Okay, i've started this post for future referce so that no spoiler is posted by mistake.
It would be really helpful if you would list which season
I am curranty in season 2 and season 5. This is because stupid tv channels in kuwait have stooped showing all BTVS and ANGEL series
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Which episode are you in?
Don't worry Saadia, I have the same problem. I don't have SKY or Cable and so have to rely on terestrial tv channels to get round to showing Buffy. Well the BBC is so cheap we always seem to be about a season and a half behind.
So currently I have just started to see season 6 (the first episode was shown last Thursday) and I am almost at the end of season 2 of Angel.
Which episode are you in?
Being in the US and in a Major Market...well you get the idea.
just for reference: Season 7 Buffy/Season 4 Angel
Which episode are you in?
I am season seh-vun
I am season seh-vun
(everyone sing!)
I am season seh-vun
I am season seh-vun
Which episode are you in?
I'm a few eps behind in Season 7 Buffy and Season 4 Angel, 'cause I rely on the internet to get my eps. And these days my bandwidth is precious (man, CUSeeMe chews up a lot of megs), so I also rely on my friends to download the eps and burn them for me.
As an indication, right now I've seen the first two eps of Buffy 7 only, and the first ep of Angel 4. But tonight I should be getting eps 3 and 4 of Buffy. :D
*does happy dance*
Which episode are you in?
Okay, i just finished reading everything in season two. So i am at the begining of season 5, however i already know what happens at the end of it but i am still gonna waste my time reading all the transcripts.
I tried downloading ep's but my speed of download is about 1.2kb per second so its not getting that far, one episode taking 60 hrs...., so i really on transcripts and pray for a channel to start showing BTVS and Angel again....
Hey, i wanted to post this really nice poem that i read the other day but it talks about the end of season five and maybe a spoiler for those who have not seen it....tell me whether to post it or not guys....
Which episode are you in?
I should say most people have seen Season Five - Post away! :D
Which episode are you in?
Okay, I'd like to say something that was as true in season 5 as it is in season 7. Dawn's a stupid, little, whiny, annoying, retarded, freaky ho-bag. There, I said it. Even in season 7 she's annoying, though for slightly different reasons. Only slightly. AND I STARTED WATCHING BUFFY HOPING TO SEE MICHELLE TRACHTENBERG! What a fool I was. I didn't know at the time I would stay for Spike.
And for the record: though she was once attractive, her personality has ruined it. The way she moves, all lippy-headbobby-shoulderjivy-stupid and stuff? It gets under my skin. I fastforwarded through a lot of last Tuesday's episode. Gods, to hear me talk, you'd think I'm not even a Buffy fan. The Summers sisters have made it hard, but I'm hanging in there.
Which episode are you in?
sid - i agree! totally! dawn's gotten on my nerves since she first appeared in season 5... geeeez... i have never met anyone more neurotic, self-obsessed, self-centred and annoying in my life. hmmmmm... unless u count the time i was watching "party of 5" and had secret fantasies about wanting to kill bailey in a variety of painfully slow ways...
anyway... i download my buffy and angel episodes every week... am pretty much as up to date as our friends in the states... *grin* just watched buffy 7x06 "him" and angel 4x05 "supersymmetry" last night... wooohooo! :D
Which episode are you in?
Okay, here's the post. I was looking for the "grr argh" voice guy and found this instead. Hope you like it.
Mutant Enemy Guy
Tune - American Pie * with apologies to Don McLean
A short, short time ago….
I can still remember
how the Scoobies used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance,
That I could do the Snoopy dance,
And maybe I'd be happy for a while.
But that May day made me shiver,
and soon I’d even cry a river,
Bad news none expected ...
though Glory got rejected.
I can't remember if I cried,
when I heard that Anya’d be a bride
But something touched me deep inside
The day the Slayer died.
So, ...Bye, bye Mutant Enemy Guy
Watched some re-runs on my TV,
but they just made cry,
And my Bronzer pals were sending e-mail replies,
Saying "someday soon we’ll figure out why,
someday soon we’ll figure out why".
Did you write any fanfic, love?
And do you have faith in Joss above?
If other Bronzers tell you so
Now do you believe the dead can rise?
Or have you been reading spoiler lies?
Then can you tell me all the secrets that you know?
Well he knows that she does not love him,
but he climbs up Glory’s jungle gym
It was destined that he lose,
now I’ve got those post-Slayer blues
She was a frightened teenage little sis,
who did not want it to end like this
Then Buffy said goodbye with a kiss
The day the Slayer died
I started singin'...Bye, bye Mutant Enemy Guy
Watched some re-runs on my TV,
but they just made cry,
And my Bronzer pals were sending e-mail replies,
Saying "someday soon we’ll figure out why,
someday soon we’ll figure out why".
I met a witch who had the blues
and I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the magic store
where I’d seen the Slayer days before
But the man there had moved back to the UK.
And in the streets the humans screamed,
the vampires roamed and the demons schemed.
Not a word was spoken,
the Hellmouth soon would open
But I dream about what we need most,
a visit from ol’ Buffy’s ghost
Before the Hellmouth turns the world to toast
The day the Slayer died
We were singin'...Bye, bye Mutant Enemy Guy
Watched some re-runs on my TV, but they just made cry,
And my Bronzer pals were sending e-mail replies,
Saying "someday soon we’ll figure out why,
someday soon we’ll figure out why".
Which episode are you in?
HAHAHAHAHA that was really good Saadia! I hadn't heard that before, but I doubt I'll ever be able to listen to that song in the same way again! :D
Which episode are you in?
I know wat you mean lou. After i had read this, every time the song would come on i'd automatically start singing "Bye bye mutant enemy guy....." ...*d'oh*