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Sen Dan Layman and the Metahuman Corps

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Sen. Dan Layman (D) Ohio - Dan layman is the name most people associate with the Metahuman Suppression Act. A measure that would require that all humans to recieve a "vaccine" that will surpress genetic mutation and biological rearrangement. This vaccine could be deactivated provided that the person doing so 'registered" and was screened medically for its chances of becoming a metahuman. Or if they enrolled (voluntarilly) in a meatahuman corps. a brance of the US Military.
His arguments that this violates no civil liberties becasue it does not prevent metahumans only 'surpresses them' until such as time as they voluntarily come forth. This measure is no more invasive than a handgun registration or waiting period.
He has opponents however and the bill has recieved mixed reception having missed voting twice for revisions. There are also questions about the safety of the "vaccine" as well. It is expected that the bill may die quietly this time around if there is not enough support. Played by Tim Kazurinsky (he's the one with the glasses)

Metahuman Corps

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