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Meredith Bell's picture
Posted in

I was just wondering when Mythic Scrolls was supposed to begin? I already sent in an application about a week ago (I think) and still haven't heard anything about it.

BTW - for future reference, who is moderating this game?


Mantheana's picture

I have also sent in an applicastion for a chartacter to dave, who said that was fine for when the game started. Kris is co-admin apparently, but that is all i know.



MrDave's picture

When it will start is up to you folks. I have no background for the adventures or any real content on the supporting index. If you want to dive right in thats okay too. Kris is indeed the co-admin and she will be the one who answers questions about what you can and can't do in the game.

I will defer to her judgement in this (this time...grumble grumble). Enemies? Don't know. Evil characters? Not sure. Magic? Big question mark there.

I have recieved quite a few character applications...but no-one has registered on the Mythic board (except Kris). You have to be a member of the board to post. For YOU GUYS...I am foregoing the review process...I know who you are and yadda yadda...so register on the board already!



Meredith Bell's picture

That's great, I have done so, and I love it! :D

Now who do I send all my avatars to?..... :D hehehe


Kaarin's picture

You have tons of avatars already? Of course you do, you're the avatar queen.

hehe. By any chance, can I enlist your aide in finding good avatars? :)

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