![MrDave's picture MrDave's picture](http://unlimitedi.net/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-6.jpg)
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(uconnfan3233@yahoo.com) on Saturday, March 11, 2006 at 16:05:46
charname: Achi
race: human
gender: male
group: the carnage revolutionaries
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight:174 pounds
Demeanor:very calm and noble, while at the same time creating a strong sense of safety for those around him
Attitude: kind to all people, believes in redemption yet also will not fail to do what is necessary to save his people
Lifestyle: lives life traveling from town to town, sleeping mainly at the local Inns, most of his time is spent helping others
Costume: nothing incredible, he wears a "cowboy" style hat, a half robe covering his right shoulder and most of the right side of his upper body, wears an undershirt of course, wears pants similar to what you may expect a bandit to wear, glove on his right hand and boots, all of the clothes are mainly a tan or brown color, except for his "robe" which is black
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)none
history: Suggestions....
powerssssss: Achi's single power can be found in his name...his name was taken from the warrior Achilles who was said to have been invincible except for his achilles tendon....well, Achi was just a normal boy until around age 14 when he fell into a water well near the local market, he was stuck down there for 2 days when he finally decided he had to find a way out, or die...so he traveled through the complex water system at the bottom of the well until he came across a series of odd plants covered in ice, needing to survive...Achi ate those plants and soon after discovered that he was invincible when he was shot by a mugger......after Achi got these powers he dedicated his life to fighting for the freedom of his fellow countrymen, thus he started The Carnage Revolutionaries, a group which now exceeds 2,500 members. But it mainly consists of him and his 4 other main companions, along with thousands of normal citizens...and they are dedicated to taking down the evil king of Carnage
Achi is not your traditional Super-Hero, he is more of a Robin Hood type character but he does have 2 super powers
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name: Aarn Mordel
Powers: has mind powers that allow him to take over an enemies mind and force them to do his will
Why is this person your enemy?: he is the highest ranking officer in the Carnage Royal Police Force and is the one man great enough to stop Achi
powers: along with Achi's "imortal" strength, he also has the ablity to control the minds of others, just like his enemy Aarn Mordel, that power is what ultimatley ties the two together and ties into the secret of their past that they share
items: Suggestions....
Always carry: always has his cross with him that he wears around his neck
Built Myself: built the cross that he wears
Weapons: he carries only bows and arrows, but no more....the cross he wears however is believed to be how he is able to use his mind powers
ITEM: holy cross (necklace with his cross on it)
-- Powers of Item: allows Achi to use his mind powers and also keeps him immune to the mind powers of Aarn Mordel
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played: alot
Where I live: the northeast
What my hobbies are:baseball, rpg's, sports, other games
What comics I like: i used to be a fan of X-Men
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