
I loved all of them... Heh heh... I finished "The Order of the Phoenix" by hibernating at home and reading for 30 hours! :oops:
Anyway, that aside, I must say that I enjoyed "The Prisoner of Azkaban", especially since it was the book that introduced the person that's turned out to be my fav character! I love Sirius Black! *sighs* Oh... And Remus Lupin... An ex-con and a werewolf... This is where Rowling starts giving her characters much darker personality traits... Delicious!
Ok... My turn. You'd rather die:
(a) By falling off a 100-storey building... It's a loooong drop down...
(b) From a knife stab wound... Taking hours to bleed to death...

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
By falling, cause lets face it, it would be a cool ride down. Weeeeeee! SPLAT! But you could pretend to be flying for a short while which would be cool, in a morbid sort of way.
Oh and I totally agree with Shaun about the nail thing, I ALWAYS have painted toe-nails, but finger nails just seem strange to have them painted, and they look much better with a nice healthy french manicure.
Smack your children? Or
Reason with them? BTW I mean this as of an appropriate age to chastise a child, not like an ickle baby or anything, in which case, get ear plugs!

Kieran wrote:
smack, that ciabatta always made me run for cover and stop laughing @ my ma's idle threats, plus, it toughened my ass :P ....besides, i wasnt a reasonable child :roll:
spend hours trying to explain, uselessly, to your father, who, after having watched a half hour special on TLC is now an expert on a given subject, that he is wrong
just let him talk and thus go crazy and mutter to yourself cause you know the man is wrong/irrational, thereby also allowing him to think that he's ALWAYS right and that young people are just young punks who THINK they know everything

Merlona wrote:
First off, what a fabulous question April!!
Secondly, I am Irish with a fiery-ass temper to match; there is no way in hell I could ever keep quiet. My father and I had quite a few run-arounds before I finally moved out. So, I would say give him a piece of your mind. Hehe!
Stand in line for hours on end to: meet a celebrity or see an ultra cool movie??(p.s. Krissy-fur can't answer! We got the best of both worlds when we saw the WORLD premiere of LXG at the Venetian on Monday and saw not 200 feet from us the entire cast including Peta Wilson, Stuart Townsend w/ date Charlize Theoron, Shane West, and SEAN CONNERY!!!! WE SO FRIGGIN ROCK!!!! neener neener neener)

Merlona wrote:
Apparently my question here fell into the ranks of Rico's questions...ugh.
*I* would definitely stand in line to see a celebrity as opposed to the coolest movie on the planet. You can always rent the movie, but you'll probably never get another chance to meet your fave celebrity in person. And for certain actors, there is no stating how long I would wait in line in blistering heat or freezing snow for them.
So.. on the 4th.. would you rather...
light your own fireworks (taking the chance of becoming one yourself)? or
sit outside (at a safe distance) and watch your neighbors (most of whom had illegal fireworks anyway)?

Daye wrote:
I've got a third option, next year, my Jeannie Beannie let's go to one of the parks and watch the professional fireworks show. That way you see cool, sparkly lights and no one gets torched.
Would you rather...
spend hard earned money on health insurance just in case,
gamble on not having anyone in the family get seriously ill?

Kieran wrote:
...or just come to CaNaDa :P

Darian Gray wrote:
I like Rics answer.

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
I wonder why :P....
though i must say...i do want to travel *hides*
also, the likelyhood of me earning more money than i can count the days of a year is ver' slim... so i'm probs not going to be worht going for either...er...if that made any sense (this coming from the girl whos planning on going to live in England in 2005 for a couple of years)
Get a job, any job, that will earn you enough money to live on (rent, food, bills, social life, ect...) while you work at your degree for the profession you REALLY want to do....
Just do occasional casual assistence on a call by call basis WITHIN the profession you really want to do, earning minimal money, that's not even garaunteed you'll get every week, whilst still having to live at home while you complete your degree. but gives you a head start by ensuring you a job within your desired profession when you leave school?

Nikolai wrote:
Um, the second option. NOW....
where do I find the Philosopher's Apprenticeship Program? :)
Which is the more enjoyable experience: Writting in a collab with hecklers, or being one of the hecklers?

Daye wrote:
Depends on my mood. I love writing a good collab, but then again, it's fun to heckle sometimes too.
Grill with charcoal or gas?

Darian Gray wrote:
Chracoal, makes things taste better.
Which is the cooler screwed up movie
Clockwork Orange
Eyes Wide Shut?

Daye wrote:
A Clockwork Orange, of course. Eyes Wide Shut isn't even on par with it.
Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?

Merlona wrote:
They're both fun games, and I have watched both since I was a wee girl in Florida. But I think I lean more towards the challenge of Jeopardy. Plus, it makes a very cool Birthday game!

Merlona wrote:
Sorry, guys. Um...
Apple juice, apple sauce or apple pie?

Daye wrote:
Mmmm...apple pie...warm apple pie ala mode...
jello or pudding?

Merlona wrote:
apple jelly or apple butter?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
*flips coin* Uh, apple butter (whatever the hell that is...)
What's with the sudden fixation on apple products, Jean? Assuming you've already seen the show in question once before when you buy your dvd...
Watch the commentaries first, or rewatch the episodes first?

Daye wrote:
The episodes first. Actually, I have to confess, I rarely watch the commentary at all. I haven't watched any of the Buffy commentary yet.
Plane, Train, or Automobile?

Merlona wrote:
Depends on how long it has been since I last watched the episodes.
hot apple cider or sparkling apple cider?

Merlona wrote:
dope!! Planes for sure! Some memorable events occurred in my life thanks to the wonders of flight. But would love to take a train ride across the country.
See my question above...

Darian Gray wrote:
Sparkling....I dont really like warm apple drinks.
Ok how about this.
Be a big LAME-O-fanboy and try and meet Jonny Depp who will be filming outside my house this week
Play it cool and only meet him if by coincidence i pass by while trying to leave my road.

what would y'all do?

Merlona wrote:
I would SOOOOOOO be camped out on the spy for one of the coolest actors on this planet!!!!
You have to ask?? Just call me Queen Lame-O!! But the official title should be Queen Lame-O Depp! Hehehe!
Skittles: The Original or Sour? (as in sour apple)

Daye wrote:
You are apple obsessed! Sour anything is my preference, particularly those yummy sour Starbursts.
Elves or Fairies?

Darian Gray wrote:
Im going to have to with Faeries (im alittle biased perhaps :wink:) and that works on so many levels
for those of you who have seen both
Pirates of the Carribean (I know that aint spelt right)

Merlona wrote:
Damn you, Shaun! Oy Vay! I have no idea which one to choose... Stuart Townsend or Johnny Depp?? *shakes head in utter despair*
They were both so friggin' excellent; oh, and the movies were fabulous, too! :D
I am going to have to plead undecided and let some else choose. What do you think Krissy-fur? (I smell LXG on your end...)

Darian Gray wrote:
PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me you are kidding. LXG was SO LAME! They spoon-fed everything to the audience, and there was so much wrong with it
A) Dorion Gray's suit magically fixes from holes
B) Mina (who is a vampire) goes in the sunlight
there are so many more but i dont wanna spoil it for anyone

Merlona wrote:
Well, *I* think that Dorion is so sexy that he just has a magical aura that surrounds *all* of him, including his clothing. Hehe.
And Mina wore SPF 3000. She's sending me some as we speak.
p.s. I still can't answer this for sure. But prob leaning more towards Pirates of the Caribbean.

Kieran wrote:
A TRAVESTY?!?!?!?! from what ive heard, they totally changed Alan Moore's vision...neither dorian gray nor tom sawyer were in the comic, they were just put in cause some "people" apparently cannot identify with british literary characters...and the villain wasnt even Holmes' nemesis himself, Dr. Moriarty :o
btw, Kieira Knightley is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot (she also played in Bend It Like Beckham :P ), and hotter than natalie portman :wink:

Darian Gray wrote:
Actually Rick.......you should watch the movie before you make some comments.

Merlona wrote:
Time to post a new question...

Darian Gray wrote:
ok ok
Swimming in heated pool
Swimming in non heated pool

Nikolai wrote:
Swimming in the non heated pool was fun. When you're bored, you just grab Heather and toss her under water.
WIth that in mind....
Let your friends throw you in the pool, or rob them of the pleasure and throw yourself in?

Reanna Kossinton wrote:
hehe, rob them of the pleasure and throw myself in... while charging at THEM :twisted:
hm... Long coat
Short jacket?[edit] ps: i know its lame, but something tells me that this other question i'm thinking of might be a little... erm... crude for some people

Merlona wrote:
Hmmm... are we talking about on myself or on a guy?*I* prefer to wear long coats, but prefer short jackets on guys.
(Trying to figure out the innuendo here...)
Ok, would you rather go on an ultra short vacation for three days, or be the one to stay home and dog-sit with a quiet house all to yourself? Guess which one I am.

Darian Gray wrote:
That all depends on where you are going. I always stay behind and watch the pups when my parents leave. I enjoy the house to myself. Can throw parties ;) Of course if the vacation is somewhere awsome, I would prefer that.
Go out for supper
Go out for coffee

Jadyn wrote:
Go out for coffee... Less fattening unless you're the sort who drinks 4 full cream lattes in 2 hours and tops them up with 6 cookies. :?
Have a golden tan or stay milky white?

Kieran wrote:
hehe, if the golden tan is real, then the tan for sure...white and pasty is not cool...
tan lines
no tan lines

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Hehe, I'm sure I can remember asking this question before... :P Anyway, I'd prefer NO tan lines, YUCK, LOL I HATE white bits! *Jumps on sunbed like a rotissery chicken*
Okay, gotta think of a question...
Beach Games (No not THOSE kind of 'games' Heather :P Adam :P)
Just Sunbathe (cause it's sooooo bloody hot)

Merlona wrote:
Beach games because I love frolicking in the ocean!
apartments or condos?

Daye wrote:
Condos because then it's a bit of your own, isn't it? Apartment living is a total rip off.
Sea World or Disneyland?

Merlona wrote:
Sea World isn't even in the same league as the Magical World of Disney
(hush up, Robin--hehe)
sand in your shoes or sand in your underwear?

Darian Gray wrote:
Sand in your shoes....much easier to clean hehe.
LA By Night
Fantastic Legends
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thats right, i asked it :twisted:

Merlona wrote:
Uh, nothing beats the original. And no, I can't believe you asked.
The Time Machine or The Island of Dr Moreau?(connection you ask? if you've wasted time on either, you'd understand)

Darian Gray wrote:
There really was no right or wrong answer to my previous Q, both are cool in their own right :D
id have to say the The Time machine was alittle better.....and by that i mean not as bad.
Pactical Magic
The Craft
(Although I love both movies, there is definitely a right answer to this one)

Merlona wrote:
I loved both as well, but come on, Fairuza Balk is just too sexy for words. But Nicole Kidman is great, too. (Right, Lou?)
Coin toss says The Craft.
wash clothes or wash dishes?

Daye wrote:
Wash clothes, but not have to put them away...
I Dream of Jeannie
Gilligan's Island?

Merlona wrote:
Well, you'd think I'd say "I Dream of Jeannie" for obvious reasons. But I actually adored "Bewitch" and Samantha's twinkling nose. Didn't every girl who watched that show try to do that?? Game Show Network
or Cartoon Network? Guess what Jean got hooked on while house-sitting...Argghh!

Darian Gray wrote:
Cartoon network, its the best (although I only get teletoon this horrible cartoonnetwork in french) however, if I had cartoon network, I would watch it all the time lol.
TV sitcoms
Will and Grace

Merlona wrote:
Ugh! Neither.
Designing Women or Golden Girls? good ole nostalgia

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Ugh neither heheh, seriously those are both a bit TOO nostalgic for me ahaha, in reply to Shaun's question I used to be a MASSIVE Friends fan, then they went on, and on, and on.... sheesh, after season four I gave it a WIDE berth. But I am a really big fan of Will and Grace at the moment hehe, I love "Just Jack!" :lol:
CD's? OR

Daye wrote:
I think CD's are so much cleaner and smoother.
Pirates or Knights?

Darian Gray wrote:
hmmm that is very difficult.....Im tempted to say Knights, but after seeing Jonny Depp's performance as Jack Sparrow, im going to go with Pirates.
Pick your geeky genre
Sci Fi

Merlona wrote:
Definitely Fantasy!!!
Neverending Story

Nikolai wrote:
Labyrinth. It's just too fun to pass up. So, chilly down with the firies! Plus the music is actually pretty good.
I'm taking over the role of Dr. Forrestor. I've trapped you on the Satilete of Love, and am sending you cheesy movies. Today I just can't decide which of the two to subject you to, so I'm letting you pick your poison:
Dark Star or Plan 9 From Outer Space?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Has to be Dark Star all the way. Such a cute bouncing beach ball. :)
X-Files or Millennium?

Daye wrote:
X-Files, for any number of reasons, not the least of which being oh-so-yummy David Duchovny.
Classic Trek
The Next Generation

Nikolai wrote:
Hmm, a tough choice, but I'll have to go with DS9. One reason: Elim Garak. Probably one of the best, most interesting charecters they've come up with for a Star Trek show. Garak is the reason to become a DS9 fan.
Well, him and Terry Ferrel. ;) (Aside - just how far down do her spots go?)
To reveal my 'true age' and the kinds of shows I watched when a kid...
Dinosaucers or Transformers?

James_Connor wrote:
transformers all the way

Merlona wrote:
Transformers or G I Joe? action figures or the TV show?

Darian Gray wrote:
Transformers for both show and action figures. Man they were so cool. I had all those evil construction guys who would turn into the big guy, whatever his name was.
Optimus Prime

Tarix Conny wrote:
Megaton...i have no clue what they both are but Megaton sounds better.
Would you rather wear
A Corsette
the ugliest hat in the world.

Daye wrote:
You are so wrong, Saadia. The correct answer was, is, and ever shall be our supreme robot leader, Optimus Prime. How cool is a robot who can become a Semi or a fire truck? And how lame is one that turns into a gun. Puhlease...
As for your question...
I'll go for the ugly hat, cause I saw Pirates of the Carribean recently and I don't want to risk drowning.
Would you rather live in the Old West or the Middle Ages?

Tarix Conny wrote:
oh oh Old West!!! Yeee haaa, giddy up ol' pant.....and off we ride into the sunrise.....
ohhh kay, now that that phase is over, the question.....
Kermity frog
the teletubies....? P.S...i still think turning into a gun is cool...you can shot all kinds of stuff just morphing....umm ok i'll stop rambling now...

Kieran wrote:
kermit the frog, he was so cool when i was a kid, plus he's gonzo's buddy...teletubbies are so annoying u just wanna shoot 'em
u and a bunch of friends muster up whatever money u have and go to the next city of a freakingly amazing unforgettable and sick summer SANITARIUMMMMMMMMM show cause u absolutely need another fix of the greatest show on earth...but will leave u broke in the process
sit, write to the band and record label to release a live album so u can listen to it and relive the memories over and over and over and over and over

Merlona wrote:
Going to concerts leaves you with a feeling you will never get from just listening to the cd.
Jelly... standard grape or something different like boysenberry?

Merlona wrote:
After all these years... sniff sniff... is This or That dying? Say it isn't true!

Alessa wrote:
Give me a fair choice and I'll answer you :wink:

Kieran wrote:
ok ok ok...i happen to LOVE "this or that", but it seems my questions are as hot as janet reno on a binge night...SOOOOOOOOO, i'll answer mean jean's boring as ever Q's :twisted:
even though im not a jelly guy (peanut butter man :P ), i'd go with the boysenberry cuz i dont like grape jelly (hehehe, btw, does anybody like the flaming lips, suddenly i got "she dont like jelly" in my head :P )
samuel L. jackson
denzel washington

Merlona wrote:
boo! hiss! How could you possibly choose? Denzel was da man in Training Day, and he's great in the Civil War movie Glory, but Mr. Jackson is fabulous in everything. Ok, so I am flaking out and letting someone else take a stab at this one...
Damn you, Rico!! :D (Nice to have you back, btw.)

Kieran wrote:
arrggggg, hence "this or that"....PICK already :twisted: fine, give denzel training day...but look @ jackson "S.W.A.T." (my new fave film), "A Time To Kill", "Shaft" :P , "Die Hard 3", "Unbreakable", just to name a few, but alas he's such a B.M.F. in anything by Tarantino: Jackie Brown and one of the best hitmen ever to hit the cineplex as the bible-readin', gun-totin' Jules in Pulp Fiction...
btw, thx mean jean, miss ya 2 :wink: :P

Alessa wrote:
Samuel, by all means, Denzel is prettier but Samuel is... is... hotter!!!

Ozimandius wrote:
Um...somebody post a new this or that?

Jadyn wrote:
American History X - Edward Norton or Edward Furlong? (This is still one of my fav movies by the way... Thought it was bloody brilliant...)

Merlona wrote:
Ed Norton!!!!!!!! I'm sure you've seen Fight Club, but have you seen Primal Fear?? He is absolutely fabulous in that! (And Richard Gere is way yummy in that, too! Hehe.)
Have we had this one?... hope not...
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino?

Kieran wrote:
madon, this is a f'n tough one...i love both guys, i mean Michael Corleone vs. Jake La Motta...simply on the fact that De Niro played in a boxing film, a truly great one (ie Raging Bull) which i love boxing...that gives him the step up...based on Heat, i loved DeNiro more than Pacino in their stare-off, so im going with him :twisted:
hehe, we actually debated this last night :roll:
J. Lo
Angelina Jolie

'This or That' (ARCHIVE)

MrDave's picture

Darian wrote:
Someone else must answer this because me and Rick argued about it last night, we need a third opinion (although knowing you people, you'll probably take the rotten one :wink: )

Ozimandius wrote:
Angelina Jolie. She's wacky, she's opinionated and she's freakier than a sex starved armadillo, but she's not a skank like J Lo.
Eat Breakfast
Skip Breakfast

James_Connor wrote:
skip i never eat brekkey

Merlona wrote:
ok, for the new-bies...
When you answer a This or That question, you have to post a new one yourself for the next person!

James_Connor wrote:
hey i represent that remark i was trying to think of one but since you pushed me first thing taht comes itno my head
when wearing a kilt

Kieran wrote:
commando :P ...although that doesnt bode very well when playing sports :( ...hehe, id go for a kilt tho, just so i could picture myself being in braveheart
do something when it could be done @ the moment
put it off til the absolute latest when someone starts complaining ???

Tyler_Hyatt wrote:
You know what they say...why put off until tomorrow what you can put off until next week.
Law And Order

Kieran wrote:
hmmmmm, that's a toughie...where's Homicide: Life on the Street?!?!...id go with Law and Order, the stories seem more compelling (not to say that NYPD isn't) and there's more courtroom drama in it
film noir
hitchockian-type suspense movies ???

Alessa wrote:
Hitchcock by all means!! been in love with Sean Connery since I saw Mandy
(was it Mandy? cant recall right now :oops: )
Ok, let's see, since I missed this part the last time (another oops!)

(it isnt fair, I know)

James_Connor wrote:
books ...books are alwyas better
best nick name for babys:
or carpet monkeys

Alessa wrote:
never seen the Carpet Monkeys, but I love the name so... Carpet Monkeys it is!
sorry I have to ask this...
Tolkien lover
Never read Tolkien?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
hehehe, easy for me since I've Never Read Tolkien (or Harry Potter for that matter :roll: )
Watch (insert programme) straight away?
Tape for later?

Kieran wrote:
watch FASTLANE right away and watch it again on tape (but sadly, the dumb PTB decided that it was too expensive and cancelled the only fun show on TV, aside from Angel of course :twisted: )...but watch right away, cause if i have it on tape itll stay there for a few days and knowing me ill find a way to tape over it and then curse madly and desperately try to find it on the net and then someone hands me a copy and the download finishes and ive left my comp on 4ever...
ask the magic 8-ball
ask your little inner devil, who btw is always highly irrational ???

Darian wrote:
Good Rick, just Kill the this or that once more :evil:
Ill take the little devil, cause I dont have an 8 ball......
Sleep in when you need sleep
Get up at ungodly hours for a colab

Nikolai wrote:
Sleep in when you need it, then watch everyone go "man, you're odd" when they realise that 7am qualifies as sleeping in for you.
Better multiplayer experience: Warcraft 3 or Diablo 2?

Merlona wrote:
I can think of atleast ONE multiplayer experience that beats both of those hands down... :lol: :oops:
Would have to choose Diablo though, because, hey, the devil is just plain cool!
When you and your friends are in a silly mood, would you rather play Truth or Dare OR mute the TV and do your own wacky voiceovers?

Kieran wrote:
great mean jean, now look who killed the T or T game!?!?!?!?!? :P

Merlona wrote:
Who are bigger losers on this board... the members or the members?

Kieran wrote:
i think jean is THE biggest loser....Luuuuhoooser....L-O-S-E-R :roll:

Daye wrote:
Uh...back in the day it was Truth or Dare all the way. Now, though we mostly just gossip loudly. Hmmm...
Would you rather work part time evenings or weekends to earn some extra dough?

Merlona wrote:
Thank you for coming back aboard and reviving my fave pasttime on here, Krissy-fur!!
I would much rather work every weeknight and have atleast one or two full FREE days to myself.
Speaking of part-time work... would you rather work at a job that paid more than most places, but didn't have cool merchandise OR work at an ultra cool shoppe for minimum wage, but with a great employee discount?

Kieran wrote:
hahahaha, staring @ door knobs and screws all day long, ill think ill go with the higher paying job...all the cool merchandise wont pay my tuition and car, so!
nude sunbathing ???

Daye wrote:
Skinny Dipping (provided we are talking about an unnatural water source, such as a wildlife free pool or something) as I can still hide my less than stellar body in the water. Plus I burn something awful and there are just places you don't want to burn, seriously.
Which is worse...one really bad cavity, or a whole bunch of small cavities?

Kieran wrote:
one really bad one i guess, cuz a bunch of em just aint cool...
telling a girl flat out u dont have time for her
just do ur thing and hope she eventually gets the message ???

Darian wrote:
Hope she eventually gets the message.
Do homework friday afternoon right after school
Do homework Sunday Night last minute?

Mantheana wrote:
Last mintue all the way.
The fact that my friend bequi seems to be a toilet freak brings on this question:
Go unrinate every break/lunchtime and before & after school/work
Hold on ALL day and take one hell of a piss after?
(important question much?)

Anonymous wrote:
booj - scary q!!!!!!!
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, to be perfectly honest i do believe its better to use the bathroom throughout the day, then not only do you not have to hold it in, (lol - i cannot believe i just wrote that) but also you can miss the beggining or middle of extremely boring lessons!!! YAY
ok - so

Ozimandius wrote:
Got to go to the movies. Movies are a community exercise and its not something you can do with a video game. Nothing beats laughing along with a hundred other folks (or crying or jumping) in a dark room where you can be foolish and free without sacrificing your anynonymity.
Sort of like LABN.
Long hard day at aork (school, child care, housework) and you walk in the door...
Surprise party?
Clear Path to the Bed?

Anonymous wrote:
hmmmmmmmmmm... depending on what the surprise party is for, eg, if its for say a brother or sisters fantastic exam results no thankyou, if its for my birthday WAHOOOOO!
but probably a clear path to bed.
foreign accent - (aussie in paritcular, american or general other countries?)
english accent? - (or american, australian, whatever depending on your origin country)
which is sexier?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
On a choice between a particular foreign accent, or my local accent (Aussie in my case), in terms of sexiness I'd have to go the IRISH accent. Hmm, love that Irish lilt. I practically swoon every time Irish comedian Ed Byrne is on telly.
Plush pile carpet
Polished hardwood floorboards?

Darian wrote:
Hard wood floors - Its alot classier. (although for my bedroom, i prefer carpets)
For Food:
(Im deciding where to eat tonight)

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Chinese, well, that's the decision I made tonight :D
Be Driven?

Daye wrote:
Drive, I think...
Splurge on having your hair done professionally, or struggle to come up with something halfway decent yourself?

Kieran wrote:
its always good to know how to do it urself, u cant go to the hair salon @ midnite!!!
play the percentages (ie. who could care less about a 1% assignment)
study hard for every aspect of the course ???

Alessa wrote:
I always played the percentages (as you called it) but dont let my students hear about it please!
A romantic dinner at home... or
at a fancy restaurant?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Hmm, tough one. But I think in the end it'd have to be a fancy restaurant, or just a plain ol' restaurant, 'cause then you don't have to do the washing up afterwards ;) Tent?

Anonymous wrote:
tent obviously! whats the point of camping if your gonna live in a mobile home!!!!
pirates of pezance
HMS pinafore ?????

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Pirates of Penzance, for sure.
Throw up?
Suffer for two hours and wait for the nausea to go away?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
As someone who suffers from this dillemma on a regular basis, I have to say that nausea sucks, it's worse than actually being sick (and anyway, after two hours of nausea i'd only end up being sick anyway) I'd rather give the whole process a helping hand, so to speak, and start feeling better a whole lot quicker.
Wait for a song that you like to come on the radio and record it for free?
Just go out and buy the single straight away and save yourself the hassle?

Kieran wrote:
hehe, just go out and buy it...i tracked the new Dido song for ages and finally got it, but so much agony was involved...besides, if the cd is good, go out and get it (btw, cheap plug...u seriously have to give David Usher's "Hallucinations" a look, each song is that freaking good and definitely worth the 12.99)
skip class in order to train cuz u got up late due to talking to somebody too late
skip a training session and go to a class where u can get the notes off of some girl ???

Darian wrote:
Go to class... The workout you can make up any time, where as you may miss something in the class....
Group Work
Solo work

Kieran wrote:
solo work...i havent been blessed with competent partners, cough, girls, cough, air up there...
most lame and boring Thermodynamics problems
retarded Computer programming assignment ???

Ozimandius wrote:
Retarded Computer Assignment...it would take me so much less time than the thermodynamics problem. but that's me ;)
Lets see...
Fun Fun Fun till my Daddy takes the T-Bird away?
Play that funky music, white boy?

Darian wrote:
For sure, fun fun fun till my daddy takes the t-bird away.
ok you're going to a HUGE rave (20 000 people) that will last all night. You have 6 ours sleep
Take speed, and stay up all night
Try to get through it clean?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
No, no, no. Gotta be Play that funky music, white boy! Such a great song to dance to. :)
And personally I'd go through it clean. But that's just me.
Sit for hours staring at your computer trying to come up with a new This or That?
Say 'the hell with it' and leave it blank?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Sit for hrs i'd say...
hmmm now what can i ask.....hmmmm.....? hmmmmmm.....*mind still blank*...hmmmm. Oh to hell with it......

Tarix Conny wrote:
Got one,
Watch a goat climb a hill,
Watch a bee sting you?

Alessa wrote:
Do I really have to answer that? The goat of course!
If you really had to choose...
have somebody love you?
love somebody?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Have someone love me, yeah mr.perfect-guy-for-me...i'm tired of looking, i've done enough, it's your time to come come out in the open and you'd better love OR ELSE.....
anywayz where were we.....
oh yes,
Spike the Bloody?

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Is that William the Bloody or SPike? or Both? hehe, does it matter? Spike wins hands down, I'd love to see more of William the Bloody though, with or without the bloody awful poetry! :twisted: *write me a poem william....* hehehe
Radio Phone-in Show
Radio Chart Show?

Tarix Conny wrote:
lol hehe i forgot spikes first name so i put in spike the bloody....knew that didn't soud right....
ummm radio chart show...i would have said phone in, but i got to listen to some in kuwait and the things that ppl say, yeesh!
Staple your finger to the wall,
Chewing gum all over your hair?

Kieran wrote:
staple finger...some things, ie gum in hair, are just too painful beyond imagination...
:evil: i wont start myself on spike
which is more fun...
keep secrets ???

Darian wrote:
More fun....is there even a choice Gossip is MUCH more fun...Now which is right is different story
Talk on phone

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
MSN, 'cause you can always have a voice conversation, and it costs less money than speaking on the telephone for hours :D
Living for the moment?
Living for the future?

Darian wrote:
The real question ive been asking myself recently....I think its probably better to live planning for the future...but then im a compulsive worrier...
Ok here is the scenerio: You and your crush are emailing each other back and forth. Its their turn to email you, but you have stuff you wanna say.
Do you wait until you recieve an email and reply back
Send another email thereby souble emailing.
(doesnt this sound like a problem straight out fo Seinfield

Kieran wrote:
:roll: never one to take my advice, no?

Ozimandius wrote:
If you want to say it, say it. Double emailling is never unwanted nor unwelcome. It means you have a lot on your heart. Go for it dude..."You've got mail"
You got $200 you didn't expect...
Buy something cool
Save it
Spend it on someone else

Alessa wrote:
I would probably spend it on my girls, love to see their faces when they get a present. :D
If you got $200 and you decided to spend them in yourself... what would you buy...
something else? (specify what :D )

Kieran wrote:
$200...what to do, what to do...id take the easy one and say buy clothes cuz i am such the puma whore i cant get enough, but id go with something else, ie a punching bag, ive wanted the leather one for ages now, but havent had the $$$ to buy it (stupid school books :evil: )...yeah, and that would make me sooooooooooo much the giddy one for ages :P
buy enough clothes until you convince urself that ur wardrobe is adequate
convince urself that ur wardrobe is never adequate and continuously buy clothes
just go to school and be a typical student :roll: ie track pants and a gym shirt, thereby not really needing to continuously buy clothes, just enough to go out from time to time...but the urge still remains
? ??

Natasha Brookes wrote:
I'm sensing a deep-rooted problem here, Ric. :wink:

Alessa wrote:
You know I dont have that problem, I NEVER buy clothes, dont like them and have a mom who's a seamstress :D She just buys the fabric, choose the design and sew. Then I wear them. She doesnt even have to measure me!! (and fortunately knows my tastes :wink: )
That, in my agenda, is a problem solved!!

Kyle Ashton wrote:
I say option number three: typical student with a few fancy clothes for going out in...that's what I do and I get by fine. Although...track pants and gym shirt? Please...jeans and long sleeved t-shirt 8)

Ozimandius wrote:
Alessa wrote:
I NEVER buy clothes, don't like them...
So this means you run around naked except for the few times that decorum dictates that you need to be clothed? No wonder you and Heather get along so well!
And a new ToT?

Alessa wrote:
You have to finish reading, Dave, I said I didnt BUY clothes not that I didnt WEAR them :wink: .
Unfortunatelly I already passed through the stage when I could walk around naked :(. Children, you know, they are always around.

Stalker wrote:
well there doesn't seem to be a new ToT so I'll go with the old one
just go and be typical ie track pants and a gym shirt, thereby not really needing to continuously buy clothes, just enough to go out from time to time...but the urge still remains?
I have very limited clothes I walk into a clothing store and within 5 seconds I'm out... I can't do it I have a phobia I think, it scares me
I'm actually happy when someone gives me socks as a present I just can't do it
I admit I probably need some sort of therepy but the thought just freaks me out
Be hurt by the one you love by watching them betray you once again trying desperatly not to say anything holding back all the anger and hurt knowing it is killing you, you know that if you let it loose you will lose the chance to be around the one you love even though it hurts you get to see her, you even get to touch her once in a while, she doesn't love you, or does she? who knows, at least your options are open.
Fuck it all up and let loose after 4 months of holding back and being hurt, wake from your blind rage realising you have your hand raised and she is screaming it's over it's finally over you've fucked it up it hurts you want her but she will never want anything to do with you EVER AGAIN she'll probably hate you, the one you loves hates you.

Alessa wrote:
Well, it's been a week and nobody answered you, I dont think nobody has wanted to choose between those two, sorry. Both are terrible and you shouldnt have to choose. :( .

Kieran wrote:
ummm, id go with keeping the options open...if there's no love, there isn't anything worth saving, it'll just come full-circle again...getting mad will only cause regret, thats why God invented the great sport known as boxing...but again, thats just the way id deal with, it might not necessarily be yours :wink:
you finally (hah, right, that' ll happen to me :roll: ) finish your schooling...u decide u want some quality, kick-ass, soul-searching time before u enter the real world (keeping in mind u've never been on vacation - family ones to florida and wildwood dont count)...u:
buy that ducati and ride down to san diego (cant ride down to hawaii) and work in a little hut just enough to get by while surfing the whole summer...
trek across the Andes and incan sites (with only a frying pan, walking stick, sketch pad, charcoals, pastels, yeah, some clothes would help i guess)
alaskan-crab fishing
thailand...white beaches...jungles... ???

Alessa wrote:
I think I'd like the beaches... lying in the sun, a coconut drink in my hand... yep, definitely.
have a job that pays bad but you love,
have a job that pays great but you hate?

(this is the question of my life, although the real question should be... why the hell dont I love a job that pays great? :cry: )

Daye wrote:
I'm going with have the job you love that pays bad. And the reason you can't love that high paying job is it's not your calling. Sorry.
Real pine shedding needles all over your house and dying a week before christmas or...
Lifelike artificial tree that's already pre-lit and a pine scented candle?

Darian wrote:
definitely Artificial. Its so much easier, stays nicer, and you can just use pine pot-pourri to replace the smell.
Study for Marketing
study for Statistics

Daye wrote:
Yuk...uhm...eeny, meeny, miney, moe...go with marketing, I guess.
Survivor or Fear Factor?

Nikolai wrote:
Fear Factor, even though if I was ever on it, I would probably hurt the host. The great thing?
The day that Rogan had to eat a roach. *I* would have muched on the bugs to make him do that. :)
Dustin Hoffman or Robert de Niro?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Robert Di Niro...i thinks he acts wayyyy much better then hoffman...
Which candy would you prefer to eat
Snotty Golfballs
Taratula Jelly?

Natasha Brookes wrote:
You know, I seriously worry about you sometimes, Saadia. Snotty golfballs? Tarantula jelly? Can I just say EWWWWW!! ?

Tarix Conny wrote:
What, it may just be invented :D really....hmm....i know i've seen the snotty golf balls around here somewhere........*homer simpson voice* ahhh tarantual jelly *drools*

Alessa wrote:
Well, I've never seen (or tasted) those either and it's another EWWWWW! from me too, but I'd always chose anything that isnt shaped like a spider!!
big EWWWWW!! there.
since it's been brought up...
Snowy Christmas
Sunny Christmas?
(and think about all the side effects too :wink: )

James_Connor wrote:
ive never had a sunney x-mas
its eather cold n wet
cold n frostey
wet and snowey
the best thing cold and snowey so to nser your qeustion snowey

Kieran wrote:
cold and frosty...wet and snowy gets my shoes all messed up and then id have to wear boots and i hate boots :P
u have a multiple choice, in a subject u hate (oh god, does programming ever blow hard)
do u...
flip a coin?
study (even though u cant for the life of u)?
just bitch about some final that is tomorrow and u know jack?

Daye wrote:
As the resident 'good girl' I have to go with study. It's really you're best bet.
Would you rather spend inordinate amounts of cash on holiday gifts for those you love or simply donate all that money to a worthy cause and share the simple joys with your loved ones?

Ozimandius wrote:
I love simple joys but I find that during the holidays the "charities" of the world get all greedy and materialistic. They hound you mercilessly and demand that you save all the "helpless and misfortunate". Where were they during the summer? If someone supports a charity it should be year-round and becasue it it something you strongly beleive in, not becasue some fund-raiser browbeat you into it at Christmas time. So I will spend what I want to on Christmas and I will give what I want when I want to whom I want because I want to.
Wrap a gift even if the person saw what it is?
Give it unwrapped and wrap something else?

Alessa wrote:
I hate wrapping presents, actually, and only do it for surprise's sake, so if the person already saw it... I'd just stick a pretty bow to it.
Giving gifts
Receiving them?

Daye wrote:
giving gifts

Alessa wrote:
yay, another mom!! :wink:

Daye wrote:
Would you rather spend New Year's Eve being jostled by crowds of people you don't even know who are constantly spilling beer (and other unidentifiable liguids) on you all night long in the freezing cold
stay home and have over a few close friends for fun, games, alcoholic imbibement, good food, and warm hugs at midnight?

Anonymous wrote:
being jostled by crowds of people because if its freezing cold, you should always be able to find someone to snuggle up and keep warm with!
NB - this is my dilemma every saturday!
shovelling horse poo for the RDA (Riding disability Association)
staying in bed and knowing that you will never finish your duke of endinburgh award
(wierd award that you get for completing 4 sections - Skill, Service, Physical Recreation and Expedition looks very good on cv and you get that oddly warm feeling in your tummy for doing something hard)

Alessa wrote:
Well, since I was never good on a horse but have really accomplished expertise in lying in bed, I guess I'm choosing the second one :D
Have your friends coming over,
staying with friends in their house.

Daye wrote:
Is this the mommy in me too? I'd rather have everyone over here (and I do, all the time). I like being able to put together the food and entertainment for the people I love.
Would you rather go low fat or low carb?

Alessa wrote:
I'd go low fat. I cant make myself live without bread!! But it's a choice I hate to have to take!! :?
no sugar
no salt?

Simryn wrote:
Hm... I'd have to say no salt~ I don't think I could live without sugar. Must... appease... the sweet tooth!
Exchanging a gift because you really didn’t like what the person got you
Keeping it for sentimental value even though you know it’s just gonna mold at the back of your closet

Jeet wrote:
keeping it even if just to grow mold. i have tons of crap that i never wanted but was given to me by people i care about.
queing for ages to pay a bill on deadline day
deciding to wait until reminder comes

Darian wrote:
I always pay my bills the day they are do...No sense in putting them off you know....
Have a headache
Have a stomachache?
Nice choices eh...

Daye wrote:
I choose headache, only because I have them all the time and am therefore used to putting up with them.
Would you rather have an A student or a well adjusted one?

Blackthorn wrote:
well adjusted, straight A people are annoying.
crybaby or a tattletale

Tarix Conny wrote:
oh....hard one....i'd say cry baby, cause at least you can just leave him/her in a corner and wander away doing all you want, while a tattletale always sqweel's on ya, not fun being mischievious when you'r being caught all the time.
Chocolate Frogs
Bertie Botts all flavour beans?

Simryn wrote:
Definitely the Chocolate Frogs~ they have those cool cards besides and who knows what flavour you're gonna get with the beans... vomit? mmmm...
chocolate body paint
scented massage oil

Ozimandius wrote:
Definately the body oil. I like how if you smell one of your favorite oils in other places (the mall for example) it gives you that little mental thrill.
In the subject of gaming... PS2

Darian wrote:
For me, honestly i prefer the gamecube, (although i have an XBOX) simply because it has "SuperSmashBrothers 2" which is like the most addictive game.
Street Fighter
Mortal Kombat

Adriana Lautari wrote:
I'd totally go with Street Fighter mainly because all you have to do is pick shit off from the streets and beat the fuck out of people with them. Simple. With Mortal Combat, you have to find out from a little book on how to use the bad ass powers they offer. While your trying to actually figure out how to perform it, your opponet has time to ran up and kick you and beat you, those dirty mother fuckers.... I've had some bad experiences with Mortal Combat. :oops:
Simpsons: Road Rage
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
(curse you for getting the topic of video games in my head!) *shakes fist*

Kieran wrote:
vice city....oh di, that game is so addictive (altho True Crime is much much better), but there's just something fun about hijacking cars and smashing em up while shooting @ chefs...hehe
samurai outfit
medieval outfit

Jadyn wrote:
Having just watched "The Last Samurai", I'd have to go for the samurai outfit. Heh heh...
Vodka... Absolut or Smirnoff?

Tarix Conny wrote:
Think i'll leave this one for someone else to anwser as i don't drink and have no clue between the brands....hey Matt, since you like Vodka soooo much wanna have a go :P mhehehehe

James_Connor wrote:
none of them its the deils drink serously firts time i got stemaing with my friends it was on Absolut i drank a quarter of a bottel . i woke up laying outside my house in a weelbarrow ... so yea Absolut
scottish wiskey
irish wiskey
choise wisley your lifes could depend on this anser :twisted:

Adriana Lautari wrote:
I would choose IRISH whisky, just to piss Jamie off. :D
If you had the chance to kill one of these people, who would you kill?
Britney Spears
Avril Lavenge (grr... I hate them both so much! :evil:)

Darian wrote:
OMG, *jumps in the way of both*....dont you touch either!!!!! I pick a third option and kill no one...killing is bad, infact, worse than drugs *winks at Meg*
Ok how about
who would you rather listen to

Nikolai wrote:
Is suicide an option if those are my only choices of singers? :)

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Is suicide an option if those are my only choices of singers?

Hahaha... we can always go back to the original question, WHICH Shaun is avoiding *wiggles finger in his face*

Nikolai wrote:
In that case, I shoot them both and listen to Clay Aiken. :)
Tony Bennett
James Darren?

Darian wrote:
Now, I would shoot THEM both, and listen to Christina!
Which Cartoon
Justice LEague
X-Men Evolution

Jeet wrote:
x-men evolution all the way
power of flight
power of invisability

Nikolai wrote:
Flight. Much easier to impress women with that power. I mean, invisibility is a cute trick, but actually flying - now that's something.
Would you rather be:
A big Mafia don

Ozimandius wrote:
Mafia Don. There is less press.
Would you rather forget how to drive
Forget how to Cook

Jeet wrote:
to cook, i can always drive to the takeaway
island paradise
mountain retreat

Ozimandius wrote:
I fully intend to buy an island off the coast of either Australia or New Zealand. They are cheap, only $1.5 mil or so.
Potato Chips
Corn Chips

Simryn wrote:
Potato Chips... Corn chips smell like feet *ee*
Marrying someone you love and discovering they’re poor
Marrying for money hoping you’ll eventually like them

Jeet wrote:
someone you love every time
your cd collection
your movie collection

Stalker wrote:
Ummm my movie collection as long as I get to keep my music DVD's
To watch:
Wheel of Fortune for half an hour
childrens programs for half an hour
Dr Who for half an hour

Jadyn wrote:
Wheel of Fortune... I always get a kick out of it. :)
More annoying...
Elmo from Sesame Street, Barney the purple dino or the Teletubbies?

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Definatly Telletubbies. *shivers at the thought of their happy faces*
Which would you rather have:
A class in which its the subject you love but you have a teacher whom you hate
A class in which its the subject you hate but you have a teacher whom you love?

Daye wrote:
I'd rather the subject I love, even if I hate the teacher.
Would you rather
attend the wedding of a couple you love but think are making a huge mistake, or a couple you dislike that you think belong together?

Alessa wrote:
I'd hate to see people I like make such a big mistake, so the second :D
A small humble wedding party,
a big, very luxurious wedding party?

Kieran wrote:
if u mean by small and humble as in solely the people you want there, then i'd pick that...but i'd like a little luxury for my wedding, minus the fifty million people i don't know but my family does...
approach a girl reading an interesting book in a café
just do ur thing and read ur own book in a café and waiting for that one girl who might stop ??

Alessa wrote:
I'm so shy that I'd probably just wait for that interesting "guy" to come to me; besides I'm always reading interesting books. :wink:
Post in the ToT your answer, even if you dont have an choice to post
Post in the ToT your choice, even if you dont have an answer to the choice posted before.
(see how i'm avoiding to post a real choice?:wink:)

Kieran wrote:
post an answer....cuz it seems that i have a knack for killing these boards with new ToT questions...i curse u all :evil:
so...ill kill it again :wink:
be shy (naturally)
be an attention-seeker (cuz someone tells u thats the only way it is)

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Shy naturally, since I am very shy myself (I just only recently began to arm up to all of you, no offence :P )
Would you rather marry someone who was:
Very smart and had a very charming personality but was quite funny looking
Extremely good looking but was a complete airhead in every sense

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Definitely smart and charming, regardless of how funny-looking.
When I was at Uni there was a guy all the girls were drooling over, but I've never been big on that tall blond surfer look. When I said he wasn't my type the others asked me what my type was. Thinking about my boyfriend at the time I replied, "Short, fat and funny-looking." They had to agree. :)
Uh, new question, huh? I hate the new question bit...
Stay chatting and plotting on the boards even though you know you've got other (more mundane) stuff you should be doing (like vacuuming...)
Log off and do those chores you've been neglecting?
... No prizes for guessing which option I'm doing right now... :oops:

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Definately stay on chatting and psuh things off. I do it all the time, especially with homework *looks at last report card with 2 C's (81%)* Eek...
Would you rather be:
Really, REALLY hot (i.e. summer)
Super duper cold (i.e. winter)

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Having just come from a 41 degree celsius day in Melbourne to come to Annapolis where the temperature is MINUS 2 celsius I would certainly have to say I'd rather be really, really hot. I can deal with the heat. Anything below 10 C (about 40 Farenheit for you backwards types) is just not a temperature as far as I'm concerned. :)
Shit, another bloody question now... Grrr.
Spend your 40th birthday at home, snuggled up with the one you love over a quiet dinner and tv?
Go out on the town and live it up (no matter how tired you are when you get home from work)?
PS It's not me who's having the birthday, btw... Dave is the big FOUR ZERO today!! :D

Daye wrote:
I think I'd rather stay at home with the one I love. There's always time and reason to paint the town, but special occasions are more special when you share them with that person who makes you feel good just by being there.
Dog or Cat?

Darian wrote:
DOG! 100% no questions asked. Dogs are the greatest animals in the world....cats are just out for themselves.
(Ps Happy big 40 Dave!)
ok new Q...
Who has a nicer flag
Union Jack
The Stars and Stripes

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Tough choice. They're both kinda boring. You should have offered the Canadian flag as an option, Shaun - it's much prettier.
I guess at least the Union Jack has a pattern that's different from many other flags, and of course my own flag has a teeny tiny Union Jack in the top left corner so I'm more used to it. :) Though the Aussie flag is also pretty boring. How about the Koori flag? That's pretty...
Soft, thick carpet?
Hardwood floor?

Kieran wrote:
hardwood floor...not only does it remind of the old boston gardens :P (the only boston team i will ever love...all praise larry bird 8) ), its what i have and much easier to clean, not to mention, IMO, it looks nicer...oooh, now, if i could just get the cash to buy some india pale ash, damn, thats some fine floorwood!!!!
continue making friends with girls (putting up with their incessant whining about their relationships)
just draw the line and say "enough, i dont want anymore female friends..." well, not in the harsh tone that it comes across as obviously :wink: ??

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Well, from a chick's point of view, I'd say continue to make friends with chicks, mainly because after awhile, we stop whining about relationships :D
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Finding Nemo (if you're smart, you'll pick the right one *cough*NIGHTMARE*cough*)

Daye wrote:
Ok, definitely Nightmare Before Christmas...much cooler movie...
Which one, in the same vein...
Cool World
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Ozimandius wrote:
WFRR is the better film both technically and the story is a little tighter. CoolWorld is interesting visually and its really really strange, but ultimately the story falls down at the end.
Since we are on Movies:
Do you go to movies based on:
It looks cool
It gets good reviews (even if those reviews come from friends)

Daye wrote:
It looks cool. I love you all, but frankly, I don't give a fig what anyone says about a film. I see what I think I'll like.
Water: Bottled or Tap?

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Hmm... I don't trust the town water, so I'd go with bottled.
If you were Sarah in the movie, Labrynth, what would you do:
Save Toby and go home
Live with David Bowie/Jared in his castle forever and ever? (yes, I just watched the movie and was quite mad about the ending :evil: )

Simryn wrote:
Oh Goddess! Who wouldn't pick David Bowie... mmm... that man...mm...~ nuff said.
Derek Zoolander

Natasha Brookes wrote:
Who and who??
*please refer to answer to pop culture quiz for an explanation of why I've never heard of these people (assuming Hansel is a person and you're not just referring to the storybook character).

Ozimandius wrote:
after a few minutes of banging my head on a hard surface to recall the names of the actors...
this is the same as asking...
Ben Stiller (acting like a moron)
Owen Wilson (acting like a moron)

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Ben Stiller acting like an idiot, mainly because he's cute when doing it. Owen Wilson just pisses me off.
Finish your homework nice and early the day before
Finish your homework late at night (say 12:00 ish) and what isn't done, you finish during homeroom the next day?

Kieran wrote:
as much as id like to say stay up til midnight...im gonna go and say finish it a day early, simply because i'm at a point where i get great satisfaction from completing assignments early and there's always the bonus time to waste the day after, which is much much fun
hehe, ok...there seems to be quite a bit of controversy among people @ my local comic shop...see, the thing is is that the rival companies (DC and Marvel are doing a crossover and not everyone is agreeing as to who would kick who's ass)
Superman ??

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