![Meredith Bell's picture Meredith Bell's picture](http://unlimitedi.net/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(photofreak521@hotmail.com) on Sunday, June 8, 2003 at 23:21:42
charname: Andelu Greenleaf
race: Elf
gender: female
group: elf group?
position: HERO
Height: 5'8
Weight: 115
Demeanor: pleasent - moody - angry when invoked
Attitude: pleasent - moody - angry when invoked
Lifestyle: simple - average you know. . .elf like. . . live in the woods, fend
for yourself and help out others. . . you know. . .the elf way. . . live of the
land and love nature
Costume: Elf gear . . .tunic, pants, occasional skirt, etc, arrow bag, sheath
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.) Skin glows, eyes grow cloudy
Before you got your powers: Lived in the woods
How you got your powers: While scouting in the woods I found out I had the power
to become invisible as I was being chased by some hungry Orcs, hidding behind a
tree and wishing to become invisible. . .I did.
After you got your powers: Life's still about the same. I do the Elf thing. . .
but now I'm vertually undetectible while scouting and in some cases while I'm
villain Name: Bingly Wickham
Powers: Can create fire and use it against people
Why is this person your enemy?: He killed my father
Ability: Can turn invisible
Limit: can be seen when there is mist or rain because it shows shape of body
Stunt: Can use it to hide
Stunt: Can use it to suprise attack
Stunt: Can do it instantly
Own: swords, arrows, arrow bag, sheath, bows, knives, belt with a pouch, arrows
with poision on the tips,
Always carry: arrow bag, pleanty of arrows, bow, a knife in my boot, belt with
a pouch that usually has stuff to make a fire in it.
Built Myself: arrows and arrows with poison tips
Weapons: arrows, swords, bow, kinves
ITEM: All weapons
-- Powers of Items: pierce skin, kill, cause sever or minor injury
ITEM: Poison arrows
- Powers of Items: kill
Games I've played: Intercity
Where I live: Florida
What my hobbies are: Photography
What comics I like: The ones my friend draws and X-Men
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Rejected Character Proposals
Seems more like a medievil character than someone who would be in the superhero game. Needs some tweaking IMHO
Rejected Character Proposals
hmmmm, a little to Legolas for my liking and i echo shaun's criticism, it is too medieval for this setting...he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses...and his history is fairly brief and undetailed...i don't have any problems with powers, but as long as there is reason and emotion to them and how they can pose a problem to himself or anyone else
unless he changes his character i'd vote no
Rejected Character Proposals
I'd agree with what's already been said. The character sounds more apropriate for Mythic than Fantastic Legends! Plus, I am one of those weird people who have never seen LoTR or read any of the books (ducks to avoid low thrown objects) so I don't know what 'the elf way' and 'elf like' and 'doing the elf thing' is actually supposed to mean :? but it certainly doesn't seem like a valid description to me.
Rejected Character Proposals
Elf-Like : Poufta-like
The Elf Way: The Treehugger way
The Elf Thing: Effeminate
Okay silliness over...
Its a super hero game and you want to play an elf. Okay, lets see. He has tights. He has pointy ears. He is skinny and hides in the woods. Nope. Not getting it.
If you want to play an archer character..great. Gimme a list of about a dozen cool trick arrows and a nifty MO and then we can talk. But "I'm just an elf" isn't sufficient.
Rejected Character Proposals
Email has been sent suggesting altering the character for resubmission.
Cat (Rejected)
-E-Mail: martinandjo@tinyworld.co.uk
-Type Of Character: Cat
-Gender (Male/Female/None ONLY Please) * : Female
-Name (What other characters will call you) * : Cat
-Group Affiliation: She is a cat - please take me seriously! - and I guess
that's it.
-Hero/Villain: VILLAIN
Enter Character Description below:
My character is a Cat called Cat. (Seriously). Y'know how the big bad bald
villains are always stroking their pet cats? - well one cat has had enough. She
is out to sabotage the world, her chief aim being getting rid of any cat-abusing
arch villians, so therefore she has co-operated with heros before, but being a
cat she treats all with admirable distain, and is neither a hero, or a villain
really. Just a catalyst for any action that might take place, and she loves to
stir a paw around in any action going on, and of course, world domination would
be nice.
Enter Character History below: * :
She sat on the laps of very fat and evil men, and was expected to put up
with...er... heavy petting.
She taught herself - revenge can be a very powerful tool. She is Now bent on
world dominantion - duh.
Arch Enemies:
Cat-abusing villains, and people who believe that Whiskers is good enough for
cats. The nerve.
Powers: Cat can speak, having taught herself out the Oxford English Dictory,
better than most humans, and as the ultimate anti-hero, and anti-villain, has an
IQ of over 300, which is not humanly possible, but then, she's not a human.
Enter Characters Powers with description below: * :
Terrible intelligence, and a bent for mind reading: being infinately mentally
superior to humans she knows exactly what they're going to say.
She also has the ability of mind control to a slight degree - hyponotising eyes,
works on weak-minded humans, on strong ones, she can give them a severe
Staring down a cat can be very dangerous as it is particualarly aggressive sign,
and Cat would react aggressively. As she was previously an arch-villain's cat,
she was specially and selectively bred for thick white fur, and sharp, pointed
claws. These can be very lethal when combined with a cat's natural ability to
leap from high places and 9 lives. And I mean nine - she's died three times
Enter Characters Items with description below:
The whole world is viewed as her back yard, and every man her slave
She carries nothing - paws are quite a bother, but she doesn't need to - with
her air of authority, she gets given exactly what she requires.
She does however have a diamond collar with poison in the gem - an exquiste
touch - if things get desperate.
We want to know the player too. Tell us about yourself (Other games you've
played, age, job, etc.): * :
Games I've played: I registered with Mythic, but no response - am I really that
Where I live: near a village, near a small town, near London in England
What my hobbies are:reading, drawing, writing bad stories, and even worse poetry
What comics I like:Ooh, everything
Guys, I'm quite serious about this - it may not be such a regular,
stereotypicial, but it'll liven things up, and I've got some brilliant ideas -
different is good, right?!
Rejected Character Proposals
Honestly, I really dont know. I think its really funny and original, but would it fit in. It seems kinda cartoony. What does everyone else think?
Rejected Character Proposals
I don't want to say no just because it kind of freaks me out. The thing is it reminds me of the villain in Cats and Dogs. The player seems serious, but the whole thing is so bizarre. I'm not sure this would work, really.
Rejected Character Proposals
I say no. Not because of the concept which is truely bizzare and creative. But becasue its not fully developed. I want to see more.
These questions come to mind:
Is Cat out to just destroy villains?
Is the liberation of his furry white bretheren his main goal in life?
Has he managed to free any so far?
Does he have humans to help him out by rolling rubber mice and opening cans of catfood (no opposable thumbs makes this difficult).
Has he formed a secret orgainization (F.F.U.R. - The Felines for Unconditional Release)?
Sounds like he has been the favored feline of more than one villain. Who were they and what was their fate?
In all I think it could be a really cool concept that could be an interesting study of contrasts and prejeduces ("A CAT?! we landed in this death trap becasue of a CAT?") especially if it isn't played for laughs but is played for deadly seriousness ("No, you pathetic human, you landed in my deathtrap becasue you weren't smarter than a cat. Ian, turn on the atomic scratching post for our friends would you?")
Last observation: Kelsey Grammer would make the perfect voice for this character.
Rejected Character Proposals
I would have to say that the character does not fit in with the scene. However, when mythic gets an Admin, they could apply there.[/align]
Creper (Rejected)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(bails1004@aol.com) on Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 20:15:18
charname: Creper
race: super-human
gender: male
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions.... Brown hair, blue eyes, built
Attitude:Very Dark, Strikes fear in the guilty
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:Regular attorney trying to do good. Spent 12 years of
his life learning matrial arts and other forms of fighting.
How you got your powers:following up a case, the men he was investgating jumped
him and through him in a radiative sewage dump
After you got your powers:Fights the long hard battle at night
enemy: Suggestions....Ugly
villain Name:Kaxtriz
Why is this person your enemy: creper helped put his brother in jail thus
sending him to the exucation chair. Kaxtriz blams creper for his brothers death
powers: Suggestions....
no powers
master in almost every form of fighting. can kill a man in 2 secs in 50
different ways.Very fast, strong and smartFIGHTING POWERS
items: Suggestions....
Always carrys: ninja stars, grappling hook, knife, lock picker, 1st aid kit,
rope, rebreather, hover plate, infered glasses/x-ray glasses
Built Myself:hover plate. infered/x-ray glasses, rebreather
-- Hover plate- can levitate an object for up to 30 secs then it recharges
-- inferred/x-ray glasses- glasses that enable user to see in dark as well as
x-ray vision
--rebreather- allows user up to 30 minutes of breathing time
--grappling hook- mechanical device when press button shoots hook that can
penitrate the strongs metals/concrete support up to 400 lbs
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:warcraft 3
Where I live:chicago
What my hobbies are:reading comics superman and greenlantern favs
What comics I like:superman greenlantern, the late young justice, JLA
Rejected Character Proposals
My initial reaction : Good idea, but lacks alot of description. He should flesh it out abit better.
Rejected Character Proposals
Personally I don't really like this. Apart from the fact that there is very little to go on, what there is, is both SUPER cliched (He 'strikes fear in the guilty' and 'fights the long hard battle at night') and vague (why does he learn martial arts for 12 years of his life? And how does a 'regular' attorney manage to get his hands on x-ray glasses and a hover plate??). Plus there's a whole lot of stuff that just seems silly, I mean my character is a trained assassin ans still she wouldn't just be able to 'kill a man in 2 secs in 50 different ways' plus what are 'FIGHTING POWERS'?
Just one other thing, Shaun pointed out to me how this guy's name is one letter away from Crepe(R) - we both agreed that a French pancake would hardly strike terror in the heart of the guilty (unless they were lactose intollerant.)
Needless to say, I had a good laugh then voted 'no'. Ahem.
Rejected Character Proposals
hm...the bumbersticker version: A lwayer who was given super powers by being dragged through radioactive goo? Daredevil Anyone?
"Creper" could be a mispelling of the name "Creeper"
"Fighting Powers" are a category that the random power generator outputs. Looks like they played with the power generator some before deciding on their own powers. I think that was a left over.
Overall it looks like a character that was hastilly slapped together without any thought or plan. So I am voting no. Try again, pal.
Rejected Character Proposals
Uhm...sorry, but no. This proposal lacks detail and focus. It needs more time and energy spent on it before it can be really beneficial to the game.
Jade (Rejected)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(mdelsontro@bellsouth.net) on Monday, June 23, 2003 at 13:16:24
charname: Jade
race: Human
gender: Female
group: None
position: HERO
descript: Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 125
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Green
Demeanor: Cheerful
Attitude: Optimistic
Costume: Dark purple kevlar suit, black boots, gloves, mask, belt
Special Effects: Telepathic communications with the dead
history: Before you got your powers: I was Jessica Anne Doyle, a rookie cop at
the NYCPD. On a late night patrol with my partner and sister, Elizabeth, we
raided a drug bust. Elizabeth was shot and died in my arms.
How you got your powers: Directly after Elizabeth's death, a spectre hovered
towards me. She said that she would help me take revenge. She touched my hand
and light surged through me. When I opened my eyes, my sister's ghost was
standing in front of me.
After you got your powers: My sister led me to her killer's apartment where I
chased him up the roof. Once there, we fought and I pushed him off. Guilty of my
act, I devoted myself to helping the lost souls I see now.
enemy: Villain Name: Richard Goth
Powers: Emotional control of my mind
Why is this person your enemy?: He's the man who I killed who killed my sister.
His ghost follows me and makes me feel guilty over his death. Although he can't
touch or harm me, he constantly plagues me with doubt and fear.
powers: I can see, hear and talk to the dead.
items: My only weapon is the martial arts training I recieve.
played_by: Nichole Kidman
player: Where I live: Florida
What my hobbies are: Comics
What comics I like: Everything Batman
Rejected Character Proposals
I think the concept is very unique and cool. However, it needs to be alittle more fleshed out. What city is she in? How come the ghosts came to her?
Also, she should talk in third person, but I mean that is easily fixed. I would say just work on it a bit more and it would be pretty darn cool
Rejected Character Proposals
I would have to agree - the big bit of work this needs is a but more detail. For example, why she has contact with the ghosts.
Rejected Character Proposals
I'm assuming that since she said she worked for the NYPD that's where her character still is - New York.
I do like the initial concept, but I also agree that maybe a little more detail is needed, just so we can get an idea of where she is going with this.
Rejected Character Proposals
Same here, needs more detail. Kind of reminds me of Haunted which I loved and totally miss, by the by.
Rejected Character Proposals
If she could flesh out a little more detail, I'd definitely let her in...very intriguing character, especially with all the supernatural elements involved...
btw, wonder is she's a Huntress fan :P
Shock (Rejected)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(milesmouse@cox.net) on Friday, September 19, 2003 at 23:15:05
charname: shock
race: enhanced human
gender: male
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Height:6 foot
Demeanor:depressed sometimes but also cheerful
Attitude:nice when on good side
Lifestyle:poor but not on streets poor
Costume:gray cloak and on the back is a black dragon with red eyes
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)shadow has red ora
history: i used to go to a school called steele vista . I being the age of 15 at the time had no clue what was in store for me 11/19/03 i was minding my own buissness when i heard an announcement over the intercom"would shock conductor elector please come to the office" on my way there i see some shady vans parked out front of course i payed no mind i felt nothing would happen to me im 15 why would they try anything to me ,becuse i was perfact for them.no sooner than i got there i was hauled away they stuck me with a needle and i passed out for hours within this time they did things to me horrible things i dont really remember all i know is they injected dna of an ancient race i dont really know for sure what i stumbled out of the lab blinded by the light i walked for days eating and drinking what i could i might be sick becuse im always hot . when i got into town every one looked at me strangly an old man took me into a van and told me why my eyes there like those of a serpant , i have wings i could have have flew all the way here my muscles have quadrupled in size ohh and my shadow has red around it am i a demon i have claws i have gained what seemed to be psycic powers telekenisis and walk through walls thats a plus but now i half to hide my shadow AND I STILL HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL ARRRRRR.
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:dr gendezmo
Powers:evil genius creats evil being to destroy me
Why is this person your enemy?:to put it simply he created me
telekenisis: can move object with mind also walk through walls.
Limit: the heavier the object the harder it is to move . and walking through walls has a time limit.
Stunt: can crush object with mind
Stunt: can see inside of an object
Stunt: can push an object away
Stunt: can short circut a machine
items: Suggestions....
Own:basically nothing
Always carry:a samuri sword
Built Myself:a samuri sword
Weapons:samuri sword ,throwing knives, an assassin needle
-- Powers of Item:killing
played_by: myself
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:D and D modern and midevil
Where I live:la mesa california
What my hobbies are:collecting knives ,vidio games
What comics I like:jonny the homicidal maniac,squee,felix,chobits ,love hina, gto ,almost any manga,and almost any marval
I have posted this for Shaun since hs is very busy. Frankly I hope you don't bring this person in. You may need characters but not this much. This kid may be a roleplayer but he isn't very skilled in writing and that needs to be somewhat of a priority.
Rejected Character Proposals
I kinda agree with Dave, Although he may be eager, I dont think its good enough to come in. What about the rest of you?
Rejected Character Proposals
Er... yeah...
I always feel bad when I have to say this but... no.
(Aw, now I fell bad :cry: )
Darkest Shadow (Rejected)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(kcer@earthlink.net) on Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 01:46:16
charname: Darkest Shadow
race: Mutant
gender: female
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Height: 5'5
Demeanor: Excited
Lifestyle: Peaceful and wealthy
Costume: Black full body suit not covering the face and hands though.
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.) Blue eyes that glow super
strength and flight
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: Lived in califronia with two sisters, mom and dad.
Worked as a makeup artist for theater.
How you got your powers: Oe day from coming back from work I ran into a bunch of
mutants who were fighting and got in the middle then got hit by some of them. I
woke up in the hospital the next day and then I had power. After you got your
powers: My mother wouldnt talk to me but my father loved me not matter what. One
of my sister thought I as a freak while the other looked up to me. Leaving home
and trying to hide my powers I moved into an apartment and kept my job as a make
up artist.
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:
Why is this person your enemy?:
Strength and Flight
Able to pick up large object of any weight to protect herself. Also the ability
of flight to get away when needed.
items: Suggestions....
Own: Apartment and dog Casey
Always carry: A book
Built Myself:
Weapons: none
-- Powers of Item:none
played_by: Jennifer Garner
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:
Where I live: USA
What my hobbies are: Volleyball TV computer web deisgn
What comics I like: Xmen
Rejected Character Proposals
not enough detail...
Rejected Character Proposals
I agree with Mike, there isn't nearly enough information about this character's background, powers, limitations (they can pick up ANY object???) Even the items list is vague - WHY does she carry a book? What book is it?
BTW I added a poll :P @ Shaun you lazy blighter.
Rejected Character Proposals
yar ditto on the detail hehehe i think he would blame it on work ;)
Character Submission: Noble (Rejected)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(dagwood15@hotmail.com) on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 at 21:01:23
charname: Noble
race: Enhanced Human
gender: Male
group: none within your game
position: HERO
descript: Height: 6' 8"
Weight: roughly 2 tons
Demeanor: Very friendly and open when meeting new people. Views most things
from a scientific/logical viewpoint
Attitude: Very righteous, will uphold the law no matter what, never kills no
matter what, is willing to risk his life for others, very un-selfish (if you
Lifestyle: Spends most of his time helping out charitys and fund raisers.
Otherwise he is alwasy out helping where he can. Fighting crime and such. He
has no need for sleep.
Costume: A mask that covers all but his mouth and eyes. Actually I have a pic
that I could email you if that would make things easier. Otherwise I can
describe it more if you need me too
Special Effects: His eyes are pupiless and glow neon yellow.
history: Here is Noble's origin. Its still a bit rough, but I hope you enjoy
reading it. It is however based on the City of Heroes world though so I hope you
don't mind. I can change it a bit for Fantastic Legends if you want me to.
John Riker, a world renowned chemist for helping to create a wonder-drug for the
military. John Riker’s greatest scientific achievment was hijacked from
the armored truck that was transporting it to a nearby military base, by the
nefarious Freakshow gang. When the news reached John Riker, his hopes for a
safer tomorrow were shattered and broken. But even in his hour of despair, some
happiness entered his life also. His wife had given birth to a son but in this
moment of joy, John’s wife died during the deliverance. John named his
son after one of the element of the periodic table that he always liked to hear
spoken, he named his son Argon.
Argon Riker lived a happy childhood. His father always made time to read to,
and play wit h Argon. When Argon learned how to read he loved to read about the
legends of the past. Noble heroes who would fight to protect the innocent at
all costs, and who would not kill anyone, no matter their crimes. But the
biggest factor that would decide his future was his excellence in the fields of
math and science, and much to the dismay of Argon’s father, Argon would
become a chemist. John would often tell his son Argon about the dangers of
mortals attempting to play God; not wanting Argon to make the same mistake as
his father had. But Argon would always reassure his father that he had no
intentions of playing with human chemistry, but he wanted to go into the field
of developing uses for chemicals that had none. Argon’s father
disappeared right before Argon left for college, and he never knew what become
of him.
Many years later, after Argon had finished college and graduate school, he ended
up working with a small research company that was looking to find a use for the
six noble gases: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon. Argon had only
been at the facility for a little over a year when he was promoted to the lead
scientist of the operations. The small team at the facility had only begun to
attempt combining the six noble gases together at high pressures for extended
periods of time. But no matter what variables they changed, the results were
always the same, the atoms of the separate gases refused to merge. The United
States Military got wind of the what was happening at the facility and took
control of it.
They relocated all of its personnel and equipment to a secure research center
where multiple projects were currently taking place. To Argon’s surprise,
his father was waiting for him at the entrance to the facility. The meeting was
one of repressed joy for Argon, but he found it hard to trust his father as he
once had. After being abandoned for so long, he had become familiar with being
a loner. But after Argon learned that his father had been forced into working
for the government again on human enhancement under threat of imprisonment,
Argon could only feel pity for his father. Argon and John Riker easily found
time to sort out their lost years together because their research areas where
side by side.
The government soon reassigned Argon’s team to attempt to create a new
weapon from the six noble gases. Argon protested, by the government threatened
him that this was such a serious matter that they would kill him and his team if
he refused. Under such pressure with other lives at stake, Argon gave in and
began the research. Within half a year Argon’s team had yet to find a way
to cause the noble gases to react with each. But John Riker’s human
enhancement team had completed their development of a new serum that would allow
the human body to permantly take on the properties of anything it touched. The
serum only lasted for a matter of seconds, although the effects of whatever the
individual with serum in their veins came in contact with was permanent. If the
person in question’s skin came in contact with a rod of steel, their
entire body on the cellure level would turn into metal. John Riker sensed that
he was going to create another drug that would give birth to another breed of
evil, and he slowly began to go insane at the thought of it.
One morning when Argon was the only scientist in his lab, he sat looking over
some notes in front of the large compression chamber that housed swirling noble
gases. The compression chamber was imbedded into the wall, which was directly
next the mixing vat of the new enhancement drug. John Riker had awoken early
that morning too, and warily made his way to his lab. Once John Riker made it
to the lab, he mixed some chemicals together and created a powerful explosive.
A wild, glazed look entered John Riker’s eyes as he placed the explosive
next the to vat of serum, then piled the computers, and all other records of the
research around the vat. He then pulled out his lighter, and dropped it into
the volitile mixture.
The explosion destroyed the wall and vaporized the enhancement serum, sending
most of it wafting in Argon’s direction. Argon had been knocked from his
chair but now stood and looked around. A strange orange vapor was floating
about the room. His was breathing it into his lungs, and it felt as though it
was seeping into his skin. His eyes finally focused and he saw that the
compression chamber had been damaged and was rushing to reach critical force. A
small bulge began to grow on the side of the chamber. Argon ran to the control
panel and attempted to lower the panel, but the computer must have been damaged
also because the screen remained frozen. The bulge had increased ten fold, and
then….the chamber exploded. The explosion hurled Argon across the room
and pummeled him into the wall on the far side of the room. When Argon hit the
wall, the world exploded in a flash of white light, then all became dark.
When Argon came around his head was ringing, and he felt…strange. Almost
lighter than air, but denser at the same time. Much, much denser. His muscles
felt as though they had been torn to shreds, and his eyes felt like they were
burning of fire. He also felt as though fire was running through his viens.
When his eyes finally began to come into focus, the world itself had changed.
Everything within eyesight had a defined clarity that his 20/20 eyesight should
have never been able to observe. The desk, the small pebbles at his feet, even
the small dust particles floating in the air, wear crystal clear. Then he
noticed the soldiers pointing the assault rifles at him, with expressions of
shock and fear on their faces. One soldier stepped forward, “Don’t
move! Or we will fire!” Argon was more than happy to oblige since he
felt like he really had no control over his body at the moment anyway. Argon
surveyed the destruction, and his heart burst when he saw the disfigured and
burnt form of his father. Argon immediately began to weep as he realized what
his father had done. His father sacrificed himself his history from repeating
itself. As Argon wept, the general of the facility entered the room, and when
he saw Argon he strode over to the soldiers, “What happened here you evil
son of a bitch! How the hell did you get past our security! Your going to die
for this, here and now unless you give me some answers!”
Argon stopped crying and looked up at the general, although the general’s
face was only a foot higher than his. Argon just looked at the general, and as
he did his face slowly changed from sadness to an expression of extreme hate.
Hate for forcing his father to become part of something that in end he
sacrificed himself for, to prevent it from entering the world. Argon stood up,
and looked down at the general, he then began to reach his hands out for the
general’s neck, but when his hands came into sight his thoughts began to
spin. Since when did he have hands large enough to enclose a human head. The
general and the guards had been watching his every more, but once
Argon’s hands reached for the general they opened fire. The bullets hit
Argon’s skin and made a slight crinkling sound as the armor piecing tips
became flat, and then fell to the ground. Argon was bewildered at the odd
feeling of bullets hitting his skin but not penetrating it. In fact it only
felt like someone was gently poking him. Thinking of his incredible luck he
quickly bolted out of the doorway and began running for stairs to leave the
lower levels.
When he reached the stairs he found the door locked. Argon thought to himself,
{They must be in lock down.} He yelled in frustration and slammed his fists on
the door. The door yielded to his blow and slammed into the stairs, then
bounced and hit the wall, and bounced again before settling on the floor. All
Argon could say way, “Wow!”
He ran up the stairs and continued onward until he reached the top floor. He
then slammed a fist in that doorway as well, and sent it flying down the main
coridoor. He paused and watched as it flew a hundred yards down the corridoor
until it impaled itself in the wall. He shook his head in wonder and disbelief,
then ran for the main entrance. He rounded a corner and saw a whole troop
waiting for him, and as soon as they spotted him they let their bullets do the
talking for them. They weren’t supposed to let him leave alive. A few
bullets found their mark before Argon ducked back around the corner, but no
damage was done. The gunfire stopped as soon as Argon was out of sight. {I
survived the last barrage of gunfire, and I have no other alternative. May as
well wade into it and find out if my luck is still with me.} Argon stepped out
into the hall, and gunfire erupted once again. This time Argon charged through
the hail of bullets and plowed through the troops, scattering them but not
harming anyone as he passed through. He then turned towards the reinforced
steel doors, and began pounding away with his fists. The metal took his beating
during the first few blows, but after six hits it began to yeild, Argon pounded
away around the frame to loosen it, then backed up a few paces, and rammed it
with his shoulder. The reinforced door when sailing out of the doorway and
plowed into a jeep, effectively destroying it.
Argon ran out into the free air, and looked around. Tanks and jeeps were making
their way towards the entrance, but no air support had showed up yet. He stared
at the tanks and slumped his shoulders, he was as good as dead now, bullets
were no problem but he had no idea how much punishment he might be able to take
before he went down. Then something clicked in his mind, “By the Periodic
Table! The human ehancements floating about in the lab in the form of a vapor
caused me to absorb the six noble gases! Thus infusing me with their chemical
properties! Its finally been done, the six noble gases have finally been
combined!” Remembering the different compositions and properties of the
gases, he remembered that Helium was lighter than air. “I wonder..”
He crouched and leaped from the ground just as an explosive shell from a tank
exploded where Argon had been standing. Argon then concentraited on that
strange feeling he felt when he had first woke up in the lab. And he began to
move upwards in the air. He was belated beyond comprehension. Argon then began
to concentrait on going forward. He slowly began to move forward in the air,
bullets were hitting him and zinging by his ears but he continuned nonetheless.
Soon he was traveling at near 100 miles per hour. Argon quickly left the
compound far behind, and flew for only nearby place of safety he could think of,
Paragon City.
When he reached the heaven, he set himself down on a top of a 30 story building
and sat down with his feet dangling over the edge. Argon was thinking about all
of the events that had happened in the past hour, it seemed as though the
pandora’s box of his life had finally opened, leaving him to ponder his
new existence. Then the picture of his dead father entered back into his mind,
and remembering back to his innocent childhood memories of reading about heroes
of bygone eras, he decided then and there what he would do with his new
abilities. “I will fight for what is right, to protect the innocent, to
defeat evil where ever it may rear its ugly head. To prevent villains from
harming the defenseless, and never to kill, no matter the crime. But if I am to
fight evil, I will need an alias for all heroes do.” Argon sat and
pondered this question for only a few seconds, “I will call myself Noble,
for it is from the noble gases that I have gained my powers.” Noble then
stood, and looked out over the city, Paragon City, and with a mighty leap, he
took to the sky and flew off to begin his new future. His future as a hero.
enemy: I've been sitting here trying to think of one, but I haven't used Noble
enough in role plays to really develope and define him let alone give him a
sorry, I don't anything to put here.
Primary Power
Invulnerability: Noble's body is much harder than diamond, but not quite as
hard as Adamantium.
Limit: does not protect him from magic based attacks
Stunt: Due to his powers coming from the six noble gases he has a incredible
resistance to elemental powers (cold, heat, electricity)
Secondary Power
Super Strength:
Limit: Maximum lifting capacity of 30 tons
Stunt: good hand-to-hand fighter, but nowhere among the best
Limit: Max speed is 100 mph
Stunt: Very experienced in air combat
Perfect Vision
Limit: Can only see clearly up to 1 mile away
Stunt: Glowing yellow eyes fueled by the Radon within his body allows him to
see as though the shine is always shining clearly above. During the night time,
even in pitch black circumstances, it is clear as day for Noble
Does not breath, or need Sleep
Limit: none
Stunt: His body ceased normal human function, although he still possess the
organs of a human body. His chest no longer rises like a normal person when
they fill their lungs with air. Noble's lungs act more as energy gatherers now,
they draw the noble gases from atmosphere very slowly to keep his body
replenished and strong. He can for long periods of time without needing to draw
upon the gases to restore himself. (Around a month or so).
items: No items
played_by: Sean Bean (Boromir
player: Games I've played: Well my first Role Playing experiences came from the
City of Heroes forums. My forum name there is Argon for anyone else here who
may also particiapte there.
Otherwise I've played countless PC games, just a few are Earth and Beyond, EQ
(although I didn't really like it), Knights of the Old Republic, the Jedi
Knights Series, Warcraf, Freedom Force
Some Xbox games are; Halo, Blood Omen, Spider Man, and a few others
Where I live: Winchester, Va USA
What my hobbies are: Role Playing on the internet, drawing on occasion, and
playing the piano and saxaphone
What comics I like: Never really go into reading comic books, but I love super
heroes and have watched countless cartoons and movies
Rejected Character Proposals
Ok I think this one gets the thumbs down for a number of reasons.
1) Too powerful. Way, way too powerful. He's virtually invulnerable to everything except magic is 15 times stronger than Proto, 30 times stronger than Supremacy. Plus exceptional senses and night vision along with flight too.
2) Even if we downgrade the powers he ends up as a Supremecy clone (though I don't think that's intentional) There's nothing wrong with a couple of bruisers floating around but I'm not sure the different backstories are enough to separate the characters.
3) No Vulnerabilities. Ok he mentions magic but the only supernatural character we have is Ric's and I hate to say it but Ric hasn't been posting much recently. Possibly the psionics we have around could also give him issues but even so...
4) Did I mention too powerful any NPC capable of physically challenging Noble is going to overwhelm the rest of the characters combined.
5) Lot's of detail on the backstory but not so much about the character, The guy is obviously 'noble' but what else? What's his prefered charity for instance? Does he have any pet hates or quirks? A little more detail on who Argon is beyond Easy going, open, Scientific, Logical. Insufferable Good Guy ;) would be nice
On the other hand I do like elements of the back story and with a little tweaking it could be a good fit with the F.L. universe.
I'd suggest that that the player take a look at the other character proposals and gets an idea of where the upper limit characters (Mel, Supremacy, Proto) are in terms of power. I couldn't say for sure but it looks like F.L. is much more low key than City of Heros. I'm not sure how much of our background is visible to non-players but a look over that may allow him to incorporate elements into his own backstory. For instance was John Riker working on a Mutaxin derivative?
So in the end. I say No though with significant downward revision of the character's powers plus a little more character detail and the obligatory discussion on how to fit the character into what we already have it's a maybe.
Rejected Character Proposals
hmmm, i have the same criticisms as Robin...
I personally see this character as a Superman/Hulk hyrbid, what with the experimentation and magic-vulnerability card (btw, neither Alessandro nor Adriano can use magic)...
I'd say no, unless he sheds more light on the character (heck, even Superman is quite complex these days) and downplays the powers part.
Rejected Character Proposals
I too have to say no, at least not this way. He needs to downplay a bit. He's way too powerful for this game. Sorry.
Rejected Character Proposals
Thanks for your opinions. But since he won't work out here I'll just stick to role playing at the City of Heroes Forums.
Thanks for your time
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(kat@fast.net) on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 at 21:38:45
charname: KIW
race: super human
gender: female
position: HERO
descript: Height:5foot 11
Demeanor:kind, gentle, and sometimes slightly insane
Attitude:happy go lucky, hyper, and has a feroscious temper
Lifestyle:lives with Uncle Bob and is filthy rich off her inheritance
Costume:a lavender blue tight shirt, comfy jeans and a skimask
Special Effects:fires small energy balls and has super strength
history: Before you got your powers:Karen Whyner had a good life; a nice family,
good friends, no enimies until her parents and bro died(dear old bro will turn
out to be the arch nemisis) in a lab explosion that knocked her unconscious for
5 days, when she awoke she had unique abilities
How you got your powers:in a lab explosion knknocked her unconscious for 5 days,
when she awoke she had unique abilities such as the abilite to drain people's
energy and she can manipulate her energy into solid objects or push them down or
throw the energy into balls
After you got your powers: She now lives with her Uncle Bob who is against her
fighting crime and always says this when she opens a secret panel in the
closet:"If your parents were here would you still be doing these things? Would
they accept this?"
enemy: villain Name:King Cobra
Powers:controls king cobras and turnss into shadow
Why is this person your enemy?:he tried to kill the last people that are Karen's
powers: ability:manipulate energy
stunt:drain an enemie's energy
stunt:turn energy into solid objects
stunt:force energy to the ground to fly
items: Own:motorcycle to get to some locations
Always carry:contact case
Built Myself:body energy storage cell
Weapons:uses enemies own energy against them
-- Powers of Item:
player: Games I've played:
Where I live:Delaware
What my hobbies are:reading, writing, playing games(solitare other things like
that), and going on the internet to have fun
What comics I like:not many, let's just leave it at that
Rejected Character Proposals
I just don't think there's enough here to work with. We could use more fleshing out before we can make any kind of decision.
Rejected Character Proposals
charname: dark sted
race: mutant
gender: male
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Attitude:bad temperd
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:born with them
How you got your powers:born with them
After you got your powers:help humanity but was not eccepted
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:venom
Powers:the suit
Why is this person your enemy?:hate me
powers: i can trow fire,speed,and super strenght
items: Suggestions....
Own:a wolf
Always carry:noting
Built Myself:working out
-- Powers of Item:
played_by: val killmer
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:dnd
Where I live:wichita falss
What my hobbies are:drawing
What comics I like:iorn man
Spelling aside, there's not enough detail
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(pink_not_pie@hotmail.co.uk) on Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 15:54:58
charname: flash of pink/ flash
race: super-human
gender: male
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight:140 pounds
Lifestyle:working hard for money
Costume:pink and black
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
feet leave a small pink flame
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:i was a loser
How you got your powers:grew overnight
After you got your powers:i turned into a super-hero trying to protect the world
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:kiss of death
Powers:anything she touches gets poisoned
Why is this person your enemy?:she killed my best friend
powers: He can run at the speed of light, he can generate pink ice, can fly and has telekineesis
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:-
Built Myself:-
ITEM:samurai sword
never bluntens
played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:dynisty warriors, lord of the rings the return or the king...
Where I live:kent
What my hobbies are:playstation 2, computer ...
What comics I like:justice league, simpsons, x-men ...
I still want to know more. and Flash of Pink? Hm....
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(tipler97@hotmail.com) on Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 15:22:05
charname: buzz
race: alien
gender: male
group: MonuMartians
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Height:3ft 2in
Attitude:happy yet dometimes depressed
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:Quiet martian on the planet Neroun
How you got your powers:blast from atomic cannon
After you got your powers:helped out lost humans in space and created The MonuMartians Clan a group of martians dediccated to helping the weaker people.
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Val Hallor
Powers:Super strenth, lightning speed
Why is this person your enemy?:determined to destroy all living things
powers: power:telepathy
stunt:pick up objects and people to throw them
stunt:read minds
stunt:see what will happen next/future
items: Suggestions....
Own:Space Base Omega
Always carry:Staff
Built Myself:Space ship And car
Weapons:Powers, staff, and hands
-- Powers of Item:channels powers
played_by: Alex Schaefer
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:a lot of racing games, and rolle playing games are my faveorite
Where I live:south carolina
What my hobbies are:drawing
What comics I like:batman
He built a Space Ship AND a Car? Oh I dunno....Plus he's only 3' 2" tall...
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Emandy@aol.com) on Monday, February 28, 2005 at 14:40:49
charname: BLACK JACK
race: MUTANT
gender: MALE
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:i was a gangster
How you got your powers:falling into an atomic bomb
After you got your powers:i became a super villian
enemy: Suggestions....
Super hero Name:super sherif
Why is this person your enemy?:he put me in jail
powers: FLIGHT
never die
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:2 PISTOLS
Built Myself:
Weapons:2 PISTOLS
-- Powers of Item:
played_by: Will Smith
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:
Where I live:
What my hobbies are:
What comics I like:
Actually I like the name...
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(pyr0dude702@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at 19:37:17
charname: Seaghto
race: Superhuman
gender: Male
group: Vega City Liberation Group
position: HERO
Height:5 foot 10
history: How you got your powers:was born with them
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Shredder
Powers:evil ones
Why is this person your enemy?:he hates me
powers: Can regenerate life super streanghth super speed teleportation can fly can turn invisible
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:
Built Myself:
-- Powers of Item:
played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:alot
Where I live:wilmington
What my hobbies are:video games football and collecting comix
What comics I like:all
I've played a lot too, but I had to stop it when I got married...Plus I hate you too, can I be your arch villain?
Rejected Character Proposals
I am not sure why we've suddenly had this flood of submissions for this game, but it is both good, and disheartening at the same time. I mean really, can't we do better than this? Is everyone on the web a munchkin? I really was hoping to see at least a single beleiveable character.
*Throws up hands in disgust *
Rejected Character Proposals
:( Disheartening it certainly is, I did feel a twinge of hope for the last in that they must have read SOMETHING from the gameboard to find the Vega City Liberation Group but obviously the gist of that concept was completely by-passed.
Rejected Character Proposals
You'd think out of five different submissions, at least ONE of them would be half-way decent. I'm beginning to wonder if there's anyone out there who can actually string together a complete sentence. :?
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(ooowee_06@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 22:11:10
charname: Sphinx
race: dark angel
gender: male
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210
Attitude: mad
Lifestyle: calm
Costume: black leather
Special Effects: has black wings
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: dead in the underworld
How you got your powers: defeated the overlords
After you got your powers: promised to take over hell
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name: micheal
Powers: power of god
Why is this person your enemy?: desires to kill my cause
powers: Suggestions....
Flame thrower
Stunt: catches the insides of enemys on fire
items: Suggestions....
Own: a badass car
Always carry: a gun
Built Myself: my car
Weapons: gun
ITEM: long sword
-- Powers of Item: flames
played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played: suikoden 1,2,3
Where I live: ohio
What my hobbies are: playing music
What comics I like: batman, the flash
Rejected Character Proposals
I wish *I* had a badass car :(
Rejected Character Proposals
I wonder what these people do when they're not submitting crappy proposals?
I mean, it must take all of 5mins. What do they do with the rest of their lives? Submit more crappy proposals?
Rejected Character Proposals
After we've got the relaunch going...at least a good breakdown of what we've got planned, then I will try advertising on some forums or the like...okay?
We can get good players. They're out there, I'm sure.
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(slp__boy@hotmail.com) on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 07:47:57
charname: Votage and A/C
race: Mutant
gender: Female
group: Natic 5
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
The rest was blank... Talk about literally half an idea.
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(jovinsaily@netzero.com) on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 16:52:20
charname: Spark
race: mutant
gender: female
group: the crushers
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Costume:yellow with black stripes
Special Effects:(glows when uses powers.)
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: wasn't born
How you got your powers: mother was exposed to radiation when pregnant.
After you got your powers: parents told her to use her powers for good and not to tell anyone for fear of her being taken away.
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name: Drago
Powers: fire and flight
Why is this person your enemy?: jealous of Sparks lifestyle and was abandoned after the discover of his powers.
powers: Suggestions....
Electrical Generation: Can generate current from the palms of his hands roughly equal to a lightning bolt.
Limit: can throw an arc of electricity.
Stunt: Can Stun opponents using lower voltage.
Stunt: Can Kill by stopping the heart of opponants.
Stunt: Can ignite flamable materials.
Stunt: resistant to high-voltage
items: Suggestions....
Own: electro whip
Always carry: yes
Built Myself: yes
Weapons:electro whip
ITEM: z charger
-- Powers of Item: can stun a buffalo
played_by: Mischa Barton
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played: JakII, Ratchet and Clank series
Where I live: New York
What my hobbies are: draw
What comics I like: Flash and X-Men
I love this: "Can stun a Buffalo" - now there's a power you never know when 'll come in handy :D
Rejected Character Proposals
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(jdanheim@hotmail.com) on Monday, May 9, 2005 at 18:01:17
charname: chainz
race: human
gender: male
group: none
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Height: 6ft 9
Weight:300 lbs
Attitude:anti social, perfers rundown bars to crowded ones
Lifestyle:rough, lives out of a bag and travels on motorcycle
Costume:blue jeans with leather chaps, black leather vest
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)none
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:speacial forces soldier
How you got your powers:dont know
After you got your powers:released from the military, kind of wandered around
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:
Why is this person your enemy?:
powers: super human strength
ability to teleport short distances
incredible burts of speed
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:flapjack,sawed off shotgun
Built Myself:
Weapons:sawed off shotgun
-- Powers of Item:
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:none
Where I live:germany
What my hobbies are:none
What comics I like:superman
He always carries a "flapjack"? I hope he means a blackjack...cause carrying a pancake would just be weird. Actually this character, sparse as it is, makes me think of Lobo (The Man! Frak it!).