\ The End? | unlimitedi.net
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Logan's picture

Hey guys, (seems long but I think everyone should read hehe)

So ive thought alittle about LNG recently, and I dont know if its just me (I doubt it is), but I think its run its course, and no one seems to be posting anymore, or intents to post. I dont know why, but I guess we have all found things that are keeping us too occupied (i know with work and the commute, im left with almost 0 free time). Anyways all this to say, I think its kinda sad to see something that was so amazing flicker out without a proper ending. Initially, I was hoping we could finish the season and make a proper ending, but I think even that now is ambitious. So in light of that, I had come up with an idea. IF you guys are in agreement that you dont think it will pick up, what about writing 1 post placed like 5-10 years in the future. I havent given it A TON of thought yet, but I figured something like Kate or Alessa telling there now 5-10 year old kid the story of what happened from where the game ended (Zayn coming to power) to how the WHs defeated her, and what happened to everyone. Like this we have some closure.

I know it sounds corny, but this game meant alot to me, and like its been said before, it wasnt just a game, it was a real community and I think it would be a shame for it to have no real ending...

ok thats my blabber, what do you guys all think?

The End?

Allyana's picture

Do What You Have To Do Lyrics
Sarah McLachlan

What ravages of spirit
Conjured this temptuous rage
Created you a monster
Broken by the rules of love
And fate has lead you through it
You do what you have to do
And fate has led you through it
You do what you have to do ...

And I have the sense to recognize that
I don't know how to let you go
Every moment marked
With apparitions of your soul
I'm ever swiftly moving
Trying to escape this desire
The yearning to be near you
I do what I have to do
The yearning to be near you
I do what I have to do
But I have the sense to recognize

That I don't know how
To let you go
I don't know how
To let you go

A glowing ember
Burning hot
Burning slow
Deep within I'm shaken by the violence
Of existing for only you

I know I can't be with you
I do what I have to do
I know I can't be with you
I do what I have to do
And I have sense to recognize but
I don't know how to let you go
I don't know how to let you go
I don't know how to let you go

The End?

Meredith Bell's picture

I agree, I feel sad that LNG has dwindled out before we could get it to a suitable place to end. I started a new job this week and even though it's only been a short time this is the first I've been able to get on the computer in days (just so knackered to be honest). But LABN has been a big part of my life for the past three years, and though I feel sick at the prospect of closing the book I don't have the energy or motivation to keep on writing - especially when there are only 2 or 3 players who are even making an effort also.

I like the epilogue idea shaun, perhaps (for a few weeks anyway) we could leave it open like a round robin. You know, have a scene setter like Kate/Alessa sitting their kid down and telling them the story then a -

"What happened to (Darian/Daye/Amanda/Kyle) mummy?"

And then we could all sort of add a short paragraph covering the events of the last season in a story-telling mode. I know we might not get many people writing bits but it's an idea, then we could just connect them all together and hey presto.

It's the end of an era. :cry: :cry: :cry:

The End?

MrDave's picture

I was pretty sure this was going to happen and that LABN was going to go out this way. Sad but true.

I knew it was headed this way when we didn't get any new players for Season 4...nobody could be bothered to put forth the effort to recruit (myself included).

I'd like to wrap it all up and I will certainly keep the board up as long as possible...remember WE built this it is OURS. Until we all completely forget about it it will contiue to be here shaming us with its lack of ending or continuation.

I know that a lot of good things came out of this little hobby and even if we have all moved on to other things I, for one, won't ever forget my friends or the bonds we have built.

I will always keep coming back to walk through the "old house" and smile.

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