\ NPC Profile: RJ Munroe aka Eclipse | unlimitedi.net
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NPC Profile: RJ Munroe aka Eclipse

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Real Name: Randall James (R.J.) Munroe

Alter Ego: Eclipse

Gender: Male

Race: Metahuman

Position: Villain

Group Affiliation: None

Age: 23. Birthdate: November 27, 1980

Height: 6’2” Weight: 185 lbs.

RJ Munroe has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is very pale, lean and intense looking. RJ was committed to an institution in 1985, just before his fifth birthday by his parents. They had him committed because they feared RJ and the unusual ablities he had begun to demonstrate. RJ has spent most of his life at the Summerland Institute for Unique and Gifted Youngsters.

RJ is deeply involved with the current director of Summerland, Dr. Leslie Summerland.
They have been lovers since RJ was 16.

RJ has known all his life that he was different. Dr. Summerland, and her father before her, worked tirelessly with RJ helping him to learn to control his metahuman abilities and use them to the greatest advantage.

RJ has recently assumed the alter ego, Eclipse. As Eclipse he has come out of the institute a time or two. When dressed as Eclipse, RJ wears a costume consisting of black leather pants, black shirt, black leather boots and a black cloak with a hood. At times he can pull the hood up and completely obscure his features.

Eclipse has complete control over darkness. He also feeds on bio-energy.

Darkness Control:
Create Darkness: Eclipse can create an aura of unnatural darkness around himself. No light of any kind can penetrate this darkness. He can manipulate it so that it either surrounds him or extends out in a radius of twenty feet all around with Eclipse body as the central point. This darkness will confound any kind of nightvision or low light powers or electronics. It does not overcome infrared or ultraviolet sights however.

Create Shadowbeasts: Eclipse can create up to four creatures consisting of solidified shadow. These creatures are relatively mindless, but they are controlled by Eclipse’s consciousness and will do his bidding. If they are wounded enough, they will simply dissipate back into the shadows from which they were created.

Shadowwalk: Eclipse can merge into shadows and move from place to place by traveling through shadows.

Nightvision: Eclipse can see in complete darkness, even his own, up to 100 feet.

Bio-Energy Drain:
Eclipse must feed on the living energy of plants, animals, or people. He must be in contact with the creature or thing in order to drain it’s life energy. This process requires time. He can take small amounts, simply weakening the creature if necessary, but is more satisfied when he has completely drained a living thing of its life force.

To completely drain a full size adult person would require at least 4 hours of uninterrupted concentration on Eclipse’s part. Partial draining is as follows:

For every 5 minutes a person is in direct physical contact with Eclipse while his power is active, that person suffers penalties equivalent to an hours heavy physical activity. After an hour, the person would be unable to maintain consciousness. After 2 hours, he or she would slip into a coma, and after 4 hours he or she would most likely be dead. Once Eclipse lays his hands on you, a feeling of cold dread overcomes a person and he will likely be unable to fight back. Only the strongest willed might be able to overcome this paralysis of fear and helplessness.

(Eclipse is played by Johnny Depp.)

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