Submitted by MrDave on Sun, 09/18/2005 - 08:15
Posted in
We arrived in one piece and have settled in. We walked and walked (and walked!) and met up with everyone last night. Lou is cuter in person, and Booj is shorter than you think. Alice is quiet but sweet and Amanda is...well. Amanda.
We had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and have lots of groovy pix to show you when we get them all assembled. Just wanted to tell you what you were missing. Off to have a bite to eat and see more crumbly buildings.
Take care!
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Live From London!
*Grumble grumble inaudible mumbling*
Stupid school and classes and being a gazillion miles away and cant be there with everyone... :(
I hopeyou guys are having a good time. I really wouldhave liked to have been there...
Well...Montreal next time? :D
Live From London!
I could have told ya she would be, and I have na even met the women, sadly. ;)
Live From London!
Woooo, I'm cute!!! LOL! And I'm back! After scrubbing off the grime of London :? and having soaked my aching legs - thanks again to Heather for straightening out my back after my kamakazi swing ordeal, it's still going strong even if I have collapsed from a walking overload.
Can't wait to see you guys again at the weekend, and I promise to wear my fancy shoes this time. :wink:
EDIT: Should I put my appraisals of you guys here too? Amanda - you have waaaay too much energy for a normal person, I think I'll need a tranq gun next time we meet. Heather and Dave - wow, the puns WERE as bad as I'd imagined :P and, if it's possible, you're more sickeningly sweet and adorable than on MSN. Oh yeah, and your mum is so lovely, tell her that my mum and dad thought she was really great too hehehe.
BTW, meeting Booj and Alice in person kind of blew my whole 'they're the same person' theory out of the water!
Live From London!
SQWEEE! Another returns! I myself had only just touched down from prancing about Ireland this-arvo. Nearly broke my neck face planting a ditch! It was great!
Heather? I need your hands: my necks all grouchy, but then again... I think I preffer being on the outside observer side of your work, hehe. Ah Lou, such faces of pain you pull :mrgreen: And what's this about a tranq gun, hm? Hehe. I seem to recall a generous amount of sanity lacking wafting from your direction :P
"PAIN!!! LOTS OF PAIN!!!" ^_^
London was an absolute ball! Shame you all couldn't make it, though :cry: *mutters* piking bastards! *end mutter* :D Endless love! :mrgreen:
*pinches self* Lou, Booj and Alice are really real! REALLY REAL!!! Like... they move and stuff! They have accents! WE'RE TALKING REAL LIVE VOICES!!! They don't sound at ALL like a font! (whatever that sounds like... :? )
Now Shaun... if we come to Montreal next year, are you sure you'll be able to make it? Absollutely sure? Like, we're talking SURE, sure here? ;)
Live From London!
Uhhh excuse me, who all went and changed the dates to the middle of a University Semester?! yeah so not my fault :P
Live From London!
Um, I do remember asking about dates of availability and getting a huge blank stare. I remember asking about August ang getting a lot of humming and hawing. I remember people saying they'd show up (Saadia, Matt, Robin) and finding other things to do.
H and I went there. Lou, Amanda, LABN and COLABN went there. Sour grapes to all you others who missed it casue you didn't say anything or waited too long to commit (or committed and didn't follow through).
COLABN is angry with you (beware the wrath of COLABN - he has control over both weather AND traffic lights...and I suspect he might have a hand in fuel economy).
Live From London!
UPDATE: A Heather and I went to leave WAAAYY back we discovered that she had left her US Residency card at home. The lady at the counter said "No Problem" since they wouldn't ned to see it to come back.
WRONG! They asked first thing and we didn't have it. As a result I had to leave H in England for a few more days. She is staying with her neice Karen (whom Lou and Amanda met) while I FedEx her card back to her. She'll be coming back on Friday.
This is really galling since we must have passed the US Embassy at least three times while we were in London the first time and could have handled this had we known.
So when I say to fear the wrath of Colabn remember that he did this to us becasue of all of you who didn't show up. That's right, I am blaming you guys.
Okay - joke. But seriously keep her in your thoughts for the next few days. It was scary coming home without her and it is a lot scarier for her being stuck there. I remember bering stuck in Las Vegas for an extra day and how scary that was...
Live From London!
Ugh, that really sucks! A pox on customs officials for messing you about so crappily! At least you have family to stay with, not that it makes it any better though :evil:
PS. What about little Randy? Don't forget little Randy Giles was there too! He too has wrath to vent! Even as I type he's sitting on my bookshelf with an irritable glare in his cute little brown eyes... *hugs Randy*
Live From London!
I so wish i was there!! :( :( Believe me, if i had been anywhere near England at that time, i'd find my way to meet you guys!!
(so vent that wrath somewhere else :wink: )
And yes, it sucks. Sorry, H. and D. :(
Live From London!
Oh my, how could I forget Randy. Yes, the London Mascot was Randy Giles the "Watcherbear". I think the Canada 2006 CP needs a Slayerbear, don't you?
Live From London!
Yay, I'm back home! Well, I was back home Friday night and it's now Sunday lunchtime, but this is the first chance I've really had to crawl onto the internet.
It was fantastic meeting up with Amanda again, and amazing to come face to face with Lou, Alice and Booj (and yes, they really ARE different people, and yes, Booj really IS about half the size of a normal person).
The secondary meeting up in Manchester was an extreme disappointment, to say the least. Dave and I had arranged our itinerary so we'd be up there on Friday night, instead of spending an extra day in the gorgeous Cotswalds, or being able to tour through Wales. Let's face it - Manchester isn't exactly your major tourist destination. But for the sake of being able to meet up with a couple of extra people who weren't able to come down to London, we figured it was well worth it.
Except... Saadia told us at the last minute (ie, when we were already in Manchester) that she had something else going on that night. Lou had managed to pin Matt down during the week and he'd told her HE was busy drinking with his new Uni crowd (never mind that he'd have a whole year to drink with them, and only one chance to see us...), and Robin just plain wasn't home. I rang his place a gazillion times that night and the next morning, and no answer - even though he'd been the one to tell us he was on early shift those days, so we'd have to do our stuff on the Friday evening.
By the time it was obvious that nothing was going to be happening it was already well after 7, so it was hardly worth us and Lou travelling an hour between us to meet up, so we just went out to tea by ourselves and trooped off to the laundrette. Colabn and Randy were most definitely not happy, let me tell you.
I was so looking forward to seeing some of Lou's fancy shoes, too.
So, to all you pikers who couldn't even come to a CP when it was in your own country (and even when we arranged to be in two different cities to accommodate some of you), time to start saving up your bikkies for Montreal - it's only across the Atlantic so it's not that expensive. And you have almost a year to save up for it. No excuses. :P
Live From London!
Awww, I'm so glad you got home okay! :D
Yeah, the idea to meet in Manchester was a total blow out, and no one ever got to see my cool new red shoes! :cry: I was miffed for you guys anyway, since you'd arranged your vacation specifically to meet peeps up north. All I can say is that *I* was all dressed up and willing even if I did end up spending my night collabing with Ally and Shaun.
Live From London!
Oh, yeah! I meant to say, I got my photos developed this weekend and there were some really good pics! :D I'm gonna see if I can scan them into the comp and post them up - but I might wait until you guys have posted yours from the digital, since we took lots of similar pictures.
BTW, Amanda posing model style on the Eye is really funny hehe.
Live From London!
Ooh, cool. :) I've dropped off my seven rolls (not all of them of the CP, of course - there are lots of castles, old Roman ruins, etc. in that lot :) ) and just have to wait until Tuesday to get them. The place that develops them put them online for me as well as give me a print, so I can just download them and then post the relevant ones to the board.
But don't wait for us... post yours as soon as you're able, even if they are similar. Too bad - everyone will just have to look at all our pics. :wink:
Live From London!
Shiiit! I forgot to bring my photos down AGAIN and they're on friggen digital!
*Salutes* No worries! I shant fail thee again!
PS. Hehe, My photo of Lou doing it model style is cute as :mrgreen: you sexy thing you, lol. Shall be posting that one up here too ;)
Live From London!
I'm not half the size of a normal person! *shakey fist* you people are all just big! ye silly sallys. You guys were just like I imagined you but not at all. Yes.
...am I really that short?
Live From London!
No, Booj, You are that concentrated
Live From London!
The smallest the bottle, the better the perfume.
Live From London!
concentrated to the point of potence. pure booj in er... booj form. or something. yes.
Live From London!
As opposed to the industrial strength Aliceness.