While I appreciate that our LABN players are busy with the start of Season 4 I think it's time we started bringing the crossover extravaganza to a triumphant finale, especially since we've already delayed the end by over a month.
With this in mind I'm suggesting a rough sequence of events that hopefully will bring about an exciting conclusion to the story so far.
1) A retalitary attack on a Pro-Meta rally sometime around the 27th. This currently is being written by Myself, Amanda and Mike
2) An whispering campaign by Earthrage Agent provocateurs from th 27th to the 29th. I'll be writing this... feel free to nag me till it's up...
3) Some time around the 28th a second Earthrage team will attack a humanitech research facility. the facility will be destroyed as a cover to the theft of a small quantity of Mutaxin. (No idea who's writing this... if no one volunteers I'll do it...)
4) A number of escalatory events over the 29th result in a city-wide riot by rival factions of the metahuman debate. As a result a general curfew is imposed and the national guard called out. (As 3... anyone want to volunteer?)
5) Shakti Miller uses her nanite technology to replicate a large quantity of Mutaxin it is smuggled to a small airfield on the outskirts of Washington. (Since this is my NPC guess I'll be writing this... ;))
6) Earthrage attempt an aerial dispersion of mutaxin of the Washington D.C. area.
Assuming a population of approximately 600,000 (2000 Census figures was approx 570,000) a successful release will result in the following casualties.
Killed - 60,000
Crippling Mutation - 4,500
Non Crippling Mutation - 1,500
Metahumans - 60
Receptive Latencies - 26,500
This is presumably the finale with the heros racing tio save the city...
7) In the aftermath of the 'attack' both sides of the debate step back from the brink and a compromise solution is proposed by the conference in light of the heroic actions of various metas during the emergency.
If people don't like this idea feel free to shout me down and propose something different but we have only a limited timeframe and I'd like to actually hit our deadline. If anyone has any ideas on how to embroider this bare bones outline feel free to post them here. and if anyone wants to actually write some of the events I've detailed well I'd be eternally grateful
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Re: Finale
I've been flat out trying to keep up with the timelining of the LABN board, so I've only just read this. Looks great, and it's just as well someone's pushing FL. :) But I do have one question that immediately springs to mind. You say:
Now, fair enough, Humanitech do happen to have been doing some clandestine research using Mutaxin (or an analogue), but since Mutaxin has been outlawed for decades, how exactly did Earthrage discover that Humanitech has any? I refer you to the relevant section of the Humanitech write-up...
I'm quite happy for Earthrage to acquire their sample via Humanitech, but it would have to be an inside job. There are VERY few people inside Humanitech who even know about the 'extra' research that goes on... and Jennings has vetted them all thoroughly. Please just bear this in mind, whoever writes this section, that even discovering Humanitech HAS Mutaxin would be very difficult.
Ok given that we have less than a month. I would like to schedule the Finale collab for the weekend of the 20th/21st This gives a week to make individual edits and still allows it to be posted before the 31st deadline. IF anyone is interested in joining the finale could you let us know when you'll be available so that an actual time suitable for everyone can be arranged.
What this also means is we have two weeks to get everybody into a suitable position... So no pressure.... ;)
(All of the above assumes that everyone doesn't mind me running roughshod over them. As usual if you have any complaints etc. shout up :))
Oh and Heather I fully understand your concerns re the Mutaxin issue and will endeavour to address them in my post/s (There doesn't that make you much happier;))
I would like Sundance to be involved, as well as Blackjack. I'm available most often on weekends in the mornings. Earlier the better. Thanks, Robin.
Provisionally I can make the 20th/21st, Even though it's doubtfull that Sara will be involved, it would still probably help to have someone around writting NPCs.
I'd like Lori to be involved. As to whether the 20th/ 21st is good I'll have to check to see if I'm working...but I'll probably be available.
While I'm still woefully behind on my reading and I'm not sure how much use Ela will be in the finale, I'd nevertheless like to be involved. :) 20th/21st sounds ok at this point (assuming we've mostly moved house by then, and if we're in the new place that we have internet connected... )
I've been reminded about having to deal with Brain et. al. so.... it should be obvious by now that Vic baby will be used to put together people to deal with them.
My thought is that he'll be getting his contacts together on the 26th. By that time, he should be able to have a number of people together, including any PCs who want in and have a sufficient connection to Vic to be considered someone worth contacting.
With a possible rescue by the 27th or 28th.
The 21st? Don't you love your mother Robin? ;) Seriously though I can make Saturday 20th but not Sunday, I'll be working from pretty early (so obviously I can't stay up too late on Saturday because of that factor) and I won't be back till about 8-8:30pm at night on Sunday, and not really in a mood to stay up late writing hehe. So if the finale is on a Sat I'll be there, I'd like Sydney involved as I think with her fire power she'd be useful, still like i said it depends when the finale occurs.
Ok Looking at the various people we need to accomadat I'm looking at starting the Finale Collab at 16:00 GMT
This works out as
08:00 Las Vegas (Is that early enough Kris?;) )
11:00 East Coast (Heather, Adam, Mike, Ally?)
16:00 England (Lou, Me)
03:00 Australia (Sorry Amanda but if we're still going maybe you can arrive just as Lou is leaving)
On a related note I'm also free on Friday 19th. As usual I'll be online most of the day so if anyone wants to grab me for preparatory work feel free.
All the usual stuff applies... Shout at me if you don't agree...
Are these AM times? (I think they must be but...)
and also, I think Ally is about 3 hours different then me...as to whether she's forward or backward, I'm not sure
13:00 for Ally, she's 2 hours off I believe. And yes Mike, it's 11am for you.
what about me lol (dont worry ill be ready in time)
I'm sorry guys, I'd love to be there and I should have read this earlier, I dont know how I missed it. :oops: But I wont be able on the 21st, I'll be in another city the whole weekend, and that means no internet conexion. :?
So, no Tess in the finale this time. :(
Ah crap
Well, the move has happened, but the internet connection at the new house hasn't, and won't have by this weekend. :( So it looks like Ela will be a non-participant in the finale. :cry: Man, this is the first finale I'll have missed in... ever!
We do still have a connection at the old apartment, but this weekend will be taken up with painting of the old place, etc. Dave would, I'm almost certain, kill me if I made him do all the work while I sat on my arse and collabed.
The finale, such as it was, was started on saturday. Unfortunately due to a lack of players towards the end it was halted about two thirds of the way through. I'm at work at the moment but as soon as I get back in I'll post up a rough version of what we have so far (Or Kris or Lou could post theirs) Assuming you want to be involved then the feel free to write any additions and forward them to me for inclusion.
We still have time to hit the 31st deadline (It's looking less likely as we speak) and after we do get everything posted up I'll stop shouting at everyone and we can all go back to drifting along.
Tries to come up with a suitably enthusiastic ending... Fails.
I would like to publically apologize for not returning on Saturday. I only meant to stay off for a few minutes but things got crazy and I never got to get back on. :cry:
As for the finale, me and Amanda wanted to include part of our own storyline in there if we could. As for the 31st deadline... :( I'm not sure if we can make that, but we'll try.
Okay, well I'll put my version up seeing as it is actually edited (to some degree) and will be easier to read than a rough copy version. Just for clarity I've kept separate player pieces in different colours as follows -
Robin - Black
Kris - Green
Mike - Red
Lou - Blue
And you can download the file here -
Fantastic Legends Finale 1
Hmm, i don't know what's wrong with the link above, when I first put it up it was working fine and I tried uploading it again and it still isn't playing nice. Hmph, and Dave isn't here either.. :? Anyway, I'll post it up here for those who (like me) are having probs accessing the file from the link. Goddamn technology... :D
Shakti smiled down at the canister before her. Mutaxin was an unpleasant compound. A mild hallucinogen with additional mutagenic properties it was fatal to a relatively small group of the population but that group invariably lacked the genetic basis for Metahuman traits and that made it to perfect chemical for the opening strike in a Meta-war.
The men and women around her who even now were loading the canisters of the substance onto a half dozen crop sprayers didn’t care about that. The reasons why this little mission was going to ignite a war didn’t concern them just that it would. The nanite filaments withdrew from the surface of the canister and Shakti wrapped her hands around the cold metal cylinder. Passing it to one of her followers who in his foolish fanaticism believed that the earth needed to be cleansed of humanity. She took hold of the next one. Her nanites extruded themselves again and began to convert the organic molecules within into the correct configuration.
While Shakti concentrated on creating the weapon for the strike other Earthrage members went about their tasks. The six pilots checked the planes that would deliver the Mutaxin. Two men loaded the sprayers while another half dozen patrolled the perimeter. All were armed with energy pistols and near the centre of the airfield Shakti’s closest lieutenant cradled an energy rifle.
In Washington miles away from where an alien hybrid loaded chemical death on planes The open anger oif the day before had withdrawn before the presence of the military. Every major intersection had it’s military presence and people shocked by the sudden occurrence withdrew to their homes.
The anger wasn’t gone though and in small gatherings here and there people nursed their grievances all it would take was a spark and Earthrage would again provide that spark. Through the early morning gloom another cell moved unlike their counterparts who’d attacked the meta-rally they were armed not with pistols but with more of Shakti’s rifles. Clad in bio mimetic polymer body suits they took up position near one of the military patrols.
Sol kept her attention on the surrounding city as they quickly passed through it, on their way to the airfield. The scenery sped by, as Sydney drove them towards their destination. Ric was beside Sol, her hand cradled in his. She was too distracted to really notice though.
*What are you doing?* Sol thought, grimacing as they passed yet another group of heavily armed U.S. soldiers. The capitol had become all but a police state after recent events, and the lockdown meant that no one could leave, not that Sol would have if she could have. Ultimately, this was the reason she'd donned that stupid costume in the Spring, to make a difference.
*If you go through with this, it changes everything,* Sol argued with herself. *This isn't small potatoes. This is a big, huge deal. You'll be bringing yourself to the attention of some serious whack jobs. Whatever is going on in this country now, these crackpots at the airfield, and others like them, they're not playing around. And they've got power. Who are you to be getting in the middle of this? Are you making a mistake here?*
Ric could feel the tension in Sol as she sat next to him. He knew she was probably doubting herself again. They'd talked so much recently about what was going on her in Washington, and he knew Sol felt she had to do something to try and insure that everyone could live peaceably together. He hadn't argued with her, but deep down inside her opinion rankled. She was like him. She was different, better. So why did she feel the need to protect the very people who were more than willing, even eager, to try and take away their rights, to lock them up or control them. Ric just couldn't understand that. To him, the things Jamie and the other "Spears" said made sense. They were the next phase in human evolution, after all, and they had a right, perhaps even a duty to fight for their place in society. If humans were going to hunt them, or hurt them, then the Spears would strike back. That was what they were intended to do. Ric believed that he and his friends were working towards the greater good. They were on the brink of a war with humanity, and in war you did what you had to in order to win.
"Sunshine, are you alright?" Ric leaned over, whispering to Sol.
"Hmm," Sol turned towards Ric, smiling weakly. "I'm ok. Sorry, I was just...somewhere else."
"You know, if you don't want to do this..." Ric's voice trailed off meaningfully.
"No," Sol said softly at first, and then with more conviction, "no. I do want to do this. I have to do this. It's the right thing. I guess I'm just a little freaked."
Ric nodded, bringing his arm around to cradle her shoulders. "That's cool," he said. "Perfectly natural."
Sol sighed. Despite her misgivings, this was the only place she could be. It was where her path had been leading her all along.
Sydney had to force down the urge to scoff at the little conversation between the girl and boy on the backseat. They were obviously too inexperienced to handle a situation of this magnitude and she couldn’t help but wonder why Mel had brought them along except for something pretty to look at before they all died.
She didn’t have anymore time to think about it though, as she heard James’ instructions through the wire in her ear. She took a sharp right, the car’s tyres screeching on the asphalt as they swung out across the road before straightening up. Sydney grinned as she saw Mel’s grip on the dash tighten, her face looking a tad pale as Sydney’s foot pressed harder on the accelerator. The airfield shouldn’t be too far away and by that time it would be too late for doubts and concerns.
With a cry, Spectrum hit the gravel and tumbled over herself, getting mixed up in her cape. *Damn things…how does Superman do it?* She pulled herself up from the ground and looked at the scene before her. Meta-humans and humans alike, running for a futile cover from the energy blasts coming in their direction. It had started as a peaceful pro-meta protest. Hah! There was no such thing as a peaceful protest anymore.
Lori herself had been forced to dodge several blasts in an effort to quell to violence, as she had just done. She watched as the weapons blasted through cars, mailboxes and fire hydrants without hindrance. Screams of agony filled her ears, and she felt powerless to stop it.
*These are not the same energy weapons from before* Spectrum took to the air again and flew towards the nearest gun-toting psychopath she could find. There were only five of them here, but that was more than enough. Emitting something of a battle cry, Spectrum created a mallet and slammed it down onto the head of one of the gun-wielders. He gave out a soft cry, and fell to the ground, not dead but hopefully out of commission for now. Spectrum turned around and saw other Meta’s playing the role of hero as she was, many of whom were less than successful. She saw a woman who was about 7 foot tall and looked as though she could crush a car fall victim to one of the weapons.
*Is this what hell is like?* Not knowing what else to do, Spectrum took off towards the next gun-wielding person she could find.
John Rhodes - Shakti’s lieutenant for this op smiled as he heard the Washington team report in. They’d started their attack on the offices of a pro meta lobbyist group and gone from there. It had been like poking a hornets nest with a stick. People pro and anti had come boiling out onto the streets and the military just hadn’t been equipped to deal with the sheer numbers. Of course every time the troops started to get themselves together one of his team popped up and blew a few of them away…. The damage was usually enough to destroy any coherence in the response. He’d no reports of the troops actually shooting anyone.
Not yet anyway.
“Washington is on schedule we have multiple riots in progress.” Rhodes switched his com to a military frequency and listened for a few seconds. Access to the other guy’s coms was always nice to have. “The Commander is starting to panic contradictory orders are going out on the net. We could fly a backfire bomber over the city and they wouldn’t notice.”
Shakti handed a subordinate the last canister. “Well we don’t have one. These will have to do.”
Sydney was an excellent driver fast and precise. Mel knew this but as the car whipped round another corner at nearly a hundred miles an hour she devoutly wished she’d flown. She just wasn’t cut out for high-speed travel with someone else in control
“Shit” James’ voice came over the radio in her ear. “Somebody just hit a riot control team, no energy weapons… Sounds like a group of metas. They’re retreating with… with half casualties.”
The tyres squealed again and Mel lost her grip on the dash as Sydney suddenly turned the car sideways. A beam of blue green light flicked out and blasted a chunk out of the road. “Everybody Out!”
As the small group poured out of the car Sydney was already loading up, unhitching her pistols and sending a shower of bullets across in the direction of the blast. “Fucking guards,” she muttered, yanking open the car’s trunk and grabbing the rest of her arsenal and ducking behind the axle for cover as she surveyed their opposition. “There’s six on the perimeter…” she said quietly, taking a quick peek through her binoculars before reaching for her shotgun.
Suddenly a whining noise filled the air, Sydney’s eyes widened as she noticed the high powered weaponry that the guards were carrying, no doubt the same that had nearly blown them off the road. Suddenly hiding behind the largest object on the horizon didn’t seem like such a good idea, “Oh shit, I think now would be a good time to scatter!” she yelled, grabbing her things as another beam of green light shot out above them, blowing another crater in the road just behind them.
Sol and Ric clambered out of the car and headed for cover quickly. Sol was appalled that Sydney had jumped out of the car with guns blazing, but it really wasn't the right time to question anyone's actions or motivation.
*Little late to worry about it now,* Sol thought to herself, quickly affixing her domino over her face. Beside her, Ric was doing the same. He was dressed all in black, in the style of a river boat gambler, complete with hat and all. He cowered next to Sol beside the car, pulling open the bag he'd picked up from Jamie before he'd met up with Sol. Inside were a couple of pistols, modified to fire some kind of energy, which one of the "Spears" had designed. There was also a small device Ric attached to his wrist, which generated a personal force field. Ric glanced up when the green light blew another crater in the road and figured the force field would probably not hold up against such a blast. Steeling himself, he took Sydney's advice, grabbing Sol's hand and running towards the crop of trees beside the road.
One of the guards took aim at Ric as he ran and squeezed the trigger, but the gun jammed unexpectedly. By the time he had sorted out his problem, Ric and Sol were hidden in the trees. "I can't just hide back here," Sol whispered harshly, cringing as the sounds of shots rang out around them. Ric nodded grimly and handed her one of the guns. Sol's face twisted up with distaste, but she took the proffered weapon.
Sol dashed out from behind the trees, and charged for one of the guards. He leveled the gun at her. Sol watched closely as she moved, and at the last possible moment dropped into a roll, dodging the energy blast and coming up on her knees inches from the guard. He was surprised and slow to react, as Sol sprang up and swung into a kick, attempting to knock the gun from his hands.
Sydney took aim and fired at one of the guards, watching the bullet rip through his clothing, splattering him with crimson as it penetrated his flesh. The force of the projectile made his body lurch backwards before he slumped to the floor dead. As another bolt of green energy missed her by mere inches Sydney ducked and rolled across the floor, grabbing her pistols and returning fire. Bullet cases rained down on the concrete as she regained her footing, charging the guard who had fired at her.
Sydney’s side of the car was facing the bad guys when she had slowed the car to a stop So Mel had a moment of cover as she exited the vehicle. She ignited her forcefield during the roll. The light would make her a target but she wasn’t sure how much damage Sol and Ric could take and she knew Sydney was comparatively fragile.
The percussive cracks of Sydney’s guns sounded out and Mel stood up flinging an explosive sphere into the ground just in front of one of the guards. The collision hammered the man backwards but at least the wash of energy probably hadn’t killed him. Not that that seemed quite as important when they were trying to kill her. Sym hadn’t been clear on just how dangerous the energy beams were, instead she’d just advised not getting hit.
Shakti cursed as she heard the screech of tyres and the sound of gunfire. “Get those airbourne now!” She shouted then pulled her own weapon and nodded to Rhodes He hefted his own rifle and began to make his way towards the perimeter. The rifle would give his position away but at least he’d be able to slow down these meddlesome heroes.
Mel threw another sphere to keep a couple of guard’s heads down as she manoeuvred onto the airfield trying to catch them in a crossfire between herself and Sydney. Suddenly a guard popped up to Mel’s left and Mel exploded upwards her wings taking shape instantly as the beam blasted through the space she’d been mere moments before.
Ric had watched Sol take off towards one of the guards, and decided she could probably handle herself, as uncomfortable as he might be with the idea. He carefully made his way around the trees, and caught sight of the guard who had fired at him a few moments before. With a grim smile, he started purposefully towards the man, who was so shocked that at first he didn't react. Ric levelled the energy pistol he was holding and aimed for the guard’s arm, hoping to incapacitate the guy without actually killing him.
*Although I will if I have to,* Ric thought, as he fired.
The guard facing Ric scrabbled to raise his gun, but slipped suddenly on some gravel as Ric fired at him. The shot hit him squarely in the shoulder and the guard’s pistol fell to the ground as he doubled over. His arm obliterated.
Sol faced the now unarmed guard, his gun a few feet away. She'd tucked the one Ric gave her into the waistband of her skirt, and instead struck out with her bare hand at the man in front of her. She was careful to restrain the punch, wanting to knock him out without knocking his head off his shoulders. The guard raised his arm and blocked the blow but staggering back at the impact.
Sol wasn't about to give up the advantage. She rushed forward, charging the man and knocking him completely off his feet. Then she fell upon him, straddling his waist as he struggled. Sol rained blow after blow upon him, frustrated and enraged that he and people like him had forced them to this. Finally, she came to her senses and pulled back. The man before her was badly beaten and unconscious. Sol rose, panting, to her feet, embarrassed at her loss of control. She didn't have time to really worry over it though, as a blast of green energy from the man holding the rifle suddenly exploded near her, knocking her off her feet.
The growl of aircraft engines drifted across the airfield but right now Mel didn’t really have time to notice for as soon as she’d gotten airborne three separate beams had cleaved the air around her.
She jinked madly and those energy guns lashed the sky. Diving for the ground she pulled up barely ten feet from the ground and blasted out an energy beam of her own. Silver fire carved the ground asunder as Mel flew straight over one of the guards. He never stood a chance and Mel spared him barely a thought - too many lives were at risk. With one last fillip Mel somersaulted in the air and landed. Just in time for a beam rifle to blast the sapling next to her to flaming pieces. Ducking to one side while blindly flinging a ball of fire towards the shoot Mel did her best to avoid getting shot.
Sydney lifted her knee to connect with the guard’s groin, hearing him utter a string of abuse she dealt him a hard kick to the chest, breaking several ribs and sending him sprawling on the ground. She raised her pistol and shot him squarely between the eyes, silencing his groans in an instant. Sydney reached down, picking up the weapon and ripping it from the dead man’s grip. “Hmm,” she said with interest as she turned the weapon over in her hands, “oh I think Christmas has come early this year.”
She aimed the weapon at a truck parked up on the airfield before taking a shot. The green blue beam shot out, hitting the vehicle’s fuel tank and igniting the flammable liquid. The truck exploded in a ball of fire, sending pieces of burning metal flying across the way. Sydney raised an eyebrow in surprise then shrugged, “hmmm, not bad.”
AAaaaahh! so they WERE massive paragraphs, hehe.
yeah, i was having a poo of a time too when i downloaded it. sure! it was all there! but i just had to scroll down, find it, then seperate all the paragraphs as i read through, while GUESSING who'd written what where.
I don't think i did to bad, if i don't say so myself :mrgreen:
Um...I just wanted to make that everyone knew that there's absolutely no way me and amanda are going to make the deadline tomarrow...
...and since we can't find a good time to collab...this really sucks :cry:
Well it can't be helped. Don't worry about it I'm not going to hit the deadline even if the finale was written. So long as we stick with it it shouldn't be a problem. Just keep in mind that it would be best if you focus on posts that lead up to the finale itself rather than any side plots.
For those of us who aren't involved in the finale maybe we could start the next monthly series anyway.
Ok folks, it occurs to me that not much work has probably occured on the Finale, and as Lou pointed out, another collab is probably best. Weekends tend to be best, so I would suggest everyone posting the next best available weekend and times for them, then we can figure out where to go from there.
FYI, I won't need to collab with ya'll cause Lori's part will just be with Lash probably, and me and amanda will probably be doing that along with finishing the pro-meta attack tonight (hopefully :? )
Well, theoretically I could do today but I'm not going to be too coherent. Next weekend (17th)is more likely. Anytime is good.
I can do this upcoming Saturday in the morning, or Sunday same thing. So that's the 17th or 18th as early as let's say 7 am my time. Just let me know.
Ok then, how's the 17th and 18th for everyone else?
That's okay for me, so long as I'm not too sick that is :?
Ela is, of course, not at the airfield. But I've written a solo in which she gets embroiled in the riots in DC... I know Mike is there as Spectrum, but I'm not sure who else. I have a feeling Amanda has Lash there, but there's nothing in the finale bits Lou posted that mentions Lash... Anyway, anyone who's at the riots may want to contact me and we can work out if and how our characters intermesh.
I'd like to be there, but again you've chosen a weekend I'm not home! :(
Unless there could be a way for me to interact with you beforehand (although i dont know, there isnt much time left) Tess wont be there. :cry: :cry:
Right then, so will figure for scheduling the end of this on April 17.
7:00am PST (Kris)
10:00am EST (Adam)
3:00pm GMT (Louisa, Robin)
Okay well I'm doing the last revision edit on the finale at the airfield - I know Shaun in particular has some changes he wants to make but could anyone else please get in contact with me before the end of the week - I'd like to get this put up as soon as possible and get the Cross Over thread closed finally hehe.
I also know Heather has a post for Ela at the riots so can anyone with things that absolutely HAVE to go before the season finale PLEASE speak now - or forever hold your peace and lets put this baby to bed and move on to the next mini series :D
Well, apart from my post at the riots, I know Amanda and Mike are working on their own piece about the riots... I've sent them relevant portions of mine so hopefully the action will gel from the differing points of view. It's just a matter of them getting their writing done. :wink:
Though, if there's nothing else to be posted before the finale events begin - the riot and the airfield parts - then Robin and I could at least post the lead-up to the finale and my bit of the riots... But then we'd still have to wait for Amanda and Mike to post their riot bits before the airfield section of the finale can go up. Depends if you want it piecemeal, or all posted more or less together.
I don't mind waiting a little while if it means getting it posted more or less in order so long as people know what they're doing and aren't just floating along like lost souls :) As for the lead up to the finale, i don't have anything else to go up in the cross over thread so unless anyone else does...
Well, today Amanda sent me the stuff that she and Mike have written for their part, in order to make sure my comments on the riots correspond, and noticed that they started the riots in DC "just after lunch".
I know Robin's already posted the Mel/Ela argument, and thought 'Oh good, we have a time now for our 29th stuff'... which led me to wonder what he'd put as the time for that argument post, since I'd left it open. Imagine my amusement when I saw the datestamp "29th November 2003 - time??". :)
Looks like the argument should therefore be around noonish, and Mel, Sol and Sydney get to the airfield however long it takes (1pm maybe, since it's simultaneous with the riots?). Which means my riot-related post will also be 1pm or thereabouts.
Does that fit for timing of posts? Argument 12:30pm, Ela at riots 1pm, Spectrum and Lash at riots all day, but action from around 1pm and then Mel, Sol and Syd at the airfield also around 1pm.
Anyway, I'll have to leave it to Robin to alter the datestamp on the argument post (since I can't edit on this board) and I'll read through the post Mike and Amanda plan to put up to make sure mine fits, then I can post mine. The rest of you can then do whatever you like. :)
Ok, there was some major confusion here last night. It seems that the file Amanda sent me wasn't the finale-related riot at all, but was about a DIFFERENT riot that she and Mike had been collabing about (which hasn't yet been posted, and since we're up to finale events already it may be too late to post it now... :? ).
Anyway, what that means is that the timing is still fluid. I don't know that anyone has pinned down an actual time for the airfield attack or anything else... So I guess the time of 1pm I put for Ela isn't necessarily the case, though we can keep it the same if we want to. It's not really important what time we choose, so long as we keep it consistent.
It also explains why the tone of the riot seemed to be somewhat different to the paragraphs Mike had written in the initial finale collab (the red bits in the post in this thread) - since what I received last night was a whole different riot. hehe So, I'm hoping that what eventually gets written about the finale riots will match up a bit better. :)
*raises glass* Here's to mass confusion!
Erm...sorry for the delay but the pro-meta riot should be up tonight. I'm at school now but I'll try to get it up as soon as I get home (along with a few other posts). I've just been procrastinating on editing :cry:
(And yes Heather, this is not the finale riot :wink: )
Final Notice
This is a sort of heads up for anyone with any outstanding posts for the Cross over series thread. I have the finale at the airfield all edited and ready to go up and I'll post it in the next 48 hours, hopefully giving people time to get anything BEFORE it finished and posted before that deadline. I've been quite slack finishing up the timeline and getting round to my admin duties - especially with Shaun and Ric both, pretty much abandoning me (thanks alot you guys :P). But I think it's about time this thread was finished off and we can finally get out of this limbo state.
After that I'm going to lock up the cross over thread and any posts will have to go in the second mini-series - no arguments ;)
So, speak up now if you have any problems. :)
The 48 hours must be in G'rnathan time, eh? :wink:
Yeah, this is 48 hours in the magical land of Narnia, or how time feels when you're outside the wardrobe. I'm actually waiting on ONE post from amanda and mike since they begged me for a reprieve, (im assuming since they said ela was in on that scene you know which post i'm talking about).
Mike said it was almost done, still, no evidence of that at the moment, though I live in hope that some day, when I'm old and grey and don't have too many grandchildren wanting me to play zero-gravity ping pong with them, I MIGHT actually get to close that thread. ;)
Trust me, I can sympathise with your pain...
And yeah, I know the one they're doing. Ela's not so much in it as she gets a passing mention. Still, it will be nice to have someone pick up her unconscious body and stop her from bleeding to death. :)
We'll try but I'm not making any promises :wink:
Anywhos I'm SO almost done its not even funny!!!!!!!! I've just been incredibly busy this past week, but I'll have it up soon I promise!
Okay, it's FINALLY up!
*waits for cheers and fireworks to end*
Thanks for waiting for me Lou. You can lock it now.
And don't worry Heather, Ela will be just fine :wink:
Major Coolies *does happy dance* I've put up the end of the finale (Finale, Finally - hehe) and locked the forum, the timeline is up to date - I hereby declare Crossover One CLOSED!!! :D
*Goes off to celebrate with a LARGE glass of wine* hehehe :mrgreen: