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Should I apply for Big Brother?

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80% (8 votes)
0% (0 votes)
I don't know what your talking about.
20% (2 votes)
This poll is lame work it out for yourself Greg!
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 10

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Firefly's picture

Go for it! What the hell! I never watch the American version of the show, as it is deadly dull. But it would be cool if you got on. Good Luck.

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Soulless Zombie's picture

I want to see. Bring it in JUNE

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Heather's picture

Hehe, easy. I can tape the damn show. :) And they have a website, anyway.

Should I apply for Big Brother?

MrDave's picture

I'd take a copy of the rehersal tape to this person. Let them decide for themselves if you are telling the truth.

If they decide you aren't then fuck them. Some people will always be jerks.

If you can justify yourself then perhaps they will be supportive in this decision.

Small towns do suck. I have lived in my share of them and people alwys jump to conclusions on what they saw not on what happened. Once they have formed that opinion they are notoriously hard to shake.

but I am wishing you luck anyway...and who knows if you get in then we will have to figure out how we can see you!

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Stalker's picture

What is Big Brother?

Big Brother is a T.V show were they throw 15 or so people in a house for 3 months and evict, by public opinion, 1 person a week
there is know contact with the outside world except for tasks put to the people by the producer of the show they see noone but each other
there are cameras everywhere in the house and a half hour show is produced from the goings on in the house every day
the winner gets $250000

what do I have to do to get into the show?

send in a photo fill out an online questionare and make a 5 minute film about why I want to be on BB I have to send this all to then by the end of this month. then they will put mine with all the other entrys and reveiw each one narrowing it down to 15

Now I am pissed off, really pissed off annoyed and quite scared
see for my video entry, I borrowed a friends video camera, I decided I would show myself, my flat, my car and the town I live in to the camera the whole time giving commentary

this I did and with it I was quite pleased (I come out beatifully on video camera) but then came the repercussions

I was walking down the street today when I saw a fella staring at me so I stared back and said quite nicely "G'day"
to this his respones was quite angrly "so do you like filming girls do you?"
I was shocked and quite confused i said "beg your pardon" and walked closer
he went on to acusse me of following, "Stalking", his sister with the video camera
you see for part of my entry I drove down the street with the video camera in my hands (very dangerous I don't recommend doing coz you don't have any hads to steer) I filmed the main street and decided that would be enough of the town

yes his sister was walking down that street although I have just reviewed my tape and I didn't even have her in the shot

apparently she says she saw me filming "her" (she thought) and was very very scared and for this I am totally and uterlly sorry but fer christ's sake I wasn't even filming her

her brother was angry and was totally unable to accept that I was telling the truth luckly his girlfriend was there to stop him from trying to kill me
I can't say I blame him I would feel the same way! but again what the hell can I do about it I offered to show him the tape to prove myself but he would'nt even listen to that suggestion

this is a small town and now I fear repercussions

life sucks :(

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

Go for it! I didn't want to repeat what most others here have, but what are you going to do.... ah shit! i forgot what i was going to bloody say aswell...oh well, i remember it was extremely like what everyone else had said :mrgreen:

Should I apply for Big Brother?

MrDave's picture

You know you might still not get it but that is a case with everything and should never be an excuse not to try.

Have a great tme an be sure to let us know how it goes!

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Jadyn's picture

hell yeah! if u get in, i'll be able to watch it via the internet! woohoo! *grin* don't know how i'd feel about seeing u in the bathroom though... always found watching that bit a little intrusive and that was with people i didn't "know"...

anyway, it'll be a really cool experience. once in a lifetime really... :)

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Soulless Zombie's picture

Greg, I voted that I didn't know what you are talking about. But that shouldn't stop you. Do it! You don't want to be on your death bed wondering, "Should I have done that Big Brother thing?"

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Meredith Bell's picture

Yeah, go for it Greg, I've considered it myself - if only for an excuse not to watch the show! (well you can't watch it if you ARE it!) Besides, it'd be cool to say, 'Hey I know that guy!' even though I can't actually watch it because it would be there in Australia and I'm over here, but um, the sentiment is still there...

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Parasol's picture

*Eyebrows knitting a sweater*

Big Brother? Tatts?

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Heather's picture

Fuck yeah! It'll be good for a laugh if nothing else. And if you get picked, you never know - it could be the start of a whole new tv career. :)

Well, ok. Not likely, but better odds than winning Tatts.

Should I apply for Big Brother?

Tarix Conny's picture

Go for it Greg! :D I wish you the best of luck!

Should I?

Stalker's picture

I think I might apply for the tv show Big Brother here in Australia.
What do you think?
Should I do it?

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