\ Ok, what year is it meant to be? | unlimitedi.net
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Heather's picture

I've seen posts for both 2016 and 2015 in the new LABN... so which is it, guys?

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Allyana's picture

I thought it was going to be December 2015...

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Kaarin's picture

2016. The problem is that "5" and "6" are right next to each other.... ;)

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Logan's picture

yeah lets just go with it being Dec 2016, thats what everyone has done so we'll go with that.

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Heather's picture

Well, not everyone. That was why I asked. I saw three posts dated 2016 and two dated 2015, hence the confusion. :)

I'm good with either, so 2016 sounds fine to me.

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Logan's picture

Ok another time lining error i picked up.

we always say it ended in 2007, but that doesnt make sense. we ended the game in Dec 2007 and the story had barely picked up. How about we set the date of the final Battle to like June 5th 2008. Ive already switched the intro post to saying the year was 2008.

Everyone ok with that?

Ok, what year is it meant to be?

Allyana's picture

Sure, it sounds logical. June 6th is a better day, nevertheless, being the sixth month and all... (besides it's my ex's birthday, I can always imagine he was there somehow...):twisted:

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