Submitted by Meredith Bell on Wed, 07/09/2003 - 16:18
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Hey I found this really cool online quiz, find out what Marvel Superhero you are!
It's a really cool quiz and has loads of questions so we're likely to get some really diverse answers, here's what I got -
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Fantastic Quizzes
I like how even the name seems to fit me. Especially when I finally get my PhD. :)
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Yup, I'm just like beast. Not only am I as smart as him, but I'm also covered in blue, animal like fur :lol:
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
HA HA HA! only i think you need to change that skirt to pants :wink:
[edit] for those of you who are wondering why there's so many bloody edits at the bottom of my thing, it's because i suck with html something major and it took me that many goes before i got my image right
Fantastic Quizzes
hehe, i wonder why?!?!?!?! must be the brooding factor :P ...where's the bat?! where's the bat?!
Fantastic Quizzes
I find it really cool that everyone got a different hero personality! :D Anyway, I found another quiz which I thought would apply to most people here... the, 'How Evil Are YOU?' quiz -
Hehehe, this is what I got - no surprises here then, :twisted:
Fantastic Quizzes
I think the wine has something to do with the result thuogh and is skewering the results. :)
Fantastic Quizzes
Doh! Just found this page. :oops:
And Lou, yet another different superhero. I'm pretty chuffed with the one I got, actually. :)
Fantastic Quizzes
My sober answer..... :oops:
Fantastic Quizzes
hehe, i found this one...fits the topic of the moment :P
Fantastic Quizzes
on second thought...this was wayyyyy too easy :P
here's who i got...
...on the first try
Fantastic Quizzes
*sniff* I wanted the Riddler
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Cool I love a villain that has their own theme tune :lol:
Fantastic Quizzes
I also got the Joker... which is odd because i answered as a different villain for each question :!:
Oh well... lucky heather got Harley Quinn :cry:
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
I created a "Which LABN Character are you quiz" for LABN.
Anyone interested in a "Which Fantastic Legends Character are you?" quiz? I'd be Glad to pull it together...
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Funnily enough Dave, I was think the exact same idea earlier today. Spooky or what? :?
Fantastic Quizzes
Which leads us to ask what the questions are, and if we only include heros or all the PCs? To include all the major NPCs would be a bit too much.
Maybe make two quizzes?
Fantastic Quizzes
i think one word could pretty much sum up my opinion on a FL quiz:
SQWEEE! :mrgreen:
Fantastic Quizzes
The more I think about it, the more I think we could easily do two FL quizzes. One for which PC you are, another for... well, which 'big bad' (or potential big bad) you are.
PC: (N.B. Only includes people we have seen game posts from)
-Divine Angel
-Athela Buchanan
Villain Quiz:
-Ethan Kale
-Daedalus/Humans First?
-Sebastian Drake
-The Illuminati
Miss anyone?
Fantastic Quizzes
Well you didn't put Gabriel down for the heroes...
and maybe Sebastion Drake as a villain?
Fantastic Quizzes
Well i finally got around to doing the "how evil are you?" quiz and i got...
Actually that does describe me. Of course i'm shocked and dismayed to get anything with barney the purple dinosaur on it... to make up for this, i'll have to do something really evil. Maybe drowning puppies...
Fantastic Quizzes
The famed triple post! Can I pull it off?
Okay I found another quiz, although this one is much shorter.
It's the, what kind of smile are you quiz!!! I got:
You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never cahnge your life.
Fantastic Quizzes
You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly everything and is constantly wondering about what could have been.You're not happy with your situation and usually blame yourself because of the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.
and here, i never pegged myself as that type...go figure
Fantastic Quizzes
You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
Fantastic Quizzes
More fun..... Which X-Men charecter are you most like?
You are Rogue! You are sexy and strong willed, and able to take on just about anyone. You long for a serious relationship, but whenever you begin to get close to someone things always seem to take turns for the worse. But you have dealt with this lack of closeness with an almost constant flirtacious behavior.
Fantastic Quizzes
You are Jubilee! Though you may be young and inexperienced, you have great potential and will someday become an admirable figure. For that to happen, though, you must overcome your juvenile belief system and adopt a more mature view on life.
And i wanted Cyclops :(
Fantastic Quizzes
You are Storm!
You are very strong and very protective of those
you love. You are in tune with nature and are
very concerned with justice and humanity.
Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears
are very hard for you to overcome, and can
often inhibit you when most need to be strong.
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
You are Professor X!
You are a very effective teacher, and you are very
committed to those who learn from you. You put
your all into everything you do, to some extent
because you fear failure more than anything
else. You are always seeking self-improvement,
even in areas where there is nothing you can do to improve.
Fantastic Quizzes
You are Gambit!
You are a fierce fighter and a good friend to have. Your preference for solitude and your attractiveness make you very intriguing to those you meet. Unfortunately, close relationships are few and far between for you because you often have trouble opening up to others.
not too shabby if i do say so myself...i know im not anything like logan, so my second fave mutie is solid :P btw, damn, so true on the relationships part!?!?!?!
Fantastic Quizzes
You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
Fantastic Quizzes
You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
Fantastic Quizzes
You are Professor X! You are a very effective teacher, and you are very committed to those who learn from you. You put your all into everything you do, to some extent because you fear failure more than anything else. You are always seeking self-improvement, even in areas where there is nothing you can do to improve.
*sigh* We've done it again, my love. Freaky, no?
Fantastic Quizzes
Since I was so completely bored last night, I decided to create a quiz or my own :D
So, since I love Disney so much, it's based on that. There are three quzziz, but i've only made 1 so far. "What Disney Gal are you?". This is mainly for the girls here, but any guy can take it also. I'm going to make one specifically for the guys next, but any guys (adam, ric, shaun etc.) can take this one in the meantime. PLEASE EXCUSE ANY SPELLING MISTAKES OR REALLY LARGE PICTURES!!!
so this is what I got...
You're Belle!!!
You are the adventurous one. You don't like the
life you lead and dream of something more. Your
very intelligent, but others don't treat you
that way. They may only care about your looks.
You strive to be treated as an equal, but get
treated as an object. You don't make friends
Here's the link:
Fantastic Quizzes
You're Megala!!! Poor you. All the others seem to have the good luck, while you always get the shaft. You make bad choices, and hasty decisions. But be forwarned! Somtimes you need to think things over, so don't jump into anything. You think with your brain, because your heart cannot be trusted.
I've never heard of her, but Mike tells me she's from Hercules.
Fantastic Quizzes
You care very strongly about social status. You feel the need to be perfect, and impress everybody. You beleive greatly in honor. You will do whatever neccessary to achieve any goal you want, even if that means heavy sacrifices. You can make friends, but you can also be a loner.
Fantastic Quizzes
You're Snow-White!!! Kind and innocent, you let others take advantage of you. You are naive to any evil going on around you. You make friends easily, and aren't very particular about them. You wouldn't know if they were trying to take advantage of you.
Fantastic Quizzes
Ok well Mike convinced me to make a quiz so here it is:
Which Rosemere Guy are you !! (find out which of my friends you are closest too. Hey if you are lucky, you might get me lol... its stupid, butwhatever)
Fantastic Quizzes
Fantastic Quizzes
Ok I'm
Never heard of him, sorry.
the joker
Meh, kind of fitting. I DO have a good sense of humour :P Not that everybody else thinks so...
And finally:
You are Professor X!
You are a very effective teacher, and you are very
committed to those who learn from you. You put
your all into everything you do, to some extent
because you fear failure more than anything
else. You are always seeking self-improvement,
even in areas where there is nothing you can do
to improve.
8O Wtf? :?
Fantastic Quizzes
You are PATRICK - Although everyone thinks you are
really quiet, you are actually a big old bag of
funny comments and observations. If your not
playing RPGs on playstation, you're no doubt
making some funny web site
Awsome!... uh... i guess...
Fantastic Quizzes
lol missed that one...
You are STEVE -The loudest of the loud. Your crazy
antics entertain the masses. You dont care if
people laugh with your, or at you, aslong as
they are laughing. Underneath your crazy
exterior, however, your actually pretty brainy
Actually, that is pretty much me lol.
Oh and Shaun, the spelling mistakes are aweful in that! :p :D
Fantastic Quizzes
You are SHAUN - the talkative one. If you are not hanging with someone, you're on the phone or on MSN (or all at once). Sometimes your sociable nature can get you into trouble when you're supposed to be doing some actual work.
Ha ha! I got Shaun. :)
Fantastic Quizzes
Seems we still keep doing it.
You are SANDY- The sporty one. Your chill...plain and simple. You never stress, and are always in
a good mood. Sometimes however, you are pretty
indecisive, but thats ok, you like going with the flow.