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“The Dragon lord points and we shall obey throughout the stars and far away”
- A war song written from the first days of caliscotain exploration of space
Dragon lord- highest passion of power in the caliscotain government would be equal to the chancellor of the republic
The High lords- leaders of each order of the caliscotain government
The orders –
Nickname: Weird boys
Leader: Mokala Grimm
Motto: “Who watches the watchmen”
The watchmen of the Avatars and caliscotians they answer only to the dragon lord, their job is to route out all sings of Dark side corruption in the caliscotian society and Avatars
The Warriors Caste
Nickname: Ground ponders
Leader: olaf mkully
Motto: “You can Never have to many enemies, the more you’ve got, the more likely they are to get in each other’s way”
The warrior caste serves as the armies of the Caliscotians and is one of the largest castes
The Administration Caste
Nickname: Nobz
Leader: vilhan ragnar
Motto:” The wider they smile and call us friends. The tighter we cling to our purses”
The Administration caste is responsible for the Caliscotian economy and diplomacy .
The Breeder Caste
Nickname: Cog boys
Leader: Ordo beg
Motto: “The dragons fly by our will”
The Breeders are the Scientists who supervise the technology of the Caliscotians, this is not restricted to the Bio technology of there ships
The Thousand eyes
Nickname: Death dealers
Leader: Detoi sulla
Motto: “If you don’t expect gratitude you’ll seldom be disappointed”
The thousand eyes are the spys and assans of the caliscotians
The Avatars
Nickname: Spooks
Leader: Ciaphas Zilanov
Motto: “The force is always with us”
Unusual abilities: Force weilders
The Avatars are the Jedi of the caliscotains and watch over their flock for sings of the dark side corruption that reaches dangerous proportions they do the same job as THE INQUISITION but are usialy ranked as commanderds during any sort of fighting
Xeno legion –
Nickname: War brothers
Leader: Naga marr
Leader Species: Duros
Motto: “For our friends and family”
technically not caliscotain’s they are humans and aliens from planets all around the galaxy employed by the caliscotain to act as an army for them in return they are given citizenship by the caliscotain’s this also applies to there family (its acutely used as a main incentive) nearly all of the xeno legion live on the planet Valhal in a galaxy a few hours travel from the caliscotain home world Valhal is used as there main trading port, each member of the xeno legion must serve 5 years in the legion before they are allowed to quit and take up jobs in valhal these range from farming ,mining, fishing valhal creates nearly al the food for the caliscotains and its people so it is considerd a very important planet
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