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Soulless Zombie's picture
Posted in

its meg, from maggie and janey and im having trouble
im on my school computer, and i cant log in. mainly cos i cant remember my password. i cant get on to hotmail cos that page is filtered so i cant ask people to send my password to me, so argh and grrr!!!!!
dave u were online last time i looked, do u know what my password is, if so please send it to: ADDRESS DELETED

thankyou, also if possible please lock this or delete it so no-one gets my school addy



Heather's picture

Sorry Meg, your login password is purely your own creation - there's no way for us to access it at all. If you can't remember it I'm afraid you'll just have to wait until you get home to login to LABN. :( Bummer.

I'll remove your school address now from your message.


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