\ Weird website | unlimitedi.net
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Disposable_Hero's picture
Posted in

Okay, I just found this website and it is tres weird. Apparently it's a film? From what I've found out it sounds pretty cool. Anyway, I reckon you should check it out. I can get as far as level two and then I don't have a clue what to do!


Of course, if you have seen this already any help would be ace!

Weird website

Firefly's picture

Uh, yeah, Jean, apparently this "Donnie Darko" is a movie or something. Imagine that! :P

Weird website

Merlona's picture

*Slaps forehead* DUH, PEOPLE!!!!

Weird website

Disposable_Hero's picture

Ok, I have now seen this film and it is very, very weird but also very cool. Just head on over to movie recommendations now...hehehe


Disposable_Hero's picture

Hahahaha check this website out: http://www.rinkworks.com/movieaminute/

When you're done on that, go to book-a-minute (follow the links at the bottom, then the left)

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