Submitted by Heather on Sat, 11/30/2002 - 19:58
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Well, for all that I said I probably wouldn't write anything here, inspiration did strike, and became something that may continue if I can manage to write any more of this. Hell, if anyone else has a burning desire to write more on the adventures of Sylvia, feel free.
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Sylvia's Introduction
Jason Stranaghan rolled his eyes at Nicholas Brody. “You’ve got to be kidding. Where did you dig her up?”
The object of Jason’s derision was in the front room, looking nervous. Her hair was pulled back severely from her face, she wore a shapeless ankle length skirt and a cardigan that looked like it had belonged to her grandmother. Jason stepped back from the one-way mirror and shook his head. “You must be able to do better than that!”
Nicholas tapped his teeth with his fingernails, “No, I think this girl has potential. You’ve said it yourself – we haven’t found anyone who exudes the right air of innocence.”
Jason snorted, “But there’s innocence and innocence. That kid out there will run like a frightened rabbit.”
Nicholas shrugged, “We’ll see.”
He pulled open the door and entered the room. The girl had been staring at the posters on the walls of the front office, her mouth agape. She jumped when she heard Nicholas’ step and backed up a couple of paces. “Uh, uh, hi,” she stammered. “I came, like you said…”
Nicholas held out his hand. She gingerly met his fingers with her own and instead of shaking her hand, as she’d expected, he swept the back of her hand to his lips and laid a smooth kiss on her knuckles. “Charmed to meet you again, Sylvia. I’m so pleased you decided to take me up on my offer.”
Sylvia gulped, “Well, I thought there was no harm in looking, anyway…” Her eyes darted nervously back to one of the posters. It portrayed a voluptuous young woman in a long but low-cut evening dress, her body bent backwards over the arm of a man with a pale face and haunted eyes. He seemed to be in the process of kissing her naked throat. The thing that mostly caught her attention was the look of rapture on the woman’s face.
Nicholas smiled, “Ah, yes,” he said, walking over to the poster and caressing it as one would a lover, “One of my favourite works. She was such a divine actress… such a tragedy. She was the brightest jewel in my crown. None have been able to take her place.”
He turned back to Sylvia, his face open and friendly. “But in you, my dear, I see that same spark. It will take hard work, but I think you could become as great a star as Zoë.”
Sylvia’s mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. She shook her head, “Oh, no, no. I could never be that glamorous…”
Nicholas cut her off, putting his fingertips to her mouth to hush her. “Nonsense, my dear. Come with me – we can get you into costume and do a screen test. You’ll see.”
The room that he swept her into was breathtaking. Rich brocades adorned the walls and Sylvia found her feet sinking into the deep, plush, snow-white carpet. Two chaise-lounges occupied one wall, but what dominated the room was the bed. Not only was it large but it was topped by several plump pillows, alternating black and crimson satin. Likewise, the sheets looked to be black satin. The effect against the white carpet was striking.
Nicholas smiled, “This will be the set we use for your screen test. Now, head through that door over there, and Elizabeth will help you with your costume.”
Sylvia let herself be bustled through the far door, where a rotund woman eyed her critically. “Hmm, I think I see what Nicky meant.” She lifted Sylvia’s chin with one hand and tilted the girl’s head first one way, then the other. “Yes, classic lines.” Elizabeth stood back and eyed Sylvia’s bulky clothing up and down. “Can’t tell what sort of figure you have under there, though.”
She turned to a table she had with several outfits already laid out upon it. Her hand hovered over one for a minute, then descended on its neighbour. Elizabeth held the skimpy dress up in front of Sylvia, who recoiled at the sight of the gauzy material.
“Hmm, this should fit fine,” Elizabeth murmured. “Come, girl,” she said more sharply, “if you want to be a movie actress, you’ll need to get into costume. No room for modesty. Then I’ll see what I can do for that face of yours.”
Some twenty minutes later the door to the ‘set’ reopened and Sylvia slunk in, her arms crossed protectively in front of her. Elizabeth had freed Sylvia’s long chestnut hair and it fell in graceful waves around her face. The makeup was subtle and accented her high cheekbones and clear complexion. Her long, shapely legs were bare and Sylvia self-consciously tugged at the hem of her garment in an effort to cover more of her thigh.
Nicholas was leaning against a wall, chatting amiably with a tall man. He straightened when he saw Sylvia and beckoned. “See? You look divine, my dear. Let me introduce you to our leading man, Adrian. Adrian, this is the lovely creature I was telling you about – Sylvia Delaney.”
Sylvia had her first good look at the man as Adrian swept up one of Sylvia’s hands to kiss her knuckles and murmured, “Charmed, I’m sure.”
Her breath caught in her throat. He was pale, his touch cool. And his eyes… She found herself staring into their infinite depths. They were a curious shade of grey with green flecks through them. And Sylvia found herself revising her label of ‘haunted’ that she’d chosen from his poster. They were windows into the very universe itself.
A quiet cough from Nicholas brought her back to the here and now and she realised she’d been still for some time, staring. She snatched her hand back and stammered, “Uh, I… Pleased to meet you.”
Stepping back a pace, Sylvia couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over Adrian’s form. He was, near as she could tell, perfect. His wiry, athletic body was clothed in tight-fitting black pants and a crimson silk shirt that set off his pale skin, the whole ensemble topped by the most exquisite face she’d ever seen on a man. The mere sight of him sent a shiver down her spine.
Caught staring again she cast her glance to the floor and mumbled, “Uh, the uh, poster out there… Uh, didn’t do you justice.”
A soft chuckle greeted her declaration. Adrian’s cool hand gently lifted her chin, forcing her gaze up. A lock of dark hair tumbled over his shoulder as he leant forward and Sylvia watched it, fascinated by its silky gleam. “And Nicky’s description of you, my sweet Sylvia, barely prepared me for the breathtaking vision you present.”
His soft, tenor laugh filled the room, “And you blush so prettily too.” He released her chin and moved with feline grace to one of the lounges.
Nicholas resumed tapping his teeth, surveying Sylvia. “My dear, you mustn’t hide yourself there,” he said, gesturing to her closed posture. “Jason there needs to get a good shot of you, after all.”
Sylvia noticed for the first time that a single camera had been set up on a small strip of bare floor at one end of the room. She looked flustered, “Uh, so where… uh, where’s the script?”
“No script, this is just a screen test. Adrian will set the scene. We just want you to react naturally. See if you have a presence on camera. Now, let us see if your costume is suitable.” Nicholas gestured again, a trifle more impatiently.
Sylvia self-consciously dropped her arms and stood awkwardly, biting her lip. She jumped slightly as the camera moved towards her.
Behind the camera, Jason had to admit that Nicholas may well have been right. This girl was amazing. Her long chestnut hair was glorious and the filmy cream-coloured material clung to her body, revealing its shape. Her tapered legs led to a small waist and generous breasts. The dark triangle of her pubic hair showed faintly through the translucent fabric - there was no provision for underwear with this costume. Jason smiled. Adrian had had his usual effect. The girl’s nipples were standing out prominently through the thin material of her dress.
Jason nodded, and Nicholas ushered Sylvia to where Adrian had arranged himself comfortably on the lounge. “Now, my dear,” Nicholas instructed, “I just want you to act naturally. This is just to see how you look on camera. Just follow Adrian’s lead.”
Sylvia nodded timidly and let herself be propelled to the lounge, where she sat awkwardly perched on the edge, her hands clasped on her knees. Adrian smiled and leaned forward. “Please, lean back a little, try to relax. Forget the camera; just pretend you’re at home.”
His voice was soft, smooth and sent fresh shivers down Sylvia’s spine. She tried to quell her anxiety. She’d been trying for so long to get an acting job, any job, and she’d been thrilled when Nicholas had approached her last week and told her she had just the look he wanted. So she did her best to relax, and shifted back into the seat a little, leaning back. The hem of her dress rode up slightly as she did so and one hand tried to tug it a little lower again, to no avail.
“That’s better,” murmured Adrian in her right ear. He was close, but not touching her. The hairs on her arm rose, feeling the electricity of his proximity. She licked her lips nervously and turned her head to face him. As before, his gaze held her attention. She felt herself being drawn into those eyes. A tingling started in her belly and made its way to her groin. Her left arm moved to cover herself from the camera, but she stopped herself and made it simply rest in her lap.
Adrian picked it up and began to gently stroke the back of her hand. His gentle touch sent tremors of anticipation through her. She’d never felt like this before. It was as though he had tapped into something primal within her soul.
“Uh, what should I, um, be doing?”
“Do just as Nicky said. Be natural. Relax. Follow my lead.”
His hand travelled slowly up her bare arm, raising goosebumps. It reached her shoulder and caressed her face. Sylvia’s lips parted and she breathed a sigh. She trembled as his fingertips lightly grazed her lips, then he stroked her throat and moved down. As his hand drew close to her breast, Sylvia stiffened and put a hand up to stop his. “Uh, should you, I mean, I shouldn’t let you…”
“Sshh, it’s all right. It’s only for acting. You’ve seen actors in movies. They do this all the time. Just relax.”
Her gaze was still trapped by his, and his hypnotic voice lulled her indignation. She let her hand drop back in her lap as Adrian continued his downward stroke, brushing her erect nipple through the dress. The sensation caused Sylvia to gasp at the thrill of pleasure that shot to her groin at his touch. She knew this was what ‘loose’ girls did. She’d heard them talk. But she hadn’t realised it felt so good.
Adrian’s hand cupped her breast, gently squeezing. Behind the camera Jason smiled at Nicholas. This girl was perfect. Just the right air of innocence and uncertainty. Just perfect. But Sylvia had already forgotten the camera as she became lost in the sensations Adrian was eliciting. She still couldn’t relax fully. It was all too new and disturbing. But it felt so good, too.
The exploring hand continued its journey, caressing her waist and running over her hip to her bare thigh. It rotated a little to her inner thigh and moved back up, collecting the hem of the dress as it went. His fingertips brushed past her dark mound, eliciting another sharp gasp from Sylvia, but when she realised he’d lifted her skirt past her hips she firmly grasped the gossamer fabric and eased it back down.
Adrian smiled and resumed his explorations, running his hand back up her waist and teasing her far nipple with slow circular motions. He slipped the thin strap from her shoulder, letting the dress fall slightly, half exposing her left breast. Sylvia’s breathing had quickened and she found her gaze increasingly drawn to the triangle of pale flesh that showed at the top of Adrian’s crimson shirt.
She let her right hand stretch out just the merest fraction to touch that smooth silky material. It rustled beneath her fingertips and Adrian, without seeming to move, was suddenly that little bit closer and her hand was pressed against his chest. She could feel the small nub of his own nipple protruding through his shirt and as he lifted her breast fully out of her dress and began kneading it, she allowed herself to rub her forefinger over his nipple. Her gaze finally fell from his and she looked down, watching his skin contract beneath his shirt. A twitching drew her attention and she let her eyes fall further, astonished to see a swelling bulge growing in Adrian’s pants. It both horrified and fascinated her.
Then Adrian moved, leaning across her with tongue extended, to suck her exposed nipple into his mouth. Her skin prickled at the cold sensation, and when he began swirling his tongue around her aureole her belly muscles clenched involuntarily. She felt a wetness forming between her legs and her upper body arched as instinct overrode upbringing and all she wanted was for him to suck harder on her breast.
Then his hand once more made its way past her hem and stroked along her thigh. A trembling began in her legs as he moved ever closer to the source of that dampness. “No, no, I shouldn’t,” she gasped, even as her body demanded that she should. This time when Adrian lifted her dress to her waist she didn’t protest. His hand brushed over her mound and tickled the soft lips beneath. The jolt of pure pleasure was almost overwhelming for Sylvia. She arched, throwing her head back, and let out a small moan. Her hand was inside his shirt, stroking his nipples, while her other entwined in his thick, lustrous hair.
Adrian continued to suckle at her breast while his fingers began to separate her delicate folds, his middle finger stroking slowly along the channel until it reached her sensitive core. Sylvia couldn’t believe what she was feeling. It was as though stars were exploding inside her head. Her body felt on fire. Delicious, consuming fire.
His stroking grew faster, firmer, and his tongue on her breast licked and sucked with abandon. The trembling in her legs grew in intensity until her whole body was quivering. Something was about to happen. She didn’t know what, but she could feel a pressure building inside her, demanding release.
Then a sharp pain on her breast made her jump and she snapped her head down and pulled Adrian’s face back with the hand wrapped in his hair. She blinked and struggled to sit up. Somehow she’d slid down and was now almost lying on the couch. She pushed at the hand that worked between her legs. “No! What was that?”
Suddenly Nicholas was at her side, helping her to sit upright. She blushed as she realised her disarray and tugged her skirt back down and lifted the shoulder straps back up. “He, he, bit me, or… something sharp,” she stammered. The fire in her groin had turned to an ache of unfulfilled desire.
Nicholas patted her shoulder in a fatherly manner, “There, there. It’s all right. Just a prop.” Over Sylvia’s head he glared a warning at Adrian, who bared his fangs in a silent snarl for a second before backing down.
“See? He didn’t really do anything. No blood. Just a prop.” He laid a finger on the tiny indentation above her breast. He was right, the skin wasn’t punctured and there was no blood.
But the spell was broken.
“Uh, um, I’ve got to go… Uh, I hope you got enough for the test. But, uh…” Without looking at Adrian, she stood and ran towards the far door, behind which she’d left her own unrevealing – safe – clothes.
Nicholas shook his head and hissed quietly, “Dammit, Adrian! I told you not to go too far. She needs to be prepared first.”
“I know, but she was just so…”
“Yes, I know. But all in good time. If you haven’t scared her off for good.”
“Oh, she’ll be back.” Adrian inhaled the musky aroma on his hand and licked his fingers clean. “Hmm, yes, she will. I can taste it.”
Sylvia [Possible Episodic]