Submitted by Kaarin on Fri, 07/18/2003 - 20:24
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I found this on another board a while ago when we were discussing presidential candidates and saved the file. Just two days ago, after seeing Attack of the Clones, I remembered this, and relocated the file. Just thought that it would be fun to share with everybody. :)
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Fun at the expense of an American politician
Eerie resemblance, Do you think Lucas inspired on him?
(just talking about the physical resemblance here, dont have the least idea about anything else :roll: )
Fun at the expense of an American politician
So.....American senators are Sith...
Suddenly, things are coming together and everything is making sense. :p
Fun at the expense of an American politician
lol! i knew it :twisted:
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Yes, well, I found a better comparison shot.
Note that they are even more similar in the same pose. :)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
LOL! More proof!
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Fun at the expense of an American politician
That is too funny....LOL.... :lol:
Fun at the expense of an American politician
tsk tsk...arnie will pahmp ahp caleeforneea
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Jaa... I meen now in ah cuhntree thaat sells macheeen guns oover zer coouunter, I can teeaach zer liddle kiddies how to shoot everyyone unt blow sturf up. Ay alvayz saaiid ze vorld neeeded suhm more violence behbee! *flexes muscles* Vote Schwarzenegger! Prove the stuuupidity of politics. And remember, if I caan aact zat good on zer bg schreen,vhy not tryy mine hant at governing a verry poowerfool state?
*sniggers at the fact that this CAN actually happen. Thankfully, only in America.*
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Now this is, apparently, something Arnie said in his election campaign. A reporter was asking him what his view on homosexuals was:
"I tink dat a omozezual relationship shud be between a man and a woman."
it made me laugh...
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Oh Arnie, whenever will you learn.... :D
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Another image I found. What is it with Star Wars and politics? :)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
I saw this about 6 months ago when someone posted it at work.
Fun at the expense of an American politician
I apologise to dial-up users, but....
Rumsfeld Fighting Technique!
Fun at the expense of an American politician
In other news, Darth Rumsfeld slaughtered the White House Press Corps when they questioned whether Tony Blair would approve plans to attack Iraq.
"He will join us or die," remarked the Sith Lord, adding, "We got Death Star."
(See the blog entry in all its glory here)
I will ask again - what is it with political humour and Star Wars? *raises eyebrow*
Fun at the expense of an American politician
I don't know but I think Tony Blair is more of an Ewok than Luke Skywalker - and makes about as much sense ;)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Though I think I prefer Blair's plans for the EU more than an Ewok's...;)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
the Eu can go fuck its self
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Oh I don't know Matt it could be pretty cool, just think we could all go live in trees and play the drums and fly around on those little paragliders. Sounds more fun than regulating the bendiness of a banana - but that's just me ;)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
New from the politics board's Friendly Fascist Oversight Adam and Nazi Mod Mhallex.... it's the Election 2004 Drinking Game!
One drink when Kerry says "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!"
One drink every time John Kerry mentions Vietnam.
One drink each time Jon Kerry salutes.
Two drinks on “I won three purple hearts.”
Chug on a blatant waffle.
Each time John Edwards mentions the number of Americas, take one drink for each America.
Take a drink anytime John Edwards’ father’s occupation is referenced.
Every time Bush mentions terrorism, take a drink.
If God is mentioned, take a drink.
If the phrase “weapon(s) of mass destruction” is used” take a drink.
If the phrase “Axis of Evil” is used, or any of its member states are named, take a drink.
If the words “freedom” and “Iraqi people” appear in the same sentence, take a drink.
Take a drink if the phrase “we wont back down” is used.
Finish the glass if Dick Cheney actually appears in public.
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Haha, oh, but you forget the best part of the game...
Take a shot everytime Cheney has a heart attack :wink:
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Okay, when's the election?
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Of course they have to locate the heart first, Meg ;)
Fun at the expense of an American politician
Source: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6125258/site/newsweek/
Fun at the expense of an American politician
How is that even possible? Surely that's saying the general public are pretty unintelligent if they haven't already figured this out. :twisted:
Fun at the expense of an American politician
I'm still a bush supporter...but this was pretty funny dispite the horrible events that took place to make it happen (and I am NOT talking about the OHIO votes!)