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Then there were 3 doggies....

Kaarin's picture
Posted in

Abe just died today. :(

He went to the vet to get his face looked at, since he was acting like his face hurt. That wasn't the problem though... it turned out that it was a fear reaction. Yibbish was having trouble breathing since he was in the middle of heart failure, and had maybe a day or two left. So, Yebola didn't come home from his vet trip today. :(

Then there were 3 doggies....

Allyana's picture

I'm very sorry Adam. :(

Then there were 3 doggies....

Logan's picture

:( im sorry

Then there were 3 doggies....

MrDave's picture

Having met the drool-master I'm sorry to hear of his passing. I know that you and your parents have been expecting it, but it doesn't make it any easier. My thought are with you.

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