\ Superhero Personality TEst | unlimitedi.net
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MrDave's picture

rightYour results:
You are Spider-Man
Spider-Man 80%
Green Lantern 80%
Superman 60%
Iron Man 50%
Robin 50%
Catwoman 50%
The Flash 50%
Hulk 45%
Supergirl 40%
Batman 30%
Wonder Woman 25%

You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Superhero Personality TEst

Kaarin's picture

You are Supergirl
Supergirl 72%
Wonder Woman 72%
Batman 70%
The Flash 70%
Iron Man 65%
Green Lantern 65%
Spider-Man 55%
Hulk 55%
Catwoman 50%
Robin 49%
Superman 40%
Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.

Superhero Personality TEst

Meredith Bell's picture

You are Wonder Woman

You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character.

Wonder Woman -- 83%
Green Lantern -- 80%
Supergirl -- 78%
Spider-Man -- 75%
Robin -- 73%
The Flash -- 70%
Hulk -- 65%
Catwoman -- 45%
Batman -- 40%
Superman -- 35%
Iron Man -- 20%

Superhero Personality TEst

Heather's picture

*sigh* We did it again, love.

You are Spider-Man

You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.

Spider-Man 85%
Supergirl 83%
Green Lantern 60%
Wonder Woman 58%
Superman 55%
Catwoman 55%
Robin 53%
Hulk 50%
The Flash 50%
Iron Man 35%
Batman 30%

Superhero Personality TEst

Logan's picture

Superman 95%
Robin 60%
Spider-Man 55%
Wonder Woman 50%
The Flash 50%
Supergirl 45%
Iron Man 45%
Green Lantern 40%
Hulk 35%
Batman 30%
Catwoman 30%

You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

I swear on the first shot

Superhero Personality TEst

Meredith Bell's picture

Hahaha, it's subconscious now Shaun! :P

I really wanted Cat Woman, she kicks ass! Nevermind, I'll have to make do with a golden lasso - pft! Do me a lemon!

Superhero Personality TEst

Allyana's picture

Spiderman too :roll: *sigh* and I really hate spiders!!!

Superhero Personality TEst

TwistedStranger's picture

Spiderman...Now where's the one with all the really dark superheroes? I'm not exactly a "golden age" type...Vertigo, maybe...

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