Submitted by Evalyn Toussaint on Sun, 08/25/2002 - 06:20
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I was having the most hilarious conversation with my cuz and alice on msn, and my cuz is short too so it was a short vs. tall conversation. Anyhoo, alice was going on about how tall people would tread ohn the shorties, until my cuz said, "not if we wear spikey hats" . ahem. it was funny at the time........ i was alguhing so much... but i'll jsut shut up now...
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Character Drawings...
Ok, im not sure who knows and who doesn't, but you've possably heard that i'm attempting to draw all the PC cast of LA By Night 8O (Don't expect anything too soon, especially all you male characters out there...ya bastards are so hard to draw :P )
Anywho, there's some characters descriptions that dont have information like height that would be really helpful to know, as well as any tattoos, scars, and what not that would also help. And bloody hell Adam! you wouldnt want to make it any harder now would you :evil:
I dont have the height of;
Galen (this is only one of the many things i dont know :P )
Sam (i know your just taller than Reah but i dont know how much :? )
and Victor (with the glamour)
Also, if there is any particular way you want your character standing or wearing (although with clothes im trying to go by the descriptions and what i know, but specific clothes would be groovy :) )
So far I've only done Jade, (and Reah of course :P ) but I'll tell you when i get others done as i get them done :D
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Sam is 6'0". Well built, but awkward looking.
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Mantheana is pale, average height, thinly built, has a scar on her wrist and wears gothic dresses..... She is always wearing a hear pendant insribed mm. for more info go to her bio. and look at the model.
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Well, miss. I think you're working hard.
Parasol is average height, but since I'm so tall, average for me is around 5'9"-5'10"
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Holy Baloney! If 5'10" is 'average' for you, how the hell tall are ya?? (I am 5'5" btw - THAT is average, 5'10" is your average supermodel height!!) :D
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Well, I'm 5'8", so I think 5'5" is pretty short myself.
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I has been my experience that "average height" means however tall you are. Nobody wants to think of themself as being freakishly tall or short.
So Being 5'4" (162.5 cm) tall myself (which admitedly is short) I consider myself of average height. In reality, Female average height (according to the AD&D Players Handbook) is 5' 7" (170 cm) and for males is 6' 0" (183 cm) (there is a variance built in + or - 12 inches (+- 30cm) and a standard deviation of 4"(10cm))
This translates in real terms to:
Female average heights 5'3" (160cm) to 5'11"(180cm) with most of them being 5'7"(170cm) tall but still capable of 6'7"(200cm) to 4'7"(153cm) at the extremes
Male average heights 5'6"(173cm) tall to 6'4"(193cm) tall with most of them being 6'0"(183cm) even but reaching as hight as 7'0"(213cm) tall or as short as 5'0"(173cm) tall in extremes.
Hope this little exposition helps. Victor is 6'4" (193cm) tall (or appears to be) by the way.
As a side note: The AD&D Manual has nothing to do with real bioloical profiles but has everything to do with Heroic Profiles. And being heroes we should at least look like them 8)
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Short?? Short?? I'll have you know I'm 5'5" too. Lou - solidarity, sister. We can withstand these heightist individuals... :lol:
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Heightest? Heightest? I'll have you know, some of my best friends are shrimpy! :P
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Ooh, just you wait until we're in LA next June, Kris. Call me shrimpy then and I'll punch you in the kneecaps. :wink:
*grumpy look* i don't know what the @#$^%&*() the lot of u are whining about... i stand at 5'4 and i'm not complaining? :P (if anyone calls me shrimpy, i'm knocking ur front teeth out.) :twisted:
amanda - u've done jade already? *grin* that was quick! i wanna see! pretty pretty please? any chance u could email it to me? my addie is widowpoison@yahoo.com. :D
by the way, gang, i've started working on the dolls again. i've finished the ebony doll and the valerian doll. started on the victor and parasol doll... hoping to get most of em done by the end of next week. :oops:
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Ha! you guys think ur short!?!?! you are talking to the person who may or may not reach the grand total height of 5 ft! ha! and any one who calls me short (peeps at skool shud know this) gets my nails in their neck. quite an effective behavioral control i find. teehee.
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Good Gawd!!!
I have landed in Liliput and frankly, I'm terrified!
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Don't worry, Gulliver. I'm 6 foot tall (maybe an inch under), so you arn't alone. :D
*growls* liliput indeed... beware gigantic ones, we little people might just nibble your toes off if u insult us anymore. :twisted: *wrinkles nose* eeeeewww...
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The sad thing is that I've been this tall since I was 10 years old. "Big Boned Gal" that I am, I tower over just about everyone. At any rate, since Parasol is so much of me, I'd like her to be as tall as me. 5'9" or so.
See ya, munchkins. I'm on my way to see the wizard.
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I'm 5'9/5'10 and still growning :?
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So, you and Hannah make an interesting pair. My best friend in high school was only 5'5". We sure looked funny strolling the mall together.
my list of dolls...
as promised, i've started on the doll drawings again. they're nowhere as detailed as amanda's sketches but here's an update on what's been done so far... :)
black jem
mrs white
works in progress
parasol - sherlynn, i emailed this over to u, have u received it?
reah - almost done, her legs look a little weird so i'm touching up on that.
sam - about halfway there. should be finished by the end of the week.
victor - can't seem to get this to look right and i've been working on it for ages! sorry dave. :oops:
coming up really soon, i promise!
* hannah - i haven't included mantheana cos u've already done a really gorgeous doll for her urself... if u'd like me to work on another one, i'd be glad to, but i don't really see a need for it since the one u did is really cool! heh...
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I look forward to it Reah.
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Got it. Got it, April/Jade. It's fabulous.
errrm... sid... actually, the sam doll is being done by me... that is, april... or jade... not reah. *grin* u've gotten us mixed up, again! *sulks* :(
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Sorry April. I called you Reah. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep.
Honestly, I know how to tell you apart. But when you're chatting in one window with Amanda/Reah, reading posts in another, and answering emails.....well, you can see the problem I'm having.
I Really do know who you are. :oops:
hee hee...
*mollified sniffle* ok, since u've apologised so prettily (and also cos i'm such a nice person), i'll forgive u just this once. :wink: the next time u do it, i'm giving the sam doll green skin and a piggy nose! :lol: