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Evalyn Toussaint's picture
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Actually I've had it for a few weeks now, but I'm still happy. I'm doing reception work at an advertising agency, which is brilliant! For those of you who know already, you'll understand that this keeps me in my studied profession, but doesn't tie me down to a career while I'm still travelling! YAY!

And they just brought me a new computer too so I could help them with some design work :mrgreen: It looks so cool! 19inch/48cm flatscreen LCD 8) of course my only annoyance is the fact they use macs, and I have a pc at home. This is no problem except for the fact that the keys are a little bit further this way, or a bit more over to the right, that I'm constantly hitting the wrong keys on both platforms! Grr....

But yay ^_^

New Jobs/Positions

Logan's picture

COngrats! Weeee an ad agency thats so cool!

To build on that, I also got a new job since I just finished University! You're looking at the new "Business Development Manager" for a head hunting firm.
Posh title....shitty pay :P such is the life of a student fresh out I guess!

New Jobs/Positions

Meredith Bell's picture

Congrats to both you guys (even though I know Shaun isn't too thrilled about HIS new job). Amanda - you'll have to show us some of your design work!

New Jobs/Positions

MrDave's picture

Congrats Guys!

Don't waste time at work playing silly games (like I am doing right now)


New Jobs/Positions

MrDave's picture

I was just "officially" promoted today. I knew about it a few weeks ago, but it was made official today. More money, more responsibility and, thankfully, a pat on the back for a great job done in a short period of time.

New Jobs/Positions

Logan's picture

Well congrats to you MR Dave..!

So who's next, it seems we have a good career pattern going here in LABN?

New Jobs/Positions

Allyana's picture

Well... this isn't about getting a new job or getting promoted, but it's about finishing a long, tedious and difficult task. I finished rearranging my the school's library!!!

Almost ten days of work are finally over, the chaos was such that you could find Cervantes besides Einstein, or the constitution besides quantic physics, so imagine finding a book. We took the almost 15000 books out and put them in order again... between three people.

I swear I searched for scales everynight when I took my shower, because I felt like a salmon swimming against the current! :(

Of course now there's a new task to be done... inventory! 8O

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