Well kinda...
LABN has an "adult" forum, moderated by Ally. We have limited it to adults oinly because it seals with adult topics like sexuality and gore.
We try to keep LNG to a PG-13 rating but sometimes out creativity strays into darker territory. Thats where the Adult Forum comes to the rescue.
If you want in just send a PM or and Email to Ally and she will gladly allow you into it.
There are also a number of "Admin Only" forums. Mostly for news (which you get in your email as an Admin Corner) which appears on the front page of LABN and LNG. The NPC forum is readable by anyone but only postable by Louisa, Heather and Dave.
Same goes for Archives...Readable by all, but postable by few. That clear things up some?
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Is there a "secret" forum
A caveat to the Adult Forum:
You must be 18 and be able to prove it. I'll be asking you crafty trivia questions about Hall and Oates for proof. I don't relish the idea of being thought a smut-monger to children.