\ Mutaxin / Metaflax / Humanitech | unlimitedi.net
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Mutaxin: A drug known to produce meta-like abilities in those with latent abilities.
In some cases it triggers a latent state that awaits activation trigger (i.e. radiation exposure). Mutaxin is illegal world-wide but can be purchased from underworld elements or through super-villain henchmaen organizations. The US Military has been known to use Mutaxin on volunteers in a bid to develop super-soldiers.

Mutaxin is not safe, nor is it predicatble. 10% of all doses are fatal. 1% of all doses trigger a mutation. 1% of all mutations are considered meta. 75% of all the remaining mutations are considered crippling. In the rare cases of triggering a "receptive latency" (about 5% of those the drug appears to have no effect on) the triggering effect cannot be predicted. What may work for one individual would prove fatal to another.

The drug, developed by Czech chemist Stanislav Grof in the 50's, was originally intended to help us understand the factors that make meta-humans different. His research, however, was proscribed by the UN in 1956 and has been more or less underground ever since.

Metaflex: The Meta-suppression Drug
Developed by the same genious chemist, Stanislav Grof, that created Mutaxin, Metaflex is a meta-suppression drug. After being chastized by the UN and the world in 1956 the chemist begain to follow the research of legendary chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann (the father of LSD).

Noting the effect that LSD had on the human nervous system and its long term genetic effect he developed Metaflax to counter the effect of meta-abilities. There are some side effects however.

Metaflax does not remove the potential for using meta abilities, it just scrambles the signals provided by the brain to trigger the effects. This results in a brain/body backlash (similar to a epileptic fit) that is both unpleasant and sometimes painful.

Metaflax is at its heart hallucinogenic and can sometimes cause delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, depression, vertigo, listlessness, and in extemes catatonia. It is considered a temporary treatment until more permanant gene therapies can be applied.

Humanitech: The genetic "reversion" company
Humanitech is currently a research only company that is developing a "genetic reversion" technique. If successful they may be able to revert someone to a pre-meta state provided they have pre-meta genetic material to compare to.

This technique is only effective on environmental metas and not on naturally occurring (triggered by puberty) meta-mutations. However they hold out hope of developing a suppressive treatment that would keep identified mutants in a non-triggered state should they be found.

Humanitech is the only company authorized to manufacture Metaflex in the US.

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