![Aidan Hawke's picture Aidan Hawke's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f4829261881a32b03d16a6134e1a4658.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG)
Name: Aidan Gabriel Hawke
Height: 6ft 2inches
Weight: 220 lbs.
Age: looks to be around 30
Hair: Black, usually worn shoulder length
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black
D.O.B: ? ? ?
Species: Vampire
Distiguishing marks: Scar on left side of face, starting under the eye and and leading down the cheek to the jawline, jagged and mean looking, it appears to be rather new. Tattoo of a dragon skull with a rattlesnake coiled aroud it - inner right foerarm. Tattoo of a ninja holding an a silenced rilfe with 9th S.O.G written underneath, left bicep, Sigil of Baphomet, left shoulder
Nationality: American
Wears a brown duster (cowboy) trench coat almost constantly- black or various camo patterned military pants and heavy black boots, gray tanktop shirt. Variations on same in regards to colors and combinations. Less often, wears jeans, very rarely wears any foot wear besides boots however. Since being turned, he has exapanded his wardrobe slightly- adding the leather jacket seen above, along with more options beyond his standard military attire.
He looks like he could handle himself in a fight and walks with an air that is a step above- graceful, powerful, purposeful- these are the words that come to mind. He is well toned, taking on the aspect of an urban jungle cat, especially when he´s not wearing his coat or baggy clothing, and lets his physique be seen.
It´s often said that a person´s hands speak volumes of their character. Aidan´s are no different. Closer inspection reveals several details: the palms are rough, but not as those who work manual labor day to day; his finger nails are slightly longer than average, not torn and nibbled down like some, the most telling sign of all are his knuckles, which have that thick look of indicative of someone who is no stranger to knocking heads around with a wee bit of fisticuffs.
His gaze is what one would call piercing, his eyes very rarely ever stop moving for very long, constantly scanning everything and everyone around him. Those unsettling eyes, and the scowl he usually wears when out in public project an aura of "stay the hell away from me" which is exactly why he carries himself that way.
Military skill set:
Hand to hand combat expert, Sentry neutralization specialist, gurellia warfare tactics school, Expert marksman- pistol, submachine gun, Full vehicle qualfication (if it moves over land, he can drive it), Mid-level explosives and demo technician, lock picking, field interogation, top of class in survival school, psychological warfare training, field intelligence operative certificate
After a childhood largely indifferent as to positive or negative- experienced aimlessly without purpose, Aidan joins the US army at the age of seventeen on a waiver signed by his drunken mother in one of her less than lucid moments. He becomes a model soldier, the structure of the military giving him purpose and focus; he develops an amazing affinity for firearms and hand to hand combat. His skill is noticed by Major Anthony Simms, who takes the young man under his wing and encourages him to apply for the Special Forces. Aidan applies himself as never before, and quickly rises in rank.
In a short period of time, he becomes the most efficient killer the 9th S.O.G has ever known, dispatching his enemies with a blood chilling efficiency and emotional detachment that disturbs everyone who serves with him. Off mission however, he is humorous, kind and armed with a razor´s wit. Despite his general good humor, his talent for killing begins to creep into his mind, changing him, detaching him further from those around him. What choice does he have, how can one kill like a machine and not grow numb? His squadron roster seems to change with every mission, his name inching closer and closer to the top. In the idle times, his dreams and eventually his waking moments are filled with screams, fire and blood. Once it´s time to work, all that disappears, but when its silent again- well you can imagine.
Four months ago, on mission, in an undisclosed region of the world, everything changes one rainy night. A sniper fires on the team. There is a cave, the perfect place for the team to take cover and plan a counter attack.
Or perhaps not . . .
The cave was as caves tend to be, dark and damp. The blitz to it´s opening had cost the team three members, and the squad leader was no where to be found. Somehow, just like always, Aidan managed to survive while his friends did not. Catching his breath, Aidan turned on his flashlight and swept the beam around. The mouth of the cave opened into an area large enough for everyone to sit in comfortably. Then the walls gradually narrowed, turning into a hallway, which appeared to lead further into the earth. Lightning quick, a plan formed in Aidan´s mind.
"All right guys, I want three Claymore mines . . . left, right, center. Set up for crossing cover fire." Aidan drank from his canteen, the water barely quenching his thirst. "Did anyone see Jesse?" Heads shook. His body was not outside the cave, which meant he was still alive. But where? Aidan glanced down the hallway. Maybe. After the men drank water themselves, they set about organizing the trap. The Claymore mines would tear to shreds the first enemies to walk in, and the set fire positions would slow down and then cut down the rest. The situation should have been ideal, but something was nagging him as he turned his attention to checking his ammo level.
Plenty of rounds to spare, he thought as his gaze drifted to the back of the cave.
The first thing he noticed as he slowly made his way deeper into the cave was that while at first, it appeared the passage way was natural, it soon took on the appearance of having been made. For certain that had been no small task. Maybe the hallway had been there in some form or other to begin with, but maybe not. Either way, Aidan advanced with caution, he M4 rifle´s muzzle sweeping side to side evenly. From behind there was no sound, as the rest of the squad waited to spring the ambush. From the front there was no sound for his ears to discern, but his ability was another matter all together: vauge vibrations that alternated between anticipation and fear. The second of the two was odd, since by and large fear was not something that he ever felt. He had a job, it was dangerous, but long ago he had accepted that, and hence went into each mission with peace in his heart.
Of course when the killing time arrived that peace was changed to cold hearted nothingness. As he made his way further down, because it was clear he was going down, it wasn´t nothingness. It was tension- a feeling that he was not used to at all.
In his own words, from a conversation with Lena . . .
"At any rate, it opened up into a huge chamber. It was dark in there, not totally dark, but dark enough. I didn´t want to use my flashlight, but I had to, at least for the time it took me to sweep the area. The problem was, I still couldn´t see shit, that´s how huge it was. Upward too, I would have to say close to sixty of seventy yards vertically."
Which if you think about is huge, for a cave. No- for certain that main chamber was made, at least in part but how?
"Ground level? That I can´t even guess. It was big and open, so the only smart thing to do would be to put my back to a wall, and work my way around. If I had brought my pack I would have had my night vision goggles. Without them, and not wanting to use my light more than I had to, I crept along the wall, moving clockwise. Too many places for some one to hide, and it looked to me like the boot prints I had followed went right up the middle. I wouldn´t have done that, in the open you can be attacked from any side. So I kept moving slowly, trying to keep my senses focused. Including my ability.
Then I heard like a buzzing sound, I thought at first it was my ears hearing it, but no, it was in my head. I was used to weird shit like that, since I´d had all kinds of weird sensations before, but none like that. Not even close. I can´t really explain it, to be honest. But whatever it was, it distracted me just enough.
Jesse, the squad leader. I barely managed to get my head out of the way before he pulled the trigger on his sidearm. There were all sorts of knooks along the wall, he was hiding in one of them. I tried to bring my gun up but he kicked it away. The only advantage I had is that I had always been a little faster than him,
so rather than try and go for my gun or roll away, which 99% of soldiers would do one of those two, I
tackled him, and almost got shot in face too. We fought for the weapon and it was empty in no time. Of course, as the gun clicked on a dry chamber was when I finally managed to disarm him.
Irony, gotta love it.
"I smashed the gun into his jaw, but let me tell you, one thing Jesse was good for was taking a punch, so it didn´t do much at all. I dropped it, and started dropping elbows. We were rolling and struggling all over the place, so I hit the ground more than anything else. I did get him a few times, but his head was a like a brick wall. In fact, he head butted me and almost knocked me out. That´s what sucked about it the worst, since we trained together everyday, we knew each other´s fighting style. To the point where we were anticipating each other´s moves, resulting in a drawn out stalemate."
This went on for some time, they traded blows- none really being effective. Next they drew their blades, Jesse drawing first blood with the cut that came with in millimeters of destroying Aidan´s left eye and instead left him with the facial scar he will wear for all eternity, a bitter reminder of that night. A knife fight has one constant fact no matter who, or where: you get cut. The advantage in bladework went solely to Aidan- because of that and a face full of sand kicked up, he scored a savage cut on the totally out of control Jesse, the face, damn good place.
"That´s always been my speciality, fighting dirty. Which is how I always managed to beat him in training. Actually, I´m surprised he didn´t predict that I would do that. But he was cocky in training whenever he had the upper hand on me, and in that cave was freakin´ loony.Lena listened intently to his story, and at this point said with a soft laugh:"My darling Ceasar never loses."There was no reasoning with his friend, no way to get through the madness that had seized his mind. The source of that madness would not be clear for some time after, but at that moment, survival was all that mattered.
"It´s not that big and advantage though, the sand in the eyes. It´s different if you throw a handful, but to kick it up, it spreads, so not enough gets in the eyes. But it was enough to give me the leverage I needed. I cut him right back, from here Aidan placed his finger at the corner of his lips on the right side here."to here.Then dragged his finger slowly to just under his right ear."Clean through, his cheek was flapping around. Lena shivered at his blunt explanation and blunt it was; truthful as well. The madness- or maybe the flapping cheek- made Jesse careless, he sung wildly, giving Aidan a chance to simply avoid and defend, and eventually snap out a kick that pulverized the left knee, bringing the madman down.
A solid knee to the face, responded to with an upward cut that sliced into the crotch of Aidan´s pants- just a hair closer and it would have been bad. Jesse altered the angle of his blade and cut for the thigh, missing. Blade down, stabbing for the foot, missing. Aidan stomp kicks the hand, shattering it easily. A grenade- "As crazy as he seemed to be, he was still thinking, and he pulled a grenade off of his belt. The problem with grenades is once the pin is out you have seconds to take cover, and with none to be taken I did the only thing I could as he brought the grenade up to pull the pin with his teeth, like you always see in movies. I cut his hand off.
The upper hand his at last, since Jesse now had one broken and one cut off, Aidan dove onto him. I stabbed him, cut him, beat him . . . until I collapsed from exhaustion.
That was how it ended- and how what Aidan took to calling the "Artifact" sent him running for his life, with the hounds of madness nipping at his heels. He ended up in RavenBlack city.
Lena Clarise Hawke (yep, he´s married. lol. not an npc-not coming to LA)
- Desert Eagle .50 -
After taking the gun from a human street criminal and later murdering the scum with it, Aidan heavily modified the weapon, tuning it to the standard he is used to. Perhaps the ultimate close combat handgun, it is his standard carry handgun; he never goes anywhere without it. Half-holster on right hip, or under the left arm in a shoulder holster. Depending on the situation, up to nine magazines carried- counting the one already loaded- but never less than three.
This silencer is never far from the gun. In a pocket when Aidan wears the gun on his hip or in a pouch attached to the shoulder holster.
- Gurkha Kukri -
This knife has cut throat of many an enemy of king and country as they used to say in the old days. Having enough common sense to not travel with a firearm, this is the only weapon Aidan brought with him from his old life. It´s wide sweetspot lends it an axe-like cutting ability.
- .480 Hunter -
While roaming through a town in the Outskirts early on a beautifully sunny Sunday morning, Aidan comes across a robbery in progress at a gun store. His practical logic seeing an opportunity, he interrupts the criminals just after they break down the rear door. He lets them get started and enters, noting the security cameras. He sends the would be crooks packing with a lesson and sees this weapon in a display case. He takes it, leaving the following note in it´s place:
"I don´t think those two will trouble your business anymore. Call this beautiful gun my reward."
When range, power and accuracy are the order of the day (night) this is the weapon Aidan will turn to- never a fan of long guns, this revolver - used normally for hunting bears and other large game - is the sniper weapon in the toolbox.
- MP5a3-
Found by Aidan during a fierce battle in a cemetery, this weapon is a gem indeed. Fitted with an electronic sight , a folding vertical grip, a laser dot sight, a collapsible stock and best of all, a silencer. This submachine gun is an old and familiar friend loaded with practical toys, which when taken as whole fit his tactical specialty like a glove. The best close quarters submachine gun in the world, used by police and SpecOPs teams on every continent. Fortune smiled on Aidan that night, to find a gun like this.
When low light and silence are not factors, the gun is configured like this. Gone are the laser dot and electronic sight, both are repalced by a medium power scope. The entire package, including six magazines, for total of 180 rounds, all fits into an elaborate yet surprsingly compact soft case.
Played by: Adrian Paul
Player: Steve
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Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Before anyone says anything, Dave and I have already given the okay for Steve to use Adrian Paul for his character. Oz is long gone from LA and won't be back - and there aren't many left to notice the similarity in appearance between Oz and Aidan. :)
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
thats fine, i dont think anyone ever realized that Chance and Logan (whoever he was) were both played by Brad Pitt :)
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Uh ok I enjoyed reading what you'd wrote but I have a couple of questions....whats the Artifact and whats RavenBlack City? Another thing, you said at the top he was a vampire but you don't mention anything about his turning?
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
yeah ditto on the same questions :)
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
RavenBlack City is slang talk for a mindlessly simple point and click web game that has built up a massive commutnity of RPers around it. It is the setting for the forum where I got my start, RavenBlack Roleplay. I also met Heather there. It´s one of those sites where there is no ryhme or reason on consitentancy in universe rules. Any way, I wold like to play it off that Aidan comes to LA to get away, and then turn around and tie whatever happens here into his storyline for his eventual return
The artifact is a loose concept in my head that never went anywhere becasue the writer I wanted to work with for it turned out to be a pain. His sirring also met the same fate with a diffrent writer and the one I am working with currently is all kinds of busy so the thread for that siring is still in it´s early stages.
So, what the aritifact is and what it means is really up in the air. It is a disk shaped piece of metal, about the size of a tea saucer with peculiar symbols on it. And that´s about all I have for it. Hopefully this time around, I can actually get around to what it is and apply it to my character´s storyline.
Throw more questions my way if y´all like. Though some things I prefer to show in RP, rather then tell. :)
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
I'm still curious about his turning. But more than that, we'd need a way to tie in RavenBlack City to the universe here. Could be done if you want to take a break from there, and eventually have your character leave to return. Or simply change the ending so that he arrives in LA instead.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Raven Black City (as portrayed in the RBRP - Raven Black Role Play Forum) is a city that is essentially "nowhere"...It just IS.
It has no mythology or limits and people play whatever (and however) they want to. And frankly I found it to be too hrd to write for becasue it was essentially always pitting the players agasint the players since there was no external threat...like some humungus Role Playing Soap Opera.
I've known "Steve" (aka Aidan ) for a while and he's a good roleplayer. But my advice to him is to forget RBRP...the LABN Aidan is either a "alternate dimension" Aidan or he is Aidan after he has escaped from the "nowhere" that is Raven Black City. (and he isn't going back).
I say this because we follow a timeline...events happen in a linear fashion (even if they aren't always told in a linear fashion) and if you are constantly updating for RBRP then you'll get hopelessly confuzzled.
Also by keeping the idea that you will "integrate" the two Aidans mean you have already decided that Aidan will survive L.A. in order to return. You have written the ending before you have written the beginning! Keep an open mind...the LABN Aiden may decide to make "the heroic sacrifice" and throw away his life to save everyone else's. It is tragic when it happens, and everyone will cry for you...but DAMN what a way to go!
I think a non-vampire Aidan might have a good time in LABN while a vamped one will be definately Evil (although there are degrees of evil) and will almost certainly be pursued by the forces of good. I say this becasue Vampires in LABN aren't cudlly and they aren't nice. They are motivated by the sorts of urges that are generally considered sins - Selfishness, cruelty, greed, hate, anger, lust, and vanity. They are driven by a demonic spirit that will (not might) influence whatever intension you may have. No vampire will ever do anything for altruistic reasons...there is always a motive (see the previous list).
Vampires do not have souls - and "souled" vampires (that is Vampires who have willingly accepted a moral governor on their demonic animating force) are rarer than Hen's teeth. They never ever happen spontaneously and there is usually an extraordinary reason for them being that way. And generally it is more of a hinderance than a blessing. It certainly isn't a ticket to "do what you want" and still be considered 'good'.
So my suggestions (summarized): Drop the "Vampireness" and don't concern yourself with ever returning to Raven Black City. Both of those are roleplaying dead ends.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
One thing that I want to say, sort of in response to this, but also in support of it: there's evil and there's evil and there's evil. Meaning, yes, Vampires are evil; they are cruel, vindictive creatures interested primarily in their own power, wealth, and pleasure. Having said that, there's still variation to them; that's part of my experiment here.
Even someone like Jasmin is still evil. Does she not go around killing people at random because it's right? Not at all. She doesn't do it because she views it as, well, beneath her. It's more pleasurable to convince someone to become a willing doner. So, ultimately, it's a power thing. Also IMO, a bit more evil in a sense than the standard. Although I've made her cruelty a particular kind of twist, the "good guys" will probably still dislike her.
Having said that, being good doesn't mean paladin, if you go the human route. There's plenty of room for ambiguity, and the artifcat certainly does give you more room to play around. Of course, if you are going to be a do-gooder, human is probably your best bet. As I said, they have more variety than vampires.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
well, of course. I just wanted to make the point that they aren't ever motivated by anything over than (ultimately) self-interest (at whatever level). Apathy is also self interest (albeit a boring one).
As for good characters, Paladin isn't what I had in mind either, but (again, ultimately) the good character is motivated by improving the life of others (and civic duty is a form of communial interest - even if it is the most boring route).
There's a lot of variation within that range to be sure.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
There is no need whatsoever to tie RB city into LA. Call it a vacation that Aidan is taking. At most I might mention events from there that relate to what is happening in LA if applicable. All vauge so as to not conflict with here and all using my famous internal monolouge trick basically, except for maybe him mentioning his wife in dialog if somehow that were to come up.
How to account for the changes that come along with the Buffyverse then switch back when his "vacation" is over? He brings the artifact with him to LA and something happens that makes him go all crazy and beastly when he vamps out. When all is said and done, the aritfact doesn´t (stolen, destroyed, whatever) go back with him and he can revert to "normal" That allows me to fill a hole or two in his stroyline that I can´t seem to pull off otherwise: A couple of powers not covered by that point and click game, since I refuse to just give him powers without rping him getting them. Those powers will not effect him in LA, call that one delayed reaction, a consequence of the artifact that doesn´t manifest until he is far away from LA.
While people play their characters over at that other site in all sorts of stupid ways, Heather can vouch for the fact that I play as close to buffyverse without actually doing so as is possible. I´m a fan of the shows, so I´m not flying blind. Put another way, Aidan goes to LA, I play him by the verse rules by using the Artifact as the excuse for the changes, then the artifact stays behind and off I go back to what I was doing before.
Rest assured, Aidan Hawke is by no stretch of the imagination good. call him Chaotic neutral constanly teetering on the edge of falling into Lawful evil. Given the right set of circumstances, he can snap darn easy. In fact, as it stands now, the only thing that keeps him in chaotic neutral land is his wife. Since she is staying behind, it´s really a simple thing for him to lose it. As far as the demon aspect? Not a problem there at all. lol There would simply be a phsyical aspect to what is already in his head.
There isn´t going to be two Aidans, there is only one, and he ain´t going to die, which doesn´t mean he can´t get his ass kicked around a bit and come damn close- that would be cool. He´s my only character, I don´t want or need another.
I´m curious about his siring also, but since the thread is still ongoing, I don´t have details. I can tell you it´s a forced sirirng though. Not that he didn´t want to be turned, he most certainly did, just maybe not by the Vampiress that did the deed.
I don´t believe in RP dead ends, just opportunities you have to sort through bullcrap to find. I´m flexible enough with my RP to pull off almost anything that comes up here, and tying the events in LA to his life in RB is simple for me, I can already see it in my head. More than that it will give me a chance to bring some interesting new aspects to him.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
I think you still don't get it. From the sounds of it, you're trying to play the same character in two different games. Not just the same concept, but the EXACT same character who is shaped in LABN by background in the other game, RB, and who will then be re-imported back into that once he's finished in LABN, right?
What I think Dave and Adam are trying to say is forget the other game. Treat it and LABN as two entirely different and seperate universes, in which two Aiden Hawke's exist. Why does he only need to take a 'vaction' in LA before he goes back? Can't he be here to stay? (ignoring unforeseen in-game death, plot, new character inspirations on your part or deciding to leave, etc).
Still use the backstory that's been developed in it so far if you want and then fill in any gaps. For example, you say the siring thread hasn't been finished yet...well make it up yourself how you want it to go! It doesn't have to be exactly the same as it turns out in the other game. Say the events that happened there up until now took place in San Francisco, or whatever. Then you can let the Aiden Hawke in LABN develop differently from the Aiden Hawke in RB, and you don't need to bother with the artifact as a plot-hole-covering device...unless you can think of a cool story for it! (and really...would a big mean vampire be carrying around something that limited his powers?)
Otherwise, LABN just becomes a chapter in Aiden Hawke's life, and a middle one at that. We don't really know what's happened to him, and you're kind of limited in what you write by events that you write for RB that take place after he leaves LA.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Matt's pretty much got it, though from an RP perspective, I can also see wanting to keep the same character. Or you could treat this as a new perspective; we'll have at least one PC vampire (Jasmin) and one important NPC vampire (William) who could both potentially turn Aiden - say, while he's on leave.
Edit: In fact, that might be interesting. Tash and one of the slayers were the only characters we've had turned in game. It might be interesting to see someone go from unturned PC to turned PC, especially if it's in such a way that we aren't necessarily hunting him down right away.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
That part isn't really all that important to our story. However you want to do it is fine.
He does...I'll leave it to him to keep the stuff straight. Just remember to keep track of the jumpings back and forth...Time moves only one direction in LABN. We've had characters who went "dimension hopping" - one who jumped forward to an age like Shadowrun and a small group who jumped into an alternate "hell dimension" (where time flowed at a different rate). So bear in mind that at some point you may want (or find it unavoidable) to take a charcter (other than Aidan) from LABN into RB and you'll need to figure out the effects that will have on time and powers.
This is my only misgiving, but I am willing to let it go. We've had characters with flimsier premises into our game as long as they were strong RPers (and Steve is one!) relying on them to make it work...and they have usually been able to do it.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
When I suggested LABN to Steve, I knew he would want to play Aidan. However, I figured that it would be an 'alternate' version of Aidan - an Aidan who travelled to LA instead of RavenBlack. However, it looks like he's decided to go with the RB version of Aidan.
Now I can understand the misgivings people might have about someone doing that, but I trust Steve's writing ability to pull this off. If you want a sample of some of his work, try reading this. And who knows, once he's got into the community spirit here at LNG he might wind up with a "split" Aidan Hawke... one who moved from RB to LA and stayed, and one who just stayed in RB City. :) You never know. :wink:
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
I don't have an issue with his strength as an RPer (and from Heather's link it looks really good!). Just whether he can make this work for himself, and whether we'll be able to deal with it from a metagame perspective, not knowing a lot about the character (and some key points at that). But if you guys are happy, and Steve's happy to make it work, I'm happy :) I think a second vampire PC - third key vampire including NPC William - could make things really interesting!
EDIT: Just thought of another question...why did his teammate turn on him in the cave? Is that where the artifact was? Ohhh...maybe it makes people in its vicinity go crazy...that could be interesting...
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Or if it has an effect similar to The One Ring in promoting things like jealousy.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
LOL Heather just had to pick Eine Kleine as my sample. Works for me, that´s still one of my favorites. Thanks for the nod to my writing chops too. :D I can pull it off, no doubt about it. It´s a diffrent beast the RP I am used to. Alot of it has been off the cuff improv, not all, but even when plotting has happened it stays vauge.
When I first got going, I was a nut about timelines. Problem with them is that it hamstrung my ability to do threads.. until I realized that for me at least timelines are extremely flexible. I know enough about his siring, and I rp on YIM with his sire constantly, so all the details I need to know are firmly in place in my mind. Timelines here flow in one direction? Of course, so does my way of looking at it but for me it is horridly simple to say "Aidan arrives in LA. POW! What happens to him in LA all occurs after a clear line of demarcation in what happens to him in RB. Neither of the two sets of events will mingle until I reach another of those POW points.
As far as the artifact goes, yes it made his teamate go bonkers. what happens in regards to it in LA I leave entirely up to the process you all are used to here, I really am stuck on the damn thing since the person I was writing with about it backed out.
I can pull it all off. Worry not. Aidan is not a new charcter, he´s been in my head for going on seven years now. That´s why I can say with confidence that I will have naught one speck of trouble with this. And if I do despite that confidence, I´ll just get Heather to bust out her trusty writing whip. It´s worked wonders in the past. :wink:
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Evil ideas a brewing...
The Teammate didn't go bonkers...it was actually Aiden's conciousness travelling back in time to possess his teammate in order to stop him from getting the artifact in the first place becasue of some terrible secret he discovers about it in the future.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
To start off an old debate (which I'm sure Heather mentioned), that's because we're not RPers. We're writers. And now, you are too. ;)
To a very, very large extent, yes. There have been a few temporal hiccups, though, involving time travel - taking Reah to the future, and one timeline that got annihilated by a time-travelling Cole. But in general, if something happens here, unless it's offscreen, it stays happened, and in a particular order. Fortunately, Sarda has not decided to play in the Buffyverse.
Proposal- Aidan Hawke
Well, of course. :) It's one of my favourites, too. No prizes to anyone for guessing who wrote Left Hand of God. :D