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MrDave's picture

The Old Quizes thread seems to be mostly dead. I'll be looking into cuases today, but I think it is a combination of unfixable factors (unfortunately) dealing with linking to external sites and long URL strings.

So for now just start a new thread for each new quiz.

Here is one I found (Damn! I'm SUCH a Geek!) and really this answer didn't surprise me:

You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent. Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity

What OS Are You?

Kaarin's picture

What OS Are You?

Heather's picture

At least I wasn't Windows ME... 2000 with SP3 is actually not so bad. (Geek and wife of geek.)

What OS Are You?

Logan's picture

So I dont know anything about any of this, but its what I am apparently

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