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I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Evalyn Toussaint's picture
Posted in

i had this novel idea, rather than expressing my thank you to heather over my upcoming promotion in the Musical Ep topic thingy, i might do so here instead :mrgreen:

Just to clarify: yes, i'm being promoted to Supervisor, hurrah! i WILL get blamed for other peoples cock-ups now, but the upside is a have a valid excuse for making OTHERS mop out the bar floor instead of me cos i have to watch everything else 8) not just for the novelty of it (as great as that is) but i like to cover my own arse, thank you, and not trust someone else to do it for me, cos they ain't the ones that'll get phoned up at 8am in the morning if anythings STUPID LIKE 8O

okay *grin* had my little rant now

but yeah, i was quite nervous this afternoon before i restarted work again (strange feeling, cos it's been a while since i've actually LET myself get nervous. there's just no point to it!) but yeah, they thought it fun to chuck me in the deep end tonight for practise 8O but i did fine :mrgreen: i think.... Hehe, it wasn't so bad tho, and i did have Kristen (an ACTUAL supervisor) there to train and help nudge me in the right direction. I guess it's really just my personal NEED to do well in this that got me so nervous. I'm just going to say that's a GOOD thing *nods* assure myself, hehe.

Yay! I have to know what's going on in every single nook and cranny..... AT ONCE! hehe, SQWEEEEEEEE!!!

I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Sid's picture

Just to repeat myself, Amanda's alive!

I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Kaarin's picture

In the mean time, I have some slightly happy news as well (better than the bout of Bronchitus that's had me out of action). As a number of you know, I've been looking for work. To date, all I've gotten calls back for were Secretary and Office Clerk.

Well... until this morning... when I got an interview for an Executive Administrative Assisstant in the Office of Student Financial Aide. Which is, needless to say, quite good as I would have qualified for this by Personell's standards on the basis of education, working as essentially a glorified secretary part-time for five years.

Interview is in one week at 11am.

The fun thing? If I get this, I think I'll be making more than mom. Which is kind of sad in a way.

I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Heather's picture

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, Adam. :)

I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Sid's picture

And I'm keeping my other appendages crossed too, for extra luck.

I'm renspansi... respomsi... damn good :)

Kaarin's picture

Well, the interview-by-committee is done. Hopefully they'll give me a good recomendation. After that, if all goes well, I have another interview. This time with the person I'll get to do another interview. This time with the Director of Student Financial Aide, who I would actually be working for.

Then, maybe, if I'm lucky, I would be hired. :)

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